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Neighbours Episode 6474 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6473 - 6475>>
Episode title: 6474
Australian airdate: 23/08/12
UK airdate: 20/09/12
Writer: Elizabeth Packett
Director: Lucas Testro
Guests: Marina Costello: Kim Denman
Summary/Images by: Sarah (Stew)/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Lucas tells Lou he really likes Vanessa.
- Lucas finds a ring in Rhys's bag.
- Karl and Susan are unimpressed with Lou's painting.
- Lou tells Karl he would have burnt it if Susan hadn't said she wanted it.
- Paul tells Chris he is suing him for negligence
- Lucas tries to get Paul to change his mind, but Paul tells him to stop defending Chris.
No 32
Lucas comes in looking sombre. He finds some cases on the floor. Vanessa apologises, and Lucas says he thought she'd left. She explains that Rhys cut his hand during the rescue and can't go to Japan. He says he's still trying to get his head around everything. She says she can't begin to imagine what everyone's going through, especially the Robinsons. Lucas says it's not been easy on anyone. She says she's going to unpack and he tells her he's sorry she missed her holiday. She replies that at least now she can prepare for the baby.
Sonya is having an ultrasound, and Karl says that everything is growing according to plan. Toadie and Sonya think it's great. Karl asks if they want to know the sex. Sonya insists that they want it to be a surprise. Toadie thinks they should find out. Sonya points out that they decided not to, but Toadie says that doesn't mean they can't change their mind. Karl leaves while they continue the discussion. Sonya says she wants to know, but she wants to wait to the birth - it's more exciting. Toadie said he would be more excited if he knew. Sonya says it's only four months! Toadie reluctantly agrees.
Lou is painting. Vanessa comes in, looks at the painting and is uncertain about it.
LOU: That's the whole point. You're not supposed to know, you're supposed to feel.
He explains that he's not doing portraits any more because it wasn't his style.
LOU: It was too, um...
LOU: Restrictive.
Lou thinks that if people don't know what it is, they can't say it's good or bad. Vanessa isn't convinced, but Lou says he's read the books - anyone can do it.
Toadie is looking at the ultrasound picture when Karl creeps up behind him and tells him he won't work it out - only a trained professional can do that. Toadie points to a "long bit" and says they're having a boy. Karl says that's an umbilical cord and girls have them as well! He goes on to say that he didn't know with his kids, and it was genuinely exciting. Toadie says that Karl didn't have the choice, he does. It would mean they could start decorating, buying clothes, choosing names. Karl points out that Sonya wants a surprise. Toadie asks if Karl could tell him. Karl laughs and tells him to let it go. Vanessa comes in and Toadie asks her what she and Lucas are doing. She says they both want it to be a surprise - she just wants it to be healthy. Valerie (from the newsagents) reckons she's having a boy. Karl scoffs at these old wives tales, and asks which particular ones she believes. Vanessa says that she thinks she's glowing, and craving a lot of salty foods, which are both signs that it's a boy. Karl says it might be an iodine deficiency. Vanessa smiles, and says Valerie wants to do the "ring thing" on her, but she's not going to let her. Toadie asks what it is. Vanessa explains that you get the mother's ring, put it on a chain or string and put it over her belly, and if it goes around in a circle it's a boy.
KARL: What a load of rubbish!
Vanessa claims that her nonna had been scarily accurate with a lot of her relatives. Karl repeats that it's rubbish, as he gets up and leaves. Toadie is thoughtful as he looks at the photo again.
No 30
Sonya is sorting some washing, and when Toadie comes in, she starts to talk about dinner. She stops as she sees Toadie looking at her. When she questions him, he says that she's glowing. She says it's more like sweating, as she's been busy. Toadie offers to take care of the washing and get her a snack. Sonya asks why he's being so nice and Toadie says he loves her. But she thinks it's because he wants her to change her mind, which Toadie denies. He asks if she'd like some salty chips, but she asks for water. He asks her if she has any cravings for popcorn, Vegemite or pickles. She looks puzzled and then guesses he wants to tweet about it. He admits it, and asks what she would want if she did want something. She says if he must have an answer, yes, it would be something salty. He is pleased.
Lucas and Chris have just finished repairing a car. Paul drives up and walks over. Lucas tells Chris he'll handle it. Lucas says he's sorry about Sophie and he can't imagine how that feels. Paul looks over at Chris and tells Lucas he's disappointed that he hasn't got rid of him yet. Lucas says he's not doing it, and Paul says it's a big mistake. Lucas tells Paul he'll survive, like he did when Elle tried to make him fire Steph, and he won't be pushed around. Paul points out it's a different situation. He's just bought a new house, a baby on the way, he's got a lot more to lose. Paul tells him to rethink, and asks if Chris is worth it.

