- Paul hassles Sonya
- Lou joins Erinsborough Adventure Club
- Piper tells Xanthe she will stay at the party to support her. Sheila arrives to stop the party.
- Sheila collapses when telling off Xanthe
Ramsay Street
Xanthe rushes out into the street. Karl isn't home in this episode, but luckily Piper knows some first aid.
Roll credits.
No 26
Sheila is coming around, and Piper tells her to take deep breaths. She asks Xanthe where Sheila's medication is, but Xanthe has no idea that Sheila even had any.
XANTHE: Please don't die... Please.
The ambulance arrives.
Lauren tells Brad she's concerned about her dad joining the Adventure Club. He suggests that Lou could join the training class he's running for the kids' trek up Mount Featherstone. Lauren's not keen.
LAUREN: He'll probably do an injury trying to keep up with the younger blokes.
Brad tells her to talk to him, but she says she can't tell him how to run his life. Lou comes in with climbing gear, saying he's going caving... While Lou gets a drink, Lauren comments that she can't say anything.
LAUREN: Dad sees all the choices being taken away from your father. It's about his pride.
Brad then offers to give Lou some training.
No 30
Sonya is practising her inaugural speech in front of Mark, who is enthusiastic. Daniel arrives and tells Sonya that Paige is organising a protest about the council's removal of some trees by the lake, for a drainage project.
SONYA: I didn't even know Paige was so environmentally minded.
MARK: Neither did she, until recently.
Sonya decides she has to see what's happening, despite Mark trying to dissuade her.
Xanthe is worried about Sheila, saying it's her fault. Kyle arrives, and Piper tells him to ask Sheila what happened. Xanthe says that Kyle will hate her even more when he finds out what happened. Piper says she doesn't hate her. Well, that's big of her.
PIPER: Xanthe, stop, OK? Don't be so hard on yourself. I know what it's like to mess up, and how lonely it feels when you do.
By Lassiter's Lake
Sonya explains that they have to remove the trees, so Paige asks if drainage is more important than the environment. Mark says it's not that simple.
PAIGE: I don't think you're an expert.
MARK: I didn't know you were so into horticulture.
PAIGE: Well, uni has opened me up to a few other interests.
Ooh, well, that was quick. I guess she's been there a whole week, and she's doing something really relevant like art with an elective in gender studies.
Paige and Aurora bore on a bit, and Sonya says she agrees with them, and promises to talk to the Environmental Planning Officer.
Men's Shed where it's hot
Brad is leading a training session. He tries to persuade Lou to stick to stretches, but he's determined to keep up.
BRAD: You know, Lou, you're pretty fit...
LOU: Don't you say "for my age".
BRAD: I wasn't gonna say that.
LOU: Good, good. Cos you're as old as you feel. And I feel tip-top.
Brad wonders if it's anything to do with Dough. Lou says that when he looks at Doug he sees a good man, fighting to retain his dignity. He hopes he can do half of that when it's his turn.
By Lassiter's Lake
Sonya comes back, saying they've considered all the options, but the most economic drainage system means the trees have to go.
PAIGE: What is more important, money or the environment?!
Sonya says she will get all the trees replanted, but Daniel says it will take years for them to grow.
PAIGE: Have you lost your conscience now you are Mayor?
Mark tells her she's only doing it to impress her friends, and she scowls at him. Aurora tells Sonya she should fix it, or she'll regret it.
Men's Shed
The training session is winding up, and Lou tells Brad he wants to come to the next one. Lauren arrives and is worried about Lou's condition. She tells him that Sheila had some kind of heart scare, because of the heat. She leaves and Brad tells Lou that she doesn't really want him to join the club because she's worried about him.
Sheila tells Kyle that it was a panic attack not a heart attack. He wants to work out what caused it. Xanthe walks in, looking guilty. Sheila claims it wasn't Xanthe's fault, and she sends Kyle out of the room.
XANTHE: But this is my fault. I was horrible to you.
SHEILA: Yes you were.
Sheila says that they are family, which means they have each other's backs. Xanthe is touched that Sheila and Piper have both forgiven her.
SHEILA: Forgiveness is a gift. Let's see if you're deserving of it.
Lou says to Lauren that they've always been honest with each other. She sighs, and asks him not to join the club. He tells her that the store has agreed to take back all the gear. She's really pleased. He tells her that seeing Brad dealing with Doug, and the way he was honest with him...
LOU: ...well, he's a pretty decent sort of bloke.
Sonya's Nursery
Sonya talks to Mark about how she's on the other side of the environmental debate. He says he's kicking himself about what he said to Paige. Sonya says he'll be able to apologise, but he's worried Paige won't listen. Sonya's worried how now she's Mayor she'll have to make decisions people won't like. She looks over and notices that a lot of her plants have been vandalised. They wonder if it's the greenies... Mark wants to report it, but she asks him to look into it, as she doesn't want to draw attention to the trees being removed.
Lou comes in and tells Lauren and Brad that he's going to do some work with the Connecting Hands charity in Phnom Penh.
Aaron tells Sonya he's filming her speech for Piper's vlog. Sonya is about to start her speech when Paige comes in to talk about the trees.
PAIGE: We wanna explore other options
SONYA: There aren't any other options.
PAIGE: Fine. Then I'll tell the others that you're not prepared to negotiate.
Sonya thanks everyone for coming, and Paige asks about the parkland. The supporters chant "SAVE OUR TREES". Sonya tries to carry on...
Xanthe has brought Sheila a magazine, and she promises to wait on her hand and foot when they get home. Sheila asks Piper to take care of Xanthe, who (she says) is not confident as she seems.
Sheila is getting out of bed when Lou arrives.
LOU: Thought you were at death's door.
She asks him not to tell anyone he saw her getting out of bed. She hopes that she might get through to Xanthe, if she thinks she's frail.
LOU: Oh, the old fake illness, eh? Works every time.
Sheila says she thinks she's the one who can give Xanthe some stability.
Paige keeps attacking Sonya, making her more and more flustered.
SONYA: Maybe I should never have become Mayor in the first place.
Unmissable Drama
- Sonya is upset
- Mark questions Paige about the vandalised flowers in the nursery
- Courtney kisses Daniel on the cheek
- Imogen looks at a topless Tyler
- Paul and Terese get ready for a fight