- Kate says Georgia is too close to Gem and can't see what she's up to.
- Kyle and Georgia decide to move in together, with Gem, at No.24
- Gem tells the estate agent on the phone that Kyle and Georgia didn't get the house.
- Toadie tells Eric that he's a con man
- Eric says he's suing him for negligence
Georgia confused as to why the sign is still up on No.24. Georgia tells Kyle that she doesn't want to look at any other house and rushes off.
Kate is confused that Kyle and Georgia didn't get the house, and when she hears that Gem put the application in, Kate is suspicious. Kyle tells her she's being paranoid.
Kyle wonders if Georgia is having second thoughts about them living together. Kate thinks Gem is getting in Georgia's ear.
Toadie and Sonya are having breakfast in near silence. Toadie says he's going to counter- sue Eric for fraud and defamation.
SONYA: What, were you possessed by the soul of Paul Robinson overnight or something?!
Toadie tells her that he's going to fight fire with fire, but Sonya thinks he should try diplomacy. She thinks that's something wrong - his wife Mandy is lovely and somehow the situation has got out of hand. Toadie doesn't want to meet up and discuss things - he'll do things his own way.
Sonya has met up with Mandy, who had no idea that Eric was trying to blackmail Toadie. Apparently Mandy had a fight with Eric recently and moved out into the hotel. Now Eric is trying to sort things out in his own way by suing Toadie. Mandy wants to reconcile with Eric, but he is in a cycle of one bad decision after another that she can't cope with.
Kate interrupts Gem's class to talk to the students. The students are all watching a video while Gem files her nails(!)
Kate asks the class if anyone wants to put their name down for School Captain. Imogen says she does. Amber wants to too, but she is too shy to speak up. Gem notices this.
Toadie is surprised that Sonya has talked to Mandy. Sonya is trying to get Toadie to meet up and talk to Mandy and Eric. Sonya talks him round saying it's quicker and cheaper to talk over lunch than to talk in a court! And anyway, she'll make lasagne(!) He eventually agrees with extreme reluctance.
School corridor
Gem tells Amber that she should run for School Captain too, but Amber doesn't think she's good enough.
GEM: Do you know why the Imogens of this world get the best jobs? It's not because they're smarter or more focused, it's because they go for them. They back themselves.
AMBER: Yeah, because they know they can do it.
GEM: And who's to say you can't? Look, I get it, no- one took me seriously at High School either. And then I changed. And no- one gives you what you want. You go out there, and you take it. Think about it.
Kyle is on the phone to the agent talking to him in some confusion. Georgia comes in and Kyle asks her why the application for No.24 was cancelled. This is news to Georgia - Gem told her that Ajay went with another applicant. Gem must have pretended to be Georgia on the phone.
Gem confesses that she did cancel the application - she didn't want to be a third wheel with Georgia and Kyle. She tells Georgia that she freaked out - she does like Kyle, but living with a couple would be difficult for her. She felt that she couldn't talk to Georgia directly and she is still hurting about her own broken engagement.
GEORGIA: You'll meet someone else, Gem.
GEM: Yeah, I believed that when I was nineteen, but it gets a bit harder each year.
Mandy and Eric arrive separately for lunch. Everyone is quite hostile and Sonya does her best to get them all to at least have lunch.
SONYA: Why don't we call a short truce, and eat, and when we're done we can go back to suing each other and divorcing each other, I promise, it'll be great(!)
On their silence, she heads off to the kitchen.
Imogen is planning her school captain campaign on social media. Amber tries to change the subject, but the topic goes on to swimming training. Amber doesn't think you need to plan for everything, but Brad, Imogen and Josh disagree!
A rather frosty dinner is proceeding. Toadie says that Sonya is always trying to fix problems for people and it just sets off other problems. A row between Sonya and Toadie proceeds, but it does somewhat break the ice with Mandy and Eric, so it's not all bad(!)
Georgia is talking to Kyle about Gem. But they both want to live with each other, even if Gem doesn't. They kiss, under the glare of Bossy(!) Kyle wants Georgia to stay the night, but she says she's still not talking to Kate. She agrees to try to make up with her though.
Josh tells Amber that Imogen was always involved in extra- curricular school stuff at her old school. Imogen is very competitive apparently, and Josh doesn't think anyone can beat her.
Georgia is talking to Kate about Gem and her broken engagement. Kate says that it was years ago and Gem needs to move on at some point. Georgia tells Kate that Gem is a good person, and she was really good to Georgia growing up. Kate reluctantly agrees to call a truce so that she and Georgia can be friends again.
Toadie and Sonya are making dessert in silence. Mandy and Eric have been talking in one of the bedrooms and have apparently managed to make up. Apparently Sonya and Toadie's fight made them re- evaluate things, and Mandy is going to move back in with him. Also, Eric is going to drop the case against Toadie. Toadie says he won't sue either, then.
TOADIE: So, all we have to do to have a successful mediation is to invite some people over for lunch, have a massive barney in front of them, and they're as right as rain. Who knew?!
Toadie says that he and Sonya shouldn't fight like that and they'll fix it tonight.
SONYA: What did you have in mind?
TOADIE: How about I take the most gorgeous, smokin'- hot woman out on a date and use all the Rebecchi charm that I can muster? What does she say?!
SONYA: She says that if you keep talking like that, you'll never know what might happen!
They kiss.
Imogen is still banging on about her school captain election campaign to Amber. Amber tells her that she wants to run too, but Imogen thinks she's joking.
AMBER: Why does everyone think this is such a joke?! I'm sick of people treating me like I'm dumb! Especially my so- called best friend.
IMOGEN:(surprised) I'm sorry, I didn't even know that you wanted to run.
AMBER: Yeah, well, you're about to find out! I'm running for School Captain, and I'm going to win!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Imogen asking Terese if Amber will hate her if she wins.
- Imogen tells Amber that she's not scared of her.
- Bailey tells Gem that Amber's been going through a tough time.
- Gem apparently trying to fix the School Captain vote.
- Matt thinks Lauren has feelings for Brad and is hiding something.