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Neighbours Episode 5969 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5968 - 5970>>
Episode title: 5969
Australian airdate: 15/07/10
UK airdate: 02/09/10
Writer: Peter Dick
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Diana Marshall: Jane Badler
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Diana discovering that the footage of her and Paul getting it on failed to record.
- Rebecca tells Paul you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
- Natasha telling Andrew that he doesn't know who she is.
- Andrew telling Summer that he didn't want Natasha for her conversation and Summer calling him a "sexist low- life".
- Summer comforting Natasha and vowing to help her get back at Andrew.
Summer's bedroom at No.26
Natasha is visiting Summer's bedroom for the first time, as is the viewer!
NATASHA: Do you have normal taste in anything?
SUMMER: Focus, Tash!
They settle down to plan their revenge on Andrew. Summer thinks that Andrew's ego is his weak point. Natasha suggests she could go out with an older guy to make Andrew jealous, but Summer saya Natasha's brain is no match for Andrew's ego.
Donna has brought Ringo an apple because they're going to the Big Apple! She's applied for another copy of her birth certificate. Rebecca is on the phone to Paul saying she's booked a band called Kram. Paul thinks that the crowd could be a bit rowdy. Declan reassures her that everything will be fine.
Outside Charlie's
Rebecca bumps into Diana and they talk about the Kram gig. Diana says she'll have to cancel the gig because Lassiter's management has final say - and they're holding a major business convention who have complained.
Rebecca is appealing to Toadie for a legal angle, but he says Diana is right - Lassiter's does have final say. He advises her to negotiate. At that moment, Diana comes in and apologises for before, but she still can't allow the gig to go ahead. Rebecca tells her that she'll give the convention guests free entry and free drinks. Diana agrees and they shake on it.
Summer has heard that Andrew is nervous about his business plan for school. When Michael starts the class, Summer says that Andrew should present his. He reluctantly agrees and starts presenting his "party hire" company. As he talks about the figures, Natasha interrupts and points out that his maths is completely wrong - he's got the decimal point in the wrong place and has overlooked a few things too. Andrew sits down, dejected.
Natasha is a bit upset about making Andrew look bad, but Summer tells her she did really well. Michael comes over to talk to Natasha and asks why she didn't tell him she'd broken up with Andrew. She says it's no big deal.
Some boys are hassling Andrew and he ends up tells them he dumped Natasha because she was sad enough to be in the Mathletes.
Michael finds Natasha crying in his office and guesses that it's about Andrew. He gives her a hug and she sobs that now everyone is teasing her about being in the Mathletes.
MICHAEL: Tash, you spend far too much time hiding that smart brain of yours.
TASH: Yeah, for a good reason!
MICHAEL: You should be proud! I'm proud, and you definitely shouldn't care what anyone else thinks!
TASH: It's not just that. He said I was...he said...
MICHAEL: What did he say?
TASH: He said that I meant nothing to him...that I was just a bit of fun. He said it in front of Summer and Chris.
TASH: Where are you going?
MICHAEL: I'm going to find him and have a word.
TASH: Please don't, Dad. You'll just make things worse. I just...I want to forget about Andrew and this whole mess.
When Tash has gone, Michael paces around
his room looking thoughtful and then slams the drawer of his desk in anger.
Outside the School
Andrew wants to know why Summer is suddenly such good mates with Tash - she says it's because Andrew said such disgusting things about her.
Some boys come over to taunt Andrew again.
BOY: Hey, Robinson. We're still trying to work out why Tash dumped you. And we reckon it's because maybe you weren't Mathletic enough for her.
ANDREW: Actually she kept me way too busy to worry about that sort of stuff.
BOY: (takenaback) Yeah?
ANDREW: Oh, yeah.
Michael is now in the background and is overhearing their conversation.
ANDREW: I mean, for a nerd, she really knows how to make a guy happy. Stuff you'd only dream about.
MICHAEL: Get out of here.
Andrew jumps, not having realised that Michael was there.
ANDREW: Look, I was just mucking around, I didn't actually mean anything.
MICHAEL: (seething with anger) You need to learn some respect. She's in tears because of you.
ANDREW: I didn't know...
MICHAEL: You and your dad think you run this place, but you bad- mouth my daughter again and I will personally run you out of town.
He pauses, staring Andrew down.
MICHAEL: She was always too good for you.
He walks away, giving Andrew the coldest of cold looks. Brrr.
Rebecca is telling Ringo, Donna, Zeke and Declan that the Kram gig is going ahead. But not for long - Rebecca gets a phone call saying that Diana has booked all of the security except one for the convention. Legally, there has to be more security. Rebecca thinks there's something else going on with Diana, not just the gig.
Rebecca is tackling Diana about her booking out the security. She accuses Diana of sabotaging her gig. Diana is unrepentant and tells Rebecca to call someone else.
REBECCA: Diana, is there something else going on here?
DIANA: Like what?
REBECCA: I don't know, you tell me, is this a competition thing?
DIANA: I don't understand.
REBECCA: You, making a point. Showing me who's boss.
DIANA: Rebecca. This is why women don't succeed in business. Because they take things personally. I myself would never make decisions based on threats from other businesswomen.
REBECCA: So, this has got nothing to do with Paul? Because I know you two have a history, and after what you said this afternoon...if you are trying to get to him through me then that is really unfair.
DIANA: Rebecca, please, you're embarrassing me. Maybe we should get Paul involved. I think it's very important that you and I forge some sort of working relationship. Maybe it'll be useful to use Paul as a go- between.
REBECCA: That will not be necessary. I'll find someone else, I can handle this.
DIANA: I hope you can.
Rebecca is on the phone trying to find security, but having no luck - apparently there's a festival on in the city and all the security is fully booked. Declan suggests calling Paul, but Rebecca wants to do it on her own.
Harold's Store
Natasha tells Michael that she's going to hang out in the store for a while.
MICHAEL: Are you going to be alright?
NATASHA: Someone told me I not to care about what other people think.
MICHAEL: Smart guy!
Natasha sits at a table and Summer comes in. Summer apologises for what happened at school. Then, Andrew comes in and tells Natasha that he's joined the Mathletes, and shows her his T- shirt. He asks her to help him study.
NATASHA: So now I'm meant to take you back?
ANDREW: We could start again.
NATASHA: What, so you can dump me and treat me like trash again?
ANDREW: Of course not!
NATASHA: No, you know what, Andrew? You're the one who's trash. I don't want to have anything to do with you, ever again.
She walks out.
Rebecca has come to see Toadie to see if there's a legal way around only having one bouncer for the gig, but he says there's no way to change the law.
Outside Charlie's
Zeke's PirateNet mate has refused to help out with security because he hates Paul. Now there's only an hour before the gig and the Kram fans are going to go mental if the gig is cancelled.
Declan goes over to Diana, who is sitting at a table, and pleads with her to change her mind about the security booking, but she says she can't.
DECLAN: You and mum are the same, you know. Both ambitious businesswomen, dedicated and intelligent. I think you see yourself in her.
DIANA: What if I do?
DECLAN: Then you remember how difficult it was when *you* were struggling on *your* own. With other people raining problems down on you. Look, Mum's too proud to come and ask for your help. But she needs it. But if you can't or...won't...then you're not half the businesswoman I thought you were.
Rebecca is looking stressed and tells Zeke and Declan that she'll have to cancel. Diana comes in and says she's here to help - she's brought some BOUNCER T- shirts so they can make it look like there are enough bouncers. Declan points out that without a proper crowd control licence, it's illegal.
At the bar, Rebecca says they can't do it - bouncers need to be properly trained and licenced - what if Diana is setting her up.
REBECCA: You really think I could trust her?
DECLAN: You have to decide, Mum. It's your call.
Rebecca looks over at Diana, torn.
Rebecca has decided to cancel the gig - it wouldn't just be her breaking the law, it would be Zeke and Declan too.
She goes over the microphone, and the raucous fans start shouting, "WE WANT KRAM"
REBECCA: I can't risk it.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- The Kram crowd going nuts about the gig being cancelled.
- A fan throwing something at Rebecca.
- Diana telling Paul that her new lawyer is Toadie.
- Diana pumps Toadie for details on Paul.
- Paul tells Toadie that if he goes down, he'll take Toadie with him. Toadie replies, "With what?"
- Dan calls Toadie and it's Steph's chance to tell him about the baby.
- Paul has tapped Toadie's phone and overhears Steph's conversation with Dan.
<<5968 - 5970>>
Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5969
Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams

Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5969
Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown

India Napier, Declan Napier, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
India Napier, Declan Napier, Rebecca Napier

Diana Marshall, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Diana Marshall, Rebecca Napier

Toadie Rebecchi, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Toadie Rebecchi, Rebecca Napier

Diana Marshall, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Diana Marshall, Rebecca Napier

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5969
Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5969
Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5969
Andrew Robinson

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5969
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Andrew Robinson, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 5969
Andrew Robinson, Michael Williams

Rebecca Napier, Ringo Brown, India Napier, Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Rebecca Napier, Ringo Brown, India Napier, Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski, Declan Napier

Diana Marshall, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Diana Marshall, Rebecca Napier

Zeke Kinski, Declan Napier, Ringo Brown, India Napier, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5969
Zeke Kinski, Declan Napier, Ringo Brown, India Napier, Donna Freedman

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5969
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Toadie Rebecchi, Rebecca Napier

Declan Napier, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5969
Declan Napier, Zeke Kinski

Diana Marshall, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Diana Marshall, Declan Napier

Rebecca Napier, Zeke Kinski, Diana Marshall, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Rebecca Napier, Zeke Kinski, Diana Marshall, Declan Napier

Rebecca Napier, Zeke Kinski, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Rebecca Napier, Zeke Kinski, Declan Napier

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5969
Rebecca Napier

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