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Neighbours Episode 6078 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6077 - 6079>>
Episode title: 6078
Australian airdate: 19/01/11
UK airdate: 16/02/11
Writer: Katrina Foster
Director: Adrian Holmes
- "I Tried It Anyway" by Kate Alexa
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Tash running into the fire to rescue Summer
- Andrew regaining consciousness and saying Summer's name
- Summer and Andrew agreeing they can't be together until Tash is well
- Paul finding out the real reason Lyn didn't receive her home insurance
- Lyn being blackmailed by Paul
Harold's Store
While Lyn and Rebecca have a chat about the fire, Paul remarks to Declan that the two women are "pretty pally these days". Rebecca and Declan head outside and Paul tells Lyn he won't be paying for the coffees - oh, and he'd like a free piece of chocolate cake for Andrew, too.
Lassiter's Complex
Declan sees his mum texting someone and guesses it's Michael. He warns her to be careful if she's meeting up with him today and Rebecca says she will. Kate walks out of the store the same time as Paul, but ignores him and tells Rebecca to pass on her best to Andrew. Paul offers to give Rebecca a lift to the hospital but she coolly replies that she wants to take separate cars. Paul notices Lyn has witnessed their little spat and says he's got his first job for her - to get him out of the dog house with Rebecca.
LYN: Why would she listen to me? She knows exactly what I think of you.
PAUL: Yeah but you can be so convincing when you want to be. Like claiming that the fire was just a tragic accident.
LYN: The fire was an accident.
PAUL: See, there you go. That's believable.
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room/Number 32
Andrew tells Karl that he feels well enough to go home, but Karl thinks he needs a few more days under medical supervision. Paul and Rebecca have brought in a Blu- ray player for Andrew to try and alleviate the boredom, but Andrew still wants to invite some friends over to watch DVDs with.
Natasha is looking in her bedroom mirror, going on about what top matches her scarf better, but Summer's barely listening to her. Picking up her phone, Tash sighs and says Andrew better call soon.
Karl tells Andrew that having a few visitors should be OK but not to go overboard. Paul says he'll organise some food for everyone. Andrew picks up his phone to ring Summer but she ignores his call, pretending to Natasha that it was just Chris.
A little while later Rebecca finishes up a phone call with Lyn and says she'll see her soon. Paul and Rebecca are about to leave when Andrew asks his dad to chase a few people up for him, no one seems to be answering his calls. But Paul thinks Andrew's problems are solved when Natasha turns up to visit her boyfriend. Andrew tries to plaster a smile on his face and pretend to be enthused.
Number 32
Lyn invites Rebecca in, who can't help asking if Michael's home today. Lyn tells her he's out with Lucas somewhere, just as Summer appears and says she's going for a walk. Rebecca notices how down Summer looked and asks Lyn if she's OK. Lyn replies that no matter what she says, Summer still blames herself for the fire. Realising there's no time like the present, Lyn launches into her 'make Rebecca think Paul is awesome' plan by going on about what a good dad he's been to Andrew lately. When Rebecca starts to become suss, though, Lyn reins it in and changes the topic but the seeds of doubt have already been planted in Rebecca's mind.
Ramsay Street
Paul sees Summer returning from her walk and asks if she wants a lift to the hospital to visit Andrew. Summer tries to get out of going, but Paul persists in asking until she has to give in.
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room
Andrew looks bored out of his brain watching Glee on DVD with Natasha (snuggled up in bed beside him), but perks up when Paul walks in with Summer. Andrew tries to have a chat with Summer, who looks incredibly uncomfortable, but Tash keeps telling them to shush. Andrew ignores her and keeps trying to chat to Summer in secret code.
ANDREW: It just sucks being here not being able to do anything. I just feel like everything's on hold. I just want to get out, you know, get on with things... Summer?
SUMMER: (upset) Stop talking.
NATASHA: Thank you.
First Commercial Break
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room
Summer's getting increasingly uncomfortable with seeing Andrew and Natasha together so she decides to leave, but Andrew doesn't want her to. Paul returns just as Summer wipes away some stray tears, but Tash thinks she knows what her friend is upset about - she's still blaming herself for the fire. Tash says it was just a mistake and that everyone makes them. Andrew nods, "She knows you'd never do anything to hurt her".
Later that day they're still all watching Glee - Paul's fallen asleep in one of the chairs he's enjoyed it so much. He suggests they watch one of the classic movies he brought in, but Tash has made herself queen of the remote and says they've still got deleted scenes to check out. Andrew hints that he's feeling pretty tired, so Paul rounds up the girls and says it's time to give Andrew a break. Summer takes a chance to linger with Andrew when Tash goes off to double check her hospital appointment tomorrow.
ANDREW: I have never felt like this about anyone before - and neither have you.
They look like they're about to kiss when Karl walks in to check up on his patient. Summer takes it as her cue to go home, much to Andrew's disappointment.
Lassiter's Complex
