Previously on Neighbours
- Kate trying to explain to Chris that him seeing her/Kyle asleep on the sofa wasn't what it looked like.
- Georgia seeing Kate leave #26.
- Terese confronting Paul with her discovery.
- Paul warning Marty.
- Marty ignoring Paul and telling Karl that hes got information on Paul.
- Sheila urging Karl to tell the public the information on Paul.
- Karl about to say something
Number 28
Susan congratulates Karl for not publicly using the information Marty told him even though Karl admits that he was tempted!
KARL: I just hope the voters of Erinsborough respond to the singing doctor!
That's Sheilas term, he quickly explains to Susan and she tells him that hes a good man, the sort that Erinsborough deserves.
Charlie's (next day)
Kate tells Paul the positive comments in the press about Karls gig and Sheila has to defend allowing Karl to perform when Paul is annoyed that he was allowed to use Charlie's. Sheila then shows off her Vote Karl t-shirt before leaving to go help the man himself.
Lassiters Complex
Sheila is after Baileys help to record the day, and peoples thoughts, on a camcorder because shes so confident of Karl winning and wants to record the mementos day. Paul thinks its a ridiculous idea (because hes going to win) and leaves them to it to head over to see Terese.
Harold's Store
After getting her coffee from Lauren, Susan heads over to talk to Georgia. Georgia mentions that shes meeting Kyle but refuses to tell him yet about the baby.
Community centre
Most of the electorate are ignoring Kate handing out vote cards on behalf of Paul. Kyle can't but help gloat hes onto his third pile and Kate sets a challenge to see who can get rid of their pile of cards the quickest.
Lassiters grounds
Mason is showing Mr Lancer round (despite Paul being miffed Terese isn't doing that) and what facilities the hotel (and grounds) can offer him. Inadvertently, Mason/Mr Lancer get their wires mixed up over an incident (Mason thinks hes referring to the explosion whereas he was referring to a leaky marquis at a recent wedding!)
Community centre
Kyle/Kate are now making paper planes with the voting cards having given up handing them out! Paul isn't amused when he spots what they are doing and even less so when Karl (and Matt) arrive. The pair put on polite smiles for the cameras despite whispering insults at each other.
Lassiters grounds
Despite his initial reluctance, Bailey is capturing Chris thoughts on the election but their attention is taken by Paul dishing out a serve to Terese for Lassiters losing the conference contract, which he thinks was done deliberately as shes being poached by the rival company (Quill) who won the contract. Terese reminds him that she turned the job offer down and that her loyalty lies with Lassiters. He then turns his anger on the moronic voters before turning back to her again and warning Terese that she should really think about her position at Lassiters and that she needs to lift her game because he doesn't tolerate intolerance!
Bailey has of course captured the whole conversation on his camcorder and both he and Chris are shocked at what they've witnessed as we head into the first commercial break.
Harold's Store
Kyle announces that Kate is buying lunch as he got rid of his voter cards first; however he has to pull out as hes been summoned elsewhere.
Sheila is delighted by the Paul rant Bailey captured on the camcorder and plans on letting the world know what Paul is really like by posting the clip online. Bailey thinks its unethical as Paul didn't know they were filming and refuses to help her upload it, informing her that shes got to do that herself.
Kyle promptly arrives after Georgia summoned him but hes quickly downbeat when he realises why shes called the meeting she needs his signature to close their wedding savings account. Reluctantly, he signs the paperwork even though he makes it clear to her that he doesn't want his share of the money theyd saved up.
Lassiters grounds
Bailey apologises again to Kate but she tells him to stop worrying, everything is okay. Thank you, Bailey replies before walking away and when he does, she spots Kyle and Georgia talking in the rotunda.
Karl enters the bar and isn't too impressed at what Sheila did even if she said that the voters were now voting for him.
SHEILA: Someone had to; politics is a dirty business Karl. I only did it because I knew you wouldn't.
KARL: Its cheating!
SHEILA: Oh you're a good man Karl and you're going to make a great Mayor but I think we both need to accept that you're just not ruthless enough to do it on your own.
KARL: Ruthless is not an attribute I aspire to.
