- Carmella and Elle denying their feelings for the men in their lives
- Callum having trouble reading
- Karl pledging his support to Harold over his illness
- Dan presenting Libby with a brand new house
- Sam rocking up pregnant to the bucks and hens 'do
Lassiter's Complex
Libby storms out of Charlie's with Dan hot on her heels (along with Sam, Karl, Susan, Steph, Lucas and Elle). Dan begs Lib to stay with him and angrily asks what Sam's doing in Erinsborough. Sam hotly reminds him that she tried to call a few months ago but he never rang back.
SAM: I know you've moved on, I'm not trying to ruin that. But this is about our baby.
Libby flinches and Sam tries to approach her to talk, but Dan warns her away. Looking them both in the eye, Sam says that her baby deserves to know its father. Unable to cope, Libby runs off. Dan starts to follow but Susan steps in and tells him to deal with Sam instead.
SAM: Why am I the bad guy?
DAN: Why do you reckon?
Libby's Bedroom
Susan hugs her daughter as Libby laments that she thought Sam had gone for good. Susan states that Dan loves her, but Libby doesn't think she can compete with a baby. Susan can't help wondering if the child is indeed Dan's.
LIBBY: Dan's always wanted his own child and I can't give him that.
SUSAN: Don't just see the obstacles, look for ways to work it out. You don't know how you're going to feel once you get used to it.
LIBBY: Yes I do, I've seen it. Every time dad goes to London to see Izzy and Holly, mum, I see how much that hurts you. And you might be able to live with that but I don't know if I can.
Susan holds her as she starts to cry.
General Store
Dan's also having doubts about whether he's the baby-daddy, but Sam assures him that she's on her medication, is well, and that there's been no one else but him. She tries to hold his hand but he becomes self-conscious and shrugs her off, before telling her that she should leave so he can be with Libby. Upset, Sam angrily slams a disc down in front of him.
DAN: What's this?
SAM: It's an ultrasound. I thought you might like to watch it.
Charlie's Bar
Elle can't help wondering if Lucas had something to do with Sam's return so Dan and Libby would split. But Lucas just thinks Elle's being jealous again. Sam saunters in and gives her former brother-in-law a kiss on the cheek, apologising to them both for not sticking around to chat earlier. She states that she's probably burnt every bridge she had in Erinsborough, but Elle's still on Team Sam and offers her a room at #22 for the night.
Libby's Bedroom
Dan finds Libby lying in bed crying, so he curls up next to her to see if she's OK. He whispers that he loves her, but Libby can only reply, "I know". Giving her a kiss on the head, Dan snuggles in closer and Lib wraps his arm around her tight.
Number 32 - Next Morning
Libby mopes on the couch with her coffee and tells Steph that she wants to cancel the pre-wedding BBQ today, but Steph doesn't want to give Sam the pleasure.
STEPH: Seriously. It took every bit of willpower I had last night not to slap her down.
She freezes, realising Dan's joined them and hastily gives him her coffee before making herself scarce. Libby apologises to Dan about not saying she loved him last night, but Dan jokingly replies that he kind of had an inkling. He then adds that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and they have a smooch.
Number 28
Karl not-so-expertly smushes filling into the vol-au-vent pastry, which bugs Susan. Karl doesn't see why he should be playing chef when they don't know if the BBQ's even going ahead, but Susan isn't going to de-rail plans unless she hears otherwise.
KARL: The wedding is tomorrow, you're as worried as I am. (Muttering) Turning up pregnant...
SUSAN: Yeah, well, I know how Libby feels.
KARL: Holly? I thought we'd worked through that?
SUSAN: We have, it doesn't mean I can't empathise. No I've accepted it, you know that. I'd rather be with you than without you.
Libby, Dan and Steph arrive with more food. Susan quietly asks Steph how Lib's coping, but Steph thinks she's overcompensating. Karl knows this classic Kennedy pattern too well - next up is the denial. Overhearing them, Libby claims that she's fine, but then has an overwhelming urge to go and buy cream down the shops. Heaven forbid the mini-desserts are bare.
General Store
Lucas, Elle and Sam are all sharing a cuppa together before the BBQ.
LUCAS: How about we take one of those French bread-sticky things?
ELLE: (wry) You mean a baguette?
LUCAS: (childishly mimicking her) You mean a baguette.
Lucas claims that they'll need to take something, and Elle baulks at his constant use of "we". As Lucas heads off to get the breadstick thingy, Sam admits she's glad Elle's going to the BBQ so she can get all the inside goss - not that she cares or anything.
