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Neighbours Episode 7147 from 2015 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7146 - 7148>>
Episode title: 7147
Australian airdate: 16/06/15
UK airdate: 30/06/15
Writer: Megan Herbert
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Aaron Brennan: Matt Wilson
Sharon Canning: Natasha Herbert
Summary/Images by: Matt/Graham
- Mark calls in reinforcements to help him get through to Tyler
- Sheila declares war on Off Air
- Lauren turns down the offer of a date with Robin
- Brad tells Lauren about Matt's infidelity
Lassiter's Complex
Lauren is reeling from Brad's revelation and takes deep breathes as he explains the details. When she pushes him for more information, Brad explains that Terese is the one she needs to ask as she interrupted them. Lauren takes a deep breath for a second, and decides she needs to phone Terese.
Sat in the complex, Terese has arrived and explains the details. Lauren gets angry that Terese didn't intervene, but she states that she pulled Matt out of the room and that she didn't speak to Sharon.
TERESE: Look, Matt swore that I'd got there before anything serious happened.
LAUREN: Yeah but would have, if you hadn't turned up!
TERESE: Lauren! Don't do this to yourself. Matt loved you.
LAUREN: No, Matt went with another woman to a hotel room with very clear intentions. He lied to my face Terese, not just about this but a lot of things.
TERESE: After Matt died, I thought it would be best if all of this went with him.
Brad interjects to tell Lauren that there's more to it - he was arguing with Matt to come clean before he was hit by the car. Lauren flips out, and works out that Sharon had attempted to tell Lauren herself.
LAUREN: I have to know. I have to know what kind of a person my husband really was.
The Waterhole
Sheila is busy preparing for her charity 'red hot' bingo night and fails in her attempts to rope in the help of Kyle and Naomi. Lauren rushes in and interrupts to ask Kyle for Sharon's number.
Ramsay Street
Outside No. 24, Mark gets off the phone and is disappointed that the Dimato police case has been closed. Mark decides that he needs to do something and asks Tyler for Stubsy's number so he can point the CCTV at Grease Monkeys. Tyler clams up, so Mark asks him to call Stubsy himself.
No. 32
Tyler vents all of his angst onto Paige about Mark's interference, but she doesn't want to be involved. She advises him to come clean but Tyler reminds her of the consequences. Tyler swallows a handful of his pain medication and Paige comments that she thought he'd be done with them by now.
Lassiter's Complex
Terese is angry that Brad went against their promise not to tell Lauren about Matt, but Brad is certain he did the right thing.
No. 32
Mark enters from the back door to see if anyone is around and bumps into Paige who's just come out the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He pesters Paige for Stubsy's number but she denies having it and she tries to dissuade Mark from interfering by telling him he's taking advantage of Tyler.
Lassiter's Complex
Brad and Terese continue to argue about who's to blame for the secret coming out as they head to their car, and Terese demands that she be the one that Brad protects for once.
No. 32
As the Turner's wedding photo looms in the background, Sharon Canning has arrived and Lauren is giving her a grilling.
SHARON: We had a connection, I can't help that. He was lonely.
LAUREN: He was a married man with a family! He might have had problems, but loneliness wasn't one of them.
SHARON: That's not what he told me. Look, I'm not trying to justify what I did, it was wrong and I am trying to make it right.
Sharon tries to blame Terese, but Lauren defends her actions, saying she was protecting her. Sharon says that she knows about Lauren and Brad's affair and that Terese wasn't acting like a genuine friend.
LAUREN: I feel sorry for you that you don't know what real friendship is!
SHARON: Terese bought me off. An all-expenses paid cruise on the proviso that I keep my mouth shut. I know what it's like to be a woman who knows that she's losing her man, it is Terese all over.
The Waterhole
The Canning family have gathered to pick over the details Turner's marriage, and express their surprise at Matt's actions. Sharon warns Kyle that one day his marriage will lose its spark as well, but Sheila denounces them all for condoning Sharon's actions.
SHEILA: Cheating is cheating!
NAOMI: That may be, but it takes two to tango mum.
SHEILA: And that makes it alright does it?
NAOMI: It makes it human, and that makes it forgiveable.
SHEILA: And this is from the woman who has broken up enough marriages to be on the Vatican's blacklist!
The three women descend into bickering and squawking, leaving a very helpless looking Kyle!
Lauren tells Paige that she doesn't want her other children knowing about what happened. Paige confronts Lauren with the truth about Terese, explaining that she's been doing all she can to keep Brad away from her, and tells her about Terese's manipulation of her and Robin. Lauren can't believe what she's hearing.
Lassiter's Complex
Terese confesses all of her actions to Lauren, tearfully explaining that she wanted to protect her marriage.