No 32
Lou is still painting. He asks Lucas for his opinion, commenting that he feels it's got something to say - unlike Lucas apparently. Lucas says he has a lot going on. Lou asks if it's Vanessa being back. Lucas replies that he's glad she's back, and he's dealt with his feelings. The problem is Paul, because of his threat to ruin the business unless he sacks Chris. He says it got to him when Paul brought up his house and his kid. His business and family should take priority, but he doesn't want anything to do with what Paul is doing to Chris. What happened was an accident. Lou puts in that Lucas wants to look out for Chris. Lucas says that Chris is a good worker and a good mate. Lou suggests that if Chris has any holidays owing, he could take them now. Lucas says it seems like a cop-out, since he'd told Chris they shouldn't let Paul push them around. Lou thinks he has no choice.
No 30
Toadie sees that Sonya is asleep and gently takes the ring off her finger. He threads it onto a piece of cotton and holds it over her belly. He is delighted to see it going round in a circle. Sonya wakes up and challenges him about doing the test when she was asleep. Toadie retorts that she didn't want to know. She replies that he said he'd wait, and now he's sneaking around doing a stupid test. Toadie says that all the signs are adding up, citing the salty foods, looking good and the ring. It proves there's something in it. Sonya says it proves he's obsessed. He says Vanessa's nonna swears by it and she was scarily accurate. Sonya tells him to drop it. He says he will (though it doesn't sound very convincing). She snatches the ring back as he carries on swinging it.
No 32
Lou is still painting Vanessa comes in and asks if Lucas is back. Lou says "Number seven", explaining that it's the title of his work. He says he looked at it and felt something lucky, hence the title. Vanessa doubtfully says it makes sense. Lou asks for her opinion.
VANESSA: Honestly, Lou, it just looks like a big fat mess.
LOU: Doesn't all abstract art?
VANESSA: I'm sorry. It's just an opinion.
LOU: What would you know? You just bake cupcakes for a living.
So Vanessa suggests he takes it to a gallery to get an expert opinion. He thinks it's a good idea and leaves, despite her saying she was kidding.
Lucas drives up. Chris says he is waiting for the next car to arrive. Lucas says he needs to talk to Chris about something. Chris's phone rings. It's his dad, wanting him home early. Chris tells him there's nothing to do at home and he doesn't have to be at court until late tomorrow morning. He rings off, and Lucas asks why Chris hadn't told him about going to court. [No such thing as a private phone call then.] Chris says it's his day off. Lucas says he wants to be there. Chris says he's going to plead guilty and it's not a big deal. Lucas thinks he should go home. Chris says that his parents are driving him mad. He likes getting stuck into work, because he can forget about everything. He asks Lucas what he wanted to say before. Lucas says he forgot.
No 30
Toadie comes in carrying a bag and looking pleased with himself. He takes out a baby sized football shirt as Sonya comes out of the bedroom. He stuffs the shirt back in the bag and talks about dinner. Sonya asks what he's hiding. He says "nothing", but Sonya tells him to show her and not think about lying. She agrees it's cute - for a boy. Toadie says girls could wear it too. Sonya asks what else he bought. He says not much, but she insists on seeing.
First up is a Stig Power car, and then a Ray Mysterio wrestling figure, both of which he claims are suitable for girls. The last thing is a bib with Daddy's Boy on it: this is a bit harder to pass off as suitable for a girl. Toadie insists that he is sure they are having a boy. Sonya says it's gone too far, and says they are going to get an answer from Karl. Toadie gloats because she wants to know, but she says she just wants to stop him buying stuff for boys if they are not having one.
Community Centre
Lou asks a lady at reception for a Marina Costello, who is in charge of the arts programme. Marina happens to be standing behind him so that reception lady doesn't have to speak. Lou introduces himself, and says he is looking for professional feedback on his painting. Marina loves it.
MARINA: It's sort of Rothko meets Pollock meets Kandinsky.
Lou asks if that's good, and she says they are great abstract artists. Lou asks if he needs an agent or if he should approach a gallery. Marina suggests putting it in their exhibition for emerging artists, which opens tomorrow. Lou is thrilled.
Sonya and Toadie walk up to the nurses' station. Toadie is looking forward to being proved right. Sonya says it's about him jumping the gun and spending lots of money. Karl comes out of a consulting room and asks if everything's OK. Sonya tells him they want to know the sex of the baby, because Toadie is driving her crazy. She tells Karl that Toadie even did the ring test. Karl scoffs. Toadie says it's definitely a boy
TOADIE: ...all the signs point to us having a boy.
KARL: That's amazing.
TOADIE: Ha ha!
KARL: Because you're having a girl!
Sonya and Toadie are thrilled with the news that they are having a little "jellyfishette".
Chris says the next car still hasn't arrived. Lucas says he has called them and they're not coming. Chris asks why, and Lucas replies something came up. He sends Chris to get an invoice. Inside the garage, Chris listens to the messages. Lassiters has cancelled the fleet servicing contract, and two other customers have cancelled appointments and there are lots of cancelled appointments in the book. Lucas comes in to see why Chris is taking so long. Chris gives him the invoice and tells him he is resigning. Lucas tells him it's not that bad, but Chris tells him this could cripple the garage and it was obvious who was behind it. He has hurt enough people: he won't hurt Lucas as well.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Chris watches Sophie at the hospital: Lucas voiceover saying he's going through hell
- Lou tells Lucas that if Paul wrecks his business, they will both be out of work
- Summer says she's got things going round her head. Karl tells her she's been traumatised by the crash
- Chris tells Aidan he's said he's sorry
- Paul tells Chris that nothing makes up for what he did
<<6473 - 6475>>
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6474
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante

 in Neighbours Episode 6474

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6474
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Lou Carpenter, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6474
Lou Carpenter, Vanessa Villante

Karl Kennedy, Vanessa Villante, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6474
Karl Kennedy, Vanessa Villante, Toadie Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6474
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Lucas Fitzgerald, Chris Pappas, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6474
Lucas Fitzgerald, Chris Pappas, Paul Robinson

Lou Carpenter, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6474
Lou Carpenter, Lucas Fitzgerald

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6474
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Lou Carpenter, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6474
Lou Carpenter, Vanessa Villante

 in Neighbours Episode 6474

Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6474
Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6474
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Marina Costello, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6474
Marina Costello, Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6474
Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6474
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6474
Chris Pappas

Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6474
Lucas Fitzgerald

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