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Neighbours Episode 6060 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6059 - 6061>>
Episode title: 6060
Australian airdate: 03/12/10
UK airdate: 21/01/11
Writer: Chris Corbett
Director: Gary Conway
Summary/Images by: KiKi/Graham
Lyn wanting to do some charity work in Ringo's name.
Karl hoping Steph goes to jail.
Lyn not wanting to lose Susan's friendship.
Rebecca lying to protect Declan from jail, by agreeing to renew her wedding vows with Paul.
Michael horrified at Rebecca and Paul's actions.
Declan begging Rebecca not to go through with it.
Lassiter's Rotunda
Paul says his vows - he wants to make a fresh start, and renew his vows of love, honour and fidelity (Susan makes a face). The celebrant asks Bec to say her vows, but she obviously isn't prepared. She says that she was the happiest woman alive on her wedding day, and she and Paul are still together. She tells Paul she loves him, reluctantly. Paul kisses his wife, but she pulls away quickly. Michael is gutted.
At the after party, Andrew's annoyed that Declan ruined the ceremony, whilst Susan comments to Michael how shocked Rebecca seemed at the whole event. Suse approaches Bec and comments that Declan seemed upset. Bec says Dec's okay, and she's as happy as she's ever been. Michael overhears, rolls his eyes and makes a quick excuse to leave - he's lost his appetite. Becca sadly watches him go.
Harold's Store
Susan arrives and tells Lyn that she missed a classic Paul moment by the lake, but Lyn's preoccupied in getting together a basket of food for her visit to Steph. Summer points out that Steph didn't want visitors, but Lyn breezes past on her way to the prison.
Fade to later where Susie, Toadie and Sonya are having coffee and Karl arrives, having got Susan's message to meet up. She tells Toad and Sonya that the hospital is organising a fundraising drive to make a quilt that is then auctioned off to raise money for health services. She wants to rope them into helping. They reluctantly agree, but aren't sure that Lyn will be happy to take part.
And on cue, Lyn arrives with her basket of food because the prison officers wouldn't let it through. She's clearly not okay, but ignores the concern of Summer and wants to know what the Ks, Toadie and Sonya are doing here. Susan tells her about the community quilt, and asks her if she'd like to help. Lyn points out that the hospital no longer wanted her help with fundraising (a reference to Karl stopping the blood drive in Ringo's name), and tells Karl to go and make himself feel better somewhere else before ordering him out of the coffee shop.
Number 28
Susan, Toadie and Sonya arrive home a bit after Karl, and explain that Lyn wouldn't talk to any of them after Karl left. Susan suggests that whilst they're all there they should get started on the quilt with any old materials that mean something to them - and she'll start with Karl's golf shirt. From the basket on the table, Sonya pulls out a dress of Susan's - one from her flowery stage around 2000- 2001. Dreadful.
Number 22
Declan's on the laptop when Andrew gets home demanding to know why Declan was trying to stop the wedding vows earlier. Paul stops the argument and tells Andrew to unload the car whilst Declan strops off upstairs. Paul and Becca are left in an awkward, awful conversation.
Rebecca says that she hated every minute of the day, lying, pretending, and feeling awful.
PAUL: Today was real!
REBECCA: Are you demented?! Get it through your thick head: I will never love you again.
PAUL: You could've gone with Declan.
REBECCA: You know why I can't. You would put him behind bars if I left.
PAUL: You chose me.
REBECCA: I had no choice at all.
Paul is left bewildered - he just doesn't get it at all.
Number 32
Michael sits on the sofa, listening to music and feeling sorry for himself. Tash comes in and steals his sandwich before letting Rebecca in. She strops off to her bedroom to eat the sandwich whilst Bec talks to Michael.
MICHAEL: This isn't a good idea.
REBECCA: I want to explain.
MICHAEL: I can't get involved.
REBECCA: I know.
MICHAEL: I have a daughter, my life's complicated enough. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry.
Sad, she leaves. Michael sinks to the sofa.
Number 22
Alone at number 22, Rebecca puts her head in her hands.
Number 32
Michael hints hunts through his records, pulling out one Rebecca liked.
Number 22
Rebecca sits on the sofa when Declan walks in and out without saying a word.
Number 32
Tash walks into the lounge with more sarcastic comments about her dad not playing his music in his own house (seriously, does this girl have nothing nice to say? Her routine is so boring).
Number 22
Bec's on the sofa, sad and upset, when Paul comes downstairs. He watches her from behind, seemingly concerned.
Number 26
Susan comes over with bags of material, asking Lyn to help her again with the quilt fundraiser. She's promised the hospital more than she can actually do and she needs Lyn's blanket stitching skills. Charlie asks lots of questions about the quilt and wants to help out - he'd like to use the scissors! Lyn finally gives in and Summer takes Charlie to go find clothes.
Susan asks Lyn how Steph was and Lyn admits that Steph wouldn't see her. Susie gives her friend a hug.
