- Daniel finding the missing cheque and Imogen kissing Daniel/saying she loves him.
- Tyler telling Piper that nothing can happen between them in the aftermath of their kiss.
- A customer (Xanthe) trying (and failing) to pull a fast one on Sheila to get a free meal.
- Xanthe trying to track down her father - Gary Canning!
Number 26
"Don't be ridiculous," is how Sheila treats Xanthe's claim but she's insistent that she is Gary's daughter. Sheila then lets Xanthe know that she has a brother - Kyle who is standing behind her.
SHEILA: Seems Gary kept secrets from all of us.
Cue titles!
Number 26
It would appear that Gary kept Xanthe in the dark over why he kept disappearing - she was told he was off working on construction sites. She thinks he's living in #26 and Kyle has a smile on his face when he tells her where he is - Warrinor prison! Sheila heads off to call him to get to the bottom of things.
Ramsay Street
As they walk home, Terese praises Piper for how she's dealing with her punishment before asking for details of this boy she is seeing. "No point," is Piper's reply and Terese thinks it's due to the grounding but Piper adds it's because he doesn't like her.
Number 22
Terese sees her other daughter all dolled up ready to go out as she arrives home and enquires where she is off to and is told a cassette tape launch at Off Air and almost threatens to join Imogen until she says it's a joke!
Piper isn't happy at her sister going to the event with Tyler, but Imogen is hoping going out (and kissing him) will take her mind off Daniel.
Number 26
Sheila comes off the phone and confirms to Kyle that he's got a 15 year old sister after meeting Xanthe's mum (Brooke) in Surfer's Paradise. He's not happy to hear that Gary has been visiting them regularly and Sheila confirms what Xanthe said about him being on a construction job as his way of explaining his absence to them. Kyle doesn't believe that Gary was ashamed to tell them and refuses to go see his dad too (Gary wanted to see him). He's also not happy at the 360 Sheila has done either but she explains to him that Xanthe is family and wants them to tell her who the Canning's really are.
Number 22
"I hope this isn't too weird for you," Tyler says to Piper while he waits for Imogen to get her back from upstairs. "No, not at all," she sarcastically replies and tells him off for letting Imogen use him. Eventually, she forces him to admit dating Imogen is weird but adds that they can't be together and also that at the time, he couldn't think of a reason to say no to Imogen.
TYLER: But you need to get over me.
PIPER: You told me that you like me.
TYLER: I said I felt something, sometimes it leads somewhere, sometimes it doesn't.
Imogen comes back downstairs and they leave the house leaving a very annoyed Piper stewing on the sofa.
Off Air
Tyler decides to pick Imogen's brains about Piper and how she's can appear rather worldly but yet be vulnerable, however Imogen just thinks that describes a 16 year old although concedes that she's better at relationships than her.
IMOGEN: New rule, no talking about my little sister!
"What about your brother?!" Tyler adds just as Josh walks out of the bar. He explains that Karl has hired him to be security although he doesn't think the patrons will cause any bother though is fearful at being hugged to death!
Josh pulls his sister back after Tyler enters to ask what's going on and she replies "a bit of fun hopefully!" and makes it clear that it's none of his (nor Daniel's) business before joining her date inside.
Number 26
Xanthe is having real trouble believing what Sheila/Kyle are telling her about Gary as it's so contradictory to what he told her before it then dawns on her that what he did tell her isn't probably true.
SHEILA: It seems you had the best of Gary Canning love.
Sheila suggests that Xanthe contact her mum to arrange going home but is told that she is on holiday, so announces that Xanthe is staying at #26 even if Kyle is peeved!
Xanthe heads inside and Sheila tries to calm Kyle down by saying it's not every day you meet a new family member and orders him to make her welcome.
SHEILA: Understand!
Number 22
Terese departs after being called back into work, so Piper takes the opportunity to go online (to the Neighbours equivalent of Facebook) and isn't happy at seeing the selfie Imogen took with Tyler. She does though get a smile on her face when she uses her hand to block Imogen out of the photo... and suddenly gets an idea into her head and departs the house.
