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Neighbours Episode 6864 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6863 - 6865>>
Episode title: 6864
Australian airdate: 17/04/14
UK airdate: 01/05/14
Writer: Jeff Truman
Director: Fiona Banks
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Doug Willis: Terence Donovan
Danni Ferguson: Laura McIntosh
Julie Parelli: Krissy Hamilton
Sophie Ramsay: Kaiya Jones
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Kate Ramsay: Ashleigh Brewer
Lisa Tucker: Millie Samuels
Summary/Images by: Sarah/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Doug wants Josh to help him out with a building job for Sheila
- Lauren and Brad are told that Lisa isn't their daughter
- Lauren tell Lou that Lisa not being her daughter is the end of the story
- Imogen takes Mark a meal - and obviously has a crush on him
- Mark wants Danni as bait to catch Montague
No 24
Mark is asleep on the couch and having a nightmare about Kate being shot and dying. He wakes and Danni's there. He asks if she's thought any more about what he said.
DANNI: I'm too scared.
MARK: You'll be safe. I'll protect you.
DANNI: Like you protected Kate?
She apologises for that, but says she's freaking out and needs time to think.
No 22
The Willises are having breakfast, Doug bemoaning the fact that he can't keep up with modern technology.
DOUG: All this high-tech mumbo makes my head spin.
Terese goes to get something out of the fridge and finds the TV remote, but doesn't comment. Doug says he's heading over to the Martins' (yay!) - which Brad explains to the kids - before going to the yard.
No 32 - outside
Lou and Doug are bottling the ginger beer and talking about "Baloo" (Harold) and Lou says he's still up in Byron Bay with Carolyn. Doug says he has to go, and comments how Josh has taken to building like a duck to water.
No 32
Bailey asks Lauren if she's OK, and suggests that they could watch a DVD. She says she's fine and anyway she's got to go to work. She tells him to go to see Callum. Then she calls Lisa.
Dial a Kyle
Lou takes a message from Sheila while Doug's looking for a drill bit. She wants him to order a load of sand. Doug says he's got it, but when Lou leaves, Doug asks Josh what job Lou was talking about. Josh says he saw a quote for a job on Kyle's desk. Doug tells him to check the materials. Meanwhile Imogen comments that the garage is still closed.
No 24
Danni tells Mark that she's called a few of Stephen's mates, but none of them know where he is. Mark asks if she's thought about what he asked, as catching the animal who killed Kate is all he cares about. She points out he may not be guilty, but Mark says he was seen in the area so he had motive and opportunity.
DANNI: If he's as dangerous as you say, that's all the more reason I can't do as you're asking.
MARK: You brought Montague into our lives and now Kate's gone.
DANNI: Don't you dare play that card. I have done everything...
MARK: Not everything. You owe me.
No 30
Sonya tells Danni that what happened is not her fault, whatever Mark says. Danni says that the police wouldn't agree if there was a risk, so Sonya asks if Mark is working with the police.
Police Station
Matt tells Danni that Mark is not working with the police and that she is not to go along with this under any circumstances.
Matt reminds Mark that hindering a police investigation is a criminal offence. Mark claims he's not interfering.
MATT: I'm warning you: there is no place in this for revenge. Keep this up and I'm gonna have to arrest you.
Imogen arrives with some lasagne, while Matt leaves with a warning to stay off the case. Imogen says that's what friends and neighbours do - look out for each other. Mark says he appreciates it, and walks into the garage, leaving Imogen staring after him.
Dial a Kyle
Doug and Josh are painting some wood when Lou arrives because he left his phone. He asks if Doug has ordered the sand yet. Doug says of course he has, and goes off to "remind" the suppliers. Josh looks concerned.
Terese is telling Brad that it's not unusual for people to have problems at that age. Brad asks if she thinks he's losing his marbles. She says no, but tells him how the TV remote was in the fridge. Brad thinks it's funny, and comments about everyone being absent minded sometimes. Terese agrees that he's always losing his keys.
BRAD: Misplacing. That is very different to losing.
Very true.
Susan comes in, followed by Lou. He says that Mai Ling wants him to go back to Cambodia in about a month. Lauren gets a brainwave: she's going to take on a trainee. She texts Lisa.
Sonya confronts Mark about the way he's acting with Danni. He says he'll be ready when Montague turns up. She tells him it's an obsession and he doesn't care about Danni.
SONYA: Do you really think that this is what Kate would want you to be doing?
MARK: Probably not. But she's not here anymore, is she?
Lauren tells Lou that she's asked Lisa to help out while Lou's away. Lou doesn't think it's a good idea.
Mark arrives at the garage to find Danni working there. He apologises for putting her in the position where she felt she had to go to Matt. She challenges him, saying that he won't stop asking her the same thing. He says he can't think of another plan.
DANNI: Leave it up to the police. How about that for a plan?
She tells him to stay away because it's obvious he doesn't care.
No 22
Josh comments to Doug that they shouldn't have ordered the wood. Doug says that he blames himself: he should have spoken to Sheila himself, rather than leaving it to Lou, who isn't a builder.
DOUG: Just shows you how simple mistakes can happen.
Josh asks if they can send it back. Doug says they can't now they've painted it. Hopefully it shouldn't cost Kyle too much.
Lou tells Susan about Lauren taking on Lisa as a replacement, and how he thinks it's a bad idea. Susan puts the other side, saying that Lisa has had a hard life, and maybe she needs a break. Lou says he would agree, except Lauren has stopped the search for her real daughter.
LOU: I'm no shrink, but what if she sees Lisa as some sort of substitute?
Lauren meanwhile is looking at a photo of Lisa on her phone.
No 22
Mark is looking for Danni, when Sonya opens the door and comes in.
SONYA: She's not here.
MARK: What do you mean?
SONYA: I took her to the airport and put her on a plane.
MARK: To where?
SONYA: I'm not telling you.
She tells him that using Danni to bring in Montague is selfish. He says that he can't work, he has nightmares.
MARK: I loved her so much, and I'll never get to see her again, and he's still out there.
He's upset and she hugs him.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Brad denies there's a problem with his dad
- Doug takes delivery of a load of sand, as Josh wonders if it's correct
- Karl arranges an Easter Egg hunt
- Imogen is upset at the thought of Brennan seeing her in her trackies
- Brad is not happy about Lauren having invited Lisa
<<6863 - 6865>>
Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6864
Mark Brennan