Cut to later and Sonya and Toadie are over with some clothes from the Ramsays and Donna's shrugolero off- cuts. Susan tells Toadie and Sonya that Steph refused to see Lyn which is why she's not here; she's upset.
They're hunting through material when Lyn comes in with one of Steph's shirts.
Cut to later where everyone is laying the squares out in an order, Charlie helping. Susan goes to see Lyn in the kitchen where she's cutting out a square from Steph's shirt. Taking it back to the quilt, Charlie notices that it belongs to his mum and asks if he can go and see her. Lyn gives her a grandson a hug.
Ramsay Street
Lyn and Susan wander outside and Susan thanks her friend for her help, reminding her that she doesn't have to try and get through the whole Steph thing alone. She says that Lyn has her support. Karl comes out of number 28 and tries to make it up to Lyn, asking if they can be civil.
LYN: No. No, you wanted Stephie to go to jail and I can't forget that.
LYN: No, I'm sorry Susan. You have always supported me and my family, and he hasn't. Now I'll, um, bring the quilt back when I've finished the sewing.
Lyn leaves and Susan offers her husband a look of sympathy.
Number 22
In the kitchen the boys ignore each other. Paul comes downstairs and tells Declan to go easy on Rebecca, even though he doesn't like him.
PAUL: I love her.
DECLAN: Well, she hates you. If you can't leave her alone, at least give her some space.
Paul stops to think.
Cut to later where he throws an envelope in front of Bec, tickets for a trip to Oakey so she can take India to see Miranda and Steve. He tells her the trip is a no- strings one, but Bec doesn't believe him. Paul says Declan made him realise she needs space, and he doesn't want to make her unhappy.
PAUL: I need you in my life. Please, take the trip.
PAUL: And remember it is a return ticket.
REBECCA: Of course it is.
PAUL: You have to come back to me. Do you want a lift to the airport?
REBECCA: I'll take the bus.
Number 32 / Number 22
Tash finds a note addressed to Michael by the door and passes it to him.
TASH: If it's anyone complaining about me, I didn't do it.
Interlaced, with clips of Rebecca getting ready to leave with India, Michael reads the note from Bec. "Michael, you don't your life to be complicated, and neither do I, but there's something I need to say. I'm not happy with Paul. The ceremony at the lake today was a lie. The only thing I haven't lied about is the way I feel about you. More than anything else in the world I wish things were different; but they're not. We both need distance. So I'm taking a bus to the airport tonight and I'm going away for a while. I just want you to know how important you've been to me, how important you are."
Michael grabs his keys and runs out the door, getting into his car and roaring down the road.
The Bus Stop / Road
Rebecca pushes India to the bus stop where other people are also waiting. Michael is stopped at some lights whilst roadworks take place. Impatient, he gets out and runs the rest of the way.
But by the time he reaches the bus stop there's no- one there; she's gone.
<<6059 - 6061>>
Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6060
Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson

Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6060
Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson

Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6060
Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Michael Williams, Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6060
Susan Kennedy, Michael Williams, Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier

Lyn Scully, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6060
Lyn Scully, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6060
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6060
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Susan Kennedy

Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6060
Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson

Michael Williams, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6060
Michael Williams, Rebecca Napier

Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6060
Michael Williams

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6060
Paul Robinson

Charlie Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6060
Charlie Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Summer Hoyland, Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6060
Summer Hoyland, Charlie Hoyland

 in Neighbours Episode 6060

Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6060
Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6060
Paul Robinson, Declan Napier

Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6060
Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6060
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Rebecca Napier, India Napier in Neighbours Episode 6060
Rebecca Napier, India Napier

Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6060
Michael Williams

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6060
Rebecca Napier

Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6060
Michael Williams

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