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Neighbours Episode 6894 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6893 - 6895>>
Episode title: 6894
Australian airdate: 29/05/14
UK airdate: 12/06/14
Writer: Alexa Wyatt
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Daniel Robinson: Tim Phillipps
Bryce Bukowski: Keith Purcell
Summary/Images by: Sarah/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Paul and Mark agree to work together
- Susan entered Callum's app into a competition and he was shortlisted
- Josie is unimpressed when Bailey and Jayden fight
- Callum finds Bailey passed out from drinking too much, and tidies up for him
- Sonya lays into Naomi's date. Sheila tells Naomi to stay positive whilst Toadie sends her a text
Ramsay Street
Naomi and Toadie chat about the previous evening, and Naomi claims to be upbeat about finding someone new. He's off to meet a client. Sheila comes along with some paper, claiming she has an idea to help Naomi's ailing love life.
NAOMI: Stay at home? Join a convent?
SHEILA: No. Singles night at the Waterhole! I'm going to make up some posters now.
Naomi's not keen, but Sheila says it's better than internet dating - and good for business!
No 30
Lou is practising Khmer. Bailey comes in, and Lou (apparently) thanks him in Khmer for cleaning up. He offers Bailey a "traditional" Cambodian breakfast, without most of the ingredients (kind of like bacon, eggs and spam without the bacon and eggs) so it's just noodles and water. Yummy. Bailey turns it down, wisely, as it turns out, as Lou goes to make toast. Bailey calls Amber to check if she was at home earlier, but she wasn't in this episode.
Imogen has bought a coffee and some other stuff for breakfast, when Mark comes in and greets her. He wipes coffee of her top lip, then she asks him if he's been eating properly. He compliments her cooking, saying he's trying to run off the extra kilos. She suggests breakfast, but he says he's meeting someone, but agrees to "next time".
No 26
Sheila tells Naomi that Kyle and Dane are ready to come home from Thailand. Naomi thinks it's great, which is more than she can say about the posters for Singles night. Sheila suggests a photo of a man with a six-pack.
NAOMI: No, that's false advertising, 'cause I know the only six-packs are gonna be in the fridge.
Sonya comes over to apologise for the previous evening. She sees the posters for the Singles night and urges Naomi not to give up.
Paul presents Mark with a list of all the suspects so far. Mark points out that they all have alibis. Paul asks about the case that put him into Witness Protection. Mark says the police didn't find anything. Paul reckons they probably covered up what they found. Well, he would. Even if it was legit, he says they may have missed something so they need to take a look at the files. Mark says the information will be securely locked up.
PAUL: Well, you know, being the Mayor does have its advantages sometimes. I'm sure there's a few strings I can pull.
Mark says he's got a few contacts, and they agree to meet later.
Naomi is checking out Sheila's posters for Singles night, when Terese wanders over and says Sheila should have run it past her (although she thinks it's a good idea). Paul saunters up.
PAUL: You're letting your mother find you a man, are you?
NAOMI: Well, apparently I have no say in the matter.
PAUL: No, obviously, otherwise it would be a "married man only night", wouldn't it? That's more your style.
NAOMI: Ouch.
Sheila says he should come, and he says he might, just to see if she can bag herself a sugar daddy. Paul then gets a call from someone who has a development application pending. Paul offers to hurry it up, if he gets a favour...
Harold's - outside
Callum asks Bailey how he is, saying that he cleaned up since Bailey was passed out. Bailey thanks him, but claims he was just tired. Callum asks if he'd been drinking.
BAILEY: That's it. We're done.
CALLUM: Hey, I'm just worried about you.
BAILEY: Back off, OK? I'm fine.
Bailey stomps off. Toadie walks past and asks Callum how it's going ("don't ask") then he meets Naomi who asks about the new client. He is pleased that he won the business and tells her to go and buy a new dress. She's not sure if she wants to go - she says she doesn't know what men look for in woman. Toadie says a good sense of humour, loyalty, an interest in what's going on.
TOADIE: Someone who loves you for you, with all your faults. Luckily I don't have any.
Callum tells Imogen he's worried about a mate. He wonders if helping them might mean betraying them. Imogen says that she hated people talking to her about her food issues but that's the way she got help. If they don't realise they need help, then he might need to talk to someone else. She adds that she would have felt betrayed at the time, but eventually she would have understood.
Naomi is reading a newspaper and commenting about news issues to Sheila. Sheila asks if it has anything to do with singles night, and Naomi says she has to make an effort. Daniel asks Sheila about Paul, and she says she's trying to stay away from him, because he's going through a bad time. But he can't go too far wrong with a nice kid like Daniel looking after him.
