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Neighbours Episode 6019 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6018 - 6020>>
Episode title: 6019
Australian airdate: 23/09/10
UK airdate: 11/11/10
Writer: Katrina Foster
Director: Adrian Holmes
Guests: Dr Doug Harris - Mahesh Jadu
Sonya Mitchell - Eve Morey
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Paul not remembering who pushed him
- Steph pretending that she's feeling fine
- Woody coming back into Steph's life
- Lucas and Woody getting into a fight at Charlie's
- Steph telling Lyn she's "sick of real"
Number 26
Steph is continuing her paint job over the mural in the middle of the night when Charlie walks in and says he can't sleep. He asks his mum to cuddle with him, but Steph just gives him a quick hug and says she'll be in later.
The next morning Charlie is being fussy with his toast and ends up tossing it on the ground, causing Steph to blow her lid at him. Lyn offers to get him muesli and suggests Steph stick around to take him to day care. But Steph looks frustrated and says she can't be late for her first day back at work.
Number 28
Dressed in his paramedic uniform, Ringo is trying to chat to Donna on the phone but Zeke is taking great pleasure in disrupting him. First by snatching away his newspaper and then turning the blender on to make a smoothie. When Karl walks out, Zeke redirects his mischievous streak and asks if Karl remembers what day it is. Karl thinks it might be Ringo's birthday, but when Zeke reminds him it's his wedding anniversary, Karl pretends he already knew. Zeke asks to see the present Karl got Susan but he claims he's keeping it at work.
Erinsborough Hospital
Ringo's trying to find the roster that says who he's on with today, but Karl is too busy lamenting the fact that he forgot his anniversary. When Doug asks Karl to get onto a few jobs, Karl murmurs to Ringo that he won't be able to escape to the shops and needs Ringo's help with gift ideas.
RINGO: What about the hospital gift shop?
KARL: Talcum powder and teddy bears? I think I'm going to have to do better than that.
Karl is surprised when Zeke strolls in (randomly playing with a Rubik's Cube), but he says he's there to keep Kate company while she visits Paul. Declan runs into them and invites himself along to see Paul as well, making Kate look slightly uncomfortable. Zeke tells Karl he'll come back at lunch time to see Susan's present, but Ringo quickly blurts out that they have a "crisis meeting" to attend. Zeke just nods and smiles, he doesn't believe them for a second.
Later, Doug checks in with Karl about some more patients then heads off just as Ringo returns to the work station. Karl happily takes a gold pen out of his pocket to show Ringo and tells him that the gift crisis has been averted.
RINGO: Very thoughtful.
KARL: See you just have to have faith that the right thing will present itself at the right time.
RINGO: (inspecting the pen) You even had time to get it engraved.
KARL: ... I did?
RINGO: 'For Meredith'.
KARL: (snatches back the pen) What?
Ringo needles Karl until he admits that he took it from the lost and found tub. When Ringo checks out the tub, though, he realises Karl's been rummaging through the wrong one.
RINGO: Put the pen down, Karl.
KARL: Why?
RINGO: This isn't the lost property box.
KARL: What are you on about?
RINGO: It's the box of things people swallowed.
Karl throws the pen back at Ringo in disgust.
Harold's Store
Sonya thinks that Toadie should try and talk to Steph again, but Toadie says he just wants to keep out of everything. He reminds her that Steph was pretty fired up last time.
SONYA: If her friends can't help her who can?
TOADIE: Someone in protective clothing?
Lyn brings Lucas his breakfast and says how grateful she was that he called to check on Steph last night. They start to talk quite openly about Steph and Woody, just as Steph walks in and overhears them. She angrily blurts out to all the customers that she hopes they're entertained by the tales of Lyn's troublemaking daughter. Steph says she'll leave so they can continue talking about her.
Lassiter's Complex
Lyn chases after Steph and says she's sorry, but she didn't know what else to do. Steph yells that Lyn just has to trust that she can look after herself. Lucas slinks by without saying anything and Steph moans that she's now late for work. She asks if Lyn can pick Charlie up from day care later, but Lyn is worried that Steph isn't spending much time with him. This causes Steph to go off on another rant about having to work to provide for him, and how being a single mum is hard. Lyn can't help herself and says that Steph should see a doctor.
STEPH: It's pretty clear you've made your mind up so why don't you tell me what you think is wrong with me?
LYN: I think you're depressed. It's nothing to be ashamed of, love. I had post natal depression after Oscar.
STEPH: Right, so just because you went through post natal depression means I have to does it?
LYN: No I didn't say that.
STEPH: It's my life, mum, just let me deal with it.