TERESE: Don't you realise? The way you're feeling about Matt and Sharon, is the way I've felt many times about you and Brad. And ever since Matt asked Brad to take care of you...
LAUREN: Oh come on Terese. Matt was dying, he was desperate. He would have said that to anybody!
TERESE: Yeah, but he said it to Brad. I feel like I can't do anything right. I try to protect my marriage, I feel terrible. I try to protect you from truth, I feel terrible. I just don't know how to be!
LAUREN: Neither do I.
Both women sit on the bench in tears.
No. 24
Mark apologises for interfering with Tyler's work and promises to stay out of it. The two brothers make up, and Tyler looks relieved that he's in the clear.
The Waterhole
Naomi asks Sharon if she's going to stick around, and the three Canning women descend into bickering again. Kyle steps in and reminds them that none of them are perfect. Sharon apologises for calling Naomi a home wrecker, and Naomi apologises for calling her a lonely, dried-up old woman (!). Kyle ducks out, but Sheila manages to rope in Naomi's help for red hot bingo, and can't contain her excitement.
Harold's Kitchen
Lauren confesses her feeling to Brad, and says that she understands Terese's actions.
LAUREN: He was drowning, and I didn't see any of the signs. Don't make the same mistake I made. Terese really needs you to pay attention to her right now.
BRAD: Yeah I know, I am!
LAUREN: Brad, I mean it. She loves you so much, and she's just terrified of losing you! You should go and be with her.
The Waterhole
Sharon makes her goodbyes and Paige drops by with pencils for the bingo night, whilst Sheila tries to entice her attend with a 'sizzling' surprise in store. Tyler thanks Paige for talking to Mark and helping him out, and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Sheila convinces Mark and Tyler to stay at the bar for bingo as eye candy for the women and tells them to look forward to her very special 'meat tray' (!).
No. 32
Over a musical montage, Lauren gazes at her portrait of Matt and photos of them together.
Lassiter's Lake
Meanwhile, Brad sits with Terese and they agree that Lauren can finally move on now that she knows the full truth. He reminds Terese that he also made a promise to her on their wedding day, and tells her that he loves her.
The Waterhole
Sheila's charity bingo night is in full swing, and Tyler and Mark are surprised to find that they're enjoying themselves. Sheila promises a big surprise whenever 'bingo' is called. As the game continues, Mark shouts 'bingo' and Sheila reveals a male stripper from behind a curtain who begins a routine dressed as a miner. As the female clientèle begin to whoop and cheer, Mark and Tyler stare at each other in shock.
MARK: ...is that?
TYLER: That's our brother Aaron!
Unmissable Drama
- The Brennan brothers are reunited
- Imogen gawks as the Brennan brothers skip around Erinsborough topless
- Karl looks troubled at Amber's baby scan
<<7146 - 7148>>
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7147
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis

Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7147
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Naomi Canning, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7147
Naomi Canning, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7147
Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan

Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7147
Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan

Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7147
Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7147
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7147
Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Lauren Turner, Sharon Canning in Neighbours Episode 7147
Lauren Turner, Sharon Canning

Sharon Canning, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 7147
Sharon Canning, Naomi Canning

Sharon Canning, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7147
Sharon Canning, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Paige Smith, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7147
Paige Smith, Lauren Turner

Lauren Turner, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7147
Lauren Turner, Terese Willis

Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7147
Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan

Sharon Canning, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 7147
Sharon Canning, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Naomi Canning

Lauren Turner, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7147
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis

Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7147
Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan

Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7147
Lauren Turner

Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7147
Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7147
Sheila Canning

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7147
Aaron Brennan

Tyler Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7147
Tyler Brennan, Mark Brennan

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