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Neighbours Episode 6915 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6914 - 6916>>
Episode title: 6915
Australian airdate: 27/06/14
UK airdate: 11/07/14
Writer: Sam Carroll
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: Daniel Robinson: Tim Phillipps
Amanda Lim: Grace Li-Sze Lee
Nell Rebecchi: Scarlett Anderson
- "Play With Fire" by Vance Joy
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Naomi is jealous of Georgia's engagement ring that Sheila passed to Kyle as an heirloom
- She's also struggling to find the 'danger money' with which to pay off her fake stalker, Lee
- Amber and Daniel almost kiss
- Sheila, having gathered something is going on with them, warns Josh not to take Amber for granted
- Amber tells Daniel she wants to break up with Josh, so she can be with him
No 22
Josh is sanding some picture frames in the back yard when Amber shows up, and he quickly hides them. She begins to go through the preamble of breaking up with him, but in typical soap fashion, Josh is distracted and not really listening to her. He shows her a postcard from Doug, who's in Toronto. He's upset because in the postcard, Doug has asked him how his swimming's going, and has obviously forgotten he's no longer doing it. Feeling bad as she was about to dump him, Amber asks if Josh wants to talk about it, but Josh says he'd rather get back to work. He kisses her, and promises he's all hers when he's done. She leaves.
No 30
Naomi turns up with some letters for Toadie to sign, even though it's the weekend. He's concerned that the letters are hassling clients for payment, even though they're not 30 days overdue. He quickly surmises that Naomi is short of cash and wanting her 15% on the clients she's brought in. Assuming it's because Paul is putting pressure on Naomi for the money she owes him for Charles and Polly's painting, Toadie offers to have a word with Paul. But Naomi, letting Toadie's assumption go unchallenged, says it will just make things worse, adding that she'll get the money somewhere.
Naomi looks over at Georgia, who is working on her laptop, and sees the engagement ring on her finger. Georgia starts gushing about the sick kids' beds project that she's fundraising for, and Naomi coos along faux-empathetically. Naomi says she had been wanting to talk to her about the fundraising, and asks what Georgia's doing this afternoon...
No 26
In the back garden, Kyle is constructing a novelty bed in the shape of a racing car. He's nervous about the furniture rep who's coming to assess his work. Sheila assures him they'll love it and that even if he doesn't get the contract, he'll still have the work making beds for the hospital fundraiser. But Kyle is worried about paying for his wedding, honeymoon and a deposit on a house for him and Georgia.
Chris comes outside with Bossy on her lead, ready for her walk with Kyle - but Kyle seems reluctant and asks Chris to take her instead, watching sadly as they walk away.
No 30
We learn that Naomi has proposed the idea of baking biscuits for the hospital fundraiser launch, and she and Georgia are hard at work in the kitchen making them. Georgia is using a spoon to dollop out the mixture, but Naomi tells her to use her hands instead - then warns her to take her engagement ring off first. Georgia does so.
NAOMI: Oh, it really is beautiful, isn't it?
GEORGIA: Do you think so?
NAOMI: Yeah.
GEORGIA: I mean, I've got to admit, I thought it was a little bit crass when I first saw it. But I have grown to love it.
Naomi watches curiously as Georgia puts the ring carefully by the sink, while Toadie helps himself to some biscuit dough.
No 26
Amber has come round to take promotional photos of Kyle's racing car bed, but he's still worried about what the rep will think. The rep, Amanda, suddenly shows up, but warns Kyle she doesn't have long as there are lots of bidders for the contract who she has to see today. Kyle extols the benefits of his product while she coolly surveys it, giving little away about her opinion of the bed, and favouring her phone to take photos rather than using Amber's. She's not interested in looking at Kyle's drawings for other designs either, and hurries off fairly abruptly. Kyle tells Amber not to bother emailing through the photos, as the rep clearly wasn't interested.
Daniel is in his darkroom developing photographs when Amber arrives - but doesn't immediately say anything about how her talk with Josh went.
DANIEL: I'm trying to keep my cool, but if you don't put me out of my misery I might spontaneously combust.
AMBER: I couldn't do it. It's not that I didn't want to - I just couldn't.
She promises to split up with Josh this afternoon instead - Daniel says there's no pressure, but she insists it's what she wants. Daniel shows her a photo of the two of them that he's developed..
DANIEL: Cute couple, huh? This is my favourite. I love that look in your eyes. Like right now. You're totally yourself.
AMBER: Well, I feel like I really can be myself around you. I don't feel like that around a lot of other people.
They find themselves holding hands.
No 30
Back in the kitchen, Toadie and Nell are observing as Naomi and Georgia continue to make their biscuits. Georgia suddenly starts panicking - she can't find her engagement ring, despite remembering exactly where she put it by the sink. A frantic ring-hunt begins, as Naomi looks mildly suspect. They conclude the ring might have fallen in the biscuit mix by accident...
Lassiter's Lake
Amber sits alone by the lake, flashing back to happy moments she's shared with Josh, and intense moments she's shared with Daniel. She gets a text from Josh, asking to meet her at the Waterhole in ten minutes.
Meanwhile, Chris is walking bossy. He takes her lead off and throws her a ball, but she just sits there and ignores it. He tries again, but Bossy is totally uninterested, and Chris is curious as to why. Bossy picks up her own lead and trots off, with Chris demanding to know where she's going.
No 26
Bossy comes racing into the garden and leaps on Kyle, who's pleased to see her. Chris explains that Bossy wasn't very enthusiastic on their walk, and just wanted to come home the whole time.
Amanda, the rep, shows up again, to take a second look at the racing car bed. She explains that another potential supplier in Boronia is making something very similar, and they can't give both of them the contract. But when Bossy rushes over to meet Amanda, her cool demeanour suddenly evaporates, and she implausibly decides to offer Kyle the contract, based solely on the fact that the rival supplier had a cat instead.
The Waterhole
Josh is anxiously waiting for Amber to show up - and when she arrives (while Sheila watches with interest), he presents her with a large gift box. Surprised, Amber opens the box, to find it full of framed photographs of her and Josh. He explains that he made the frames himself.
