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Neighbours Episode 6709 from 2013 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6708 - 6710>>
Episode title: 6709
Australian airdate: 18/07/13
UK airdate: 15/08/13
Writer: Brooke Wilson
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: None
- "Letting You Know" by P Norman
Summary/Images by: Sarah/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Kate is unlikely to be able to have children, while Vanessa is pregnant
- Susan thinks Imogen has an eating disorder
- A video of Georgia and Karl singing is online. People like Georgia, but not Karl.
- Paul offers Georgia a regular solo contract.
No 30
Georgia tells Kyle about Paul's offer. He is thrilled for her, and says he's sure Karl will be too. She says she's not sure she's going to take it because it wouldn't be fair to dump him.
KYLE: Unfair would be you throwing away your opportunities because of Karl.
He goes off to deliver some flyers, leaving Georgia looking pensive.
Susan and a jet- lagged Karl are having coffee. She asks him about Izzy. He says he asked her a lot of tough questions. She's made mistakes, but she loves Holly and wants to be a better mum. Susan tells him she's pleased he's home. Karl says the same, but adds he's got to rehearse. Susan says drily that he mustn't miss too many gigs, or he'll lose some of his fans. Karl reckons his fans are loyal. He then asks what he's missed.
SUSAN: I think one of my students has an eating disorder.
KARL: You think, or you know?
SUSAN: I think I know.
She says they're in denial, so Karl suggests talking to some who knows them well.
Lassiters complex
Susan asks Terese if everything is OK with Imogen. She tells her that Imogen had skipped school, and Terese says she'll talk to her. Susan says that she got a B minus in her last assignment. Terese agrees it's not her usual standard.
TERESE: But the last I checked a B- is still a good mark isn't it?
Susan says she's noticed a change in attitude. Terese says it sounds like Imogen's a normal teenager. Susan leaves and Terese scowls.
Vanessa comes in and Lauren asks about the morning sickness, which is as bad as ever. Vanessa says she's worried about the baby. Lauren assures her that all mothers are worried about their children.
Lassiters complex
Lauren and Vanessa invite Terese to an afternoon tea party at No 32. Terese asks what the occasion is, then works out that Vanessa is pregnant. Sheila overhears her asking who else is coming, and scores herself, Kate and Georgia an invitation. Then Vanessa tells Sheila she's pregnant, and Sheila "remembers" that Kate has a dental appointment. Vanessa tells her it's nothing fancy and just to bring herself.
SHEILA: I'll just book the male stripper!
Georgia comes into Charlie's, spots Karl at the bar, and turns round to go out again. Too late, because Karl has spotted her. He is enthusiastic about the next gig, and tells her how catchy her song is, and how he has worked out how to do it as a duet. She avoids answering by telling him she's busy. She goes over to ask Sheila's opinion, which is that she should have dumped Karl ages ago.
SHEILA: What I can't believe is that Lord Moneybags is suddenly booking without my approval. Nothing against you, of course. You're wonderful. But Paul Robinson is such a control freak and he's got the sensitivity of a piece of cheese.
Georgia asks Paul if she can still play with TRP if she signs with him. He says being seen with Karl weakens her brand.
GEORGIA: I have a brand?
Paul hopes it will be lucrative for them both, and hands her a contract. The deal is that she performs solo or not at all.
Lauren has made a garish pink cake with little blocks on the top, which Terese says is cute, and she says she's going to buy a present. On her way out, she meets Kate. She asks if Kate can cancel her appointment and come to the party. Kate says Sheila must have got her wires crossed, but she won't be very good company at the moment. Terese says they are trying to cheer Vanessa up, so they may as well fix her blues at the same time. Kate agrees to come.
Karl is sitting at a table, and Georgia is watching him from the bar. Paul is sitting at another table and Georgia walks over to him. He shows her the flyers he's had printed, and she says the answer is no.
PAUL: Please tell me it's not because of Karl.
She says she can't do it if it means hurting someone. Georgia leaves, and Paul stomps over to Karl and dumps the box of flyers and contract on his table. He thanks Karl for ruining his plans, then walks off. Karl asks Sheila what's up with Paul, and she asks if he's heard of the Internet. Karl, Susan and Sheila watch the footage of TRP at Charlie's. Karl begins to read the comments, and is upset by the references to his age.

KARL: Do you think I'm a "talentless prune"?
SUSAN: No. You're not the least bit pruney.
(Karl glares at her)
SUSAN: Or talentless.

