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Neighbours Episode 5594 from 2008 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5593 - 5595>>
Episode title: 5594
Australian airdate: 27/11/08
UK airdate:
Writer: John Davies
Director: Jonathan Geraghty
Guests: Kelly Katsis - Katrina Milosevic
Mickey Gannon - Fletcher O'Leary
Samantha Fitzgerald - Simone Buchanan
Justin Hunter - Chris Toohey
Kyle Canning - Chris Milligan
Vijay Singh - Harris Rehana
Shane Gregory - Ryan Bate
- "Its Christmas" by Chris Pettifer And Neal Kingston
Summary/Images by: ~Em~/ShadowDan
NB: For the purposes of this summary, since they haven't been formally introduced and I'm not entirely sure which one is which. Kyle will be referred to as "Dark Brow Boy/Crony 1" and Shane as "Crony 2".
- Bridget telling her parents she's pregnant.
- Steve giving Bridget his first stethoscope.
- Lou and Toadie taking on the Christmas lights challenge
- Harold telling Zeke he has cancer.
- Zeke going for a rebellious drive with Justin and his mates.
- Zeke following the bully boys into a deserted building sight.
Empty Building
The big tough bully boys run whooping around the building like they're in Lord of the Flies. Zeke runs after them but loses them. Thinking they've gone up onto a mezzanine level/wall (it's hard to tell) where a radio is playing he leaps and pulls himself up. They're not there. They appear and pull away the pallet Zeke used to climb up the wall. The dark browed boy suggests they go and get some doughnuts while Zeke shouts to let him down.
Ramsay Street
Outside Number 26 Steve and Mickey are lining up three light-up wise men. Mickey wants to know what the light winner gets.
STEVE: Oh, there's no actual prizes. It's just about knowing you did a good job.
MICKEY: That sucks.
Brat. Steve tells him Christmas is all about sharing the joy. Rebecca arrives home and suggests that they should put the tallest wise man in the middle to give "depth". Steve says he's not going for depth. He's going for tallest to smallest. Rebecca leaves them to it and as soon as her back is turned Steve switches the wise men around.
(Festive earrings count - 1)
Erinsborough High
Rachel is on the phone to Susan saying she hasn't seen Zeke. For some reason there's now a makeshift sign post in the locker area pointing students in the direction of all those places in the school we never see. Maybe it's so they don't get lost among all the inexplicable balloons. Maybe it's another DonnaFest. Nope, it's a Uni guidance day. Bridget is talking to a seriously arsey (but of different ethnicity, so sucks to you newspaper columnists) bloke about Medicine who is telling her how extremely tough is it. How there's no room for distractions. Boyfriends and socialising come second yadda yadda.
MEDICMAN: You have to be seriously dedicated. And that's only in your final year of school. At uni it's harder.
Like whatever! Boyd got married, had an affair, helped run the bar and watched his father go mental while still maintaining ridiculously good grades and being on course to graduate in all areas in medicine before he'd barely begun. Someone needs to tell this guy he's in Erinsborough. Bridget asks what about distractions it's impossible to do anything about. He asks if she has one. She says no, she was just wondering.
MEDICMAN: Good, because it's impossible enough.
Way with the optimism. You'd almost think he didn't want to recruit anyone to help heal the sick. Bridget looks a bit like she's not sure what to make of him.
Empty Building
Zeke is still sitting morosely on his wall, playing about with his phone. The boys come back and Justin says he'll let him down if Zeke gives him his fancy phone. Zeke says as if, then relents and agrees.
JUSTIN: Chuck it down.
ZEKE: (angrily) You want me to chuck it down, how about I chuck this down Justin!
He brandishes the radio/CD player. Ooo, tetchy! They put the pallet back in place and Zeke jumps down and pushes past them. Justin demands the phone so Zeke angrily holds it out towards him telling him about the really good camera and cool ringtone, goading him. Justin reaches for it and Zeke pulls it away resulting in Justin falling down a hole in the floor. Ha. Suddenly Zeke's rage (of which he has a LOT right now) wanes as he calls to see if Hunter is alright. He thinks he's busted his ankle. Zeke comes up with a sensible solution to get Justin out of the hole but the other boys are all "I dunno man" as if they're talking about a crumbling rock face in a howling gale with the enemy advancing. Zeke hangs over the edge while the others hold his ankles and Justin grabs Zeke's arms. They pull him up and suddenly Justin regains his macho-ness trying to lunge at Zeke.
