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Neighbours Episode 6072 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6071 - 6073>>
Episode title: 6072
Australian airdate: 12/01/11
UK airdate: 08/02/11
Writer: Anthony Morris
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Doctor Doug Harris - Mahesh Jadu
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
The story so far...
- Dr Harris breaking the news of Ringo's death to Donna
- Donna discovering Ringo signed her up at a fashion institute in NY
- Summer explaining that she put the extra lights on the tree
- Paul suspicious that Lyn was behind the fire
- Natasha not being told that Andrew was in the fire too
- Andrew being rushed into theatre for more surgery
- Paul telling Lyn he's keeping an eye on her
Erinsborough Hospital - Exterior
Paul leaves a voicemail on Rebecca's phone, updating her about Andrew's condition. He knows they're on shaky terms right now but he'd love to hear from her, or even see her. Susan and Donna appear around the corner, but Donna is wary about going into the hospital (still traumatised by Ringo's death). She tells Susan she's going to check on Paul and will meet her in there later.
Donna sits with Paul and assures him Andrew will be OK. Paul lets her know he's called Andrew's mum, as well as Rebecca, and then goes back into the hospital to see if there's any news. Summer walks outside crying and Donna comforts her as best she can.
Erinsborough Hospital - Natasha's Room
Natasha's scratching at her neck when Summer stops by to visit her. Tash asks if her injury looks really bad and Summer guiltily replies that the bandages always make things appear worse than they are. Tash thinks it's weird that Andrew still hasn't come in to see her and Summer has to break the news that he was in the fire too. Shocked, Tash says that the last time she saw him she was bagging him out about leaving the Christmas party early, "What if that's the last thing I say to him?" Summer says it won't be; they're not going to lose him.
Erinsborough Hospital - Corridor
Paul's hassling Karl to speak with the specialist he's hired, but Karl says there's no need: Andrew's already getting the best care possible. Before Karl rushes away, he tells Lyn and Summer they can leave the hospital when the paperwork's ready. Paul can't help pressing Summer for more information about how the fire started, but Summer just gets upset and Lyn sends her to lie down. Lyn demands that Paul leave them alone, but he angrily grabs her arm and says he's going to find out the truth about the fire no matter what. Lyn just glares at him and walks off.
Number 28
Donna's sorting out spare clothes for Summer when Susan and Zeke arrive home with some shopping. While Susan's gathering the rest of the bags outside, Zeke asks Donna if she's going to share her news about New York. Donna says that now really isn't the time, and besides, she hasn't made a decision yet.
Erinsborough Hospital - Corridor
Susan brings Lyn and Summer some drinks, apologising for the lack of sandwiches - Zeke and Donna were meant to bring them by. She adds that Charlie is having fun hanging out with Sonya, who is spoiling him rotten. Lyn doesn't know what she's going to tell Charlie, or Steph for that matter, but Susan knows that Steph will just be happy they're all safe. Paul sits with them and tells Susan he wants her to write an article for the paper about the fire, which makes Lyn squirm. Before he can wreak too much havoc, Karl appears to tell him that Andrew's out of surgery and he's OK.
Lassiter's Complex
Zeke's helping Donna run a clothes drive in the middle of the complex. She's on the megaphone, asking people to donate any unwanted goods for Lyn and Summer. Lou walks over near the mannequin they have set up and laughingly asks Zeke which one of them is the dummy.
ZEKE: Do you have anything to donate besides dodgy jokes?
LOU: I don't think any of my old shirts would suit Lynnie.
ZEKE: Well you should bring them down because Donna is selling all the extras and donating the money.
DONNA: And vintage clothes are always welcome.
LOU: I'm not sure if I have...
DONNA: The 50s are so hot right now.
LOU: I beg your pardon?
DONNA: Actually if you had anything from the 40s that would also be worth a fortune.
LOU: Oi, steady on!
He grumpily says he'll have a word with the customers in Harold's and send them Donna's way. Zeke and Donna laugh then get back to business.
DONNA: Come on people, let's pull together and help make Ramsay Street's fire victims look hot! (Realising her faux pas) ... I mean awesome!
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room
Karl informs Paul that they stopped all of the internal bleeding but it will be a while before Andrew's 100% again. Karl adds that the anaesthetic should wear off soon. Paul invites Summer and Tash into the room, who are hovering near the doorway. Tash rushes in to be by Andrew's side, jokingly telling him off for playing the hero and going into the fire after her to rescue her. Andrew starts to stir and mumble something. Tash gets excited before realising that the word Andrew is groggily trying to choke out is "Summer". Summer looks majorly guilty.
First Commercial Break
Erinsborough Hospital - Corridor
Summer hurriedly tells Tash that Andrew's so out of it on pain meds he probably doesn't know what he's saying. Tash asks Summer who found her in the fire, and Summer looks like she's about to confess the whole truth when Dr Harris appears. Tash asks how long her dad will be in hospital for and Dr Harris says the rest of the week - Michael has a few broken ribs and smoke inhalation. He asks if there's someone Tash could call but she shakes her head and says she'll sort something out herself. Summer feels horrible about how alone Tash is and decides not to tell the truth after all.
Number 28
Lou's having a cuppa and listening to Zeke complain to Donna about sorting the clothes - he just wants to deliver the sandwiches to the hospital already. Donna says they should get $200 from the vintage stuff they scored. Karl arrives home and lets them know that Andrew's OK and says to Donna she should visit him. Donna is hesitant about going back so suggests to Zeke that they walk there instead of catching a taxi.
Erinsborough Hospital - Corridor/Natasha's Room
Zeke's complaining again - this time about carrying the boxes full of clothes all the way from Ramsay Street. He eventually clocks how uncomfortable Donna is being in the hospital and gently says she's going to have to face her fears at some point.
DONNA: I know what you're going to say. That a lot of people come here, miracles happen and they get to go home to the people they love. But Ringo didn't.
ZEKE: I know. But Ringo loved this place. He loved helping people.