SHEILA: Obviously. You can thank me later!
He wants her to take it down but is told its too late and points out that his reputation is still intact.
SHEILA: This whole video is under the warm fuzzy blanket of free speech and Paul can't do a damn thing about it!
She then asks him if Mayors have inaugural balls and Karl just sighs and walks out of the bar.
Lassiters Complex
I don't know where I stand, Kate bemoans to Chris after telling him that Kyle told her hed to leave to do election stuff but found him talking to Georgia. Chris advice is for her to slow down, given Kyle was due to marry Georgia in a few weeks time, otherwise its all going to blow up in her face. Pretty sure that's already happened! she comments but adds that she knows how she feels and it hurts when she sees him with Georgia.
Mason tries to explain to Paul what happened with Mr Lancer of Harper Mining and about Terese being very professional in her handing of it, almost managing to save it. She shouldn't have had to! is Pauls reply before going off on one announcing that hes surrounded (at work and the election) with incompetence.
PAUL: God knows where Id be if I had decent people around me!
Harold's Store
Georgia turns down Susans invite to join her hearing the election results because shes decided to go away for a few days to clear her head. Look after yourself, Susan says to her.
Meanwhile, Terese is trying to persuade Mr Lancer to come to Lassiters for his conference but to no avail. Mason comes over to tell her about the chat with Paul and that he still thinks its his fault Harper Mining aren't using Lassiters. She tries to explain it wasn't his fault, and is surprised at Mr Lancer not knowing about the explosion and isn't planning on putting up with Pauls treatment of her any longer.
Kate (and Chris) enter the bar and she makes a beeline to Paul to inform him that the result is due any minute. Are you ready for this? she asks and isn't too pleased at his downbeat reply. Susan enters the bar to announce that there is a new mayor and Karl thinks its him but didn't want to win thanks to Pauls video. She reassures Karl that hes ran a good clean race and what counts is what he does as Mayor.
Kyle grabs everyone's attention by announcing that the results are up online.
KYLE: The new Mayor of Erinsborough is
SHEILA: (interrupting) Moneybags!
Paul is delighted to have one and immediately hugs Kate before shouting out that the drinks are on him, while Karl and his supporters look downbeat at the news.
Matt wants Karls permission to seek a re-count but he doesn't want that to happen, hes conceded that he lost the election. Sheila interjects to point out that he wouldn't have lost if hed taken Marty up on his offer!
Paul comes over to hand over a glass of bubbles and to thank Karl for running against him. Susan expresses her surprised that he won given the video going viral and Sheila comments that most obviously voted before they saw it.
Karl tries to look at the positives from his campaign and that hes happy with how he conducted himself before adding that politics aren't really for him, its such a dirty game.
KARL: I'm proud of the fact I didn't compromise myself.
SUSAN: Yes, so am I.
Paul returns with bubbles for Kate and a kiss to thank her and announces that hes planning on getting Elle, Andrew, Harry and Sophie back for his 50th next week. Kate isn't exactly jumping for joy at his plans and Paul knows why Kyle.
Someone is quick off the mark to congratulate Paul Marty!
Congratulations Mr Mayor. Ill be in touch.
Terese enters the bar and seeks Paul out to tell him something, she couldn't leave it any longer.
TERESE: Now I don't like to make decisions when I'm angry, so I've thought of this all day. The situation at Lassiters has been unbearable, so I quit!
PAUL: Oh, that's a shame. Still, its probably for the best.
TERESE: Yes, I'm sure it is.
PAUL: Well well sit down tomorrow and work out an exit plan.
TERESE: Oh, no need, my exit is effective as of now.
PAUL: What?! No, I've just been elected Mayor! I haven't got time to run Lassiters and find your replacement.
TERESE: Well that's not my problem, that's the problem for the Mayor or the CEO, you decide which!
Congratulations on your win, she adds before thrusting him her Lassiters folder and exiting the bar!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Paul/Terese threatening each other with legal action.
- Terese/Brad discussing what happens if Paul calls her bluff.
- Brad telling Lauren that Paul is booting them out (of #22)
- Imogen spotting an intruder at #24.
- Kate looking for answers from Kyle.