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Neighbours Episode 6732 from 2013 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6731 - 6733>>
Episode title: 6732
Australian airdate: 17/09/13
UK airdate: 15/10/13
Writer: Phil Lloyd
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Hudson Walsh: Remy Hii
Det. Sgt Ellen Crabb: Louise Crawford
Josie Lamb: Madison Daniel
Robbo Slade: Aaron Jakubenko
Constable Ian McKay: Steve Perkins
Marty Kranic: Darius Perkins
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Toadie is delighted that he can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. He and Sonya say they love each other and kiss.
- The police line up a set of photos of the suspects in the hit and run. Marty selects Toadie as the culprit.
- Callum tells Bailey that Josie kissed him.
- Imogen warns Mason that the police have Robbo's phone.
- Lucas asks Vanessa if she'll fake marry him again. She delightedly laughs and hugs him.
Callum plays darts, while Toadie and Sonya have organised a surprise party and wonder when Lucas and Vanessa will get here. Sonya assures Toadie they'll be here. She tells Toadie she's pleased to see him smile, but Toadie just hopes it'll rub off on Callum. Lucas and Vanessa arrive, and Toadie and Sonya and a room full of random (and mostly disinterested) extras shout surprise! Lucas and Vanessa are amazed and Sonya explains they're throwing them a late engagement/pre- wedding/getting hitched tomorrow party. Toadie tells Lucas that Terese saw Marty Kranic at Lassiters and told the police, so it's only a matter of time before they catch up with him.
Bailey tells Josie he's on his way to dinner with Callum's parents and wonders if she's coming. Josie doesn't want to get humiliated again. Bailey says he's sorry as it's his fault, he shouldn't have led her to believe that Callum liked her in that way, he likes Josie but only as a friend. He tells her not to blame Callum, he doesn't deserve to lose a friend because of him and neither does she. Bailey wonders if they can sort it out and be friends again.
Callum sits on his own, checking his phone, looking bored. Meanwhile Sonya asks if Vanessa is excited about the honeymoon and moving into her new apartment afterwards. Vanessa says she'll be more excited once their boys are in the clear. Lucas asks if Toadie thinks they'll be in the clear once Marty is found, but Toadie doesn't want to get his hopes up.
Bailey and Josie join Callum, who's thrilled to see her. Bailey leaves them to say hi to the happy couple. Josie realises that Callum isn't into her, and she shouldn't have tried to kiss him, she wouldn't have if she knew he only wanted to be friends. Callum hates the thought of them not being friends as he thinks she's awesome. They agree to be mates.
The bar seems empty now, with only Toadie, Sonya, Lucas, Vanessa and Callum sitting at a table eating, this is the worst attended engagement party ever! None of the disinterested random extras are even pretending to be involved in this event and even Bailey has disappeared. Vanessa assure everyone that the rain will stop in time for their wedding tomorrow at the lake, but Lucas thinks they should come up with a plan B. Detective Ellen Crabb arrives and asks Toadie to come to the station to answer some questions. As Toadie gets up to leave with Ellen, Josie returns from the bathroom, and Ellen asks her what she's doing here. Josie apologises and reveals Ellen is her mum. Ellen tells her to go home and they'll talk later while Callum looks shocked.
After Ellen and Toadie leave, Josie apologises to Callum, she should have told him, that's why she backed off last week. Callum thinks she's been finding out information about Toadie and telling her mum but Josie denies this, then gets upset and leaves.
Erinsborough Police Station
Ellen tells Toadie that a witness has identified him as the driver of the hit and run vehicle. She knows he can't remember that night and says it is convenient that he waited until the supposed drug was out of his system so no trace could be found. Toadie suggests that the witness could be lying about seeing him at the car. He won't be forced into confessing something he doesn't remember doing, and says he won't change his statement.
Lucas and Vanessa tell Sonya and Callum that the police are probably just checking facts. Sonya says they're right and insists they head off as they've got a very big day tomorrow. Vanessa suggests they postpone the wedding but Sonya won't hear of it.
Erinsborough Police Station
Ellen tells Toadie that he's being formally charged with culpable driving causing death and reads him his rights while Toadie starts crying.
Number 30
Toadie, Callum and Sonya return home. Callum is pleased that Toadie got bail, and hugs Toadie before going to bed. Toadie tells Sonya this doesn't feel real, he doesn't even know if he's guilty or not. Sonya says he isn't, the witness is lying. Toadie says if he pleads guilty he could get a lower sentence, but Sonya tells him not to. Just because he doesn't remember, doesn't mean he did this. Toadie asks how to prove reasonable doubt, as that is all that'll matter to a jury. Sonya says they'll find a way.
Number 32 (Next Day)
It is heavily raining outside. In the kitchen, Lauren, Matt and Bailey discuss what's going on with Toadie. Bailey thinks they'll have to find Toadie innocent. Mason and Amber join them, and Matt looks uncomfortable seeing them. He heads to work as he's arranged some overtime. Lauren lectures him on avoiding his daughter. Matt tells everyone that he understands Robbo put them in a difficult position, but he can't understand why they didn't come to him. As he leaves the kids sit in silence.
Number 30
Lucas and Vanessa tell Toadie they don't believe he's guilty for a second. Toadie and Sonya tell them they should be getting ready, it's their big day. Vanessa tells them that they've spoken to Sheila about moving the ceremony inside to Charlie's, but she doesn't feel right about going ahead with this. Toadie says nothing would make him happier than to see them do this. Lucas says they will if Toadie can still be his best man, and he agrees. Lucas and Vanesa leave with baby Patrick to set up the bar.
