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Neighbours Episode 5894 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5893 - 5895>>
Episode title: 5894
Australian airdate: 01/04/10
UK airdate: 20/05/10
Writer: Peter Dick
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Waiter - Matthew Whitty
Jemima Poole - Cate Commisso
Sheridan Harper - Belinda Bortone
Summary/Images by: ~Em~/Emily
- Kate telling Donna she's never had a boyfriend before.
- Declan and Andrew fighting.
- CinderellaKate telling Sophie and Callum what would make her happy.
- Kate coming home to find all her Cinderella dreams come true.
- Declan making Harry, Sophie and Andrew help clean up number 24.
- Kate and Declan kissing and Kate feeling like they're moving too fast.
- Declan deciding to leave.
Number 22
Rebecca wants to know why Declan broke in. He's giving Kate space because she gets stressed and over thinks things. Rebecca suggests a slow approach, but if Declan was going any slower he'd be a snail. They were living together though, which is a big step, perhaps it was too much too soon. Rebecca asks him to move back into number 22 or back in with Kate. Declan admits that Kate didn't actually say she didn't want him there.
Number 24
Kate is stressed and snappy and informs Sophie and Harry that Declan has gone. Andrew and Summer swing by to invite the Ramsays for a kick about, but Kate won't let Harry and Sophie go because they haven't had breakfast or made their beds. Andrew and Summer decide to wait for them but everyone makes a hasty exit when Declan comes in. He tells Kate that he wasn't trying to make a move on her last night and asks if he's getting on her nerves.
KATE: No, of course not. But we always knew this wasn't going to be permanent, right?
DECLAN: Yeah, yeah. I left some stuff in the bathroom as well.
Number 28
Ben wants to change his name from Fitzgerald now that Dan has gone. Libby says she'll contact the school and tell them that he's changing his name back to Kirk...but Ben doesn't want to be a Kirk either.
BEN: Kirk is boring.
KARL: Well Kennedy is pretty boring too mate.
BEN: No, I don't want to be a Kennedy either.
LIBBY: Well...what do you want to change your name to?
BEN: Kenobi. Ben Kenobi like in Star Wars.
Karl and Susan chuckle and Libby refuses to let him change his name to Kenobi. Ben suggests Baggins or Dumbledore. APRIL FOOLS!! Unfortunately Libby doesn't find it all that funny and suggests they go and see a movie, but Ben wants to hang out with the guys. Libby seems rather overwhelmed by the whole experience.
Number 30
The kids are raiding Toadie's chocolate biscuit stash while Andrew, Harry and Summer talk football (as in soccer) and Summer volunteers Andrew to coach the young'uns. It would be good for him to involve himself in the community. Toadie comes in to the kitchen and convinced that Callum has done something to his watch because it's April Fool's Day. The watch is right where Toadie left it, he leaves feeling less paranoid.
Harry is showing Callum, Sophie and Ben how to drop a coin from your nose into a funnel stuck down your trousers when Toadie drops by. Given that it's after midday and therefore a safe time Toadie decides to give it a go too. He sticks the funnel in his trousers and tips his head back at which point Callum pours a jug of lime green sludgey stuff down the funnel. APRIL FOOL! Toadie points out that it's after midday, but Callum informs him that he put his watch forward. There's still an hour left and Sophie wonders who their next victim is. Karl pops his head around the corner to see if Toadie is alright. I'd watch your back if I were you Karl.
Number 22
Rebecca wants to know what's going on. Why isn't Declan talking to Kate? Declan thinks that they maybe just weren't meant to live together. Rebecca tells Declan that Kate just needs a break and that if he doesn't do something about it he's going to lose her.
25th Anniversary Photo insert - 1992 Lou proposes to Madge
Kate's had a message from Rebecca and rushes in to see if everything is okay. Rebecca rings a bell on the bar and an Officer and Gentleman, Declan homes into view. It's no April Fool, he's taking Kate to a posh restaurant. He sweeps her up and carries her off.
Fancy Restaurant
The captain and Kate look "wow" and apologise to each other for starting to act like a married couple and getting crabby with each other. There are no prices on the menu. My advice go with the salad.
Number 28
Cal, Soph, Ben and Charlie check something in the fridge but act all innocent with Libby and Toadie. Ben is adamant that he'll make a sandwich later and Libby doesn't have to do it for him. Karl and Susan come into the kitchen and Charlie asks Karl if he can have some jelly. Karl goes to the fridge and pulls out a tray of jelly to find that his stethoscope has been set in it. APRIL FOOL!! Karl is unimpressed. Toadie, Susan and Libby struggle to contain their mirth. Libby tries to scold Ben but is still amused. Karl decides not to get mad but to get even.
Later on the adults are tucking into sandwiches when Libby gets a mystery phone call (from Susan who drop calls her). Libby tells Karl that the hospital have been trying to get in touch with him, there's been a big emergency and they need him there asap.
