No 22
Imogen is busy organising the school dance when Brad brings her breakfast. He asks if she's got a committee to help, but she says she can handle it. He comments that she's stressed, which she explains by saying he's interrupting. He asks if she's told her friends about her condition yet. She insists she's not ready and tells him to let it go. He leaves, noticing that she's put her breakfast aside to carry on working.
No 30
Sonya comments about how much there is to organise for the wedding. Georgia says she's happy to handle everything, although Kyle is doing the cars. Sonya asks about the engagement party. Gem says they've had one, but Sonya wants to know about an "official" one so that people have notice. Georgia says they're not having one, because they're saving up for the wedding on Valentine's Day. It's only two months away, so Georgia has a huge list... Gem walks off and Toadie follows her, commenting that she's moving a lot better. She tells him that her hip is still twingeing a bit. She leaves before he can ask any more.
Gem tells Bailey that they (Kyle and Georgia) are making a mistake rushing into getting married. He says they could get married on Valentine's Day 2015.
GEM: We are so on the same wavelength.
She asks if he's OK with giving up the trip to China. He says it means he gets more time to spend with her. She invites him for lunch at the lake, then seeing Susan, she changes the subject to his assignment. She tells Susan that Bailey had a question and Susan comments that he's very studious, and they go to vote.
No 22
Amber arrives. She tells Imogen they're late, but Imogen says she's got to finish the ticket designs. Amber asks about Josh. Imogen suggest she ask him herself.
AMBER: We're on a break
IMOGEN: Again?
AMBER: Hey, can I make a sensitivity request from my best friend?
IMOGEN: OK, what sort of break?
AMBER: I'm not changing my Facebook status just yet, but I have definitely pressed pause on our relationship and I am not pressing play.
IMOGEN: Until?
AMBER: Until he starts taking me seriously.
IMOGEN: Well, good luck with that.
Amber offers to help Imogen, but she says she's OK. Amber points out they'll be late, so Imogen tells her to go: she'll be right behind her.
School - the classroom
Gem is teaching a class about DNA. She asks Amber a question, which she gets wrong. Imogen arrives and Gem comments that she's late. Imogen tries to explain that she was doing the tickets, but Gem's not interested and after a couple of exchanges, she gives a detention.
IMOGEN: I bet if I was a boy I wouldn't be getting a detention.
GEM: I beg your pardon?
IMOGEN: Ben Copple was 20 minutes late and he didn't get into trouble.
GEM: Ben Copple had a decent excuse.
IMOGEN: Yeah. The Y chromosome.
Imogen says it was clear he slept in, and Gem gives her two detentions.
School - Susan's office
Imogen says she wants to complain about Gem, telling Susan that she had accused Gem of favouring the boys. She explains that Gem is tougher against the girls who break the rules, as well as giving the boys better grades. Susan asks if it's just a personality clash. Imogen suggests that Susan investigate it, which she agrees to do.
No 26
Sheila is upset that Kyle is not having an engagement party, but Kyle points out that they want to save their money. Sheila offers to pay, but Kyle insists that there will be a "rocking party" on Valentine's Day. Chris says it's not a big deal, but Sheila says it will be a great opportunity to get all the family around, and decides to organise a surprise party. Kate tells her not to - they should respect Kyle and Georgia's wishes, but Sheila won't listen.
SHEILA: I'm going to make a list. I'm a genius.
School - Susan's office
Susan has called Gem in to discuss Imogen's detention. Gem says that Imogen's claim she favours the boys is ridiculous. Susan says she's asked around, and there is that perception. Also the girls' grades have dropped. Gem says perhaps they're not performing. Susan suggests maybe Gem is setting higher standards. Gem replies if she has it's not intentional. She points out that Imogen is stressed from extracurricular work.
SUSAN: So maybe you should have cut her some slack.
Gem looks worried and wonders what will happen next. Susan tells her that the meeting will be recorded on file, though it's not an official warning. Gem leaves and Susan looks concerned.
