Previously on Neighbours
- Sonya spots Robbo arguing after trying to commit a robbery, but doesn't see who he's talking to
- Mason bins the clothes he wore for the robbery
- Matt questions Mason about the attempted robbery but Mason gets defensive
- Sonya tells Mason she can't remember anything from her wedding day
- Steph hugs Lucas after finding out his cancer hasn't spread. He wants to tell Vanessa
- Paul blackmails Mason to stay away from Kate or he'll tell her he was in juvenile detention
- Mason tells Kate the truth
Number 32
Mason says to his parents that he's told Kate the truth about everything that happened in Mount Isa. Matt thinks it's a good thing that Mason is facing up to his past, but Lauren is worried about the news spreading and a lot of people will judge him. Mason says Kate won't tell anyone, he trusts her.
Erinsborough High
Lauren meets Kate. Lauren assures Kate that Mason is a good person and he just got mixed up with the wrong crowd. Lauren asks her to keep the information to herself.
Steph runs past the ideas she has for renovation with Paul, saying she wants it to be less of a convenience store and more of a cafe. Paul thinks Lyn should have done that years ago. As Paul leaves, Karl and Susan arrive and say hi to Steph. Susan says Carmel is a lot better but she's still in recovery. Susan enquires about Steph's accommodation, suggesting she stays with them, but Karl argues with Susan about it. Steph says she appreciates the offer but understands where Karl is coming from. She doesn't want to get in the way of them since they just got back together.
Lucas and Vanessa's flat
Vanessa has finished packing a bag for Lucas for the hospital. Lucas tells her she doesn't need to fuss as it's making him nervous. Vanessa thinks he's being very brave about this. Steph arrives and brings Lucas a self- help book. Steph says it has real practical advice and it helped her when she was sick. Lucas tells Vanessa that Steph had cancer twice. Vanessa watches on sadly while Lucas and Steph continue to chat.
Number 32
Bailey brings Kate in to see Mason. Kate tells Mason that his mum visited her. Mason wonders what Kate's verdict is. Kate says she has a reputation to consider and she should run a mile but she can't. She's pleased that he chose to tell her about his past. If his family support him, then she should too. She asks him if he has any other dark secrets he wants to get off his chest, at which Bailey listens inquisitively. Mason says that's enough for now. Kate asks Mason if he wanted to go on a real date this afternoon. Kate says that Paul is against the two of them being together.
Kate angrily scolds Paul for blackmailing Mason to stay away from her. Paul says he has every right to have a say in who his niece is dating, and he was looking out for her. Mason is not right for her.
KATE: His mistakes are a lot smaller and hurt a hell of a lot less people than most of yours.
Kate tells him not to tell anyone about Mason.
Lassiters Hotel Room
Paul tells Mason he's not impressed with his criminal past, and says he doesn't like Kate going around with him. He asks Mason to look him in the eye and swear that he hasn't done anything in the past that will come back and harm Kate. Mason swears he won't let anything harm Kate. Paul will hold Mason to that.
Sonya's Nursery
Mason wants flowers for his date with Kate. He asks Sonya if she ever told Toadie that she doesn't remember her wedding. Sonya says she's not lying to him, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. Mason wonders if it plays on her mind that she's keeping something from him. Sonya says the wedding is over, so it doesn't matter if she remembers or not, but this way Toadie can believe in something that makes him happy.
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl suggests Lucas join some support groups after the operation, it will be similar to his GA meetings. Karl takes Lucas in to get prepped.
Steph rushes over and asks Vanessa if Lucas has gone in. Steph hopes its okay that she's here, she wants to support Lucas. Vanessa thinks it's good that he has someone he can talk to about it. Steph says its normal for Lucas to be withdrawn at a time like this, but Vanessa says Lucas is acting like he's not worried at all. Steph says it must be the way that men cope. Vanessa feels helpless, like Lucas doesn't need her. Steph assures her that Lucas needs her.
