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Neighbours Episode 5621 from 2009 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5620 - 5622>>
Episode title: 5621
Australian airdate: 09/02/09
UK airdate:
Writer: Alix Beane
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Phil Andrews: Robert Mammone
Hannah Stone: Brooke Aust
Young girl: Hannah Johnson
Young guy: Justin Ingram
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Lucas inviting Elle out to lunch... but Elle not liking the person Lucas showed up as.
Rachel trying to convince Harold that she is getting on with her life but Harold remarking that he doesn't recognise the girl he is looking at.
Libby having a flashback to the rafting accident.
Susan and Karl accepting that Zeke is dead.
Steph handing back her bridesmaid dress to Libby adding that she wouldn't go to the wedding even if she was paid to.
Number 28
Libby's new bridesmaid is Rachel and she is trying on the dress Steph returned and wishes that Zeke were here. After another flashback, Libby adds "me too."
Libby looks like she is wanting to tell her something but Rachel starts talking about what to do with her hair but that is surpassed when Karl and Susan return home with a suggestion - that its time to organise a memorial service for Zeke.
Karl apologises for the time it's taken to organise one and they suggestion that something small is held at the house with Harold officiating but Libby thinks it should be bigger to celebrate his life and volunteers to begin looking for suitable photos. Susan asks that she makes sure Rachel is involved but she decides to rush off for music rehearsals with Ty adding as an afterthought that a list is left for her.
Rachel has come to try and get Ty to rehearse even though he reminds her that he's working however he gives in and goes to try and get someone to cover when Rachel won't open up to him when he asks what's going on. Eventually she opens up to him and we find out that she doesn't think the way Libby will organise it (with flowers and photos) to how Zeke would have wanted it to be and decides to return home instead.
Harold's Store
Elle is doing some sort of report on the store and isn't impressed with Harold dishing out freebie chocolates in the run up to Valentines Day although she is very polite to him when he spots her to explain what he was doing. Harold asks if she is expecting a Valentines card.
ELLE: I...
LUCAS: (interrupting after he enters unseen by them) I don't think a simple card would be enough to impress Ms Robinson. What do you say princess, maybe a diamond necklace, a trip to Paris?
ELLE: See, I don't need a Valentine for those sorts of things... I'm perfectly capable of buying them myself.
Harold leaves to dish out more chocolates instead of eating them due to his taste returning and Elle and Lucas both realise that Paul has set them up to cover the same assignment.
LUCAS: Looks as though your father is playing cupid again.
ELLE: Well he's aiming his arrow in the wrong direction.
LUCAS: No, no, no give him credit, your heart's not a very big target.
Looks like that its 1-1 between the lovers and Elle takes his camera to finish the assignment herself but he claims the camera back after she fails to remove the lens cap before trying to use it! Seductively he tempts her with a strawberry but she's more concerned of when he last washed his hands and stops out of the store, ignoring him eating the strawberry.
Orchard somewhere
Next up is the pair of them at some orchard. Lucas is snapping away with the camera while Elle looks like she'd rather be elsewhere! He then tells Elle that she is in the way of the photo he is trying to take and as he tells her to step backwards she falls down! "Perfect" he says before snapping away. 2-1 to Lucas!
Random farm shop in the middle of the country
Elle is now covered in mud and on the hunt for something to wear from this random country farm shop. She picks out a dress quite quickly but when she goes to pay for it, realises that her purse and mobile phone are missing so informs Lucas that he'll have to pay. Lucas goes into his wallet and realises he only has $20 and asks the assistant what he can get for his money and she picks out instead this hideous dress instead.
Elle shows off her new dress as she leaves the farm shop and just as she is telling him that they need to get a move on to get to their next assignment, she spots a drawing... a drawing of someone that looks a bit like Zeke and even Lucas is forced to agree that it looks like him.
Number 28
Rachel arrives home as Libby, her parents and Harold are looking through pictures of Zeke to tell them that isn't what Zeke would have wanted, he'd have wanted something more personal. She also asks why Libby she is lead organiser and after a flashback, Libby tearfully replies.
LIBBY: I let him go. We were in the water and I had his hand and I let him go.
Susan and Karl immediately console her, reassuring her that it isn't her fault and not to blame herself.
RACHEL: She's right.
KARL: Rachel!
RACHEL: This is entirely her fault.
Angry Rachel refuses Libby's apology and leaves the house after warning her not to go near her.
Charlie's/Number 28
Rachel returns and Ty breaks off playing the guitar to go comfort her but she doesn't return his hug, instead going to pick up his guitar that he put down.
We cut to #28 where Susan comforts her daughter as she looks though pictures of Zeke before we return to the bar to see Rachel working on a song again ignoring Ty's support he is trying to give.
Country farm shop
Elle returns to Elle after speaking to the artist to say that despite the questions, there was no information regarding the picture of Zeke. She adds that she is sure the owner is after money and tells him that she's done a deal to include her stall in the brochure since she has no money. "That was the hardest deal I've had to make in my life" she tells him.
