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Neighbours Episode 6919 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6918 - 6920>>
Episode title: 6919
Australian airdate: 03/07/14
UK airdate: 17/07/14
Writer: Alexa Wyatt
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Paige Novak: Olympia Valance
Ethan Smith: Matt Little
Ricky Masters: Patrick Williams
Belinda Long: Katrina Gow
Summary/Images by: Sarah/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Ethan says if Brad saw him, everything would be out in the open, but Paige says she's not ready to tell him.
- Paige finds Lauren's teddy in the rubbish and is upset when she realises it matches hers.
- Paul is depressed and Terese promises to help him
- Imogen tells Amber she's going to enjoy meaningless hook- ups
- Susan catches Imogen with Ethan and strips Imogen of the captaincy as a punishment.
Susan and Terese are discussing Imogen's truancy in the Waterhole (obviously - where else?) and Sheila is giving her opinion as well. Terese says that Imogen must have had a good reason (you know, like wanting her daughter to stay around Erinsborough), but Susan says she didn't. Paul comes in and asks Terese why she hasn't answered any of his messages, as he can't trust anyone else. Terese promises to come when she's sorted out the problem. She asks Susan what Imogen can do to make it up. Susan says she truanted to be with a boy.
TERESE: There's a boy involved?
SHEILA: Oh, typical. Mums are always the last to know.
Sheila tells her that Kyle and Georgia saw Imogen with someone at the party, and that guys always lead girls astray at some stage.
TERESE: No. Not my girls.
No 22
Imogen tells her mum it's no big deal, which Terese disagrees with. Brad asks who he is, and when Imogen tell him it's a friend of Paige's, Brad goes off to talk to "clear a few things up".
No 24
Paige shows Ethan the bear of Lauren's that she found in the rubbish.
PAIGE: So the only reason the Lauren would keep an identical one is to remember me, right? So why would she throw it out?
There's a knock on the door: it's Brad looking for Ethan. Paige tells Brad that Ethan's not around, and she doesn't know if he'll be back. When Brad has gone, Paige asks Ethan what has happened, and is furious with him when he explains.
Josh tells Brad that his boss Ricky has been looking for him. Brad says he was late because he was sorting out Imogen, and asks Josh if he knows anything about Ethan. Josh doesn't.
No 24
Paige asks Ethan if he thinks Lauren doesn't care about her. He says it might not mean anything. She says she goes two steps forward and three steps back with everyone. He says she just wants to be important to these people. She suggests that he thinks she should fess up.
ETHAN: I do think you should go to Lauren and ask her about this. And Paige, while you're at it, tell her who you really are.
PAIGE: I'm not ready. And... I can't tell you when I will be.
She asks him to go home, as his being with Imogen is too risky.
Terese comes in to ask Sheila for some accounts. Sheila says she thought she'd already given her them, but Terese says that the accounts aren't adding up and she's got to do them again. (It seems strange that the manager is doing the account, and they do it on bits of paper.) Sheila says that Paul wouldn't even notice, but Terese says he will eventually, and it will be her fault if they're wrong. Sheila hesitates before telling Terese they need extra insurance for the art exhibition.
TERESE: Oh Sheila, it's not like we're hanging the Mona Lisa.
When Terese says she hasn't got any money, Sheila says the mayor has money, and Terese is the only person with access to the mayor. (What, he doesn't have any admin assistants?) Sheila leaves it Terese, who sighs.
Paul's penthouse
Paul has a load of papers for Terese to go through. Meanwhile, she asks him to approve some paperwork, including the budget and the insurance.
PAUL: I tell you what: you sign them.
She says she can't do that, so he scribbles his signature, then he stomps off, saying she has to deal with anything else.
No 22 (garden)
Ethan looks over the wall and tells Imogen he's leaving. She's looking at her School Captain badge, and tells him her captaincy has been taken away. He says she's a lot like Paige, getting stressed about things that don't matter. She says losing the captaincy was a big deal to her.
ETHAN: I'm just saying... who's really gonna give a toss about it once you're in the real world?
IMOGEN: Oh, get lost.
Josh thanks Paige for giving him a reminder about Amber - it means he can forgive Ethan! Paige retorts that he didn't make Imogen wag school. She would never do anything she didn't want to. Josh agrees, so Paige says she wins an energy bar. Josh accidentally knocks a box of bars on the floor.
Gym - changing rooms.
Brad explains to Ricky that he's been having family problems, which is why he was late, but he always makes it up, and never leaves the gym unattended. They come into the other room where Paige throws an energy bar for Josh to catch, nearly hitting an unimpressed Ricky. Brad goes over to Paige and throws her out, on the grounds that she was the one throwing stuff around.
Terese gives Sheila the signed paperwork for the insurance. Sheila says that if they had extended trading hours, that would help with the budget. Terese says she can't submit the application without speaking to Paul. She promises to email the council about the paperwork.
Ricky comes in and tells Brad he's heard about his yoga classes. Brad reminds him that when he suggested yoga classes, he was turned down. Ricky points out there's a clause in his contract saying he mustn't be in competition with the gym. Brad says the gym doesn't run yoga classes. Ricky says they are covered by the clause, so he has no choice but to fire Brad immediately.
No 22 (garden)
Imogen gets a call from Terese, then Ethan looks over the wall again to say goodbye. Imogen tells him he's the cause of bad luck because her dad has lost his job. She asks for Ethan's name so she can look for him on Facebook, but he says he doesn't do social media.
Imogen and Brad are meeting with Susan at Harold's (well, we've done the Waterhole). Susan tells Imogen that Amber will be replacing her as school captain.
IMOGEN: For wagging once? This is so unfair.
BRAD: The decision's been made, alright? You do something wrong, you suffer the consequences and take the punishment on the chin.
AUDIENCE: If she was a teacher, she'd be fine.
SUSAN: You broke school rules and you're the school captain. You're supposed to be an example to every other student at the school. So you have to be held to a higher standard.
AUDIENCE: Maybe it should apply to teachers.
Susan asks for her badge and Imogen hands it over.
IMOGEN: You know what? This is really not even a big deal. Because in the scheme of things, who's gonna give a toss about this in the real world?
Brad apologises to Susan. Somebody sends Imogen a photo of a bloke's chest, which Brad sees and questions her about. He guesses it's Ethan, and Imogen says he's left. Brad asks if she's got any pictures of his face... she says no.
No 24
Ethan asks Paige if she was responsible for Brad being sacked, which she denies. He has her sketch book, and asks her about "Princess Skank" (Amber). She says she only added "skank" after the Daniel thing. Ethan says it reminds him of her ex. First she drew cute sketches, then the next thing his car was on fire. She says this is totally different, but he says it's not. She's getting close to them, which is why she's overreacting to everything. He suggests that she tells the truth, but she refuses.
Terese asks Brad how Ricky found out about the yoga classes. Turns out Ricky met one of Brad's clients who was impressed.
BRAD: I find it quite ironic that I do one job so well that I lose the other.
Brad goes home to look for work. Meanwhile, a flustered Terese tells Sheila that she's struggling with everything she has to do. Sheila says she can't, but she'll have to figure it out or she'll burn herself out.
Terese has failed to find Paul before her meeting with Belinda from the council. She tells Terese that if it's not in today, it won't be considered for 6 weeks. Terese has until 5 o'clock. She tries calling Paul, but gets no answer. Then she decides to sign in Paul's name.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Josh asks Amber why she's in the darkroom so much
- Amber and Daniel in the darkroom
- Toadie tells Naomi he's tired of having to make an appointment to see his wife
- Naomi invites Toadie to lunch
<<6918 - 6920>>
Terese Willis, Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6919
Terese Willis, Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy

