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Neighbours Episode 7248 from 2015 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7247 - 7249>>
Episode title: 7248
Australian airdate: 04/11/15
UK airdate: 18/11/15
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Kath Hayden
Guests: Steph Scully: Carla Bonner
Aaron Brennan: Matt Wilson (photograph)
Belinda Bell: Nikki Shiels
Shay Daeng: Yasmin Kassim
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Sonya advises Amy to stop overthinking things with Kyle, and just to see where it goes
- Amy is annoyed when she finds Kyle out with Shay, a woman he met on the Ziva dating app
- Belinda issues Steph with an ultimatum - her, or Erinsborough
- Brad spends more time at No 22 as he helps Terese during her convalescence
- Paige tells Lauren she thinks Terese is milking her condition to keep Brad close
- Paige accuses Terese of trying to win Brad back by getting him to play nurse
- But once she's alone, it's clear Terese is still in a lot of pain from her injuries
No 32
Lauren, Brad and Paige are in the garden. Lauren asks Paige to do another shift at Harold's later, and mentions she's taking on another casual. Brad suggests it would be a job Josh could do; Lauren doesn't look hugely thrilled at the prospect, but agrees to give Josh a call. Brad then tells Lauren he can't help her at the nursery as planned, as he wants to go and check on Terese.
Lauren makes out she's fine with this, but once Brad leaves, Paige gives her a look. Lauren reminds her that Terese is going through a difficult time, but Paige reiterates her concern that Terese is playing up her condition to keep Brad close.
No 22
Brad finds Terese lying on the sofa, still in a lot of discomfort. Brad checks her temperature, and finds that she's burning up - so says he's taking her straight to the hospital.
No 26
In the garden, Amy shows Sheila some selfies that Jimmy has sent her. Kyle and Shay come out of the house; she's apparently spent the night, and Kyle wants her to stick around for some breakfast. He's surprised to see Amy, though, thinking she'd be still out having taken Jimmy to catch the bus.
AMY: Siān, isn't it?
SHAY: Shay.
Kyle introduces Shay to Sheila. It's all a bit awkward, so Shay is about to leave - but Sheila insists she stay and get to know them. Kyle and Amy look awkwardly at each other.
Fitzgerald Motors
We see Steph take some medication, before she returns to work on a car with Tyler. Still concerned about where the Greensleeves music she heard last night was coming from, she asks Tyler if he's seen an ice-cream truck in the area. Tyler says the music could've come from the antiques shop or Grease Monkeys, but Steph says they were both closed last night when she heard it. Tyler then suggests a customer could've left their phone in one of the cars, and it might be a ringtone. Steph says he's probably right.
No 32
In the garden, Paige offers to help Lauren with the nursery, but Lauren says Brad will be back soon enough. However, she then gets a text from Brad saying that he's had to take Terese to hospital, as she has a fever. Paige is sceptical, saying Terese was fine last night when she saw her.
LAUREN: What did you say to her?
PAIGE: I just said that you and Dad were strong, and that she wasn't gonna win him back by getting him to look after her.
LAUREN: She's been through an incredibly traumatic experience.
PAIGE: I know, I know.
LAUREN: So why are you adding to do it?
PAIGE: So you don't think she's capable of playing up those injuries?
LAUREN: No I don't! She deserves our compassion.
Lauren tells Paige not to give Terese a hard time again.
No 26
In the garden, Shay is having an awkward breakfast with Sheila, Amy and Kyle. Shay explains that she works for Lassiter's - she's in town to help manage the hotel while Terese is unwell. Sheila reveals that she runs The Waterhole, and Shay says she's coming in for a tour later. Suddenly, Amy is overwhelmed with pain, and says (in a muffled voice) that she thinks she's broken a tooth.
SHEILA: You need to go to a dentist - I'll get the number of mine.
KYLE: No! Not the lockjaw guy!
SHEILA: I am trying to help her, not hurt her.
SHAY: My aunt's cracked two teeth in the last year. Apparently it's really common as you get older.
AMY (mumbling crossly): I'll keep that in mind!
Kyle looks awkward.
Fitzgerald Motors
Steph is frantically searching one of the customers' cars in the hope of finding a mobile phone, when Belinda turns up, saying she couldn't stay away. Steph explains she's looking for a phone, but is obviously very distressed. Belinda encourages Steph to stop and breathe, before asking if she's taking her medication - as it seems like she's exhibiting manic behaviour. Steph insists she is taking her meds.
BELINDA: It could be the start of another episode.
Later, Steph tells a worried Belinda that she just had a 'minor freak-out', and refuses to explain why she was looking for a phone in the car.
Belinda apologises for issuing the ultimatum between her and Erinsborough, and asks Steph if she thinks Toadie will report her for inappropriate conduct. Steph says she doesn't think so, but that if anyone comes after Belinda she'll tell the truth - that Steph was the one who pursued Belinda romantically, and not the other way around; and that Belinda helped her - and saved her.
STEPH: I don't know what I would've done without you.
BELINDA: You know none of that means anything in the eyes of the law. I had to do the wrong thing by letting it happen.
STEPH: You couldn't stop me from falling in love with you.
They hold hands.
STEPH: I just wish you would understand that making things right here feels like the key to everything for me.
BELINDA: Yeah, but it could also be the key to sending you back to that dark place.
STEPH: Or to getting Charlie back. I'd give up anything to have that. Even love.
Steph kisses Belinda on the hand, and Belinda kisses her head.
Erinsborough Hospital
Imogen has flown into full-blown hurricane mode, as she blames Piper for not realising how sick Terese was, and for not making her breakfast. Josh reminds them that they said there would always be two of them to look after Terese, but Imogen retorts that he's always here at the hospital with the baby.
The kids' row is interrupted by Brad bringing Terese out in a wheelchair. The doctors think that Terese's skin graft is infected. Brad accepts Piper's criticism that he hasn't been around enough, and says he thinks Terese should be all their priority from now on.
Harold's Café
Kyle finds Amy having a coffee. She's still in pain - her dental appointment isn't till later. They laugh about their each having been receiving selfies from Jimmy all morning, but then Amy asks Kyle to sit down. She asks him if his relationship with Shay is serious; because if it is, she'll make sure Jimmy gets to know her and is comfortable with her. But if not, she'll keep them apart, she says.