Callum walks through and apologises. If he hadn't blabbed to Josie then he wouldn't have been arrested. Toadie says he was identified by an eye witness, it isn't because of him or Josie.
Callum apologises to Josie for saying what he said. Josie forgives him, and Callum asks to be friends. Josie doesn't know if she can get over him, it's too hard. She tells him to have fun at the wedding.
A crowd are gathered for Lucas and Vanessa's wedding, including the Rebecchi's, Bailey, Chris, Hudson, Imogen, Josh, Masona and Amber - essentially only the Hit and Run suspects. Lucas laughs about this being the second time they've done this.
LUCAS: My beautiful Vanessa. I thought I knew what commitment was, what love was, but when I met you I realised I had no idea. You believe in me, even when I don't believe in myself, so today I swear to you that I will always be by your side, that we'll always be together, that nothing will come between us and that no matter what life throws at us, no time or space will ever tear us apart.
VANESSA: When I was younger I wished for certain things, I dreamt that I would fall in love, get married, have children of my own, but as it turns out it didn't quite happen that way. You are my best friend and I'd be so proud to call you my husband. You are my rock, I commit my life to you because I love you and I always will!
Lucas and Vanessa kiss while the crowd applause. Lucas tells everyone to drink and eat, while Toadie and Sonya smile happily at each other.
Toadie and Sonya congratulate Lucas and Vanessa, who thank Toadie for being there for him. Sonya starts crying and Vanessa hugs her. Callum congratulates them. Lucas leads Vanessa away, and Sonya tells Callum that she's sorry things didn't go better with Josie. They all hug.
Erinsborough Police Station
Matt walks in, followed by the steadicam so you know he means business. Matt tells Ellen he knows the case inside out and he can help. Matt doesn't think Toadie is guilty.
MATT: I read Marty's statement. It reads as straight as my intestines.
ELLEN: And who are you offering up instead, your daughter? Your son?
Matt suggests they review all suspects before a man goes to prison for something he didn't do. Ellen goes through the details while the steadicam zooms in on photos of the suspects on a big white board. Robbo was picked up by an ambulance at 1.38am, the 000 number was called in at 1.34 by an anonymous female using the victim's phone. Possible motives: Robbo was running illegal card games, targeting people from the local gamblers anonymous meetings (extreme close up on Lucas's photo.)
Lucas tells Callum that Toadie won't go to jail. He knows Toadie didn't do it, and the police won't let him go down for something he didn't do.
Erinsborough Police Station
Ellen says that Robbo filmed an encounter with his former girlfriend Amber without her knowledge, which also upset a number of people close to her (zoom in on Amber.)
Josh asks if Amber is okay, she's just thinking about Toadie. Chris arrives and takes a photo of them.
Erinsborough Police Station
(Zoom out from a photo of Chris) Ellen says Chris is a close friend of Amber's and paid Robbo off to destroy the video. Chris got the money from Hudson (close up on Hudson's photo.)
Chris prepares to take a photo of Hudson, when Josh arrives and tells him that Brad hasn't given up on him. Hudson thinks it doesn't seem important given everything that's going on. (Zoom in on Josh)
Erinsborough Police Station
(Zoom out from a photo of Josh.) Ellen says there's the email that Lauren sent Robbo, but Matt says that Lauren was with him. Ellen also says that Mason claims he was with his girlfriend even though the car that struck Robbo belongs to him... and Imogen Willis. Ellen recaps about Sonya who was going to testify against Robbo and he was harassing her.
Sonya tells Callum and Toadie to stay positive.
Erinsborough Police Station
Ellen says that Toadie doesn't remember the night but remembers waking up on Fairfax Road in the car that hit Robbo. The car was found in the Hospital Car Park, so who moved the car? The owners or was it stolen twice in one night? (Zoom in on Mason)
Bailey tells Mason and Imogen that Toadie's drink was spiked, maybe he fell asleep at the wheel, maybe he'll get a lighter sentence. Bailey leaves to check on Callum. Imogen asks Mason if the police will find out about her? Mason says it'll be fine, he was really careful about what he told the cops. They can't trap them, they have to stay calm.
Erinsborough Police Station
Ellen says Imogen reported the car stolen shortly before the day it was found, the damage to the headlight had been repaired, but by who? Someone with mechanical experience? Ellen also mentions the bruising on Robbo's cheek which isn't consistent with the car injuries. Sometime between the Father's Day event and the hit and run, he had an altercation with someone, but with who? (Close up on Josh)
Josh says to Amber he needs to tell the police about his fight with Robbo. They need to know, as soon as the wedding is over he'll tell them everything.
Erinsborough Police Station
The camera pans across all the suspects on the wall. There's only one they have evidence against, but Matt doesn't think Marty Kranic is a reliable witness. Constable McKay comes in, he says there's someone at the counter who has information on the case and passes on the fingerprint analysis from Robbo's mobile phone. She opens it, and reveals Imogen Willis made the anonymous phone call to the ambulance.
Lucas and Vanessa are having their first dance, when Ellen and the police walk in. They stop dancing, as Ellen tells Toadie that all the charges against him have been dropped. Matt says they're here to arrest the person who ran down Robbo Slade.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Matt asks Detective Oakley what is happening. The suspect is telling them everything they need to know.
- We have close up flashbacks of all the suspects from the night Robbo died - Imogen, Toadie, Josh, Marty, Mason, Hudson, Chris, Lucas, Amber, and then a final shot of a car wheel spinning.
<<6731 - 6733>>
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Josie Lamb, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6732
Josie Lamb, Bailey Turner

