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Neighbours Episode 6050 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6049 - 6051>>
Episode title: 6050
Australian airdate: 19/11/10
UK airdate: 24/12/10
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Samantha Fitzgerald: Simone Buchanan
Summary/Images by: KiKi/Graham
Tash wants a prom social.
Tash is playing hard to get with Andrew, but he doesn't seem to want her.
Toadie tells Susan that Lib has to back up her statement in court.
Sam tells Karl she'll have to attack Libby's evidence.
Karl warns Libby not to lie in court.
Lyn runs a blood donation campaign in Ringo's name.
Karl wants Lyn out of the hospital and hopes Steph goes to jail for killing Ringo.
Ramsay Street
The Ks arrive home from the hospital and Susan has been giving Karl the silent treatment, which he hates. She is sick of the fighting and tells Karl that he didn't have to speak to Lyn like that at the hospital. What happened to Ringo was unforgiveable, and he has no time for anyone supporting Steph. Lyn overhears their argument.
Number 28
Karl points out that at least he was honest with Lyn when Susan wasn't. Susan admits she's not sure what she thinks anymore; it's not black and white. Karl goes on a rant about the fact that Libby isn't even at home and is avoiding him. He wants to know what she's going to do about her statement.
Number 26
Lyn is furious with the Ks and tells Steph how angry she is. Steph reminds her mum that the Ks are upset, and Libby is on her side, so not all the Ks are poison! Lyn reminds her daughter that Libby's actually got to get in the stand and defend Steph, yet...
Number 28
Karl has only just gotten through to Lib who is sticking to her statement. Susan reminds Karl that Steph is Libby's best friend, and yelling at their daughter isn't going to make her change her mind. She'll only dig her heels in. Karl can't comprehend Libby's point of view, but Susan tells him that not everyone sees things in quite such a cut and dried way.
Karl strops off to bed and Susan puts her face in her hand.
Harold's Store
Steph confides in Toadie and Lou that she's worried about Summer getting involved in all this, especially now Lyn is getting stuck into the Kennedys and Libby. Toadie thinks about this. He tells Steph that Susan visited him the other day, wondering how important Lib's statement is, as it's causing tension with Karl. He suggests they pay Libby a visit.
Tash wanders in and sees Andrew, but he's too busy to speak to her or have a coffee right now. He's meeting Summer to work on the school social. She tries to get him to be part of the campaign for the social King and Queen but he could not be less interested.
Erinsborough High School
Tash catches up with Lucas and asks him to put in a good word for her with the students to win the Queen of the social. Lucas refuses - he has to be impartial with the students. Tash has put up a poster of her as a Queen, part of her campaign. Summer appears and tells Tash that she's tragic.
TASH: I know you don't get it, but the social's different for the hot students. A bit sad really, cos you have no chance of making a Queen, so you have to wreck it for everyone else.
Tash puts up her next poster - Andrew as King. Next to her own poster. Summer can't believe this, and doesn't believe that Andrew's agreed to it.
In the classroom Andrew asks Summer how she is, after the hospital fight last night. He is genuinely concerned, but they sit down to work on numbers. Tash bullies her way in and wants to know what Andrew's wearing to the social if he's going to be King. He's not happy that Tash has made a poster and tells her that he's not interested in the social King thing, and carries on talking to Summer, much to Tash's disgust.
The Ks are sitting at a table and Susan admits to Karl that she barely slept. Sam appears and asks them if they would complete Victim Impact Statements for Ringo's death. Karl is happy to, and then asks Sam to leave them for a moment whilst he convinces Susan. Susan agrees that Steph has to face the consequences, but she doesn't want to take Charlie's mum away from him. Karl literally begs his wife before calling Sam back and Susan agrees.
Steph and Toadie arrive, but don't want to stay with Sam there, so Steph leaves. Toadie hangs around to find out what's going on. Sam makes very unsubtle enquiries about Libby but Susan denies there are any problems with Libby's statement in court.
Harold's Store
Lyn serves her daughter coffee, convinced that there must be a problem if the Ks are talking to Sam. Lou tries to calm Lyn down, and Toadie arrives explaining that Sam is collecting Impact Statements. Lyn is furious and demands that Steph call Libby and demand she get here right now! Steph tells her mum to stay out of it. Lyn unconvincingly agrees.
The Ks are still having coffee when Lyn arrives, demanding to know why they have already locked Steph up and thrown away the key! She doesn't understand why they're completing Victim Impact Statements, whilst Libby is defending Steph. The Ks share a look which doesn't go unnoticed by Lyn.
LYN: That's it, then? Okay...
She walks off, furious. Karl and Susan roll their eyes in exasperation.
Erinsborough High School
Andrew and Summer agree to meet again to go through the last set of numbers after school. Sum thanks Andrew for being there for her whilst things have been hard at home.
