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Neighbours Episode 6488 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6487 - 6489>>
Episode title: 6488
Australian airdate: 12/09/12
UK airdate: 10/10/12
Writer: Tamara Asmar
Director: Jonathon Dutton
Guests: Don Hennessy: Jeremy Kewley
As himself: Ian Moss
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Paul blames Chris for Sophie's hospitalisation and promises to make him pay
- Susan decides to appoint a deputy editor to help reduce her workload
- Andrew orders epilepsy medication off the Internet; he promises Paul he has Charlie's under control
Fitzgerald Motors
Chris reminds Lucas he's not allowed to start up a car they've just finished working on because his licence has been revoked; but on the upside, his dad thinks their lawyer, Don Hennessy, may be able to get the revocation period reduced to three months. Hennessy is a family friend who has waived his fees as he owed Chris's dad a favour, but Lucas wonders whether he will be able to stand up to Paul's lawyers.
No 28
Karl comes in and is greeted by Summer. He's had a letter notifying him that the flexi-ticket he bought to go to Peru with Susan is about to expire. Summer suggests she could buy the ticket off him, but Karl says he might use it to go to London and visit Malcolm and Holly. He goes to get ready for an evening at Charlie's, where Ian Moss is playing a gig.
No 30
Lucas calls round to see Toadie, to ask if he's heard of Chris's lawyer Don Hennessy. Toadie hasn't, and Lucas explains he's worried that a small-time suburban lawyer won't do wonders against Paul's big-shot lawyers. Toadie suggests it shouldn't be too hard for Hennessy to formulate a defence on the grounds of diminished responsibility, and says Chris should make sure he's armed with witness statements from the other passengers, and Sophie's medical records - as if her injuries are below a certain threshold it may not go to court at all. Toadie is optimistic about Chris's chances and says that sometimes a small, dedicated lawyer is preferable to a busy high-powered one with too much on his plate. Sonya suggests Lucas stay for dinner, but he has to go.
Chris is having a meeting with Don Hennessy, who appears to be completely disorganised. Lucas comes in and they talk about the case: he's not impressed with Hennessy's apparent lack of willingness to get access to Sophie's medical records as per Toadie's advice.
The bar is getting busy prior to the gig, and Tash and Andrew are serving. Tash is keeping Andrew on his toes, insisting he go to get more white wine. Karl comes in and tries to talk to Andrew, but is quickly fobbed off before the subject of epilepsy can come up.
Karl joins Susan, who's enjoying a night of freedom from work. He tells her about the expiring airline tickets. He's a bit perturbed to learn she's already used hers for the editors' conference in Montreal, and says he's thinking of going to London. It's all a bit awkward and Karl goes to get them drinks.
Behind the bar, Andrew is really struggling to keep it together, amidst the throng of customers and Tash's continuing demands that he replenish the drink stocks. Karl catches up with him and says he looks unwell, asking if he's spoken to Paul yet - Andrew admits he hasn't, but tells Karl to leave him alone, as it's his decision.
Lucas eats dinner and watches as Chris and Hennessy finish up their meeting. Paul comes in, and suggests Hennessy look at Sophie's victim impact statement, telling him she's still in a wheelchair. Paul tells the lawyer he doesn't know how he can defend Chris for what he's done, and says if he cares about his legal reputation he ought to find another client. Chris reassures Hennessy that Paul's like that with everyone, but the lawyer seems a little worried and makes a quick exit. Lucas looks concerned.
Lucas arrives and speaks to Toadie again. He explains Hennessy's lack of interest in Sophie's medical reports, and Toadie becomes concerned himself. Lucas asks if Toadie could help Chris, but Toadie explains Simmons and Colbert don't like their lawyers taking off-the-books cases. Lucas points out that the firm owes Chris, after its involvement in his being beaten up during the Development saga. Toadie reluctantly agrees to think about it.
Toadie spots Ajay at the bar - he's here alone, as Priya has too much work on. Toadie mentions Chris's case to him; Chris couldn't afford Simmons and Colbert's fees, but Toadie suggests he could take it on as pro bono work. Ajay's not sure the partners would approve of Toadie taking on extra work outside the firm, but promises he'll let Toadie know if he can think of anyone else who could help.
As Ian Moss begins his first song, Andrew's feeling really ill and makes a dash for the door. Outside, he sees Paul walking past and hides from him. Inside, Paul is furious to find that Andrew has left Tash running the bar on her own, and storms off to find him, despite Karl's attempts to mollify him. Paul finds Andrew outside and really lets rip, telling him he can't afford to have breaks when it's so busy. Andrew promises it won't happen again.
Inside, the gig continues; Andrew is still unwell and ends up vomiting behind the bar, much to Paul's annoyance. Andrew makes out he has a stomach bug, earning him another telling-off for coming to work when he's not well and risking infecting the other staff and customers. Paul sends Andrew home and tells him he'll take over until he's feeling better.
No 28
Karl and Tash come in after the gig. Tash is annoyed because Andrew threw up behind the bar and left her on her own, but Karl says she shouldn't be so hard on him as he's obviously not well. Summer asks if Andrew's okay now; Tash thinks so and puts it down to a dodgy burger. Summer has been looking into taking driving lessons, which Karl thinks is a positive step. He sees the letter about the airline tickets on the side, and looks frustrated.
(Next day)
Karl joins Susan at a table and asks her a favour; he wonders if she'd mind looking in on Tash and Summer while he's away. He tells her he's decided to go to Peru after all, following Susan's original itinerary. Susan is visibly saddened, remembering how they'd been planning the trip together - but makes out she's happy for Karl.
Lassiter's Complex
Toadie and Sonya run into Chris. Paul's lawyers have sent him an envelope full of invoices for Sophie's rehab, which come to more than his family can afford. He admits that if he loses the case, his mum and dad would probably have to sell the house. Toadie tries to reassure him that he has a good chance, and that it may well not come to that - but Chris says he's having trouble getting hold of Hennessy too, as he's busy on other cases. After Chris leaves, Toadie feels guilty for not being able to help - but Sonya reminds him it's not his fault the firm won't let him.
Sonya, Toadie, Ajay and Priya are having brunch. They discuss last night's gig, but Toadie is distracted worrying about Chris. Lucas comes in, and Toadie goes over to talk to him. He tells Lucas he's been thinking about Chris's case, and that he's decided to take it on as he really wants to help Chris win. He asks Lucas to keep it quiet though, as Ajay has already told him he isn't allowed. Lucas agrees to keep it to himself.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Toadie and Chris have a meeting to talk about the case, but Ajay walks in on them
- Harley is causing tension at No 26; Rhys says either Harley goes, or he does
- Callum thinks Rani is acting strangely around the new boy
<<6487 - 6489>>
Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6488
Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald

Summer Hoyland, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6488
Summer Hoyland, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6488
Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald

Don Hennessy, Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6488
Don Hennessy, Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6488
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6488
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Don Hennessy, Paul Robinson, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6488
Don Hennessy, Paul Robinson, Chris Pappas

Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6488
Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6488
Toadie Rebecchi, Ajay Kapoor

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6488
Andrew Robinson

Ian Moss in Neighbours Episode 6488
Ian Moss

Natasha Williams, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6488
Natasha Williams, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6488
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Andrew Robinson, Ajay Kapoor, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6488
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Andrew Robinson, Ajay Kapoor, Susan Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6488
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6488
Summer Hoyland

Karl Kennedy, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6488
Karl Kennedy, Natasha Williams

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6488
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Chris Pappas, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6488
Chris Pappas, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Priya Kapoor, Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6488
Priya Kapoor, Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6488
Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi

Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6488
Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi

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