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl guides Lyn into his office and Lyn admits that Steph would kill her if she found out she was going behind her back. Lyn tells Karl of her suspicions that Steph has PND - she's acting how Lyn was after Oscar, and Karl was the one to pick up on that. Karl says he can't make a diagnosis without seeing Steph, but Lyn says she can't get her anywhere near the hospital. Karl thinks Steph might be uncomfortable having him as a doctor but Lyn says she won't agree to see anyone.
KARL: From what you've said she needs help. The longer she delays the worse it might get.
LYN: Have I passed this on, the depression?
KARL: Lyn you can't think like that.
LYN: No, of course.
KARL: The important thing is Steph gets help as soon as possible.
LYN: How am I going to get her here?
KARL: Any way you can.
First Commercial Break
Number 30
Lyn has dropped in to see Toadie and Sonya to ask how Steph was acting around Adam when Toadie visited them. Toadie says that Steph didn't really want to hold him but he did everything he could to try and talk her out of giving him away. Lyn grumbles that if Toadie or Sonya told her what was happening she could have tried to help Steph herself - but then admits they need to get Steph professional help.
SONYA: You can't force someone to get help when they're not ready. Trust me, I know.
LYN: Yeah, and Steph is the most stubborn person I know.
TOADIE: No kidding.
SONYA: All we can do is show her we're on her side.
LYN: (getting an idea) Yeah, we can. We can show her that we're there for her - all of us.
Harold's Store
Declan has a stilted conversation with Kate about making sure their hospital visits don't clash - he'd hate to make her uncomfortable again - but Kate says it's fine. They don't have to try and avoid one another. She goes over to serve Steph and Lucas, but Lyn takes over and asks Steph if she'd like to eat lunch at home. Steph mellows and says that would be nice, apologising to her mum for snapping earlier.
STEPH: I'd be a mess without you.
LYN: Stephie, you do know that I love you don't you?
STEPH: (smiling) Yeah.
Number 26
Lyn, Toadie and Sonya are waiting for Steph and Lucas when they walk in (they took a detour to fix up some things at the garage). Steph's bemused to see them all at first, but when Lyn starts to go on about how much they all love her and that they want her to get help, the smile fades from her face. Steph is in no mood for an intervention and tells them as much.
STEPH: All this because I gave my child to his father to look after? Oh gee, what sort of woman would do that?
LYN: Stephie you know it was completely different with Oscar. Adam is a newborn baby.
STEPH: (incredulous) Who is with his father where he belongs!
LYN: You're not thinking straight my love.
STEPH: There's nothing wrong with me!
When Steph realises that Toadie told Lyn about her not being able to hold Adam she's outraged. Toadie steps in and gently suggests that Steph have a check up, but Steph can't believe her ears. Stalking into the hallway she says she's packing her stuff and "getting out of here".
Second Commercial Break
Number 30
The intervention gang are still waiting for Steph to return to the lounge room. Toadie wonders if they should knock on her door to see if she's OK but Sonya says she'll come out when she's ready. And that time appears to be now. They're alarmed when they see her with helmet and backpack in hand, but Steph just tells Lyn to step aside so she can leave. Lucas wants Steph to stay and deal with things, and Lyn tells her that there's no shame in admitting she's ill, but Steph won't listen.
STEPH: I can't be who you want me to be. I just can't. I need to go.
LUCAS: Why don't you stay here with us where you belong?
STEPH: I can't stay.
Lyn asks what's going to happen with Charlie, but Steph just keeps walking out the door. Toadie, Sonya, Lucas and Lyn are left looking very unsettled.
Erinsborough Hospital
Instead of, oh, I don't know, looking after patients and saving lives, Ringo and Karl are browsing the internet for anniversary gift ideas. Ringo suggests hot air ballooning but Karl thinks it might be a little expensive.
KARL: It's also a little impersonal.
RINGO: Unlike the pen you found in the 'things people swallowed' box?
They bring up another tab when Doug swings by to pick up some folders but aren't as stealthy when Zeke sneaks up behind them and spies on them. Ringo claims the hot air balloon site is for him - he wants to surprise Donna when she gets home. But Zeke is still being playful and asks to borrow Karl's car for the whole day since he won't be needing it. Before he leaves, Zeke asks to see Susan's gift but Karl says he can't.
ZEKE: Is it because it doesn't exist, Karl?
KARL: That's right.
ZEKE: I knew it!
KARL: No, no, no, it doesn't exist in a material sense.
ZEKE: So what it's a virtual gift is it?
KARL: It's not a gift as such.
ZEKE: Then what is it, Karl?
KARL: It's, um... It's an experience.
Number 26
