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Neighbours Episode 5936 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5935 - 5937>>
Episode title: 5936
Australian airdate: 31/05/10
UK airdate: 19/07/10
Writer: Jane Allen
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Chris Pappas: James Mason
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
This week on Neighbours
Harry weighing up his options.
Lyn wanting to organise Steph's wedding.
Summer wondering if people should know who the real Natasha is?
Toadie threatening to sent Lyn back to Shelly Bay!
Paul sacking Declan.
Previously on Neighbours
Lyn and Steph disagreeing over how big the wedding should be.
Michael being shown up by his daughter.
Ramsay Street
Tash nervously kicks the kerb...
Number 22... While her father goes to speak with Paul in Number 22. Paul isn't taking what happened as seriously as Michael and wants to know which rule they broke! Michael makes it clear he is there as Tash's father and wants him to keep Andrew away from her. Paul totally dismisses Michael's suggestion because he doesn't have a problem with them and points out the flaw too - they go to the same school!
Ramsay Street
Toadie checks that Tash is okay as he comes home from work (she is) and as he heads towards #30, Michael exits #22 and given the mood he is in, he doesn't want to talk to his daughter as he crosses the road to enter his house.
Harry, Chris and Summer stroll up the street and ask what the story is with her punishment but she isn't exactly forthcoming and instead heads off down Ramsay Street.
Harold's Store
Tash nervously calls her dad but gets his voicemail.
Andrew brings over some cakes for them and to chat about Michael almost losing it. "I think I might have pushed him too far," she remarks and adds that he won't even look at her let alone talk. "Make him," is Andrew's advice.
Tash has decided to cover the whole school in her PirateNet posters and earns Libby's wrath when she spots what Tash has done. "Haven't you caused enough trouble for today?" Libby asks and she replies sarcastically that she's extending her 15 minutes of fame. She then insults Libby, calling her 'Jurassic' and doesn't seem bothered with the threat of a suspension either, and when she pushes Libby so earns herself a detention instead.
Harold's Store
Libby lets off steam about Natasha to Susan, Karl and Steph although everyone tries to keep their laughter contained when Libby re- tells what Tash called her before ultimately failing. "What's so funny?" she asks and Susan reminds her that she was a goody too shoes!
Number 28
Libby is obviously still pondering what Susan said to her when she gets home as she empties the contents of her handbag on the table, then flings some CDs around until she finds the one she is looking for and when she does, puts it into the CD player and blasts it out.
The lyrics go on about paranoia and its rather techno based so she gets up the mood to have a boogie to it... much to the amusement of Karl who's attention has been drawn (he was in the bedroom), then after a few seconds joins in with the funky dancing, mimicking his daughter.
KARL: Don't stop Lib, this track rocks.
LIBBY: Dad please don't.
KARL: I wish we had a beat like this in my day, Oodles and Noodles would have gone off.
Karl continues to boogie away but Libby turns the music off, muttering that it's too loud. "It's dance music, it's meant to be loud" he reminds her but she gives him an 'I'm disgusted with you look' before heading to her room.
Michael pacifies the school board on the phone while Lucas sorts his car. Lucas remarks that it must be hard (for him) when it's his kid who is running wild and Michael can't but agree adding that her timing is off too given the new school/neighbourhood. He remarks too that Tash is getting more like her mum but doesn't engage with Lucas when he tries, instead asking for a spanner to help work on the car.
School (next day)
Michael does his best to ignore Tash while putting up a notice (she thought he'd want to chat about yesterday) but reacts to Andrew when he passes to inform him of his punishment - cleaning graffiti off desks at lunchtime for the next week.
Tash again tries to speak to her dad, apologising as she follows him into his office. He doesn't believe she is sorry, pointing out that while his job is on the line, all she is caring about is herself and that the tears aren't impressing him either!
And today's trip down memory lane as we head into the first commercial break is from 1991 and Paul kissing Christina after being pronounced man and wife (episode 1371 in the archive if you want to read more).
Andrew tries to cheer Tash up by saying they are the talk of the school but this doesn't cheer her up immensely, so he gives her a hug instead.
Meanwhile in Michael's office, Libby is explaining to him why she gave Tash the detention. She is then puzzled when he doesn't seem keen to be the one to discipline his daughter for the pashing stunt and points out to him that he is playing favourites.
Tash is still moaning to Andrew about her dad when Sum, Chris and Harry rock up. Sum and Natasha then get into a bit of a squabble before Sum announces that she's board so is leaving, closely followed by the boys. Andrew encourages Tash to keep her game face on (because it's cuter) before he too leaves.
Number 30
Libby is round to talk bridesmaid dresses since Lyn is safely in Bendigo with Harvey when she suddenly realises that Steph doesn't have an engagement ring. "Wow" is the comments from Steph and Toadie to the one Libby's seen in her magazine but its more due to its cost than its looks! (Oh it was also said that Steph gave her original ring back to Toadie who then gave it to Stonie)
Toad then says that they want to keep the size (and costs) of the wedding down but she wants them to go the whole hog, urging them to skimp on the sandwiches if they have to rather than the ring!
LIBBY: Anyway, since when has Mr Fancy Pant's lawyer here had to worry about the cost?
Toadie then suggests to Steph that they should do as Libby suggests but before Steph can object, Libby's already got that box ticked!
Number 28
Libby is in rebellion mood again when she comes home (throwing the wedding magazines on the floor) although it could be disgust when Karl goes to hand her a CD with more of that techno music she was listening to the previous night (their early stuff apparently).
Susan is aghast but proud that her daughter is finally rebelling. Both of them then take the mickey out of Libby until she announces that she has given up.
LIBBY: What is the point in rebelling when your parents are far more radical than you are?!
KARL: I wouldn't go that far!
SUSAN: Yes, I would.
LIBBY: I just have to accept this is who I am and chill out about it.