Off Air
... and that idea was to gate-crash Tyler's date but Josh refuses to let her enter the bar as it's an over-18's event. She isn't amused at him saying he's looking out for her, telling him as she walks away, that she can look after herself.
Number 26
Over a cuppa, Kyle and Xanthe try to bond with each other but she doesn't seem to like Kyle going on about how tough a life he had growing up, so throws the tea down the drain and walks off telling him that she "doesn't like the company!"
Off Air
Tyler and Imogen don't seem to be too enamoured with the cassette thing and have escaped outside. She goes to kiss him but he gently wards her off, saying that what she's doing isn't a good idea. "For you or for me?" she asks and he replies them both and doesn't want their mates' relationship to be complicated.
Number 26
Sheila finishes showing Xanthe the photo album of the family so she can get her head round who's who and it dawns on Sheila, who Xanthe takes after... Naomi because of her "smart mouth!"
Xanthe talks about what she thought her imaginary dream family would be and it's nothing like the Canning's so Kyle points out that nobody asked her to turn up on their doorstep.
XANTHE: Fine, I'll just leave.
KYLE: See ya!
Sheila puts the kyboshes on that, well at least until her mother turns up from her yoga holiday. Kyle can't help but gloat at her stomping away... again. "I thought you two were getting on?" Sheila asks and Kyle explains that he did but Xanthe is "such a little princess." Sheila tries to say that she's had a shock and simply needs time to adjust before coming good.
Off Air
"Short date?" Piper remarks after she spotting Tyler from where she is sat waiting for him to appear so she knew how his date went! Tyler points out she's grounded and Piper explains that Terese won't know as she got called into work. She can't resist asking if Imogen got what she wanted and is told that nothing happened because he didn't want to be a rebound guy. Piper still has a dour look on her face and he again reiterates that nothing can happen between them.
Tyler starts to walk away and she follows saying if this was a cheesy RomCom, he'd say sod the waiting (until she's 18) and kiss her.
TYLER: Unfortunately life isn't a cheesy RomCom.
PIPER: Yes I know. Life's me sitting here like a desperate loser talking to a guy who's way out of my league.
TYLER: If anything, you're out of my league. I bet all those boyfriends back in Canada were like really smart or top athletes or I don't know, much better than a mechanic.
PIPER: Yes... all those boyfriends they were amazing!
Piper then admits that the boys were more friends than boyfriends and kept up the pretence so folk didn't know she was just some "dumb high school kid."
PIPER: Which I obviously am.
TYLER: You're not dumb.
PIPER: Not so sure about that!
Tyler suggests that they walk in synch home after Piper protests that she doesn't need a chaperone to walk her home.
Number 26
There is a twofold conversation going back and forth between Kyle/Sheila in the kitchen of #26 and Xanthe on the phone to someone in the back garden.
Inside Kyle is telling Sheila that she can defend Xanthe but she's not one of them and feels she doesn't want to be one either. Sheila thinks they need to be the one to give her guidance, support, love and care now the truth is out. "Can you do that?" she asks Kyle after giving him a clip round the ear hole! "Fine!" he replies back.
While outside, Xanthe tells the caller on the other end that she can't believe they're related as they are so different. She's not complimentary about Sheila either, calling her bossy and doesn't want her running her life. We also hear her tell the caller that she's not told them the truth about her mum. Xanthe thinks they don't care and wonders if she can get cash from them to get away.
Ramsay Street
As they walk in synch towards #22, Piper confesses that she didn't like the thought of Tyler/Imogen kissing and he confesses that he'd similar feelings about Paige/Mark when they got together. She warns him against getting a big head for having all 3 sisters... and to keep away from Terese! Tyler promises she'll be the last member of the family he kisses.
Oops, Terese has heard him say he kissed Piper and isn't amused!
Unmissable drama
- Dimato tempting Paul with a new business deal (running a motel).
- Sheila talking to Xanthe about what she discovered about her mum.
- Piper/Terese arguing about the kiss with Tyler.