Sonya brings Lyn a cuppa and says she did the right thing. Lyn's sad because she didn't get her desired outcome, but Sonya says it could still happen. Toadie brings Charlie home from day care and all the adults die a little inside when he asks where his mum is. Toadie invites him for a sleepover later with Callum so they can watch The Incredibles, and Lyn says she'll cook him his favourite sausages for dinner. She explains to Charlie that Steph had to go away for a few days but said to give him a big hug.
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl is writing down lyrics for a song he's composing for Susan, but he's singing along quite loudly as well. He asks Ringo for help on some rhyming words, baulking at first when Ringo suggests (losing my) "hair" to rhyme with "care". But then he admits that Susan does love a bit of self- deprecating humour. He coerces a very embarrassed Ringo into harmonising with him so he can hear the complete verses. Here is the masterpiece so far:
She's the reason that I care,
Why I'm always, always there,
I knew in the beginning, the reason I am winning,
Is because of her
She's the reason that I care,
That I've started losing my hair,
I know when she's around,
My feet will never touch the ground
Inspired, Karl tries to bust out another verse but soon gets stuck with the rhyming again. Now we know why Oodles of Noodles went kaput.
KARL: (singing) I know I burned some bridges... (stuck) What rhymes with bridges?
ZEKE: (appearing out of nowhere) Fridges? (Singing) She's cleaned a lot of fridges.
Karl thinks Zeke is there to rub in his lack of gift getting again, but Zeke says he thinks the song idea is pretty cool. Declan swings by to locate his missing iPod (thankfully in the lost and found and not in the swallowed items box), but sees something else of interest in the tub. He sneaks it out when the guys aren't looking - but he's unlucky that Kate's standing behind him. Kate asks what he's doing but Declan doesn't answer her.
Third Commercial Break
Erinsborough Hospital - Exterior
Kate hounds Declan until he 'confesses' that it was just a credit card that Paul gave him. It's since been cancelled but he thinks having it lying around makes him look bad. Kate doesn't believe him and asks to see the card but Declan won't show her. He says he doesn't have to prove anything to her and states that their conversation is over.
(Tomorrow on Neighbours)
(Paul asks Andrew for a favour)
PAUL: I fell from the mezzanine, right? I want you to take me there.
(Andrew sneaks Paul out and Paul has flashbacks and looks alarmed)
(Declan chats to Toadie)
DECLAN: I don't want to live my life looking over my shoulder the entire time.
TOADIE: Diana did a runner, it doesn't mean that she's guilty.
(Andrew speaks to Rebecca and Declan)
ANDREW: We're family.
DECLAN: We're family when it suits you.
REBECCA: Declan... (later, to Declan) I have to make sure that things are taken care of.
(Kate won't give up on finding out what Declan took)
KATE: Declan what are you hiding?
DECLAN: Don't interfere, Kate.
KATE: Well if you tell me the truth I might stop.
(Declan confronts his mum)
DECLAN: You know what you have to do.
(Rebecca takes divorce papers into Paul, but he has news)
PAUL: I remember who pushed me from the mezzanine - and it wasn't Diana.
<<6018 - 6020>>
Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Steph Scully

Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6019
Charlie Hoyland

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 6019
Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown

Doug Harris, Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 6019
Doug Harris, Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown

Declan Napier, Kate Ramsay, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 6019
Declan Napier, Kate Ramsay, Zeke Kinski

Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 6019
Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6019
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Lucas Fitzgerald, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Lucas Fitzgerald, Lyn Scully

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Karl Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Karl Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6019
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6019
Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Lucas Fitzgerald, Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Lucas Fitzgerald, Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Steph Scully

Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 6019
Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown

Charlie Hoyland, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6019
Charlie Hoyland, Lyn Scully

Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 6019
Karl Kennedy, Ringo Brown

Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6019
Declan Napier

Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6019
Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier

Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6019
Kate Ramsay

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