Susan points out that Georgia is a star in the making, and she's got the world ahead of her. Karl looks thoughtful. Susan then tells him that she spoke to mother of her student and she made a mess of it.
No 22 - outside
Susan asks Terese to reconsider the situation. Terese is bit put out, and says that there's nothing to consider, and she doesn't want to listen to Susan criticising her parenting skills. Susan says she thinks Imogen has an eating disorder. Terese looks shocked and Susan says she caught her eating a whole box of cupcakes. Terese doesn't want to accept it, but Susan suggests she talk to Imogen. Terese tells her to go.
No 32
Lauren, Vanessa, Terese and Sheila are talking baby stuff and Terese has just given Vanessa a cute baby dress. Kate comes in, asking what she has missed. She sees the dress and the cake and asks Vanessa if she's pregnant. Vanessa says it came as a shock to her as well. Kate looks uncomfortable.
Eden University
Georgia and Kyle are putting up photos for the exhibition when Karl arrives, wanting to talk about Paul's offer. Georgia says she turned him down, and Karl tells her to reconsider, as the people on the internet are right.
KARL: You shouldn't hold yourself back playing with an old fogey like me.
KYLE: Oh, I think they called you a prune.
KARL: Thanks. I'd almost forgotten that.
Karl says he can always play with Ajay when he gets back, and Georgia asks if they can play at the exhibition, which Karl confirms will be their farewell gig. Georgia and Kyle are thrilled at how things have worked out.
Susan tells Karl that it didn't go well with Terese. She worries that she might be wrong. He points out that an angry parent is better than a teenager with an eating disorder. Susan says she'll keep an eye on Imogen. Paul comes in and thanks Karl for getting Georgia to change her mind. Karl asks if TRP can play with their original line- up. Paul promises to talk about it when Ajay returns.
No 32
Lauren, Vanessa and Terese are still talking about pregnancy issues. Sheila goes over to Kate and asks if she'd like to head off. She replies that she has to get used to it at some point. Sheila tries to change the subject, but each time they bring it back to babies. Vanessa and Sheila sit down, leaving Terese and Lauren in the kitchen area. Terese tells Lauren that the school think Imogen has problems that she hasn't noticed. Lauren says teenagers always hide things. Meanwhile, Vanessa is continuing to complain about her morning sickness, and Kate is increasingly fed up.
KATE: Seriously, all you've done since I walked through this door is whinge. You should just be grateful that you can even fall pregnant.
She gets up and bumps into Lauren who drops the cake. She apologises to Vanessa and runs out. Sheila follows her, and the other three ladies look gobsmacked. Georgia comes in, and Vanessa tells her that they were talking about their pregnancies and Kate lost it. Georgia doesn't look surprised, so Vanessa asks if there's something they don't know about.
No 26
Kate tells Sheila she was never obsessed with babies before so she can't understand why she can't let it go. Sheila says women always want what they can't have.
No 32
Georgia has told them about Kate, and they are sympathetic, realising how hard it must have been for her.
No 26
Sheila assures Kate that Vanessa will understand.
No 32
Vanessa comments that someone else's problems put yours into perspective. Then she begins having cramps, and she says something is wrong with the baby.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Lou thinks Sheila is interested in him because of what she wrote on his blog. Bailey looks sheepish
- Sheila tells Bailey he shouldn't let Lou think a woman is interested in him when she's not
- Josh tells Terese he doesn't have a problem with Hudson. It's his dad.
- Lucas tells Vanessa they'll find the money for their debt problem.
- Lucas at a card game
<<6708 - 6710>>
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6709
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6709
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6709
Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Vanessa Villante, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6709
Vanessa Villante, Lauren Turner

Sheila Canning, Vanessa Villante, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6709
Sheila Canning, Vanessa Villante, Lauren Turner

Georgia Brooks, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6709
Georgia Brooks, Karl Kennedy

Georgia Brooks, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6709
Georgia Brooks, Sheila Canning

Georgia Brooks, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6709
Georgia Brooks, Paul Robinson

Lauren Turner, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6709
Lauren Turner, Terese Willis

Terese Willis, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6709
Terese Willis, Kate Ramsay

Georgia Brooks, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6709
Georgia Brooks, Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6709
Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6709
Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6709
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Vanessa Villante, Kate Ramsay, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6709
Vanessa Villante, Kate Ramsay, Lauren Turner

Karl Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6709
Karl Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6709
Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Kate Ramsay, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Lauren Turner, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6709
Kate Ramsay, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Lauren Turner, Vanessa Villante

 in Neighbours Episode 6709

Vanessa Villante, Lauren Turner, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6709
Vanessa Villante, Lauren Turner, Georgia Brooks

Sheila Canning, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6709
Sheila Canning, Kate Ramsay

Georgia Brooks, Vanessa Villante, Lauren Turner, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6709
Georgia Brooks, Vanessa Villante, Lauren Turner, Terese Willis

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