Hannah (the artist) is doing a picture of Elle and Lucas and he's been warned not to touch as she has them posing very close to each other on a love seat. She confirms she drew the boy but doesn't know any more details other than he's working at the Andrews property nearby. The picture finished, Lucas likes what she drew but Elle thinks she's been drawn all soppy. "It's how you look on the inside" Hannah tries to tell her.
Elle wants the picture of the boy to take away but Hannah wants $30 for it and she gets Lucas to steal it while she sends Hannah away for her business card. As Elle walks away (and Lucas having first rolled the picture up before hiding it in his shirt) Lucas opens his wallet (where we find he's got plenty of money in it) and hands Hannah the $30 for the drawing.
Andrews property (at night)
Elle wants to be there for when the pickers arrive for work (and denying his suggestion of wanting a scoop if it is Zeke) which means camping out since they have no money for a hotel. She is still going on about him not having money or a credit card and he offers her an alternative if she doesn't want to sleep in the Ute - the ground! Begrudgingly she gets into the Ute and as they lie down in the back of it looking up at the sky, Lucas tells her that is his definition of romance... and doesn't cost a cent!
LUCAS: (being sincere) Goodnight princess.
ELLE: (after a pause) Lets just hope you don't snore.
(Next morning)
It's a hive of activity at the property as Elle and Lucas wake up and ignoring his taunts, she goes up to ask the workers about the boy Hannah drew. Elle explains to a guy (Phil) why she is asking but he doesn't know the person in the picture and she returns to Lucas empty handed. He spots that the guy she was talking to has just taken off in his car so they quickly tidy their stuff up and begin to follow him.
Road somewhere
Elle nags Lucas for losing the guy and denies again that she is searching for Zeke just for the scoop, which Lucas finally accepts but not before reminding her that the boy may not be Zeke. "I'm not stopping until we know for sure" is her reply before suggesting that they head back to the farm to quiz the other workers.
LUCAS: Elle, I know you don't want him to be dead, maybe its time everyone just accepted it.
And if looks could kill, Dan would be minus a brother, the way she looked at him after saying what he did.
Number 28
Susan is again reassuring Libby that it wasn't her fault and Karl joins in by asking what would have happened if she hadn't let to.
LIBBY: I might have saved him.
KARL: And you might be gone too.
Libby can see the sentiment but she still feels guilty that she is there while Zeke isn't and Karl points out that it's natural to feel guilt but that doesn't make her responsible.
LIBBY: I'm not sure Rachel would agree.
Karl hopes that the planned memorial will get the family back together again.
Rachel arrives home and he tells her that the memorial is all organised - a small gathering at Harold's Store - just like the intimate gathering she wanted.
RACHEL: (deadpan) Will she be there?
SUSAN: Libby's your sister of course she'll be there.
RACHEL: Then I won't be.
Susan tells her that isn't fair but she quickly replies back that what isn't fair is that she doesn't have a brother anymore.
KARL: Libby is not to blame for this. If you thought about it I'm sure you'd come to the same conclusion.
RACHEL: (stunned) Thought about it?! (Angrily) IT'S ALL THAT I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT. (Calmly) It's your choice - it's me or it's her.
Harold's Store
After bringing Susan and Libby their drinks, Harold suggests that they get Rachel to sing at the memorial service but when Susan tries to put him off asking, it then dawns on him that she'd be too upset to sing. Susan then mentions that she was thinking of calling it off but Libby agrees with Harold in that it would Cathartic adding that she won't be there. Harold is aghast at the thought of her not being there and Susan reminds her that Zeke was part of her life too and goes back to her original thought of postponing the memorial for a bit.
Number 28
Rachel goes through all the photos are removes all traces of Libby from them although the last photo looked like she added a picture of herself to the pile.
Harold's Store
Libby is instant that the memorial service goes ahead without her, she'll say goodbye to Zeke in her own way and reassures her mum that she'll be fine after all she has a wedding to organise that will keep her busy.
Number 28
Rachel finishes destroying the photos and starts on something else - her bridesmaid's dress!
<<5620 - 5622>>
Libby Kennedy, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5621
Libby Kennedy, Rachel Kinski

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5621
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Libby Kennedy

Rachel Kinski, Ty Harper in Neighbours Episode 5621
Rachel Kinski, Ty Harper

Harold Bishop, Elle Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5621
Harold Bishop, Elle Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald

Lucas Fitzgerald, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5621
Lucas Fitzgerald, Elle Robinson

Elle Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5621
Elle Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald

 in Neighbours Episode 5621

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5621
Libby Kennedy

Rachel Kinski, Ty Harper, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5621
Rachel Kinski, Ty Harper, Karl Kennedy

Elle Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5621
Elle Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald

Elle Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5621
Elle Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald

Lucas Fitzgerald, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5621
Lucas Fitzgerald, Elle Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 5621

Libby Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5621
Libby Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Susan Kennedy

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5621
Rachel Kinski

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