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Neighbours Episode 6317 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6316 - 6318>>
Episode title: 6317
Australian airdate: 17/01/12
UK airdate: 14/02/12
Writer: Emma J Steele
Director: Lucas Testro
Guests: Supt. Duncan Hayes: Paul Ireland
Lewis Walton: Andy McPhee
Corey O'Donahue: Toby Wallace
Anna Hauser: Isabel MacMaster
Buddy Telford: Lloyd Bissell
Benny Joon: David Cormik
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
- Mr Burrell tells Lucas he didn't 'bash' Chris.
- Lucas seeing video footage of the guy that did 'bash' Chris.
- Summer kissing Corey at the Red Cotton gig.
- Andrew tells Sophie he will shut down the gig if she doesn't go home.
- Paul turns up at the gig looking for Sophie.
Harold's/Eden University
Sophie and Summer are having milkshakes, Sophie feels *so* embarrassed about what happened. Sophie tells Summer that her kiss with Corey was her first kiss.
Meanwhile at the University, Corey (who doesn't look like, sound like or act like Zeke in any way whatsoever) asks Andrew for Sophie's phone number, he refuses. Andrew threatens him to stay away from Sophie and his gigs.
Lucas approaches Kyle who is taking down a sign for the development. Supt Hayes arrives asking to speak to Kyle about the attack on Chris, since he was around when it happened. Kyle goes down to the station to make a statement.
Erinsborough Hospital
Lucas gives Chris another car magazine, and tells Chris what he said about Summer's cupcakes when he was on medication last week. Chris says he's going to be released tomorrow, but he's not sure when he'll be able to go back to work. Chris asks if they have the guy who attacked him; Lucas tells him Hayes is on the case and that they'll get the guy.
Simmons and Colbert Law Firm
Lucas approaches reception, to ask Anna the receptionist a few questions. He shows her a photo of the guy who 'bashed' Chris. She recognises him, but apparently he gave her a fake name. She tells Lucas that the attacker had a tattoo of the word 'Dasher' (perhaps it's the name of his car, or his pet hamster)
Kyle tells Lucas that he saw the attacker's car as he drove off, he didn't see who it was but he conveniently saw a sticker of a greyhound on the back windscreen. Lucas puts this together with the recently acquired information of the attackers tattoo and goes off looking for a greyhound with the name 'Dasher.' Kyle goes with him.
Number 22
Summer and Sophie look at DVDs, apparently the vampire DVDs Summer has aren't hardcore enough for her. Andrew enters, asking where Paul is, Sophie's about to storm off when Andrew stops her.
ANDREW: Sophie, I was looking out for you
SOPHIE: No you weren't, you were looking out for yourself, just like you always do. What did you say to Corey?
ANDREW: It doesn't matter
SOPHIE: No cos you didn't have a go at him did you, because it was bad enough what you did to me?
ANDREW: He took off
SOPHIE: He didn't ask about me
ANDREW: No he didn't, he didn't want anything to do with you.
Summer goes to hug Sophie, but she pushes her away and sits down on the sofa. Summer argues with Andrew, he seems to only care about Paul finding out.
SUMMER: If she's ready for this, you're not going to be able to stop her, and you probably shouldn't. (Off Andrew's look) What?
ANDREW: I may have had a go at him
SUMMER: Oh Andrew
ANDREW: It was the right thing to do.
SUMMER: Not by Sophie it's not
ANDREW: Listen she can kiss other boys, but not at my gigs.
Sophie meanwhile looks at her facebook page, she gets a friend request from Corey and she accepts it.
Charlie's Exterior
Lucas and Kyle are sitting at a table as Toadie arrives seeing them looking at race information from the paper, Lucas tells him they're looking for a lead on Chris's attacker. Toadie tells them to take the information to the police. Kyle finds the greyhound called Dasher, as they do so Toadie tells Lucas to call the cops.
The Meadows Greyhound Track
Lucas and Kyle arrive, looking around the car park for the Dasher sticker. Lucas starts questioning passersby if they've seen the attacker. Kyle tells Lucas to call the police; Lucas says they'll wait for Dasher's race.
Number 22
Summer and Andrew talk about getting Chris some more cupcakes, Andrew suggests buying some from Harold's and pretending Summer made them. Summer questions Andrew on whether he was just keeping Corey and Sophie apart for the gig, or whether he was doing it to protect Sophie. Sophie approaches and shows Andrew her laptop and the friend request from Corey, she knows Andrew lied that Corey didn't want anything to do with her. She calls Andrew pathetic and storms off.