KYLE: I dunno yet.
AMY: You're sharing a house with a little boy who really looks up to you, Kyle. That's where I'm coming from.
Amy walks out, leaving Kyle looking worried.
Erinsborough Hospital
Shay is briefing a bed-ridden Terese on the latest happenings at the hotel. Terese introduces her to Brad, and Shay goes to leave.
TERESE: Your face looks really familiar. Have we met somewhere before?
SHAY: Were you at the 2012 hospitality conference in Sydney?
TERESE: Yeah, I was...
SHAY: We probably ran into each other there.
TERESE: Yeah. That must be it.
Once Shay's gone, Brad tells Terese she shouldn't be working. Terese says she just needed to brief Shay, and says Brad can now leave if he wants - but Brad says he wants to stay for Terese's test results, so he can let the kids know.
BRAD: Piper's right, you know - I need to be doing more.
TERESE: We're not a couple anymore.
BRAD: I still care about you. Seeing you here, what you're going through - if I could swap places with you, I would.
TERESE: Brad, just be there for the kids.
Terese admits she's worried about Piper, saying they need to keep an eye on her, as she's bottling things up. Brad promises to be there for the kids, and to do whatever he can for Terese.
Power Street
Steph and Belinda are having a coffee outside Grease Monkeys. Steph explains she heard Greensleeves playing last night, which is why she was looking for a phone - in order to eliminate the possibility that she was having another episode.
STEPH: This time I know it's not in my head. I swear I'm taking my meds.
BELINDA: But if you're having auditory hallucinations again, and delusions about phones...
Steph gets irate, saying it wasn't a delusion. But Belinda suggests that the trauma and stress of being in Erinsborough might be triggering another episode.
STEPH: But I feel solid!
BELINDA: You don't look solid. You won't let me be here for you.
STEPH: I know you care.
BELINDA: I do. I can help you through this, make it all go away. Just not here in Erinsborough.
But Steph insists there's a rational explanation for the music she heard.
The Waterhole
Kyle comes to join Shay, and wants to talk about their relationship. Shay says she's just looking for something casual, and Kyle says that's fine by him - but that he has to think of Jimmy, so that it might be best if they hang out at Shay's place rather than his. Shay says that's not practical, since she's staying at the hotel for work, and it's not a good look for her to be bringing men back. She says they'll figure something out, and they kiss, just as Amy comes in.
Amy goes over to join Tyler, but she appears to be rather high on dental painkillers, so that he has to stop her from falling over! She challenges him to a game of pool, but Tyler suggests they go somewhere else for a drink - implicitly pointing out that Kyle and Shay are nearby. But Amy makes out she doesn't care about them, and offers to get drinks while Tyler sets up the pool table. But she spills his drink on the way to the bar, and Kyle and Shay stare at her awkwardly.
Erinsborough Hospital
Brad tells the kids that Terese's test results are back - she has sepsis. He says it can be dangerous, so they need to be extra attentive towards Terese while she recovers. The kids all volunteer to pitch in, but Brad says he'll be looking after Terese while she recuperates - he'll come before and after work every day, so that Imogen can focus on her exams, and Josh on his new baby.
BRAD: We're gonna tackle this as a family.
Power Street
Belinda and Steph cross back towards the garage.
BELINDA: You know I love you.
STEPH: I still love you too.
BELINDA: So there's hope for us, then?
STEPH: Yeah. If you can accept my need to be here.
While Steph's inside the garage, Belinda goes searching in her bag. Steph catches her in the act and is furious. Belinda says she just wanted to make sure she was taking her meds.
STEPH: I already swore to you.
BELINDA: I know, but hearing Greensleeves again...
STEPH: I told you, it came from a phone! Why can't you believe me?!
BELINDA: I'm so sorry. I'm just really worried about you, that's all.
STEPH: You couldn't just take my word for it? You don't trust me.
BELINDA: That is not true.
STEPH: I want you to go.
BELINDA: Babe, please...
STEPH: No, just go!
Belinda walks away, and Steph grabs her bag angrily, before throwing it down in frustration.
The Waterhole
The painkillers and alcohol have combined to make Amy very giddy indeed, and she's thoroughly enjoying thrashing Tyler at pool. She persuades Tyler, who's reluctant because of the state she's in, to buy another round of drinks - and while he's at the bar, Shay comes over to talk to Amy. She says she overheard that Jimmy was staying at a friend's tonight, and asks if it's therefore okay for Kyle and her to go back to his place. Amy says it's fine, but doesn't look thrilled as Shay walks away.
Shay and Kyle head for the exit, while Tyler returns with drinks for him and Amy. Kyle looks a little concerned as he leaves, watching as a drunken Amy and Tyler prepare for another game of pool.
Erinsborough Hospital
On their way out from visiting Josh and Amber's new baby, Lauren and Paige call in to see Terese. Lauren makes a contrite-looking Paige apologise to Terese, for having a go at her last night and accusing her of trying to win Brad back. Brad doesn't look impressed.
TERESE: It's okay. We've all been through a tough time.
PAIGE: Thank you.
TERESE: Just for the record - Brad's decision to step up and help me is not something I've pushed for.
Terese realises from Lauren and Paige's reactions that they knew nothing about this, but Lauren says it's fine - he should help out more.
LAUREN: Whatever you need to do, I will support you 100%.
Paige looks less convinced.
No 24
An incredibly hungover Amy wakes up in Tyler's bed, wearing his clothes - but it's only when she sees a photo of Mark, Aaron and Tyler on the wall that she realises where she is! She gasps in horror.
AMY: Oh, no!
Unmissable Drama
- An amused Paige catches Amy climbing over the No 24 fence to get back home
- Tyler tells Paige that it's really weird how personally she's taking this
- Kyle accuses Amy of hypocrisy for butting into his life, then doing the walk of shame the next day
- Amy can't recall anything from last night
- Kyle sarcastically says 'well- played' to Tyler, assuming he's spent the night with Amy
- Nate reminds Aaron that Paul will be furious once he finds out what they did
- At the nursery, Sheila appears to be having chest pains/a panic attack
<<7247 - 7249>>
Brad Willis, Lauren Turner, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7248
Brad Willis, Lauren Turner, Paige Smith

Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7248
Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Sheila Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7248
Sheila Canning, Amy Williams

Shay Daeng, Kyle Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7248
Shay Daeng, Kyle Canning, Amy Williams

Tyler Brennan, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7248
Tyler Brennan, Steph Scully

Lauren Turner, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7248
Lauren Turner, Paige Smith

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Shay Daeng, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7248
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Shay Daeng, Amy Williams

Steph Scully, Belinda Bell in Neighbours Episode 7248
Steph Scully, Belinda Bell

Steph Scully, Belinda Bell in Neighbours Episode 7248
Steph Scully, Belinda Bell

Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Piper Willis, Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7248
Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Piper Willis, Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Kyle Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7248
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams

Shay Daeng, Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7248
Shay Daeng, Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Steph Scully, Belinda Bell in Neighbours Episode 7248
Steph Scully, Belinda Bell

Shay Daeng, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7248
Shay Daeng, Kyle Canning

Tyler Brennan, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7248
Tyler Brennan, Amy Williams

Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Piper Willis, Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7248
Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Piper Willis, Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Steph Scully, Belinda Bell in Neighbours Episode 7248
Steph Scully, Belinda Bell

Tyler Brennan, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning, Shay Daeng in Neighbours Episode 7248
Tyler Brennan, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning, Shay Daeng

Amy Williams, Shay Daeng in Neighbours Episode 7248
Amy Williams, Shay Daeng

Lauren Turner, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7248
Lauren Turner, Paige Smith

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7248
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7248
Amy Williams

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7248
Amy Williams

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