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6864
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Mark Brennan, Danni Ferguson in Neighbours Episode 6864
Mark Brennan, Danni Ferguson

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6864
Terese Willis

Imogen Willis, Brad Willis, Doug Willis, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6864
Imogen Willis, Brad Willis, Doug Willis, Josh Willis

Lou Carpenter, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 6864
Lou Carpenter, Doug Willis

Bailey Turner, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6864
Bailey Turner, Lauren Turner

Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6864
Lauren Turner

Lou Carpenter, Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 6864
Lou Carpenter, Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Doug Willis

Mark Brennan, Danni Ferguson in Neighbours Episode 6864
Mark Brennan, Danni Ferguson

Danni Ferguson, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6864
Danni Ferguson, Sonya Rebecchi

Matt Turner, Danni Ferguson, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6864
Matt Turner, Danni Ferguson, Sonya Rebecchi

Matt Turner, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6864
Matt Turner, Mark Brennan

Mark Brennan, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6864
Mark Brennan, Imogen Willis

Josh Willis, Doug Willis, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6864
Josh Willis, Doug Willis, Lou Carpenter

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6864
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6864
Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6864
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Lauren Turner, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6864
Lauren Turner, Lou Carpenter

Danni Ferguson in Neighbours Episode 6864
Danni Ferguson

Josh Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 6864
Josh Willis, Doug Willis

Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6864
Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy

Lauren Turner, Lisa Tucker in Neighbours Episode 6864
Lauren Turner, Lisa Tucker

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6864
Sonya Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6864
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

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