Previously on Neighbours
- Tash choosing the wrong Uni course, saying Uni is all about the partying!
- Rhys tells Vanessa that her being pregnant doesn't matter to him.
- Susan urges Lucas to attend Vanessa's ultrasound.
Rhys is conducting the ultrasound and Lucas asks him for a brief word before they start. He accuses Rhys of weaselling his way in to doing Vanessa's ultrasound and insists it's a conflict of interest. Rhys says he's just covering for Dr Olenski.
Back in the ultrasound room, Rhys asks Vanessa a few questions and tells Lucas not to interrupt him. Vanessa reminds them that they're there for the baby.
Andrew and Chris are off to Uni/TAFE. Tash says she'll join them, but they tell her they need to concentrate without distractions. She says she has work to do herself - she has to do a presentation to the whole class this afternoon.
Andrew and Chris are studying while Tash looks over their shoulders eating crisps. They tell her to go and rehearse for her performance. She tells them she has to do a "visual representation of the body in space".
TASH: I have to pretend I'm wind.
ANDREW: Like you need to fart?
TASH: Not windy, wind! And how it can be gentle and pleasant but also really disruptive.
Andrew and Chris laugh derisively.
Karl is taking over the ultrasound from Rhys.
Tash is reading Andrew's maths papers. He tells her she's clearly doing the wrong course - Tash is bored in contemporary arts.
ANDREW: Face it, you're doing the wrong course.
TASH: I know what I'm doing, and I'm perfectly happy.
ANDREW: So why are you leaving in a huff, then?
TASH: I'm not, I've just got an assessment to get to. Thanks for your support.
She walks out.
ANDREW: And she's gone like the wind!
Karl is showing Vanessa and Lucas the baby on the ultrasound. The baby is looking very healthy.
When Karl is off getting a print-out and a DVD, Vanessa and Lucas admit to each other that they couldn't see a lot on the scan!
Karl comes back and gives them the picture.
KARL: One for the album!
He sees their faces and plays back the DVD he recorded for them and zooms in so they can see the baby's head and spine. Then he turns on the sound and they see the baby's heart beating.
VANESSA:'s beautiful!
Vanessa and Lucas are gabbling about seeing the baby's heartbeat. Vanessa takes the DVD and heads off. Karl sensitively tells Lucas that he'll make him his own copy of the DVD.
The comtemporary arts class are watching various students' depictions of wind. Tash looks very bored, but the rest are rapt! Next, it's Tash's turn.
Tash proceeds to do a hilarious arm-waving routine, and then stalks back to the students.
TEACHER: Tash, that was...
TASH: Yeah, I wasn't really into it...
TEACHER: No, no, that was sublime. Lovely juxtaposition between the metaphoric and the literal!
Everyone claps enthusiastically and Tash looks stunned. The teacher tells them that they'll all get together to decide on their marks together. Tash rolls her eyes.
Karl gives Lucas his DVD and says he was really good with Vanessa today. He tells him he'll make a great dad. Lucas isn't sure about that, with only his own father as a role model! Karl says he doesn't have to turn out like his own father.
Tash is sitting, bored. Karl comes in. She explains what happened at Uni today and says she's wasted six months of her life on a course for losers and hippies!
TASH: What kind of course offers Vampir Fiction as a subject?!
Karl laughs.
TASH: It's a joke.
KARL: No...
TASH: I'm a joke!
KARL: No, you're being too harsh on yourself.
TASH: No, it's time that I faced it. I've been drifting ever since I finished school. Working, partying, doing this stupid course. I knew it was a cop-out, I picked it because I didn't know what else I was doing and I knew I'd just breeze through it.
KARL: Breeze...wind...good one!
TASH: Dad said it was OK for me to take my time and that Uni was an experience in itself. Should have never taken advice from him. What do you think I should do?
KARL: I don't know if I can answer that.
TASH: You can't get anywhere in life without a degree. Even if it *is* useless.
KARL: That's true...
TASH: I just don't want to spend the next three years of my life doing something that I hate.
KARL: That's fair enough...
TASH: The one good thing Dad *did* do before he left was to pay for my Uni fees.
KARL: Yeah, well, University's not cheap...I think it was...
TASH: I don't think this course is worth it. It seems like it's a waste of time. I know what I'm going to do!
KARL: What?
TASH: Thanks, Karl! Awesome advice!
She hurries out.
Tash tells Andrew and Chris that she's dropping out of her Uni course. She tells them not to tell Summer(!) and sends them off to get her a drink.
Rhys comes in and asks Vanessa how the scan went. He insists he didn't walk out of her scan, he just didn't want her first ultrasound to be ruined, so asked Karl to take his place.
Vanessa bakes in the kitchen looking thoughtful.
Lucas watches the baby scan DVD.
Vanessa is still baking at thinking about Rhys. She uses one of the measuring cups as a cake cutter.
Lucas is still watching the baby scan DVD.
Vanessa arrives home and Lucas prepares them some leftovers for supper. She's surprised and pleased to see that Lucas has his own copy of the baby scan DVD.
LUCAS: Um, listen, I've been thinking...this kid, I really want to be part of its life.
VANESSA: You're the father.
LUCAS: No, I mean...I don't want to be just the father. I want to be a Dad.
VANESSA: OK. Well, we've got plenty of time to figure out how it can work.
LUCAS: I've got one idea of how it can work. You move in here. Permanently.
VANESSA: Lucas...
LUCAS: No, no, no, I nearly missed the ultrasound...I don't want to do something like that again. What do you say?
Monday on Neighbours
- Sonya tells Vanessa that Lucas is a good man, most of the time.
- vanessa isn't sure about moving in with Lucas.
- Kyle and his gran have a street party for the Jubilee.
- Sonya is upset about Troy hanging around.