Erinsborough Hospital
Toadie enters Chris's room, bringing him some homemade brownies. Toadie apologises for what happened, Chris says it wasn't his fault. Chris tells Toadie they're close to finding the attacker. He also tells Toadie what Lucas did when he thought Mr Burrell was the attacker.
CHRIS: I hate to think what he will do when he finds the real guy.
The Meadows Greyhound Track
Kyle and Lucas wait in the van in the car park. They're just about to go when they spot the attacker arriving. Lucas is about to get out the car when Kyle stops him.
KYLE: This guy almost killed Chris, you cannot handle him on your own.
Kyle and Lucas are still in the van, Lucas sees the guy approaching, Lucas gets out the car and asks the guy what his name is, just as the police arrive. Supt Hayes arrests him for the assault.
Number 22
Sophie walks past Summer and Andrew saying she's going to see Corey. Andrew tells Sophie he's in charge and she's not leaving. Sophie then blackmails Andrew, threatening to tell Paul that she kissed Corey and that Andrew knew. Andrew caves in and lets Sophie walk out.
Number 30/Erinsborough Police Station
Lucas, Kyle and Toadie share a beer to drink to Lewis Walton being arrested for attacking Chris. Toadie says he's looking forward to putting this behind him.
Meanwhile at the station Hayes questions Lewis, showing him the photographic evidence. Lewis says he didn't know Chris, he was doing what he was told, by Jarrod Rebecchi, saying Jarrod arranged the whole thing and no one else at the firm was involved.
Number 30
Lucas gets off the phone after telling Chris that the attacker has been caught, Chris is stoked apparently. Supt Hayes enters and asks Toadie to come down to the station. Hayes tells Toadie what Lewis has said, Toadie insists he's innocent and Lewis is lying.
HAYES: I guess it's your word against his.
TOADIE: I reckon I can prove that. I need a favour.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Hayes asks Lewis to tell him exactly what happened.
- Toadie telling Sonya his plan will work.
- Anna says that the firm has lost clients over this.
- Summer asks why Tash isn't studying something she really cares about.
- Aidan tries to reassure Tash, she thinks he's trying to pick her up.
- Mr Pappas gives Chris his permission to work at the garage.
- Toadie tells Chris they arrested the guy who attacked him.
- Chris refuses to go back to work.
<<6316 - 6318>>
Summer Hoyland, Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6317
Summer Hoyland, Sophie Ramsay

Andrew Robinson, Corey O’Donahue in Neighbours Episode 6317
Andrew Robinson, Corey O’Donahue

Andrew Robinson, Corey O’Donahue in Neighbours Episode 6317
Andrew Robinson, Corey O’Donahue

Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6317
Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning

Supt. Duncan Hayes in Neighbours Episode 6317
Supt. Duncan Hayes

Lucas Fitzgerald, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6317
Lucas Fitzgerald, Chris Pappas

Anna Hauser in Neighbours Episode 6317
Anna Hauser

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6317
Kyle Canning

Sophie Ramsay, Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6317
Sophie Ramsay, Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland

Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6317
Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi

Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6317
Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6317
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6317
Toadie Rebecchi, Chris Pappas

Supt. Duncan Hayes, Lewis Walton, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6317
Supt. Duncan Hayes, Lewis Walton, Lucas Fitzgerald

Andrew Robinson, Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6317
Andrew Robinson, Sophie Ramsay

Lewis Walton in Neighbours Episode 6317
Lewis Walton

Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6317
Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Lucas Fitzgerald

Supt. Duncan Hayes, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6317
Supt. Duncan Hayes, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6317
Toadie Rebecchi

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