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Neighbours Episode 6438 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6437 - 6439>>
Episode title: 6438
Australian airdate: 04/07/12
UK airdate: 01/08/12
Writer: Stuart Page
Director: Fiona Banks
Guests: Vanessa Villante: Alin Sumarwata
Ed Lee: Sebastian Gregory
Donald Bardon: Barry Mitchell
April Hallis: Justina Noble
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Andrew talks Tash into speaking to Ed about the app
- Tash and Ed's LARPing exploits
- Jade and Rhys argue about his telling the police Jade hit Troy
- Kyle tells Rhys Jade wants him to move out
- Karl warns Troy not to leave the hospital
- Callum tells Troy to leave and never come back
- Troy dies at the wheel of his car
Ramsay Street
Toadie, Sonya and Callum arrive home. Jade is told the news, and says it's good Troy is dead. A sombre Callum has flashbacks to Troy at the school, but when Toadie calls him he acts like everything's okay, asks if they can have a barbecue for dinner, and goes indoors to play video games.
No 30
Sonya and Toadie worry about Callum, but Jade thinks he's fine and reiterates her relief at Troy's death. Toadie thinks Callum is blaming himself, and suggests it might be worth calling a grief counsellor to talk to Cal. Jade doesn't think it's necessary but Sonya thinks it might be.
Charlie's (outside)
Rhys is furious when Karl tells him Troy has died, and had been allowed to walk out of the hospital despite his serious injuries. Karl defends himself and says he strongly advised Troy to stay, but Rhys is not satisfied, insisting Karl shouldn't have let Troy leave.
(Next day)
Eden University
Andrew has given Ed a contract for their app business; Ed is insisting on reading the whole thing before signing, which gets Andrew's back up. Ed then starts talking about the LARPing, and Tash quickly changes the subject. Ed bids them both farewell in Norse, and Andrew is desperate to learn what Tash had to do to get him to get on-board with the app - but she's not telling!
Vanessa serves lunch to Toadie, Sonya, Jade and Callum. Jade and Callum want to go to the cinema, but Toadie suggests the idea of the counsellor. Jade dismisses the idea, but Toadie is annoyed that she's undermining him and tells her so when Callum's out of earshot. Sonya tells her Cal had a restless night, and Jade reluctantly agrees to take part in the counselling for Cal's sake.
No 30
April, a counsellor, speaks to Jade, Sonya and Toadie, and then Toadie and Callum in turn, as they each share their thoughts about Troy. Jade and Sonya are both deeply critical of Troy. When April asks if Sonya has anything good to say about Troy, she admits that he gave her Callum, while Jade remains dismissive and uses a phone call from Charlotte as an excuse to leave the session.
Toadie leaves Callum to speak to April by himself. She tells him anything he wants to say is confidential, at which point Cal admits that, while he didn't like Troy and doesn't miss him, he does feel guilty for telling Troy to go and never to come back, just before he died. He says he doesn't want to tell Sonya and Toadie how bad he feels, after everything Troy did to them.
After the sessions, Toadie explains to Callum that because Troy doesn't have any family to claim his remains, he won't have a funeral, and will simply be buried or cremated along with others who don't have any relatives. Cal goes quiet at this, and agrees to a game of cricket in the street with Toadie.
Karl is filling in the paperwork that has resulted from Troy having discharged himself. Rhys arrives to goad Karl about his lack of professionalism. Karl tells Rhys he feels bad enough about not having been able to stop Troy from leaving, but says he couldn't have physically stopped him - and tells Rhys to drop it.
Eden University
Just as a lecture is about to start, Tash sees on her phone that Ed has posted a photo of her, in full Viking costume, on Facebook, and rushes over to a computer to de-tag it - but is told to come back to her seat by the lecturer, Donald, who apparently fancies himself as somewhat of a stand-up comedian.
Charlie's (outside)
Rhys admits to Karl that he was out of line, and concedes it's not Karl's fault that Troy died. Jade comes past, talking to Karl but completely blanking Rhys. Rhys apologises to Jade, but she completely ignores him. After Rhys has left, Karl suggests to Jade that she go easy on Rhys, as he was only doing his job.
Eden University
Tash's lecture ends and Ed arrives, expressing surprise that Tash hasn't de-tagged herself yet. He admits that he tagged the photo in order to test Tash's commitment to the business, and tells her he's ready to sign the contract. She calls Andrew.
Andrew and Ed sort out the contract, while Chris and Tash get the drinks in. Ed bids them goodbye in Norse (again) and Andrew, Tash and Chris raise a toast. Andrew and Chris let on that they've seen the picture and tease Tash remorselessly, but she takes it in good spirits.
Ramsay Street
Jade tells Rhys it's his turn to wash up, as a roundabout way of telling him he can move back in. Toadie and Callum play cricket, with Toadie providing silly-voiced commentary in a bid to cheer Cal up. It's all in vain though, as Cal stares, transfixed at No 32, replaying Troy's death in his mind. When Toadie asks if he's okay, he pretends he is.
No 30
Callum admits to Toadie that he feels bad about how things ended with Troy, and telling him to get lost. Cal also says it doesn't seem right that Troy will be buried with strangers, and says he wants to give him a funeral.
Later, Toadie runs the idea past Jade and Sonya. Toadie seems keen to do it for Cal - but Jade is adamant that they should not give Troy a funeral, and Sonya agrees.
SONYA: I'm not going to pretend that Troy was anything other than a waste of space.
TOADIE: This is for Squid.
SONYA: Yeah, and I want him to feel better, but not like this.
TOADIE: Sonya!
SONYA: No. Troy took up way too much of our lives. We are not giving him a funeral!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Sonya continues to insist on not giving Troy a funeral
- Ajay wonders if he could have done anything to prevent Troy's death
- Susan agonises over whether to write a story about Troy for the paper
- Paul complains to Zoe about how useless Susan is
<<6437 - 6439>>
Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6438
Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6438
Callum Jones

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6438
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6438
Karl Kennedy, Rhys Lawson

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson, Ed Lee in Neighbours Episode 6438
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson, Ed Lee

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Vanessa Villante, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6438
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Vanessa Villante, Jade Mitchell

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi, April Hallis in Neighbours Episode 6438
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi, April Hallis

Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6438
Jade Mitchell

Callum Jones, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6438
Callum Jones, Toadie Rebecchi

April Hallis in Neighbours Episode 6438
April Hallis

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6438
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Callum Jones

Karl Kennedy, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6438
Karl Kennedy, Rhys Lawson

Donald Bardon in Neighbours Episode 6438
Donald Bardon

Jade Mitchell, Rhys Lawson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6438
Jade Mitchell, Rhys Lawson, Karl Kennedy

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6438
Natasha Williams

Ed Lee in Neighbours Episode 6438
Ed Lee

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6438
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas

Jade Mitchell, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6438
Jade Mitchell, Rhys Lawson

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6438
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones

Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6438
Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

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