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Neighbours Episode 7272 from 2016 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7271 - 7273>>
Episode title: 7272
Australian and UK airdate: 05/01/16
Writer: Alexa Wyatt
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Shay Daeng: Yasmin Kassim
Jimmy Williams: Darcy Tadich (mistakenly credited as he's in the opening titles.
Warren Stacks: Michael Shanahan
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
- Shay tells Paul he is on her family's property and her first job as interim manager is to order Paul to leave the premises.
- Terese invites Paul to live with her, but Imogen isn't happy about it.
- Paige asks Brad where Gower Drive is after getting a text.
- Paige is bundled into the boot of a car.
- Belinda is Toadie's nurse during the operation.
- Sonya is paranoid that Belinda is going to hurt Toadie and rushes into the operating theatre telling Belinda to get away from her husband.
- Karl says distractions which delayed the procedure could cause problems later.
Erinsborough Hospital
Steph joins Sonya at Toadie's bedside. Apparently Toadie hasn't woken up yet but his vitals are good. Steph tells Sonya to get some rest but Sonya won't go anywhere until he wakes up. Steph assures Sonya that Belinda wouldn't have hurt Toadie. Sonya starts crying and Steph reassures her.
SONYA: If my actions have hurt Jarrod, I just won't be able to forgive myself.
Number 22
Imogen ends a call with Brad, telling Terese there's been no sign of Paige. Imogen is as shocked as I am to see Paul not wearing a suit. In fact he's wearing some of Josh's old clothes. Terese is expecting herself to be unemployed soon. Paul says the takeover shouldn't affect Terese's contract but Terese wouldn't put it past Shay to find a loophole.
Amy arrives and brings Paul some second-hand suits, shirts and ties for when he looks for a legitimate job. Paul explains that his clothes are being held hostage by the drycleaners until he can pay the bill. Terese invites Amy, Kyle and Jimmy to Paul's 'welcome to the street' lunch today. Terese invites Imogen, but she's too worried about Paige to do anything else.
Erinsborough Police Station
Brad asks Mark if they've found anything. Mark says they've spent all night searching an area near where Paige's bracelet was found. Mark says they have a team out searching, and Lauren will stay at home in case Paige turns up (which means she will not be appearing in this episode.) Mark is sure that Dimato is involved in this, while Brad wishes he'd realised something was wrong before now. Mark apologises for having a go at Brad. Brad says wherever Paige is, she's tough and she'll be putting up a fight.
Wherever Paige Is
She's tied up, in an empty room, struggling to get out of her restraints. She cries for help.
The Waterhole
Terese asks Shay if she plans to retain her. Shay is surprised that Terese would want to work at Lassiters as the last time Quill had ownership she quit. She says that was because of Ezra Hanley, and Shay says for the record they had no idea of Ezra's past. Terese says the contract is binding so if they try to fire her it'll cost them dearly. Shay says they're going to keep the Lassiters name. It has an excellent reputation apparently, which is why they were so keen to acquire it. Shay will keep in mind the hard work of the employees when they are restructuring, but as for Terese's position, she'll have to look over the relevant paperwork.
Number 22
Amy and Imogen sit on the sofa together as Paul walks down the stairs, wearing his used suit. Paul says it smells like someone died in it. Imogen tells Paul he should thank Amy for going out of her way to help him. Imogen goes upstairs, while Amy needs to head off to work but will see Paul at lunch. She suggests he spend time with Jimmy as Steph is babysitting him. Paul is appalled that she's leaving him with Steph, but doesn't seem keen on going over to see Jimmy.
AMY: You're too proud to be seen in public like this aren't you? I know this is hard for you but this whole mess that you're in is your doing.
PAUL: Oh here we go, a bit of tough love.
AMY: If you'd just been straight from the start you wouldn't have lost anything. No wonder the banks don't trust you, quite honestly it's going to take a while before I do too.
PAUL: Oh well if that's the way you feel, why are you even bothering to hang around?
AMY: Because you're my father and that's what families do.
PAUL: Pass judgement on each other?
AMY: When it's called for, yes!
Amy tells Paul this could be what he needs to turn over a new leaf and try life without money. He should take advantage of the extra time on his hands and see Jimmy. Paul considers it but will deodorise his suit first.
Amy leaves the house as Brad walks in, while Paul heads upstairs as Imogen heads downstairs. Brad asks Imogen what the hell Paul is doing here, and Imogen explains that he lives here now. Imogen asks about Paige, she's worried sick about her.
Wherever Paige Is
Paige struggles in her restraints. A door opens and a man appears. Paige asks him to let her go, telling him her fiancé is a cop and he will be after him. She asks what he wants with her and begs him to let her go. The man pours Paige some water, but she kicks him as he tries to give it to her. She tells him the whole police force will be after him, to which he shouts 'Shut up Michelle!' before leaving.
PAIGE: I'm not Michelle, I'm Paige Smith, you have the wrong person!! I'm not Michelle!!
