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Neighbours Episode 6434 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6433 - 6435>>
Episode title: 6434
Australian airdate: 28/06/12
UK airdate: 26/07/12
Writer: Sarah Dollard
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Vanessa Villante: Alin Sumarwata
Ed Lee: Sebastian Gregory
Zoe Alexander: Simmone Jade Mackinnon
Summary/Images by: Sarah (Stew)/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Tash and Ed using their maths skills to run a successful (but illegal) gambling game
- Tash wishes there was a legitimate way to make money from her skills and Andrew thinks there may be
- Paul tells Zoe they should slow things down a bit
- Paul rips up the cheque he was donating to the school. Zoe tells him he's a lost cause and she can't work with him, but she'll keep dating him
- Vanessa offers Rhys a place to stay
No 24
Lucas comes in to find Vanessa making coffee. She asks about his night: Lucas says it's not someone she knows, and asks if Vanessa had a quiet night. Rhys walks in in his boxers, and Lucas looks peeved. Rhys says he has to go, and thanks her for last night.
Tash complains about her maths, and Ed makes a maths (discrete/ discreet) joke. Andrew comes in and says that he's had an idea about how to use the "Rain Man" thing to make money: they could start a blackjack website. Ed refuses, but Andrew ploughs on anyway. He offers his business skills, and asks for Tash and Ed's maths genius. Ed thinks that they'll probably get 5 years in jail. Andrew says he's still working through the loopholes. Ed says that Andrew doesn't understand gaming law, and that gambling is cheating people who have no chance of winning long term. He's out, and so's his theory, which he used to prove a point to Tash. Andrew tells him he's not the only one who can do it, and after Ed leaves, he tells Tash that the two of them can do it without Ed.
Outside Harold's
Susan is just finishing a call with Toadie. She tells Summer that they are just trying to be there for Callum. Summer asks if the brunch meeting with Paul is still on. Susan mock-enthusiastically says yes, then asks about the dating column. Summer is equally (un)enthusiastic!
Paul is reading the paper.
PAUL: People who fall asleep reading the paper on Monday, generally don't buy it again on Tuesday.
Zoe tells him sales are not that bad, but Paul claims it's because of features like the dating column.
Outside Harold's
Susan tells Summer that she doesn't really like the column either, but the readers like it. Summer worries that Paul will want the whole paper to become a dating column. Susan think that peole will always want news, and while she's editor, they are going to get it.
Paul tells Zoe that the column is Stage 1. Stage 2 of his plan is to get her working for him again. Zoe says that's Stage 3. He has to get the paper back himself! He sighs, then he invites her back for brunch, promising not to browbeat her. She agrees, and he smirks as he leaves.
No 24
Vanessa has made Rhys some sandwiches, as he is just about to leave. She tells him to leave his bag, and he tells her he'll see her tonight. Lucas says he's surprised he stayed the night and Vanessa tells him he's a hypocrite. She asks why it's OK for him and a random girl and not for her and Rhys? Lucas tells her it's different. She wants to know why, and Lucas tells her it's because she's pregnant.
VANESSA: OK, let's get something straight here. One, this is none of your business, and two, this is none of your business.
She tells him that Rhys slept on the couch, because Jade had kicked him out. Lucas looks embarrassed and apologises. She tells him that he needs to get over it.
No 28
Tash and Andrew are researching online. He thinks it might be a bit more complicated than he first thought. She quotes that it is illegal to offer online gambling services to Australians, which sounds straightforward(!) He says you can't believe half the stuff you read online, but she says the Interactive Gambling Act. He says there's lots of online casinos. Not Australian ones, she points out. He is sure there is a loophole and discovers that they could get a bookmakers' licence. She has meanwhile been looking at shoes - because she was bored. He gets frustrated when she picks up her phone, and asks if she's started messaging now. She says no, it's a shoe size app. Andrew asks if she paid for it (yes, 99 cents) and he gets an idea...
Zoe has turned up with brunch with Paul, when Susan and Summer arrive. Paul pretends he thought it was a lunch meeting, and tells Zoe not to go as they were going to eat. Paul says that Susan was just giving him a quick update, and Susan agrees it's fine if Zoe stays. Paul goes to get the drinks and menus while the women chat. Susan tells Zoe she's nominated Summer for an Innovation Award for the social media work she does. Summer says it's no big deal, but Zoe says the first rule of PR is that everything is a big deal. Summer apologises, and Zoe says that the second rule is never apologise.
No 28
Andrew says that this app needs a snappy name.
TASH: Who would want to buy a odds calculator?
ANDREW: Who would want to buy a shoe calculator?
TASH: It's not a shoe calculator. And I use cos it saves me money.
ANDREW: Exactly.
Andrew explains that the idea is that it will tell people when not to bet because the odds are against them. He comes up with the name "Odds On", which Tash thinks is not bad, and he says is perfect. He asks how long it will take to get it up and running. Tash says she can do the maths, but this needs coding and testing, and she can't write code. Andrew asks if she knows anyone who can do it. He wonders if her "mate" Ed could do it. She says she's pretty sure he can manage app, but she points out that Ed is her tutor, and Andrew should have been nicer to him earlier. She refuses to asks him. Andrew tells her that she should ask because Ed likes her.
TASH: That's because I don't insult him to his face. Andrew, you broke it, you fix it.
Andrew is following Ed in, saying that Odds On will help problem gamblers by telling them when not to bet. Ed sarcastically asks if it's a work of charity. Andrew admits that it's not completely charitable, but what's wrong with making money out of helping people? Ed points out they'd make more money out of a casino. Andrew agrees, but they are illegal, and besides this idea is better - and Tash agrees. He tells Ed they need him and he was just having a laugh when he talked about Rain Man. Ed says he's not interested. Andrew sighs with frustration.