KARL: But I can't. I haven't got a stethoscope...
BEN: Can't you borrow one?
KARL: No, we never share them because of the risk of ear infections and that sort of thing.
SUSAN: But if you don't go...
LIBBY: ...you could lose your job!
KARL: I know!
TOADIE: They could sue you for not being prepared...
KARL: Well that's true as well!
SUSAN: If we get sued...we could lose the house!
KARL: All because of one stethoscope.
BEN: But if we get kicked out...where are we going to live?
The adults put their heads in their hands and the kids start to freak out a bit. Karl cackles. APRIL FOOL!! Callum points out that it's past midday, Karl tells them that it's never too late to learn a valuable life lesson. Libby interprets this to the kids as "all bets are off - go for it!" Oh jolly japes, jolly japes.
Fancy Restaurant
On his way back from the gents Declan passes a hen party who wolf whistle at him and think he's the stripper they booked from an agency. Dec explains that he's just at the restaurant for lunch with his girlfriend; they are disappointed and hope the real stripper is as cute.
Kate wants to skip desert so they ask for the bill which is pretty huge and they don't have enough cash to cover it. Declan tries calling Rebecca but can't get in touch with her. There's nothing else to do but...dance! Declan goes over to the hen party and offers them an entree to their entertainment. Kate watches uncomfortably as he strips for the girls.
Number 28
Karl reclines on a whoopee cushion - the laughs never die in the Kennedy household. Ben announces that he likes doing stuff with his mum and doing stuff with the guys. He asks Libby if she can help him practise his soccer. He runs off to get his stuff and Libby looks as though she's about to bite off a bit more than she can chew.
Libby needs training from Andrew pronto. Harry reminds Andrew about "the plan" and that getting parents involved might not be such a bad idea. Andrew agrees to do the neighbourly thing.
Number 24
Declan is still amused at his little striptease moment and jokes about finding out if his mum wants a stripper for Charlie's, but Kate is still feeling awkward. The collar of Declan's outfit is a bit scratchy so Kate suggests he take it off.
DECLAN: I left all my clothes at home.
KATE: I don't think you need them... Come on! Are you not going to give me a private performance? (she launches herself at him and starts undoing his buttons)
DECLAN: What are you doing?
KATE: Showing you I'm not boring, isn't this how you do it?
Declan chuckles in a totally harmless way so Kate gets mad and storms off. Er, oops.
Number 22
Declan answers the door to Kate who immediately starts a tirade about how he laughed in her face and that he knows it's all new to her and that she knows he wants to break up with her because she's not like all the other girls so she'll save him the trouble. She leaves him to have a nice life, not having managed to get a word in edgeways.
- Summer is not in love with Andrew.
- Andrew needs a PR campaign.
- Andrew is nice to Rebecca.
- Andrew calls a truce with Donna.
- Declan wants to know why Andrew is being nice and starts a fight.
- Kate gets tetchy with Donna.
- Rebecca won't be shocked.
<<5893 - 5895>>
Sophie Ramsay, Harry Ramsay, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 5894
Sophie Ramsay, Harry Ramsay, Kate Ramsay

Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5894
Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier

Ben Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5894
Ben Kirk, Libby Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Harry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 5894
Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Harry Ramsay

Callum Jones, Harry Ramsay, Andrew Robinson, Toadie Rebecchi, Sophie Ramsay, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 5894
Callum Jones, Harry Ramsay, Andrew Robinson, Toadie Rebecchi, Sophie Ramsay, Ben Kirk

Sophie Ramsay, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 5894
Sophie Ramsay, Ben Kirk

Declan Napier, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 5894
Declan Napier, Kate Ramsay

Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 5894
Kate Ramsay

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5894
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Ben Kirk, Callum Jones, Charlie Hoyland, Sophie Ramsay, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5894
Ben Kirk, Callum Jones, Charlie Hoyland, Sophie Ramsay, Karl Kennedy

Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5894
Declan Napier

Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 5894
Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Ben Kirk

Summer Hoyland, Libby Kennedy, Andrew Robinson, Harry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 5894
Summer Hoyland, Libby Kennedy, Andrew Robinson, Harry Ramsay

Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5894
Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier

Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5894
Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier

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