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb in Neighbours Episode 6732
Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Ellen Crabb in Neighbours Episode 6732
Ellen Crabb

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Toadie Rebecchi

Josie Lamb in Neighbours Episode 6732
Josie Lamb

Toadie Rebecchi, Ellen Crabb in Neighbours Episode 6732
Toadie Rebecchi, Ellen Crabb

Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb in Neighbours Episode 6732
Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb

Ellen Crabb, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Ellen Crabb, Toadie Rebecchi

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Matt Turner, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6732
Matt Turner, Lauren Turner

Matt Turner, Mason Turner, Amber Turner, Lauren Turner, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6732
Matt Turner, Mason Turner, Amber Turner, Lauren Turner, Bailey Turner

Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi

Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb in Neighbours Episode 6732
Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante

Chris Pappas, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6732
Chris Pappas, Amber Turner

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante

Hudson Walsh, Imogen Willis, Amber Turner, Josh Willis, Bailey Turner, Mason Turner in Neighbours Episode 6732
Hudson Walsh, Imogen Willis, Amber Turner, Josh Willis, Bailey Turner, Mason Turner

Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Sonya Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6732
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald

Matt Turner, Ellen Crabb in Neighbours Episode 6732
Matt Turner, Ellen Crabb

Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald

Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6732
Amber Turner

Amber Turner, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6732
Amber Turner, Josh Willis

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Chris Pappas

Hudson Walsh in Neighbours Episode 6732
Hudson Walsh

Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6732
Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Mason Turner, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6732
Mason Turner, Imogen Willis

Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6732
Josh Willis

Const. Ian McKay in Neighbours Episode 6732
Const. Ian McKay

Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6732
Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald

Ellen Crabb, Matt Turner, Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Mason Turner in Neighbours Episode 6732
Ellen Crabb, Matt Turner, Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Mason Turner

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6732
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante

Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6732
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Hudson Walsh, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6732
Hudson Walsh, Chris Pappas

Mason Turner, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6732
Mason Turner, Imogen Willis

Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6732
Imogen Willis

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