By the lockers, Susan tells Imogen that Gem wasn't aware she was discriminating against the girls, and the difference in the marks was accidental. Imogen scoffs, and Susan asks if she has definite proof. Imogen admits she hasn't. Susan promises to keep an eye on the situation. Imogen is concerned she's made things worse.
SUSAN: No. Miss Reeves is a professional. She'll handle things in a professional manner.
Georgia is dishing out tasks to Kate, Sonya and Toadie, and she puts Sonya in charge. Toadie salutes to Sonya, and he gets Nell to salute too (so cute!) Georgia asks Kate to be her maid- of- honour. Kate is surprised, as she thought it would be Gem. Toadie and Sonya go to get coffee, and comment that Gem will expect it as well. Toadie says if she faked a hip injury at the engagement party, what will she do at the wedding? Sonya's sure she'll get into it.
School - the classroom
Gem is on the phone to her mum, when Chris arrives with some paperwork for the VET class. He asks Gem for some phone numbers for the party, which he explains that Sheila is organising for Kyle and Georgia. Gem is put out and reminds him they didn't want one. He says they'll probably love it when they get there. Gem offers to call them for him. He thanks her and leaves. Gem's mum rings, but she cancels the call.
School - the classroom
Gem is on the phone to her mum, when Chris arrives with some paperwork for the VET class. He asks Gem for some phone numbers for the party, which he explains that Sheila is organising for Kyle and Georgia. Gem is put out and reminds him they didn't want one. He says they'll probably love it when they get there. Gem offers to call them for him. He thanks her and leaves. Gem's mum rings, but she cancels the call.
Meanwhile by the lockers, Imogen starts talking to Bailey about what happened earlier. He tells her that "Gem is a fantastic teacher..." She points out it's Miss Reeves, and asks why he's fighting her battles. She deduces he's got a crush, and tells him to stay away as he'll get hurt.
Sheila is talking to Jackie (Kyle's aunt) on the phone, but she's made an excuse to miss the party. She asks Susan if she's a bad person. Susan says no, and asks if she wants to talk. Sheila explains that Kyle's mother Sharon, and the rest of the family are all making lame excuses as to why they can't come to the party. It seems that they don't want to see her. She'd always been there for her children...
SHEILA: But you just make one slip with one child, and suddenly your whole life's work means nothing.
Susan tells her she's a wonderful person, and everybody loves having her around. Sheila wistfully wishes she could hear it from her kids.
No 30
Toadie tells Sonya that Coral (Gem's mum) is worried about Gem, thinking that she's not coping with the engagement. He asks if he should say something. Sonya says they shouldn't get carried away.
Imogen and Amber are having coffee at Harold's. Imogen reckons she will get an F on her next assignment. She tells Amber how Bailey told her to back off. Amber is reluctant to accept he's got a crush, saying Gem's his tutor, so he's being defensive. Imogen says she wanted him to be careful.
No 24
Kate and Georgia are making scrapbooks and mood- boards. Kyle arrives home, and Georgia remembers she has to go to the florists. She asks Kyle to put some pictures in a scrapbook. Kate tells him it's fun.
KYLE: It doesn't look like fun: it looks like carnage.
He starts sticking them in, and Kate looks at him wistfully. They both grab the glue at the same time, which Kate finds a bit embarrassing.
By the lake
Bailey is sitting on a bench, looking like he's been stood up. Then Gem arrives, and he says he didn't think she'd come. They swap lunches and start eating. She tells him they have to keep their friendship a secret, because people like Susan would get the wrong idea. He says it's none of their business. She sighs and says it's been a tough day.
BAILEY: Don't listen to what Imogen said. You're a fantastic teacher and an amazing person.
She takes his hand and tells him his friendship means a lot to her. Imogen is passing and sees them.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Imogen reports Gem for inappropriate behaviour
- Gem checks Imogen's record, and sees she has an eating disorder. She threatens to reveal her secret.
- Lauren tells Sonya she can't stop dreaming about dancing with Brad. Terese suggests that the four of them go out dancing.
- Imogen tells Sonya that someone is going to reveal something about her and she doesn't know what to do.