Imogen Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Imogen Willis, Terese Willis

Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Brad Willis

Brad Willis, Paige Novak in Neighbours Episode 6919
Brad Willis, Paige Novak

Paige Novak, Ethan Smith in Neighbours Episode 6919
Paige Novak, Ethan Smith

Josh Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Josh Willis, Brad Willis

Ethan Smith, Paige Novak in Neighbours Episode 6919
Ethan Smith, Paige Novak

Terese Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6919
Terese Willis, Sheila Canning

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Ethan Smith, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Ethan Smith, Imogen Willis

Josh Willis, Paige Novak in Neighbours Episode 6919
Josh Willis, Paige Novak

Brad Willis, Ricky Masters in Neighbours Episode 6919
Brad Willis, Ricky Masters

Brad Willis, Paige Novak in Neighbours Episode 6919
Brad Willis, Paige Novak

Terese Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6919
Terese Willis, Sheila Canning

Ricky Masters, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Ricky Masters, Brad Willis

Ethan Smith in Neighbours Episode 6919
Ethan Smith

Susan Kennedy, Brad Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Susan Kennedy, Brad Willis, Imogen Willis

Ethan Smith in Neighbours Episode 6919
Ethan Smith

Ethan Smith, Paige Novak in Neighbours Episode 6919
Ethan Smith, Paige Novak

Brad Willis, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Brad Willis, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis

Terese Willis, Belinda Long in Neighbours Episode 6919
Terese Willis, Belinda Long

 in Neighbours Episode 6919

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6919
Terese Willis

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