ZEKE: We better take him to hospital.
DARK BROW BOY: They'll ask too many questions.
ZEKE: Leave him at the back door?
DBB: Good thinking.
JUSTIN: You having fun?
DBB: Mate you better hand over your keys. You're not going to be driving like that.
Justin hands over the keys. Dark Brow Boy offers Zeke the chance to drive. Justin points out that he doesn't even have a license, but Zeke accepts.
Number 28
Susan is on the phone trying to find out if Rachel has seen Zeke at all. Karl is showing Callum the door, telling him to get Toadie to do his own dirty work. He tells Susan that Toadie has been stealing their electricity to power his Christmas lights.
KARL: Susan, you can dismiss it, but I'm going to send Toadie our power bill next quarter. He can learn the lesson that way.
SUSAN: Aw, wouldn't be Christmas without old Scrooge would it?
KARL: Bah humbug.
Susan adds that it wouldn't be Christmas without Harold though either and asks what Karl is going to do. Karl says he could go into remission if he just listened and had treatment. Lou appears at the door and asks what's wrong with Harold.
LOU: If he's sick I'd like to know.
Karl says that as his doctor he can't say anything (=yes, Harold is sick). Susan says she can say though. Yes, let's all roll our eyes.
General Store
Lou is berating Harold for not telling him he was sick. Harold tells him he didn't want to upset him and that he's sorry. He just didn't think there was anything he could do.
LOU: I can be your old friend.
Lou wants to know why he keeps putting the operation off. Harold says he wants to see the Christmas lights one more time. Lou shakes him and says there's a lot of life left in him so he shouldn't talk like that. Harold looks like there's not much fight left in him. Lou shoos him out. Harold sadly leaves but watches his friend through the hatch and is upset to see him so distressed. His chin wobbles, but not in that friendly Harold way.
Paul is leaning against the bar when Sam arrives. He goes to join her asking if everyone has welcomed her back with open arms. He's quite happy to hand over the pariah stick and have the heat taken off him for a bit.
SAM: So, what keeps you here Paul?
PAUL: Oh, family. It's what keeps us anywhere really, isn't it?
Sam turns on the waterworks and says all she wants is for her little girl to know her father, but she needs to get a job first. She says she asked Toadie and he knocked her back.
PAUL: Ah, taking sides already.
SAM: Well who else is going to employ a heavily pregnant woman?
PAUL: Yeah, must be tough.
Sam pouts and asks if he knows anyone looking. Paul says no.
PAUL: But then what did you expect to rock up here heavily pregnant, tug a few heartstrings and waltz into a job? (He laughs) I think any employer would be crazy to look twice at you.
Sam asks who the hell he thinks he is. Paul retorts not the sucker she took him for, it'll take a lot more than a few crocodile tears to get him onside. She shouts at him to leave her alone. He tells her she doesn't want him to leave when he's about to offer her a job as legal adviser for his paper. All he asks is her loyalty. Sam looks interested.
General Store
Zeke arrives with Justin's cronies joking about telling Justin to "hop it". Crony #2 goes to get coffees, leaving Zeke to ask crony #1 (Dark Brow Boy) why he hasn't seen him around before. Apparently he's just moved to Erinsborough with his family. Zeke asks what they'll think about him skipping Uni Info Day. Crony #1 doesn't care, uni's a waste of time. Zeke knows there'll be hell to pay at home for him.
CRONY 1: I've got an Uncle. He got kicked out of school when he was 14, today he's worth about $25mil.
ZEKE: That's alright! So, you and Hunter eh?
CRONY 1: He said he'd show me around.
ZEKE: You do realise he's a complete moron.
CRONY 1: I've met smarter cricket bats.
Now, maybe it's just me, but there seemed to be a bit of man flirting going on there...
The other teens arrive and Rachel spots Zeke. She asks where he's been and tell him that Susan's been really worried. He says he's been busy hanging out.
RINGO: With these guys?!
Crony #2 tells him to watch it. Rachel asks him to call Susan.
ZEKE: I'll call her when I'm ready.
CRONY1: (jokingly) Who's Susan? Your girlfriend? (matey elbow nudge)
DECLAN: Just stay out of this.
CRONY 1: Make me?
Lou suddenly appears to stop a fight breaking out. Declan says everything's alright. The others were just leaving. Crony 1 says they're waiting for their coffees so Declan tries to get Zeke to leave. Zeke tells them to leave him alone, he'll hang out with whoever he wants. The teen gang leave him, bemused and hurt.