Bailey questions Mason on his behaviour. If Mason was so relieved that everything was out in the open, he'd be able to look Bailey in the eye. Bailey thinks that Mason did the robbery at Lassiters, he must have done it for a reason like getting rid of Robbo. Mason tells Bailey he's wrong and leaves.
Matt arrives and chats to Toadie about setting up business with Ajay at Lassiters. Toadie asks Matt if they found the people who did a robbery at Lassiters after Sonya made her statement. Matt says Sonya couldn't remember anything, but Toadie assures Matt that Sonya remembers the wedding day now so she should be able to give a statement. Matt goes to speak to Sonya.
Erinsborough Hospital
Dr Dollard tells Lucas they're ready to take him into surgery. Vanessa kisses Lucas goodbye and Karl wheels Lucas away. Lucas says bye to Paddy, and Steph kisses Lucas on the cheek. Lucas thanks her for all her support while Vanessa looks on nervously.
Sonya's Nursery
Matt says they should celebrate that Sonya remembers her wedding day. He wonders why she hadn't made a statement about the robbery. Sonya says she doesn't remember all of it, she can remember the wedding but can't remember the robbery. Matt realises she doesn't remember anything about the day and she's been lying to Toadie. He tells Sonya that he just went through the same thing with Lauren, he lied to protect her and they all saw how it turned out. Matt says there's no such thing as a harmless lie.
Erinsborough Hospital
Susan visits Karl, and they look over to Steph and Vanessa who are sitting in the waiting area, Vanessa holding up Patrick. Karl says he was hasty regarding Steph.
KARL: She's trying to get back on her feet and we should support her if we can.
SUSAN: Gee I wish I thought of that.
KARL: Yeah I know, I know, you were right and I was wrong
SUSAN: How do you think you'll go living in the same house with her?
KARL: With you there as a buffer I think I can.
Vanessa takes Patrick to get some fresh air. Susan and Karl invite Steph to live with them. Steph is thrilled and says she would love to. Susan's phone rings and its Carmel. She has to go in for more surgery and won't be able to move for the next couple of weeks so Susan will have to go and support her. Steph says if Karl feels differently about her living with him then she understands, but Karl says it'll be good to have the company.
Number 30
Sonya is nervously biting her nails when Toadie returns. She hands him a beer and tells him to put his feet up.
TOADIE: Nice, this is what I call service. You have a nice day?
SONYA: Yeah, it was brilliant. I did the washing when I got home and I've got some ice cream on the way and I thought maybe we could have pizza for dinner.
TOADIE: Pizza for dinner?
SONYA: Yeah, it's your favourite isn't it?
TOADIE: Alright, what have you done?
He wonders if she's broken something. Sonya admits she can't remember her wedding, and she lied. Toadie wonders why she didn't just tell him, but he got so upset when she couldn't remember that she wanted to make things better. She asks if he can forgive her, he says of course he can. Toadie says its unacceptable that she doesn't remember her wedding day. Sonya says she doesn't want any more miracle cures. Toadie assures her there won't be but Sonya is suspicious as Toadie seems to be scheming or planning something. Toadie says he isn't planning anything.
Lassiters Lake
Mason and Kate go for a picnic by the lake. Kate says she prefers this, as the flirty 'accidentally got caught with my shirt off' act was getting old. Kate says she doesn't go for that routine, she prefers the real him. Kate says she's happy to put Mason's past in the past. Mason thinks that sounds great. He and Kate kiss.
Erinsborough Hospital
Dr Dollard tells Vanessa and Steph that the operation went smoothly. She starts talking to Steph about Lucas's post- op care. Steph corrects her and says that she isn't Lucas's partner, Vanessa is. Dr Dollard is surprised, she just assumed since Steph was with Lucas at the pre- op appointment. Vanessa is shocked to hear that Steph was there. Vanessa learns that Steph and Lucas knew about the cancer for days and didn't tell her. A shocked Vanessa looks through the hospital ward window at a sleeping Lucas, while Steph gives a slight smile behind her.