Andrew wanting to go to schoolies; Paul leaving him at home, alone, for two weeks.
Tash feeling that her dad doesn't care about what she does.
Susan learning that Karl told Jim to not put so much pressure on her.
Karl insisting he spoke to Jim for Susan's own good.
Susan accusing Karl of being jealous of a dying man.
Number 28
Karl sits at home, reading a book on Peru. He sighs.
Susan is apologising to Jim for Karl's behaviour last week; Jim insists that Karl was right, and as her husband he has a right to step in. He adds that he'd understand if Susan needed to back off. Susan retorts that Karl, of all people, should understand that she's doing it because she wants to.
Number 28
Back at home Karl looks sadly at his mobile phone, not realising that the saucepan is boiling over. Mal returns home to see the dinner he's cooked being ruined, and wishes he'd asked his mum to keep an eye on it. Karl reminds him that Susan's got other priorities. Mal tells his dad to give it a rest.
Susan takes Jim's hand in hers and says she wants to help him make the most of his time left.
SUSAN: I need to.
Because it's all about Susan, it seems, regardless of Karl or Jim's feelings. But Jim doesn't seem to mind and joins both his hands with hers. Uh oh...
Number 28
Mal tells his dad that he's going to do another shop, but in the meantime Karl needs to stop moping around the house. Karl calls Susan...
...who sees that Karl's calling and deliberately switches her phone off so he can't speak to her. Before turning to Jim beaming, and offering a coffee and a walk around the lake.
Number 28
Karl gets voicemail and throws his phone down.
Erinsborough High School
Tash knocks on Michael's door, and reminds him that uni preferences are due today. She's proud she's remembered to do them, and wants to talk to him about her choices. Impatient, Michael wants to know why she's there, and isn't really interested in the choices she's made. He doesn't read or look at her work, but reminds his daughter that if she needs to talk it through with anyone, he can talk to the VCE co- ordinator.
Michael tells Tash he's the Principal and doesn't have the time. After she's gone he feels bad, sitting back in his seat and sighing.
In the classroom, Tash is on her laptop looking at responses on Facebook to a video that Ivan has posted of her. She hears kids laughing outside and assumes it's about her. She grabs a leaflet she's picked up on plastic surgery and goes to the website, looking at nose re- shaping. She tries not to crumble into tears.
Number 22
Andrew has a phonecall about more backpackers who need somewhere to stay. Mal comes over and suggests that Andrew move the backpacker campervan out of the drive, and the al fresco backpacker diners to the back garden, so that the rest of the street doesn't get suspicious...
Erinsborough High School
Michael is covering a maths class and gives the kids instructions on what to do. Tash is staring at her nose in a mirror, paying no attention. When Michael asks her to behave, she starts ranting about how he knows nothing about maths, being recalcitrant and rude. Chris stares at her. Michael gives her an afterschool detention.
Out by the lockers Chris tells Tash to get over herself, but she's hung up on the way he treated her. He tells her to get her science textbooks, but she drops the leaflets on plastic surgery which Chris picks up...
Later, in a classroom somewhere, Chris wonders why she wants plastic surgery, and Tash says that 'everybody' on Facebook says she should get rid of her head. Chris points out that he gets called lots of things, but Tash says that's different (because, you know, what she experiences is always far worse). Tash points out that Chris likes himself, but he reminds her that it took him over a year to get to that point. He *wanted* to not be gay, but now he wouldn't change anything. He's heard every insult, now, so it doesn't bother him.
Tash arrogantly points out that she knows it's hard to improve on perfection (ie, her), but she'll get a nose job if she wants to. She doesn't seem to realise that it's her hypocritical attitude that most people hate.
Number 22
Kate comes over with risotto for Andrew and Summer, and is surprised to see a whole load of other people there. Andrew says they're friends of his, but Kate's not quite falling for it.
Number 28
Karl is throwing out some kitchen stuff when Mal comes home and realises that things are really wrong.
MAL: You really have had a blue, haven't you?
KARL: What gave you that idea?
MAL: Well, you're cleaning out a drawer that hasn't been opened since 1994.
KARL: We've had words, alright? It's between your mother and I.
MAL: There are other people in the house, too.
KARL: Yeah, it's our marriage. Some things should remain private.
MAL: Last week it's just a couple of niggles, and now it's your marriage?
Mal insists that Karl needs to talk to someone. He says that he put it to Susan that her involvement with Jim could affect her health. Plus, he tried to talk to Jim... Mal can't believe that Karl is being so stupid, and poor Karl tries to explain that there are two sides to this story. Mal shouts that Susan isn't in love with Jim, so Karl retorts that it's a lot more complex than that.
Mal tells Karl that he can wait a couple of weeks; Jim hasn't got much longer than that. Be the bigger man, and support Susan regardless.
Harold's Store
Susan's getting coffee when Summer tells her she's staying over at Andrew's tonight. Susan half- jokingly says she might join them. Andrew and Sum are stocking up on bread, milk and other food, and Kate tells him she knows damn well that the people in the house are not friends. Kate says she doesn't want to know anything about it, so then she'll have nothing to tell Paul.
Number 28 / Lassiter's Lake
Karl picks up the phone and calls Susan.
At the lake, Susan's phone goes straight to voicemail.
Split screen! Jim and Susan sit by the lake. Karl makes a heartfelt apology to his wife, and promises to support her, regardless. He doesn't want to lose her, and knows she needs to help Jim.
Jim struggles with walking, so Susan takes his hand...
And Karl tells Susan he loves her...
Number 32
Tash is staring at a photo of her nose.
Erinsborough High School
Kate comes in to see Michael, asking to confirm her teaching practice dates. He's fine with them. Kate makes some chat about how to get hang of the discipline of students.
Number 32
Tash stares some more at a picture of her nose, getting all upset. Oh, get over it.
Erinsborough High School
Mike gives Kate a hypothetical: say there's a student who won't be disciplined. So instead you give them space, let them make mistakes and live with the consequences. Kate thinks it's might be risky, but you have to see it through; you can't back down or you lose respect.
Michael takes it on board.
Number 32
Crying at the computer, Tash searches for 'cheap nose jobs'.
Cut to later and Michael returns home. He reminds her that she missed her detention today, and has to take one tomorrow. He throws his bag and coat down, and goes to the kitchen.
Tash searches through his pockets and takes his wallet, putting his credit card details into the nose website. $4000 from Pacific Bank...