Number 28
Ty has arrived to give Rachel her first guitar lesson. She says she doesn't want to compete with him, she just thought it would be fun to jam together sometimes. Ty tells her she doesn't have a hope in hell in competing with him on guitar anyway. He explains that he's a terrible teacher, when he teaches guitar he turns into a monster. Oo, I'm scared. He says he's been writing a Christmas song for the street and thought they could play it as a duo. Oh no.
Number 26
Miranda and Steve ask Bridget how her meeting went. She tells them what the arsey Medic told her. Miranda assures her they'll help her through it.
MIRANDA: You can't give up on your dream.
BRIDGET: Give up? I don't even know why I thought I could do it. It's just dumb.
Number 28
Everyone is having what I assume is Eggnog, though Susan steers Callum away from the alcohol to the punch. Karl tells Toadie he'll be sending him his electricity bill. Kelly jokes that he's been sprung. Toadie tells her that what Karl doesn't know is that Callum snuck another two chords through the bathroom window. Karl shares an unwitting cheers with them and lets Paul and Sam in. Paul explains that Sam is his new legal adviser and brought some bubbly to pop.
SUSAN: Good on ya Paul.
Zeke arrives home. Susan pounces. Zeke tells her he doesn't want to go to uni anymore. What's the point? Susan is stunned.
Ramsay Street
Everyone is gathered in the street and they count down the switching on of number 26's lights, followed by number 30's (which temporarily fuses the indoor lights at number 28). Susan holds Karl back. Lou turns on number 24's lights and they outshine the rest. Ah ha haa. Lou and Harold shake hands.
LOU: I think we got it in the bag this year old mate.
The pair share a little moment of silence before Lou goes to square up with Toadie. The competition is won by the loudest cheers, which go to Harold's house. Lou tells Toadie to drop em, so he does to reveal light covered boxers. Magic. Toad dances off around the street.
Ty and Rachel think it's time to strike up a tune. Just a shame they chose this one, which is horrifically cheesy and which prompts manic grins from the residents. In fact, they all seem to know the words to the chorus of this song just written by Ty. All the Neighbours are merry and hug one another. Miranda hugs Harold and wishes him a Merry Christmas. Mickey tells him his lights were the best. Harold stops Zeke and tells him everything will be alright. Zeke isn't convinced. Susan brings Harold a drink and a silent cuddle.
Harold surveys the scene; Steve and Karl toast to a slightly less eventful new year; Bridget feels Sam's baby kick; Susan helps Miranda turn on her festive earrings. (Festive earring count = 3 pairs). He and Lou silently toast one another across the street and give each other assuring nods. Harold looks down, pensive once again. The scene fades out on his face then pans down on him alone now, looking up at the lights, he asks God to bless all his neighbours. Then, he's gone and we see his camper van pull out of the street.
For those of you who would like to join the Neighbours in a festive song:
Christmas is a season
To remember the good times.
The good times that we share
Through the years.
A time to care for each other
'cause together we'll conquer our fears.
Chorus: Well it's Christmas
For you and me.
It's Christmas
For the world to see.
It's Christmas
For you and me,
It's Christmas
For us all to share,
It's Christmas, everywhere.
(Repeat ad infinitum)
<<5593 - 5595>>
Mickey Gannon, Steve Parker in Neighbours Episode 5594
Mickey Gannon, Steve Parker

Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5594
Bridget Parker

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5594
Zeke Kinski

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5594
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5594
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5594
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

Rachel Kinski, Ringo Brown, Declan Napier, Bridget Parker, Zeke Kinski, Lou Carpenter, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 5594
Rachel Kinski, Ringo Brown, Declan Napier, Bridget Parker, Zeke Kinski, Lou Carpenter, Kyle Canning

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5594
Zeke Kinski

Steve Parker, Mickey Gannon, Karl Kennedy, Samantha Fitzgerald, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5594
Steve Parker, Mickey Gannon, Karl Kennedy, Samantha Fitzgerald, Susan Kennedy

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5594
Harold Bishop

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