SUSAN: Ooh chill out dude!
LIBBY: Yes chill out.
Lib then suggests a cuppa but it's rejected as her parents are off to play golf, so she volunteers to put the dinner on while they are out but Susan decides on a bet with Karl - if she thrashes him he's to shout dinner.
KARL: Done, and I'll tell you my terms on the way there.
Toadie and Steph are discussing their wedding plans, or should that be Lyn's plans, when Paul enters the bar and overhears their conversation.
PAUL: Wedding planning eh, expensive business.
STEPH: Well you should know Paul. How many weddings have you had now?
Steph cuts him short when he is about to offer advice and he walks off to the bar so they can resume discussions. She just about chokes on her tea when Toadie shows her how much the wedding is going to cost!
STEPH: The crazy thing about all this is that if this were for real, we could just elope.
TOADIE: Maybe we still could.
STEPH: Yes, because that would go down real well with mum and Libby and Summer...
"We can't afford this" she tells him but Toadie seems to think otherwise and orders her to keep calm and let him worry about money. He reassures her that they will manage; reminding her of Libby's description of him from earlier and in the background you'd swear Paul has just overheard their whole conversation from the look on his face!
Toadie's way out of finding the cash is to sell his car but Lucas puts a spanner in the works after giving it the once over and pointing out to him a whole load of problems the car has, so much so its going to cost him money to sell the car! Lucas is surprised Toadie came to him, so he replies that he is trying to keep the stress down admitting to him that the wedding is costing a bit!
Number 28
Karl is trying to get out of shouting dinner when he and Susan return from playing golf (he retired hurt due to "injury" although Susan thinks he is faking it).
Libby is surprised to see her parents home early as she was in the process of cleaning the house up and rejects the offer of joining them for dinner as she has something to do.
Tash hides her sudoku puzzle under a textbook when Andrew comes in to talk to her - she is rebelling against going to Libby's detention. He enquires what's next on her list to drive her dad ballistic but Libby's arrival curtails her reply.
Libby sends Andrew packing and wants to know why Tash didn't show up for her detention. "I'm busy," is her reply, which doesn't impress Libby nor the other smartalec comments she comes up with too but what does is her ability to do complicated sudoku (Libby found the puzzle). Libby then twigs that Tash is covering up how brainy she is but Tash couldn't care less despite Libby trying to offer her an olive branch.
LIBBY: You know your father might let you get away with the whole dumb act but I'm not going to. Got a come- back for that?
Principal's office
Libby comes straight to the point with Michael following her chat with Tash - she doesn't need discipline she needs a parent! He isn't impressed nor does he agree with Libby despite her spelling out to him what Tash as been doing.
MICHAEL: It's none of your business Libby.
LIBBY: It is when it affects the school community.
LIBBY: I know what its like to be a single parent, its tough being a mum and a dad but Tash is a smart girl and she needs you.
MICHAEL: Finished?
LIBBY: She's trying to get your attention.
He still isn't impressed with what Libby is trying to say and points out to her where the door is.
Final commercial break later and Michael exits his office to find Tash sitting outside waiting for him. He again gives her the cold shoulder but she goes after him and tells him that they need to sort it out.
MICHAEL: There's nothing to sort out. You're angry all the time, I get it.
NATASHA: No you don't.
MICHAEL: Just leave it alright.
NATASHA: (shouting) No I don't want to leave it. You stomp around the place, you barely even look at me, I haven't seen you for the past few
MICHAEL: (interrupting) Just like your mother.
Tash wants to know what that meant but he doesn't want to explain and goes to move off but Tash restrains him.
NATASHA: Don't walk away from me.
MICHAEL: (shouting) We will talk later when you've calmed down alright.
NATASHA: (shouting) No. We will talk now.
MICHAEL: (shouting) No we won't.
He again goes to move off but Tash jumps in front of him, going up a couple of the steps so she is at the same height as him.
MICHAEL: (annoyed) Get out of my way Natasha.
NATASHA: (upset) Talk to me.
Tash then slaps her father across the face and he looks at her stunned for a few seconds before she runs off.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
Libby wondering how she can sort Michael and Natasha out.
Natasha unamused at Libby's solution.
Summer threatening to blackmail Tash.
Ringo starting his new job.
Toadie warning Ringo to watch his back.
Toadie confronting Ringo's boss over a legal matter on behalf of some clients.
<<5935 - 5937>>
Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Natasha Williams

Michael Williams, Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5936
Michael Williams, Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson

Natasha Williams, Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 5936
Natasha Williams, Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5936
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Libby Kennedy, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Libby Kennedy, Natasha Williams

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5936
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Steph Scully

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5936
Libby Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5936
Karl Kennedy

Michael Williams, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5936
Michael Williams, Lucas Fitzgerald

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Michael Williams, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5936
Michael Williams, Libby Kennedy

Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5936
Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5936
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Steph Scully, Paul Robinson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5936
Steph Scully, Paul Robinson, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5936
Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald

Audrey, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5936
Audrey, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Libby Kennedy, Natasha Williams

Michael Williams, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5936
Michael Williams, Libby Kennedy

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 5936
Michael Williams

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