- Kyle and Amy have a moment
- Paul realises something has happened, and offers Amy a job
- She accepts, overheard by Kyle
- Caspar tells Daniel it's not working with him and Imogen
- Daniel serenades Imogen and they go off to TITTNL™
No 22
Terese is annoyed to see a large pile of wood in the middle of the lawn. Brad explains that Doug has sent it to him, and he wants to keep it. She tells him it has to go. He asks where Imogen is, and Terese says she's staying with a friend.
Penthouse apartment
Imogen and "friend" are kissing, when Paul arrives. He tells them he and Naomi stayed in a suite to give them some room. He goes off to work...
...where he tells Terese that he left Daniel and Imogen all loved up.
PAUL: You do remember those days, don't you?
TERESE: Er... yes, of course.
Paul tells her he wants her to oversee Amy in her new role. Terese is not keen, pointing out she's already behind thanks to the way she's had to extra work for him. Paul explains to Amy what he wants her to do: write to one company complaining he's not happy with their work, looking to get out of that contract if they can get a better deal with another company. Amy looks confused.
Dial a Kyle
Kyle ends a call, and drops the phone over the photo of Amy. He moves it, looks at the photo and sighs. Jimmy turns up and says that he never sees Kyle (and Bossy) now that he's not working with Amy. Kyle promises to play footie at the weekend, but Jimmy wants to hang around at work, because Kyle is awesome.
No 22
Josh has come to help his dad, but comments that the wood is full of potential.
BRAD: Potential, yes. Your mum doesn't see potential. She sees an eyesore.
Josh accuses Brad of being chicken, although Brad claims he's being a sensitive, caring husband. (Hollow laugh.) Josh tells Brad that he shouldn't let Terese push him around.
JOSH: Woodwork is something the Willis men do together. It's important.
Terese gives Amy the contacts / contracts she needs for the emails. Amy claims she'll be fine, so Terese goes home.
Penthouse apartment
Daniel and Imogen are reminiscing, and Imogen asks him about what he said in the well. He says that he really believed that Fate had led him to Amber, but that's over, and they are important.
No 22
Terese is annoyed to see that the wood is still in the garden. Brad insists that he's keeping it: it's a "Willis men" thing. Terese says he has to keep it out of sight, which he agrees. He asks if she's seen Imogen, and she tells him that Imogen is with Daniel.
TERESE: It looks like our little girl is all grown-up.
Brad looks sad, saying it's not that long since Daniel was with Amber. Terese says that Imogen is an adult.
Penthouse apartment
Imogen looks worried, and Daniel wants to know what's wrong.
IMOGEN: You've fooled yourself before. How do you know you're not doing it again?
He says that when Amber slept with Josh, he realised there was no such thing as Fate, only free will, and people make choices.
DANIEL: And I'm choosing you.
Dial a Kyle
Jimmy arrives, and asks Kyle if he can help. Kyle says he's waiting for his apprentice, who hasn't turned up. Kyle texts Amy, because Jimmy didn't tell her where he was going.
Daniel and Imogen walk in together, claiming to Amy that they are catching up. Amy says half of Erinsborough knows they are together. She would think it was great, if she weren't so stressed. She asks Daniel if she should wait for the emails to be checked (as she can't get through to Terese or Paul) or send them now. Daniel tells her to go for it.
Dial a Kyle
Paul arrives with some new council regulations. He asks Kyle if things are on with him and Amy. Kyle sends Jimmy to the office to get a pen, and tells Paul he doesn't want Jimmy to get the wrong idea and tell Toadie or Sheila and Georgia finds out.
PAUL: So by the "wrong idea", you mean the right idea but not the idea you want him to have?
KYLE: I love my wife, OK?
Paul warns him that he doesn't want Amy and Jimmy leaving Erinsborough because they've been hurt by him.
No 22
Brad and Josh are feeling pleased with themselves: they have built a shed in the middle of the lawn. Terese is not impressed, but Brad points out she can't see the wood.
TERESE: Well played, smarty pants.
She's even less impressed to hear that he's organised sponsorship for their alcohol-free August, saying it sounds like she has a problem. Imogen arrives home, and tells Terese she was doing a "quiz", and it was the best night ever.
Dial a Kyle
Amy arrives to get Jimmy, who has made a model aeroplane. He asks if he can come to the yard whenever she's working late. She's reluctant, but agrees.
No 22
Josh catches Imogen admiring herself in the microwave. She's embarrassed and he realises it's on with Daniel. He asks if Daniel is playing around...
IMOGEN: No, things between us are perfect. Like, actually perfect.
Josh is pleased for her, and Imogen says it shows it *can* happen after all the waiting and wishing.
Penthouse apartment
Daniel is singing when Paul arrives, commenting how irritatingly cheerful he seems. Daniel says that Amy seems out of her depth. Paul tells him not to be pessimistic: she's fine. He gets a call: Ebbstrong, the company giving good service has received a letter of complaint. Paul assures them it was a mistake.
Paul is furious with Terese, since Ebbstrong are now withdrawing the discounted offer.
She retorts that Amy didn't have the authority to send the emails without checking. Paul says the company are blaming them for inefficiency. Terese refuses to take the blame. She says that she's not doing anything to fix the situation when *he* hired a carpenter.
TERESE: I am sure your daughter is a great tradie, but as an EA she isn't competent and we both know it. So you get rid of her before she costs us any more money!
Coming soon
- Amy asks Naomi what she should know and Paul tells Naomi to stay out of it
- Nate didn't sign up for "that"
- Karl gets sprayed by water from Dial a Kyle as Ben looks on
- Josh tells Aaron he didn't mean for things to get this far, but Amber won't get hurt if she doesn't find out.
- Sheila tells Russell she knows what happened in Port Lincoln