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Neighbours Episode 5891 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5890 - 5892>>
Episode title: 5891
Australian airdate: 29/03/10
UK airdate: 17/05/10
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Doris Hall - Jackie Rees
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
This week on Neighbours
- Steph having an ultrasound.
- Steph getting stomach pains.
- Sonya after confirmation from Toadie.
- Declan doing a Richard Gere 'Officer and a Gentleman' re- creation.
- Kate being unamused at Declan's antics.
- Andrew and Declan at each other's throats.
- Rebecca telling Andrew that she wants his dad to send
Previously on Neighbours
Drunk Toadie muttering that he still loves Sonya to Lucas.
Donna distraught at Cass' diary being ruined.
Number 22
Donna attempts to peel apart the remains of the burnt diary but is unsuccessful. Zeke tries to reassure her that there could be more clues in the box, so out it comes and they begin searching again. Donna still thinks Nick McKay is the guy especially after she finds in that box a spell Cass was working on to split him and his then girlfriend up. Zeke spots a clue too - a picture of one of the buildings at the uni his dad worked at and she tells him that is where they need to go to.
Harold's Store
Zeke and Donna enter the store and tell Steph and Toadie the possible good news they've found out. Steph abruptly leaves the store after she seems to take to heart what Donna is saying about her mum lying to her from the start and Lucas butts in to add his tuppenceworth about liars too.
Number 30
Toadie follows Steph home and she beats herself up again. "I'm sorry little one" she says as Toadie goes over and hugs her.
STEPH: How are we going to get through this?
TOADIE: By planning.
And the duo then get out the books and diaries and work out and plan when to announce the pregnancy (Steph will go to the hospital next week and "discover" she's pregnant) and when bubs will be born... and when their split will occur (6 months later) although Toadie reassures her that he'll still be around to play the dad. He then says that they'll need to come up with a list too, to keep the sceptics at bay.
West Waratah University
Donna and Zeke arrive and she is having trouble getting the secretary (Doris) to help her. Things look a bit brighter when Doris recognises Zeke however university policy forbids her from giving Donna any information. Doris heads off somewhere and Donna looks at the computer but Zeke refuses to get involved so she contacts someone who she thinks can help...Summer!
And NinjaSummer arrives just like that! She thinks the info can be found in 30- 60 seconds so Zeke is shoved into the office to get Doris away from her PC. Eventually he manages to get her away when he pretends to be upset at being at the uni/seeing her again and she asks if he'd like to see his dad's old office (he does) so the two of them leave.
Somehow or other the office is now totally empty (there were others working too earlier) so NinjaSummer begins to look through the files and when she finds the file about him, downloads it on the USB stick she happens to have on her.
Doris and Zeke return so Summer sends Donna out of the office while she hides under the desk (the file is still downloading). Zeke lies about the reason Donna is trying to find out info on when Doris enquires - she didn't know him but apparently he has a reputation!
He exits the office to where Donna is and NinjaSummer re- appears and hands the USB stick to Donna.
SUMMER: Say hi to daddy!
And as we head into the first commercial break, today's trip down memory lane is from 1991 when Helen Daniels and Michael got married (episode 1488 in the archive if you want to read the summary)
Number 26
Donna is nervous as they open up the file Summer obtained from the uni. Its bad news though, as it's all in wingding's and can't be converted. As the trio argue over their next move, Summer has a brainwave - there is probably still paper copies of the file at the uni. Donna wants them to head back and Summer is right behind her but Zeke's got his sensible head on and can't go because its trespassing (and can't risk getting caught) so they leave him behind although he'd rather that they all stay behind. However a few seconds later and muttering "idiots" he picks up his rucksack and heads out of the house.
West Waratah University
The trio are rummaging through the very large archives at the uni. It's Zeke who strikes it lucky and finds the file and has a quick look though it - it shows that Nicholas' contract was terminated because he soiled the good name of the university with his misconduct and numerous complaints against him from female students.
They hear someone coming (Doris) and Zeke puts the file in his bag before they all hide.
Steph and Toadie pull up at the garage and Lucas carries pretends to chat to Sonya (he'd called and left a voicemail) making it sound like Sonya was dating a new guy. He "confirms" that Sonya has met a new guy when Steph asks how she is. Lucas then tries to rope Toadie into going out again but he rejects the offer saying things are busy.
Steph tries to talk to Toadie about this information when Lucas heads into the garage. "I'm cool" is his reply but it looks anything but as he leaves.
West Waratah University
The trio creep through the archives trying to avoid Doris and just about manage to avoid getting squashed by the storage units when she reacts to a tannoy announcement saying she has a call.
Zeke wants them to leave however Donna is adamant she wants the file and having understood the filing system, goes to the shelf... to find its been removed for shredding! (Zeke found the same notice but found the file on the trolley where they were stored prior to shredding and he hasn't let on to them that he has the file).
Donna now wants to leave but when they reach the door, it's locked!