AMBER: They're... they're beautiful, thank you.
JOSH: I love you so much.
They kiss, and Sheila observes with satisfaction. But Amber's now looking very confused.
No 30
Toadie is looking down the plughole in the sink to see if he can spot the engagement ring, while Georgia feels guilty for having ruined all the biscuits, having torn them apart to try and locate the ring. She's terrified about how Sheila and Kyle will react. Naomi is acting all surprised at how the ring has vanished, and asks if the ring was insured. Georgia says it wasn't.
GEORGIA: Even if it was, it wouldn't matter. It's not about the dollar value of the ring. I mean, that was a family heirloom. It meant a huge deal to both of them. It meant a huge deal to me. I was gonna give that to my kid one day and now it's...
Naomi looks guilty.
The Waterhole
Josh goes on about how he enjoyed making the picture frames, while Amber listens guiltily. She suggests he could make serious money making picture frames, but Josh sees it as more of a hobby than a career. Daniel enters, spies Amber with Josh, and the two make wary eye-contact, before Daniel goes straight out again.
No 30
Georgia is out of the room giving Nell a bath, which Toadie hopes will take her mind off the missing engagement ring. Naomi still looks guilty as anything, and tells Toadie it's all her fault, as she was the one who convinced Georgia to make biscuits, but he tells her she shouldn't be feeling guilty for doing something charitable for sick kids. He adds that she's a good person, and is always doing nice things for other people.
NAOMI: Oh... not really.
TOADIE: Okay - what about when you organised that massage for Sonya? That was pretty nice.
Naomi raises her eyebrows. Toadie tells her to go and relax while he makes some tea, but Naomi insists on helping to clear up. As she sits on the couch, Naomi's expression lurches between guilty-looking and pleased with herself.
In the darkroom, Amber reports back to Daniel. She's forced to admit that she again failed to tell Josh their relationship was over. She apologises, and takes his hand.
DANIEL: Amber, just because we can't be together, doesn't change how I feel about you.
She smiles sadly, then leaves the darkroom.
No 26
Kyle, Chris and Sheila are reviewing the day's events, as Kyle feeds Bossy snacks as a reward for winning him the bed-making contract.
SHEILA: It's a funny old world when a business deal is done on the basis of whether you're a cat or a dog person.
Isn't it just? But Chris is convinced Bossy knew she needed to get back to help Kyle, which is why she was so unenthusiastic about their walk earlier. Sheila thinks he's barmy, but Kyle says it did feel like that. He thanks Chris, however, for looking after Bossy while he was away in Thailand.
KYLE (to Bossy): To tell you the truth, I thought I'd lost you there for a while.
CHRIS: No way. Bossy knows who her dad is.
Georgia comes in, and Kyle excitedly tells her he won the bed-making contract, which means they can set a date for their wedding. But Georgia's looking sad, and explains that she's lost the engagement ring. She tells them the story about the biscuit-baking, and Kyle and Sheila are both sympathetic, Kyle reassuring her that it will turn up.
Power Road
Naomi is lingering around outside the Bric-A-Brac Shop. We see her take the ring from her pocket and look at it worriedly, before glancing around her to make sure she isn't being watched.
No 26
Sheila is about to head over to No 30 with her late husband's metal detector, in a bid to work out where the ring's got to. Sheila's surprised to learn Naomi already knows about the ring, and Georgia explains she was there when it happened.
SHEILA: Oh, really?
NAOMI: Yeah, well, I was helping her bake biscuits.
GEORGIA: No, you were doing more than just helping. I mean, the whole thing was her idea.
SHEILA: Is that right?!
NAOMI: Oh, yeah. Anything for the kids.
Kyle, Chris and Georgia head out of the door to go and look for the ring, and Sheila pointedly suggests Naomi come and help them. Naomi promises to be there in a minute, and Sheila looks slightly suspicious, but nods. Once they've left, Naomi looks worried.
Monday on Neighbours
- Sheila demands to know what Naomi's up to
- Naomi meets up with her fake stalker Lee again
- Kyle says he doesn't want to be reliant on Georgia's support
- Ethan can't believe Paige's biological family don't know who she is; she says Ramsay Street is weird
- Imogen meets Ethan
<<6914 - 6916>>
Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6915
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Naomi Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6915
Naomi Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6915
Georgia Brooks

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6915
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Naomi Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6915
Naomi Canning, Georgia Brooks

Kyle Canning, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6915
Kyle Canning, Amber Turner

Kyle Canning, Amanda Lim in Neighbours Episode 6915
Kyle Canning, Amanda Lim

Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6915
Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner

Nell Rebecchi, Naomi Canning, Toadie Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6915
Nell Rebecchi, Naomi Canning, Toadie Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks

Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6915
Amber Turner

Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6915
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6915
Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson

Bossy, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6915
Bossy, Chris Pappas

Amanda Lim, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6915
Amanda Lim, Kyle Canning

Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6915
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Naomi Canning, Georgia Brooks, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6915
Naomi Canning, Georgia Brooks, Toadie Rebecchi

Josh Willis, Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6915
Josh Willis, Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner

Naomi Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6915
Naomi Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6915
Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6915
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6915
Naomi Canning

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6915
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks, Chris Pappas

Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6915
Naomi Canning

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