No 24
Paul's and Mark's contacts have both come up with the same address for the files. Paul asks Mark if his contact can get them access, but Mark's not sure. Imogen arrives with some food for afternoon tea. She wants to know what Paul was doing there. Mark says they were talking about Kate.
Ramsay Street
By a unlikely coincidence, Susan gets a phone call just as Callum is walking home. Apparently his app has come second. Callum's a bit disappointed because he doesn't get a job making apps (which would be, like, totally awesome). Susan explains that second prize is a scholarship to a school which specialises in web and game development, and includes placements with major companies.
SUSAN: Are we getting close to awesome yet, or what?
CALLUM: Yeah, way, way past it.
Callum says there aren't any major companies in the area. Susan says no, it's in Silicon Valley.
No 30
Toadie thanks Sonya for apologising to Naomi. Sonya comments that you wouldn't think that Naomi would be insecure and Toadie agrees. Sonya says she thought that Naomi knew the power she had over men.
SONYA: Some women don't know how beautiful they are and others use their looks to get what they want.
TOADIE: And Naomi falls into *that* category?
Callum bursts in. He says it's the best news ever. He's won a scholarship to the United States.
No 24
Mark tells Imogen she doesn't have to go to any trouble, but she says she doesn't mind. Besides it means he doesn't have to spend more time with Paul. Mark says some things are more important than holding grudges.
MARK: It's not about me and him. It's about Kate, and doing the right thing by her.
She tells him that everyone's been worried about him. She puts her hand on his shoulder and says she's glad he's moving on. He looks a bit uncomfortable.
Lassiter's complex
A group of schoolboys come up to Bailey and taunt about his fight with Jayden, because he only lasted a second.
Outside Lassiter's Hotel
Terese tells Imogen that Brad isn't home yet. She apologises that Imogen got drawn into it. She says it's fine. People get through far worse and move on, so she can do the same.
No 30
An excited Callum is showing Toadie and Sonya the school in the US. Toadie is enthusiastic, but Sonya is not.
TOADIE: I'm so, so proud of you!
SONYA: Yeah! No, no, me too. But, um, you're not... you're not going. No way.
CALLUM: What? Why?
Toadie says they should at least talk about it. Sonya says there's nothing to discuss.
No 24
Paul asks Mark if his contact can get them into the archive facility. Mark says no. Paul says there is no other angle: they need the files.
PAUL: Alright, so we break in and take them.
MARK: Apart from being totally illegal, did you not hear the words "secure facility"?
Paul suggests there are always ways to get round security and this is their only chance to get justice for Kate.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Sonya tells Mark that Kate wouldn't want him to break the law, but he says Kate's not here.
- Holly surprises Karl
- Sonya talks to Toadie and Susan about Callum leaving. Toadie also talks to Naomi.
<<6893 - 6895>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6894
Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6894
Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6894
Lou Carpenter

Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6894
Bailey Turner

Mark Brennan, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6894
Mark Brennan, Imogen Willis

Sheila Canning, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6894
Sheila Canning, Naomi Canning

Sonya Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6894
Sonya Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6894
Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6894
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Callum Rebecchi, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6894
Callum Rebecchi, Bailey Turner

Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6894
Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Imogen Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6894
Imogen Willis, Susan Kennedy

Imogen Willis, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6894
Imogen Willis, Callum Rebecchi

Naomi Canning, Daniel Robinson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6894
Naomi Canning, Daniel Robinson, Sheila Canning

Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6894
Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6894
Susan Kennedy, Callum Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6894
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Imogen Willis, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6894
Imogen Willis, Mark Brennan

Bryce Bukowski, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6894
Bryce Bukowski, Bailey Turner

Imogen Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6894
Imogen Willis, Terese Willis

Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6894
Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6894
Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson

Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6894
Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson

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