Paul finds Lyn and Rebecca strolling and chatting with one another. Smiling, Paul takes Rebecca's hand and asks if she's finished work for the day. Rebecca remains the doting wife until Lyn walks away before snatching her hand from Paul.
REBECCA: If we weren't in public you would lose that hand.
She heads off and Lyn shoots Paul a pleased smile, thinking her mission is accomplished. But Paul lets her know she failed and needs to try harder this time. Lyn doesn't know what else she can do but is scared back into it when Paul threatens to make some calls and blurt out her secret. Kate sees them looking intense and asks if everything's OK, but Paul just pretends Lyn mixed up his order.
Charlie's Bar
Lyn brings in the milk invoice for Rebecca and has to launch into round two of 'Paul is one awesome dude. No, really, he is'. Rebecca sees right through her efforts and flat out asks if Paul's threatening her. Lyn looks very tempted to say yes.
Second Commercial Break
Charlie's Bar
Rebecca guides Lyn into the office and reminds her that she knows how much she hates Paul - so why the sudden change of heart? Lyn gets even more uncomfortable when Rebecca brings up the word "blackmail", so Rebecca assures her she won't make things worse for Lyn. "You don't have to tell me what he's got on you. Just tell me what he wants. I'll help you". Lyn looks completely relieved to hear this.
Number 22
Declan watches suspiciously from the kitchen as his mum plays happy families with Paul, letting him know that she's cooked Andrew's favourite meal for him. Rebecca also tells Paul that it was nice of him to get the DVD player for his son. Paul's happy that Rebecca's acting warmer towards him and heads upstairs to wash up.
DECLAN: What was that, mum?
REBECCA: Nothing. I'm just helping out a friend.
Number 32 - Natasha's Room
While Tash and Michael (only there in voice- over capacity) have a screaming match in the hallway about the bathroom, Summer stares at all the photos of Tash and Andrew, feeling suffocated.
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room
Rebecca and Paul bring in the food for Andrew and ask if he wants company, but Andrew says he's quite happy just hanging out by himself. When they leave, Andrew looks at the framed photo of himself and Tash by his bedside (that she must have brought in) and turns it face- down so he doesn't have to see it. He cheers up 100%, though, when Summer returns to visit him. She starts rambling about needing space from Tash and feeling bad about how they left things earlier, but Andrew stops her in her tracks with three simple words: "I love you". Karl chooses this moment to check up on Andrew (again) so Summer runs off (again) leaving Andrew disappointed (again).
Third Commercial Break
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room
Karl finishes the last of his check- up and reminds Andrew to try and get a good night's sleep. He turns off the lights and leaves, but Summer sneaks back in moments later.
ANDREW: I thought I scared you off.
SUMMER: (shaking her head) I love you too.
They realise the 'don't see one another' plan isn't going to work so they agree to another one for now: look but don't touch. Andrew asks Summer to stay with him for a while - nothing suss, just sitting on the chair beside him. Summer smiles and brings the chair closer to his bedside, happy to be in his company. Andrew holds her hand and says they're going to get through this.
(Tomorrow on Neighbours)
(Karl does a check- up on Tash's injuries)
NATASHA: Look at my skin, I don't scar.
MICHAEL: I never mentioned a scar.
(Michael chats to Summer about his daughter)
MICHAEL: I know Tash puts on the whole independent act but she really likes you, Summer.
SUMMER: I don't know about that.
(Donna shows different people her sketches in her portfolio)
TOADIE: Is this for New York?
DONNA: (uneasy) It's a directional look.
TOADIE: Yes, it's very directional.
(Cut to Number 24)
LUCAS: It's uh...
KATE: Directional.
LUCAS: Yeah!
LOU: Directional.
(Donna needs her dad's opinion)
DONNA: I want this so much I can't tell if it's genius or...
NICK: I don't like them.
(Donna screws up one of the sketches)
TASH: If you can't do it, do something else.
DONNA: I know exactly what I want to do.
<<6077 - 6079>>
Lyn Scully, Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6078
Lyn Scully, Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson, Declan Napier

Declan Napier, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6078
Declan Napier, Rebecca Napier

Lyn Scully, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Lyn Scully, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier, Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier, Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6078
Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Andrew Robinson

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Lyn Scully, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6078
Lyn Scully, Rebecca Napier

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Paul Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6078
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Summer Hoyland, Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6078
Summer Hoyland, Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Lyn Scully, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Lyn Scully, Paul Robinson

Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson

Lyn Scully, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6078
Lyn Scully, Rebecca Napier

Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6078
Declan Napier

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6078
Summer Hoyland

Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6078
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

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