Previously on Neighbours
- Lucas and Vanessa struggle to come to terms with Patrick's condition
- Tash asks Sonya to leave Charlie's as a customer has complained about her breastfeeding Nell
- Spurred on by fellow mum Polly, Sonya demands an apology, or she'll talk to the West Waratah Star
Lassiter's Complex
Paul tells Andrew that the situation with Sonya could ruin Charlie's reputation, but Andrew wants to give Tash the space to realise she was wrong. Andrew says she'll come around, but Paul isn't convinced; the negative publicity could close them down, he says. He suggests Andrew ought to fire Tash. Andrew refuses, saying he's the manager, but Paul says he isn't prepared to risk their business over Tash's behaviour.
Ramsay Street
Lucas is just heading to the garage in his van, when he gets chatting to Toadie. Toadie asks after Patrick, who's stable - and they talk about the fund that's been set up anonymously for Patrick. Toadie says he wishes there was something he could do to help, but Lucas says it's all under control.
Simmons and Colbert
Toadie turns up at the office, with baby Nell in tow. He's not there to work though, but to talk to Charlotte about the firm making a donation to Patrick's fund. Charlotte's reluctant at first, since the firm donates to a lot of charities, but Toadie asks her to speak to the partners on his behalf, revealing that Patrick is his best mate's son.
Erinsborough Hospital
Toadie presents Vanessa with a cheque for $5,000 from Simmons and Colbert - and an even more generous one from him, at $6,000. He hopes this will save her from having to go back to work, so she can be with Patrick, and she gives him a big hug. Toadie mentions he saw Lucas earlier; Vanessa says he's been spending a lot of time at the garage and never stays at the hospital for long. She plays it down, saying it's not as if they can both be off work. But Toadie is concerned.
Sonya and Polly continue their sit- in, waiting for the journalist from the West Waratah Star to show up for the interview. Toadie turns up with Nell, and Sonya explains the situation. Toadie mentions Vanessa and the donations, and says Vanessa could do with her support right now. Sonya's sympathetic, but unwilling to leave her protest - so Toadie says he'll take her place with Nell until she gets back. Sonya agrees.
Outside, Andrew has a word with Tash, asking her again to apologise to Sonya. Andrew's worried about the press getting involved, but Tash isn't concerned - indeed she welcomes the idea of telling her side of the story. Andrew doesn't like this idea, but Tash stands her ground and says Sonya's overreacting.
Indoors, Paul has arrived, and Toadie asks if he's aware of the law that women are allowed to breastfeed in public. Angrily, Paul asks Andrew if he's sacked Tash yet; Andrew hasn't.
PAUL: She really has got you by the short and curlies, hasn't she?
ANDREW: I know you don't like Tash. But if you can't respect her, you will respect me.
PAUL: You want respect, you earn it. I thought you were a businessman?
PAUL: Right. Well that means making hard decisions that are right for Charlie's.
Paul again demands that Andrew 'fix it', or else he will. Tash watches curiously from the other side of the bar.
Erinsborough Hospital
Sonya arrives with coffee for Vanessa. She asks Vanessa how she is, but Vanessa quickly turns the question back on her - sending Sonya into a long spiel about being kicked out of Charlie's for breastfeeding. Sonya starts ranting about her right to breastfeed, then stops mid- flow as she sees a nurse giving Patrick a bottle - and realises that Vanessa can't even feed Patrick herself because he's not strong enough. Sonya then starts apologising for being insensitive. Vanessa says it's fine - Sonya's entitled to stand up for her rights. But she still feels guilty.
Sonya returns to find Toadie and Polly chatting about parenthood. He tells Toadie about how insensitive she was to Vanessa and how guilty she feels. Sonya mentions that Lucas wasn't there, so Vanessa's going through it all on her own. Again looking concerned, Toadie asks if Sonya minds if he heads off. She doesn't - and he asks her to keep him posted on the protest.
At the bar, Tash fills Kate in on the breastfeeding stand- off. Kate says she's not taking sides, but asks Tash to put herself in Sonya's shoes. At first Tash can't empathise, not wanting kids until much further down the track. But Kate reminds her what it's like to be made to feel self- conscious about her body, and Tash starts to think twice about whether she might be in the wrong after all.
Fitzgerald Motors
Toadie turns up to chat to Lucas. He mentions he was at the hospital earlier, but Vanessa has already phoned Lucas to tell him about the donations, and Lucas thanks him for his generosity. Lucas makes out he's really busy with work, and Toadie asks why he doesn't take on an extra pair of hands. Lucas says he can't afford it, and asks Toadie to drop it. Toadie keeps digging, until he extracts an emotional confession from Lucas that he can't stand being at the hospital with Patrick, because of how helpless it makes him feel. He again asks Toadie to drop the conversation.
Later, Toadie brings Lucas a coffee and starts offering to pass him tools, but Lucas insists he doesn't need help - or company. Toadie asks how long it's been since he was at the hospital. Lucas admits it's been a while, adding that at least at the garage he can fix things. Toadie says he should be at the hospital, even though it's daunting - Vanessa and Patrick need him.
Andrew wants a word with Tash again, but she asks him to wait two minutes. She then goes over to make a genuine apology to Sonya. Tash admits she was being selfish and says she's sorry for making Sonya feel bad about breastfeeding - it will never happen again, she insists. Sonya smiles and accepts the apology. Polly is a little annoyed that Sonya was so quick to forgive.
SONYA: Life's too short to throw people over the hot coals for making a mistake, isn't it?
Sonya tells Tash she's sorry too, but at that moment Zosia, the journalist from the West Waratah Star, turns up to get her story. Polly tries to get Zosia to cover the story despite Tash's apology, and Tash and Andrew plead with Sonya not to do the interview. Sonya tells Polly they've made their point, but Polly's keen on taking it further. Zosia says she has no story if Sonya won't talk - but Sonya says she has the perfect story for her...
Erinsborough Hospital
Sonya tells Vanessa that the Star will be running a full- page story, not on the breastfeeding debacle, but on Patrick's condition, to help raise awareness about it and promote the fundraising drive. Vanessa's really happy, and gives Sonya a hug. Lucas turns up, and gets a hug from Sonya too before she leaves, promising to drop by tomorrow. Lucas puts his arms around Vanessa as she holds Patrick's hand.
Tash and Andrew relax, relieved that the drama is over. Paul comes in, wanting to talk to Andrew, but his son explains the problem's been resolved since Tash apologised to Sonya, and the Star is running Patrick's story instead. Andrew adds that Charlie's has made a donation of $1,000 to Patrick's fund. Paul's annoyed he wasn't consulted, but Andrew says it was a smart PR move.
ANDREW: It is possible to be a human being and a businessman at the same time.
No 28
Tash is eating ice- cream when Paul bangs on the door, wanting to talk to her. He tells her that Andrew came very close to firing her today, and it was only her apology that saved her. Tash tells Paul he's wrong, but he insists Andrew would never put Tash ahead of his business - and she needs to realise that.
Later, Andrew turns up and asks Tash if she wants to let off some steam. But she's not in the mood, and demands to know whether Andrew would have fired her if she hadn't apologised to Sonya. Andrew tells her he doesn't know what he would have done, so Tash jumps to her own conclusion and assumes he was planning to let her go. Confused, Andrew wants to know where all this is coming from. Tash replies that business always comes first with him, and tells him to get out. He's about to object, but decides against it, and leaves.