Previously on Neighbours
- Mark tells Chris that Nate attacked someone
- Nate promises not to hurt Chris again
- Nate pushes Josh into a fence, then confesses to Susan
- Dakota kisses Mark, watched by Paige
- Mal uses his phone to amuse Nell, which annoys Toadie and Sonya
No 28
Mal is unhappy because he couldn't cope with Nell without using technology, whereas Toadie and Sonya could. Susan says they've got an advantage, but Mal is not having it.
MAL: Some of are cut out to raise kids and some of us aren't.
Meanwhile, Nate tells Susan that he's going to the hospital to get Chris.
Lassiter's Complex
Josh gets a text saying that Chris is coming home. He wants to go and see him, but his parents say it's not a good idea. He heads home. Lauren rushes up, asking if they've seen Paige as she hasn't turned up for work. Terese tells Brad to go with Lauren to find her.
No 24 - outside
Paige is bashing a punch-bag. She remembers kissing Mark, then remembers him and Dakota kissing, then him telling her he wants to give their relationship a go. She bursts into tears.
Lassiter's lake
On the bridge, Dakota is looking at the padlocks with Mark. She apologises about being forward, saying she goes for what she wants. He doesn't comment, so she asks about Paige.
MARK: I'm trying not to think about her.
DAKOTA: What she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?
MARK: That's how you're OK with this? You don't think Paul will have an issue with what's going on here?
DAKOTA: Paul may want me... but I want you
She invites him back to her room. He suggests the following night, but she's meeting suppliers, so they agree to meet later, although she won't specify where.
No 28
Mal is packing when Toadie, Sonya and Nell come around. Toadie and Sonya are very apologetic (although they admit that Susan had been around to see them). Nell doesn't look very happy at the prospect of Mal having another session.
Chris is preparing to leave with Nate, since he doesn't want to go with his parents. Karl says that Chris will continue to have speech and memory problems and mood fluctuations.
CHRIS: Does that mean I'll be like my yaya: grumpy and always forgetting where I left my shoes?
Karl tells Nate that he's taking on a big commitment, but he says it's fine and he's pleased Chris is coming home.
No 24 - outside
Paige is still thumping the punch-bag. Brad and Lauren arrive and ask her if they can help.
PAIGE: You wanna help? Tell me, why do people cheat. You guys would know, right?
She tells them about seeing Mark kissing Dakota. Brad offers to talk to him, but she says no. Brad says people make mistakes but it doesn't mean they don't love their partners. Lauren says she has to talk to him.
No 28
Mal is struggling with trying to feed Nell, though Toadie and Sonya point out it's progress since she's not crying. Then Nell and Mal start to high-five, and all is well!
Outside No 22
Josh is stretching and he sees Chris returning with Nate. He struggles to get out of the car, then can't pick up his bag. Josh is upset.
No 26
Josh comes round to see Chris, and gets a less than warm welcome from Nate.
NATE: Didn't I make myself clear the other day.
JOSH: Yeah, you did. You did. You're right. I'm sorry.
Chris asks what happened, but Josh says it was nothing, and leaves.
Chris then asks Nate if he was going to bash him, and remembers they were arguing about it at the party. Nate admits it was similar. Chris is frustrated and finds it difficult to say what he wants to.
CHRIS: I don't know when I'll be able to mechanic again. No-one deserves this.
NATE: I'll stop myself from hurting Josh. I'll tell you why - because I imagine you looking at me the way you are now. Disappointed in me.
He takes Chris's hand.
No 22 garden
Terese arrives to find Josh crying. He tells her how Chris isn't well. She hugs him.
Ramsay Street
Mark is on the phone telling Greta that Dakota is meeting some suppliers, and suggesting that it's worth following up. Brad catches up with him and tells him that Paige deserves to be treated well. She's got a big heart and she gets hurt easily so he should be careful.
Mal is leaving. He tells his parents that he is terrified and excited about being a parent. Susan says that sounds like parenthood.
Mark tells Paige he had an awkward "don't hurt my daughter" talks with Brad. He asks her if she knows what it's about. She asks if he's done anything to hurt her and he says no. They kiss before he leaves. She tells Lauren they're all good, although Lauren doesn't see how. Paige suggests that Mark didn't kiss Dakota: she kissed him.
PAIGE: It's not his fault some skank threw herself at him. This is all Dakota's fault. If she had just stayed away, everything would be sweet.
LAUREN: I still think you need to talk to him about this.
PAIGE: No way. There's other ways to handle it.
No 26
Chris is trying to pick up a plastic egg. He fails. Nate tells him to try again, and this time he picks it up.
NATE: Next stop, Everest.
Susan and Karl arrive with cakes and Chris insists on getting a plate and making tea. He drops the plate loses his temper when Nate offers to clear it up. Susan helps Chris, while Nate goes outside.
Karl joins Nate, and Nate tells him that sometimes things get on top of him. Karl says that nobody would blame him if he handed Chris's care over to his parents.
NATE: I can do it. I've been through worse.
KARL: Yeah, I'm sure that's true.
Nate tells Karl that he said he would look after Chris and that's what he's going to do.
Dakota is looking at the serial numbers (of the coffee boxes) on her laptop. Paige storms in.
PAIGE: Hey. Stay away from Brennan
DAKOTA: And you are?
PAIGE: His girlfriend.
DAKOTA: Huh. Run away, little girl. Your teacher will be wondering why you're not in class.
PAIGE: At least I'm not past my use-by date. Stay away from Brennan.
DAKOTA: Or what?
Paige picks up Dakota's drink and pours it over her laptop.
Unmissable Drama
- Dakota asks Brenna if he's scared and he says no
- Daniel tells there are two sides to every story, and Paul says they are both psycho
- Lauren says things between Paige and Brennan are complicated.
- Paige asks Brennan what is going on