Tash arrives with more of her social committee dramas, complaining that the year 7s suggested face painting. She's now thinking that the whole social idea sucks, especially now that Andrew seems to think that, too. She suggests that she and Andrew organise a dance party. Andrew says the social's in a week and now can't be changed! Summer can't believe how obvious Tash is being. Tash isn't pleased with how close Summer and Andrew have become. She starts to think of a plan...
Libby sits in Michael's office when Lucas comes in with a coffee. She says that things are tense at home, and she will stick by Steph in court. Tash knocks on the door to see Lib and check up on the social - is it still on?! She sees Libby put some ticket money away in a drawer before leaving the office.
Libby knocks over her coffee, and runs out to get something to wipe it up with. Tash slips in and closes the door. She takes out the cash box and takes a wad of notes...
Number 32
Tash arrives home and calls for her dad to check he's not there. She pulls the whole cash box from her bag, and takes the money out.
Number 26
Lyn is angrily stuffing every card, photo or anything the Kennedys have ever given her into a box, ready to be thrown away. Steph tells her it's a bit extreme! Summer and Andrew return home and Sum, seeing the state of Lyn, says she'll bring the revision notes over to Andrew's later. He leaves.
Steph explains to Summer that Lyn's having a tidy up so Summer goes to her room. Steph tells her mum she needs to talk to her. She knows Lyn loves her and would do anything for her, but if the court case doesn't work out then Lyn will need her friends. Like the Kennedys.
LYN: Best friends don't do these sorts of things.
STEPH: Mum! Put yourself in their shoes. If this were Libby on trial for running over Charlie...
LYN: Yep. I'd be there for them.
STEPH: You'd be out for blood. You know you would.
Steph convinces Lyn to be the better person and fix things - for Steph if for no- one else.
Cut to moments later where Lyn is reading from cards from Susan to her, with photos of them from 2002.
Number 28
Karl answers the door to Lyn and lets her in after she begs. She tells them that she did think the blood drive might be seen as insensitive which is why she ran it by Donna. But she now realises she should have asked Karl and Susan, too. And yes, in some ways she did do it to make herself feel better - and she's sorry.
She knows why they're angry with Steph; she'd be 100 times worse if she was in their shoes. She appeals to Susan for some words of comfort, but Susie- Q says nothing. Lyn openly says she doesn't want to lose their friendship - she can't.
The Ks say nothing. Lyn leaves, upset. Karl declares it's too little, too late, but Susan sits and contemplates...
Harold's Store
Susan gets a coffee just as Sam arrives. Sam comments that Susan and Karl seemed on edge, earlier, when she mentioned Libby. Susan tells Sam that her family isn't Sam's business. Sam says she knows when something's not quite right, and warns Susan that when Libby's on the stand, she will make sure that the truth will come out.
Susan glares at Sam and says that this is just a vendetta against the Ks - not to get justice, but for a petty grudge. She was wrong to ever think better of Sam.
Number 28
The Ks are having coffee when Libby arrives home, and Susan says she has an announcement to make. She does think that Steph's in the wrong, but she doesn't want her to go to jail. It doesn't just affect Steph, and Susan refuses to do anything to help Sam's case. She believes it's the right thing to do.
KARL: Lying in court is the right thing to do?!
SUSAN: The loss of one child is enough, Karl!
KARL: For heaven's sake.
He walks off. Susan tells Libby that Sam will try hard to break her, and must do what she thinks is right in court - if she can handle it.
<<6049 - 6051>>
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6050
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6050
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6050
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 6050
Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6050
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Natasha Williams, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6050
Natasha Williams, Lucas Fitzgerald

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6050
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6050
Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Samantha Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6050
Susan Kennedy, Samantha Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Lyn Scully, Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 6050
Lyn Scully, Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6050
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully, Karl Kennedy

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6050
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6050
Lucas Fitzgerald

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6050
Natasha Williams

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6050
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6050
Lyn Scully

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6050
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully, Karl Kennedy

Samantha Fitzgerald, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6050
Samantha Fitzgerald, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6050
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6050
Libby Kennedy

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