Paige shouts but it's too late as the man closes the door on her. She looks at the glass of water the man brought in.
Erinsborough Hospital
Steph finishes a phone call. She tells Sonya that Bendigo hospital are holding a disciplinary hearing into Belinda's competence and professional conduct. They're holding it in Erinsborough (of course) and Steph will need to give a statement. Steph says she'll deny everything, but Sonya thinks Steph should tell the truth. Steph is worried that Belinda could lose her job or be disqualified because of it. Sonya thinks it's a fair consequence for breaching her professional boundaries but Steph doesn't think it's fair as she instigated the relationship. Steph leaves. Toadie begins to wake up as Sonya asks how he is.
Lassiters Complex
Terese asks Brad about Paige, he's on his way to see Mark. Terese tells him not to worry. Brad says he bumped into her new houseguest and is surprised she would take him in after everything he's done to her and how he treats people. Terese says he needed help and she owns the house now. Brad sighs heavily before stropping off.
Shay arrives, having reviewed Terese's file. She says Terese will continue on as General Manager, and mentions that her step mother's always been a fan of Terese. Shay says she has to get to the airport as she'll be in Dubai for a while. She tells Terese she'll be in charge and asks for a list of contractors. Shay sees Kyle across the complex, but continues her conversation with Terese. She tells her to stay well clear of Paul as Terese will need to prove her commitment to the new management. Shay looks over to Kyle again before heading inside.
Erinsborough Hospital
Sonya asks Toadie if he's in pain or can he feel anything. Toadie says it's hard to tell. Apparently the physiotherapist says patches of feelings might return over the next few weeks but if not he could still be affected by the anaesthetic. Toadie mentions that he saw Belinda but thinks it couldn't have been real. Sonya says Belinda was working here but she had her removed. Toadie is pleased that Sonya removed her as she's clearly unbalanced. Toadie looks to his foot. He says his toe feels warm. They are both delighted.
Number 22
Terese and Paul are making lunch, Paul wonders if they should bother, Amy will probably just give him another lecture anyway. Terese says Paul is lucky that Amy still wants a relationship with him at all. Terese says it isn't all bad, the Lassiters name is staying and she's keeping her job. Terese tells Paul that Shay wants her to disassociate herself with him. Paul apologises for the difficult position she's in. She doesn't want to lose her job as she's just taken out a mortgage. Paul looks outside and sees Steph playing street cricket with Jimmy. Paul suggests he get somewhere else to live but Terese thinks that's silly. Terese doesn't think Shay will know he's living there as she's going to Dubai, they'll just keep it quiet. Paul heads outside.
Ramsay Street
Paul asks Jimmy and Steph to join their game of cricket. He says Jimmy can bowl, he'll bat and Steph can field or umpire if she likes.
STEPH: Yeah, keep play fair. We wouldn't want anything personal getting in the way now would we?
Brad joins Mark but there's still no news about Paige. Mark says he's been checking Dimato's investment properties, he has a small interest in an Anson's Corner property. Mark says he'll let Brad know if he finds anything.
Ramsay Street
Jimmy tells Paul that this is awesome and now he isn't working so much they can do play cricket all the time. Paul says he'll be working again pretty soon.
STEPH: Something tells me that you'll make a point of checking in every time Jimmy and I hang out.
PAUL: Well I've got to keep an eye on my grandson.
Paul bowls to Jimmy who knocks it away. Paul asks Jimmy to run after it for him, he can't really run with his leg. Paul tells Steph she can leave Jimmy with him if she has other things to do. Steph can't believe Paul still doesn't trust her.
PAUL: The thing about trust is you have to earn it.
STEPH: You think I don't know that? I'm still waiting for you to earn mine. Paul come on, you and I just have to suck it up for Jimmy's sake, alright?
They continue playing cricket.
Lassiters Complex
Amy tells Kyle she's worried about Paul and that she gave Paul a dressing down earlier. Kyle thinks she should have and maybe Paul will listen to her. Shay joins them and tells them that Lassiters won't be proceeding with 'Dial A Kyle' for maintenance work in the future.
KYLE: It's an ongoing agreement.
AMY: Terese authorised it.
SHAY: Unfortunately she ignored the obvious nepotism when awarding the job to you.
AMY: Uh, what nepotism? Paul has nothing to do with Lassiters anymore.
SHAY: Well if that's the only reason you got the job then I have no doubt that the work will be substandard.
KYLE: Is this because I broke up with you?
SHAY: I assure you this decision is purely professional. Although I can see how it could be misconstrued as payback. You did treat me appallingly. Count yourself lucky I'm telling you face to face. You know some people give their marching orders via text.
Amy gets a message, apparently another order has just been reneged. They've heard the work they're doing around the complex is below par.
SHAY: Wow! You guys don't have a very good reputation.
KYLE: You know what, you won't either after this move.
SHAY: Let's not make this personal. If we did I'd have to express my disgust over who you followed me up with. A girl who shovels manure for a living Kyle, seriously?