Zeke nudges Donna forward towards Summer's room so they can drop off the clothes and food. But before they get there Donna sees Tash in her room and decides to pay her a quick visit. Tash wipes away her tears, pretending that she's just allergic to the cheap hospital blankets. Summer listens from the doorway while they talk about Michael and then Andrew. Tash can't help wondering if Andrew said Summer's name for a reason, but Donna reassures her that Summer's face was probably just the last one he saw before he blacked out.
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room
Summer sneaks in and closes the blinds so no one spots her in there. Andrew's happy to see her but Summer can't share his joy when she's so worked up about Natasha. She tells Andrew that Tash can't find out about them when she's already got so much to worry about. Andrew's concerned to hear about Natasha's burns and asks if she's OK. Summer thinks the burns will heal but that's not the point. She tells Andrew what they did was a mistake and that they can't be together anymore.
ANDREW: Tell me you don't want to be with me, Summer.
SUMMER: It was a one- off mistake.
ANDREW: Tell me.
SUMMER: No, I can't. I can't and that's why it's over.
Second Commercial Break
Erinsborough Hospital - Corridor
Zeke and Donna finally deliver the clothes and sandwiches to Lyn and Summer just as Lou joins them with a box of cupcakes. Paul can't help put in his two cents and says how "wonderful" it is to have such caring neighbours. He makes Lyn feel even worse by saying how horrible it would have been if the other houses had've caught on fire too. Summer notices her Nan looking tense but keeps her concerns to herself for now. Paul encourages Donna to go and see Andrew.
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room
Andrew's pleased to see his latest visitor and Donna says she's happy to see him too. She then confesses how uneasy she was about coming today because of everything that happened with Ringo, but then gets into a big monologue about how Ringo used to love her "joie de vivre" and that she's come to realise that she doesn't want to lose that aspect of her personality either and needs to live life again. Andrew, meanwhile, has fallen back asleep while she's been blathering on. Donna smilingly says "good talk" before tip- toeing out.
Number 28
Donna has just finished telling Susan and Karl about her design school opportunity in New York. They're stoked for her but also sad about another bird leaving the nest. Donna says there's still heaps of things to do before she goes, like put together a portfolio. Zeke offers to help her but Susan teasingly says Donna doesn't need her work sabotaged.
Erinsborough Hospital - Andrew's Room
Tash visits her boyfriend and says she can't believe he ran into a burning house after her, "You're my hero". Dr Harris warns Tash she needs to go back to her own room. Tash asks how long it will be until she's discharged to go home, but Dr Harris says they're seeing who can stay with her first. When Tash and Dr Harris leave, Summer slips in through the side doorway and confesses to Andrew that she still doesn't want to hurt Tash, "but I can't help the way I feel about you". Andrew smiles and says they're going to get through this.
ANDREW: We can be together.
SUMMER: Not until Tash gets the all- clear.
ANDREW: After that?
SUMMER: (smiling) After that, yes. But it's going to be hard being around each other so until then we keep our distance OK?
Andrew nods and Summer holds onto his hand and brushes his forehead.
ANDREW: Can't wait.
SUMMER: Me either.
Third Commercial Break
Erinsborough Hospital - Corridor
Summer's wary when she sees Lyn talking with Tash, and her concerns turn out to be valid. Lyn informs her they're going to be staying at #32 for a few days. Summer says she thought they'd go to #28 or #30, but Lyn says there's more space at Tash's house and this way Tash won't have to stay by herself. Bummer, Summer. Guess that guilt's going to be a little harder to manage than you thought.
(Tomorrow on Neighbours)
NATASHA: When Andrew kissed me before it seemed like he had second thoughts.
(Summer on the phone to Andrew)
SUMMER: I lied to her Andrew. I never lie. You can't tell her now.
ANDREW: She's going to get hurt whether we tell her now or later.
(Donna points Kate in the direction of Mark)
DONNA: Go have a hot reunion kiss and call me later.
KATE: You said you wanted to talk?
MARK: You better come down to the station.
(Mark sets up the footage of Kate's interview)
KATE: Why are you showing me this?
MARK: Just watch.
(Kate sees herself toying with her necklace)
MARK: Did you lie about the alibi you gave for Rebecca?
<<6071 - 6073>>
Donna Freedman, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6072
Donna Freedman, Paul Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 6072
Summer Hoyland, Donna Freedman

Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6072
Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams

Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6072
Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully

Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 6072
Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman

Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6072
Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 6072
Lou Carpenter, Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman

Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6072
Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Doug Harris, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6072
Summer Hoyland, Doug Harris, Natasha Williams

Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6072
Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski, Lou Carpenter

Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 6072
Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski

Donna Freedman, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6072
Donna Freedman, Natasha Williams

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6072
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully, Donna Freedman, Paul Robinson, Zeke Kinski, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6072
Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully, Donna Freedman, Paul Robinson, Zeke Kinski, Lou Carpenter

Donna Freedman, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6072
Donna Freedman, Andrew Robinson

Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 6072
Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6072
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6072
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6072
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Natasha Williams, Lyn Scully, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6072
Natasha Williams, Lyn Scully, Summer Hoyland

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6072
Summer Hoyland

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