Commercial break later and Donna is trying to pick the lock but quickly gives up when she realises it isn't working. Given they've now got extra time she wants to start looking again despite Zeke trying to get her to go back to looking at Cass' box.
Meanwhile, Summer has managed to find a door that opens and Zeke wants them to leave but Donna is *very insistent* on staying to look further, so he is forced to go into his bag and hand her the file. She isn't amused at him having the file and wants to look thought it but he refuses to hand it over until they are safely out of the building.
Curiosity is finally getting the better of Steph as she works on a car with Lucas - what gives with him suddenly being best friends with Toadie. Lucas tries to say that he can't win with being angry at him nor it seems at being friends with him either. She asks him to leave Toadie alone and play his games with her instead because Toadie's a good man and deserves good friends.
LUCAS: This isn't a game.
STEPH: You know exactly what I'm talking about. Just be straight with him.
LUCAS: Yes because Toadie is always so honest.
STEPH: You know he is, even through all of this, he's never shied away from the truth.
Lucas then starts laughing at her but refuses to say why. She tells him he's coping out and demands that he tells her even though he replies that she won't want to hear what he has to say. Steph is annoyed that he suddenly thinking that she needs to be protected, which causes him to blurt out that Toadie still loves Sonya.
STEPH: And how do you know that?
LUCAS: Because he told me the other night.
Number 30
Steph comes rushing home to find out if what Lucas is claiming is true. Initially Toadie is all set to deny it then admits that there are parts of the night he can't remember. Steph asks him outright if he does love Sonya and he isn't exactly denying it. They try to work out how they can discredit Lucas (by denying it all) if he tells Sonya as Steph thinks he will. She then tries to give him some hope that when this is all over, perhaps he might have another chance with Sonya.
Lucas finds Steph in the pub and she puts into action the denial plan when he starts to quiz her.
STEPH: Listen Lucas, you really need to accept this and move on because there is nothing you can say or do that's going to break Toadie and I up.
It looks like the message might have finally sunk into Lucas even if Steph doesn't exactly look proud of herself when he leaves the bar.
Number 22
In the livingroom Donna reads the file about Nicholas and meanwhile in the kitchen Zeke gets a hard time from Summer about what he did until he explains that he wanted to filter the file before giving it to Donna. "Except I'm pretty sure that's not up to you" she points out.
They then join Donna and she tells them why he got kicked out of the uni - that Nick was married and had numerous affairs with students. "Brilliant" mutters Donna but Summer tries to give her some hope, that it could be the wrong guy although she isn't too enthralled at the "meathead footballer" being daddy either.
"He may not be a meathead" Zeke tries to suggest but Donna knows her mum - Cass + meathead = Donna.
Again, Zeke tries to say it could be someone else but that just makes Donna all the more despondent at the thought of her being the offspring of a skank. She asks them to leave and reluctantly they do with Summer saying should call if she needs anything before departing.
Number 22
Final commercial break later and Donna is writing a letter to the two possibilities (Nicholas McKay and Leigh Nixon) to see if either of them knew Cass but adding that she isn't wanting anything from them - she just wants to know where she came from.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Donna posting the letters.
- Lucas rubbing it into Steph about seeing Toadie and Sonya together by the lake.
- Steph and Toadie agreeing to stick to their plan.
- Steph coming down with stomach pains
- Lucas telling Sonya that things would be better if people started telling the truth - it's what she deserves.
- Sonya asking Toadie to be honest with her.
<<5890 - 5892>>
Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5891
Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman, Lucas Fitzgerald

Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5891
Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski

Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman, Lucas Fitzgerald, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5891
Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman, Lucas Fitzgerald, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5891
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5891
Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman

Doris Hall in Neighbours Episode 5891
Doris Hall

Summer Hoyland, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5891
Summer Hoyland, Donna Freedman

Zeke Kinski, Summer Hoyland, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5891
Zeke Kinski, Summer Hoyland, Donna Freedman

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5891
Zeke Kinski

Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5891
Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5891
Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski

Steph Scully, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5891
Steph Scully, Lucas Fitzgerald

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5891
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5891
Steph Scully, Lucas Fitzgerald

Donna Freedman, Summer Hoyland, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5891
Donna Freedman, Summer Hoyland, Zeke Kinski

Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5891
Donna Freedman

Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5891
Donna Freedman

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