Amy grabs a handful of manure from her wheelbarrow and rubs it into Shay's chest.
AMY: Oh sorry, my hand slipped!
Shay looks horrified and walks away, while Kyle cheers Amy and they kiss.
Erinsborough Hospital
Sonya is checking Toadie's feet, wanting to know if he gets any feelings back. Toadie says it could be weeks or months before they know how effective the surgery has been. Sonya says there could be complications with the surgery because she stormed in during Toadie's operation to remove Belinda. She says since the operation was delicate then any distraction could cause complications. Toadie calls her incredibly brave. He assures her everything will be fine.
Number 22
Amy, Kyle, Paul, Terese and Jimmy laugh about what happened with Shay, Amy calls it a moment of madness.
JIMMY: Was she really covered in poo?
KYLE: Let's just say she won't be making any friends on the plane. It's a long flight to Dubai.
Amy says what she did was unacceptable and she doesn't want Jimmy thinking that sort of behaviour is okay. Paul and Terese think Shay put them in a bad position. Terese wishes there was something she could do but Paul doesn't want her to compromise her job. Kyle and Amy don't feel too bad about losing the Lassiters contract, they're more worried about losing the gazebo orders. They were hoping word of mouth from this job would lead to more orders. Jimmy suggests that now Paul is out of work he could help them sell gazebos. Paul likes the idea, but Amy thinks it's a big step down for him. Paul and Terese both think it could really work.
AMY: Are we seriously talking about going into business with each other. You, me and... Kyle!
KYLE: What?!
PAUL: Why don't we at least give it a go, ay? I could start a whole family business angle. How you used to spend sunny weekends as you grew up in the Robinson gazebo.
JIMMY: Did you mum?
AMY: No of course not.
PAUL: It doesn't matter Jimmy, it's a good sales pitch.
KYLE: Even though it's not true.
Paul says they could promote it another way but Kyle's happy to keep going the way they're going. Paul thinks they need more customers and asks if they can give the plan a go.
Wherever Paige Is
Paige uses some broken glass to cut her legs and arms free from the restraints. She hears footsteps coming along the hall, and turns her back to the door, pretending to still be tied up. She says she feels sick and as the man gets closer, she smacks him in the head, knocking him to the ground before she escapes.
Unknown Road
Mark is putting up 'road closed' signs when Paige emerges from a house along the road, screaming for Mark. A car speeds up behind her and knocks her off the road. The car passes as Mark rushes to Paige who's lying unconscious on the ground.
Unmissable Drama
- Amy tells Paul this needs to be legit, no dodgy deals. Paul assures her it'll all be above board.
- Mark calls an ambulance for Paige.
- Michelle tells Mark he doesn't know what Dimato is capable of, he got around the intervention order.
- Dimato meets Michelle in The Waterhole. She asks him to leave her alone, while Susan watches.
- Mark questions Dimato, asking who he ordered to kidnap Michelle? Dimato responds 'Michelle too?'
<<7271 - 7273>>
Steph Scully, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7272
Steph Scully, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Amy Williams, Imogen Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7272
Paul Robinson, Amy Williams, Imogen Willis, Terese Willis

Brad Willis, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7272
Brad Willis, Mark Brennan

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7272
Paige Smith

Terese Willis, Shay Daeng in Neighbours Episode 7272
Terese Willis, Shay Daeng

Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7272
Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Brad Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7272
Brad Willis, Imogen Willis

Warren Stacks in Neighbours Episode 7272
Warren Stacks

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7272
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7272
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Terese Willis, Shay Daeng in Neighbours Episode 7272
Terese Willis, Shay Daeng

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7272
Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7272
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Steph Scully, Jimmy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7272
Steph Scully, Jimmy Williams, Paul Robinson

Brad Willis, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7272
Brad Willis, Mark Brennan

Paul Robinson, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7272
Paul Robinson, Steph Scully

Shay Daeng, Kyle Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7272
Shay Daeng, Kyle Canning, Amy Williams

Amy Williams, Shay Daeng, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7272
Amy Williams, Shay Daeng, Kyle Canning

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7272
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Jimmy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7272
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Jimmy Williams

Warren Stacks, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7272
Warren Stacks, Paige Smith

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7272
Mark Brennan

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7272
Paige Smith

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