Summer says to Zoe that she hopes she wins the award. Zoe says that they should be milking the nomination, with banners on every page. Susan says they'll keep it in mind. Susan is just about to show Paul page 4, when Zoe comes up with some extra suggestions. Susan says that's not the direction they're going... Zoe interrupts to say they should always send out emails at 4pm. Susan thanks her (in a "will you shut up now" sort of way) and Zoe hopes she hasn't overstepped the mark. Susan says no, but she has to get back soon. She tells Paul about a story.
PAUL: Please tell me you've got an angle which is going to stop me from falling asleep.
Zoe meanwhile is telling Summer they should do a feature on her. It will be good for her and the paper. Susan is listening in, unimpressed, while Paul is waiting for her to continue.
No 28
Andrew comes in and tells Tash that Ed said he would think about it. Tash is dubious and asks what he really said. Andrew says that he didn't say yes, and asks her to go and talk to him. She thinks it's up to Ed if he doesn't want to do it. Andrew asks if she thinks the app is a good idea. When she says yes, he says they'll have to get another programmer in. She says they wouldn't even have the idea but for Ed. So Andrew says it's up to her to talk him round. She wonders how she can talk him round if Andrew can't.
ANDREW: He's a geek. You're probably the hottest girl he's been this close to.
TASH: Andrew, I'm probably the hottest girl you've been this close to!
Andrew says that he's seen the way Ed looks at her, and he's sure that she can talk Ed around. She agrees to speak to him, but says it won't help.
Live Action Role Play (LARP) venue
Ed is just explaining something to a random extra, when Tash turns up. He asks her if she's there to play, and she laughingly says she's not into sport. He looks puzzled. She adds that she wants to talk, but he says that he has to go, and she can watch if she likes. She looks bemused to see the group of people picking up swords and putting on armour.
Summer asks Susan what she made of the meeting and whether she was going to take up any of Zoe's suggestions. Susan raises an eyebrow.
Outside Charlie's
Paul thanks Zoe for her suggestions, and tells her she can now see what he's up against with Susan.
Susan says that Zoe works in PR not journalism, and she has no intention of running with any of the suggestions Zoe made.
Outside Charlie's
Zoe says she might have got a bit carried away, but Paul says Susan has that effect. Zoe thinks Susan will ruin the paper and Paul says he's been telling her that, so what can he do?
Summer asks Susan what if Paul makes her include the suggestions - after all he does own the paper. Susan she agreed to the dating column as a one-off. She's not agreeing to any more tabloid trash.
Outside Charlie's
Zoe says she can't tell Paul what to do. He says he didn't ask for her suggestions and he didn't ask Susan to be self-righteous. Zoe points out that he arranged the double booking of the brunch: he orchestrated the whole thing. Paul admits it, but it was so Zoe could see what was happening. He says he needs her. She says he's underestimating himself. He replies that she's underestimating Susan's ability to get under people's skin. She doesn't think they can have a successful personal relationship if they bring business into it.
ZOE: You can handle Susan Kennedy.
SUSAN: Don't worry: I can handle Paul.
Lucas calls by and brings a couple of Gold Class tickets for Vanessa. She asks what he would like to see. He says they are for her and Rhys "or whoever". She (jokingly) asks if he thinks she's dating someone else, and thanks him. He leaves and Zoe comes in and sees Susan sitting at a table. Zoe starts to apologise for staying for the meeting. Susan's phone rings, she checks it and dashes off to answer it, with only a swift "excuse me". Zoe looks (understandably) annoyed. Zoe buys a drink and then as Susan rings off, tells her she hopes she doesn't make a habit of it - walking off when someone was talking. Susan says that it was important. Zoe infers that her apology wasn't.
ZOE: I thought your attitude this morning was because I stepped on your toes.
SUSAN: My attitude?
ZOE: But now I see it's just a personality trait.
Susan is shocked, and tells Zoe that she doesn't need a PR consultant telling her how to run her paper. Zoe says it's not her paper.
Outside Harold's
Paul tells Zoe that Summer won the media award. Zoe (obviously fuming) tells Paul she will take him back as a client. Paul asks what happened. Zoe says what matters is what happens next: getting him back as editor and wiping the smile off Susan's face. Paul laughs.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Ed tells Tash that if she wants to talk, she has to fight.
- Tash fighting with a whole group of other people
- Paul uploads a video of him presenting the award to Summer and Susan realises Paul wants his job back.
- Summer has a dinner to celebrate her award. She and Andrew kiss.
<<6433 - 6435>>
Lucas Fitzgerald, Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6434
Lucas Fitzgerald, Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante

Ed Lee, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6434
Ed Lee, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6434
Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland

Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander in Neighbours Episode 6434
Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander

Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6434
Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante

Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6434
Lucas Fitzgerald

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6434
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6434
Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6434
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Ed Lee, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6434
Ed Lee, Andrew Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6434
Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander, Summer Hoyland

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6434
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Ed Lee in Neighbours Episode 6434
Ed Lee

Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6434
Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland

Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander in Neighbours Episode 6434
Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander

Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6434
Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald

Zoe Alexander, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6434
Zoe Alexander, Susan Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander in Neighbours Episode 6434
Paul Robinson, Zoe Alexander

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