SAM: I'm happy they got together.
ELLE: This is me you're talking to, and I know you're not going to stand back and let Libby Kennedy marry the father of your baby.
Speaking of, in walks Libby and the whole GS vibe is set on 'awkward'. Sam makes nice and tells Lib that she hopes the BBQ and wedding go well. Uttering a stilted, "Thanks", Lib scurries to pay for her cream. Elle offers Sam her house keys so she can hang out there for the day, but Libby's conscience gets the better of her and she invites Sam to the barbie.
LIBBY: We're going to have to deal with this sometime so let's start now.
(She leaves and Sam stares at Elle in bewilderment.)
ELLE: Well you wanted the goss; nothing like first hand information.
Number 28
Dan and Steph are quite bewildered themselves at Libby's generous offer, but can't dwell on it too long as Lucas, Elle and Sam walk in the door. Lib offers to take Sam's cardie and passes it on to Steph, who pauses before dumping it on the couch.
LUCAS: We brought a French breadstick thing!
SUSAN: Oh that's lovely, isn't it... We can use it for dips!
Susan offers them a sandwich before realising Karl has scoffed all the salmon ones. But he escapes reprimand when he has to take a call from the hospital. Sam promises Dan that Libby invited her - she didn't just rock up - but Dan knows. He goes to get the guests some drinks, passing Steph and Libby hovering at the counter.
STEPH: You just give me the word, Lib, I'll crash tackle her. She's probably got a pillow shoved up there anyway.
LIBBY: Just keep an eye on her for me. I'll play the perfect host...
STEPH: And I'll find out what she's up to! I like your thinking, Kennedy. Operation Sam is go!
Steph goes to re-join the guests and Libby and Sam share an uneasy grimace.
First Commercial Break
Ramsay Street
Harold and Lou are sitting in companionable silence together - until it's revealed they're tangled up in a mess of Christmas lights. Lou calls Callum over to help them out.
CALLUM: You two tangled in the lights?
LOU: No, we do this every morning.
Lou gets affronted when Callum wonders how much they'll pay him, but when Lou complains to Toadie about what his "devil child" wants, Toadie can't see the problem. Harold explains that Lou's on a mission, and Lou elaborates that Steve stole his Christmas decoration crown last year and he's determined to get it back.
CALLUM: Is this like a competition?
LOU: There is no competition, son, I will destroy him!
HAROLD: Lou you live with him.
LOU: (shrugs) Eh, war sucks.
Toadie is teased about his lack of Christmas cheer, so he wagers a bet with Lou that his house will look more Christmassy than #24 - and the loser of the bet has to run around Ramsay Street in their underwear. Toadie and Callum then head back home so Kelly can test Cal, leaving Lou and Harold still tangled.
Number 30
Kelly corrects the test while Callum whines that he wants to shop for Christmas decorations - he already knows he's stupid. Showing Toadie the results, Kelly states that if Cal was dyslexic he would have done really well in some parts and really bad in others. But he got an average mark all 'round so she thinks he might just need glasses. Callum is less than enthused and whinges some more about getting lights. Kelly is confused so Callum explains the bet.
KELLY: Oh, well maybe I could help?
CALLUM: Yeah and if we lose you could get your gear off again! (Off Kelly and Toadie's stunned looks) ... I'm going to go get my shoes.
(Toadie offers Kelly an awkward handshake)
TOADIE: Welcome to the team.
KELLY: Thanks.
Ramsay Street
Lou and Harold watch from across the street as Toadie, Kelly and Callum unload a few small boxes from the car boot. Lou snickers away at their lame effort.
LOU: He doesn't stand a chance. He's barer than a stripper's bum!
But he soon shuts up when an 'Aussie Claus' van pulls into the street, laden with massive decorations for the Toad. Callum and Kelly high-five while Toadie screeches out a victorious, "HO, HO, HO!"
LOU: OK, Bishop. The gloves are off.
HAROLD: (confused) I didn't know they were on.
Karl walks over to have a serious chat with Harold, so Harry takes them inside away from Lou's ears (who asks them to bring out some tinsel from the spare room).
Number 24
Harold is trying to avoid 'The Chat' with Karl, but Karl lets him know that the biopsy test results have confirmed his suspicions. He adds that he's set up a treatment plan for Harold and wonders if they should let Lou know about it, but Harold determinedly states that Lou is not to find out.
KARL: You need support.
HAROLD: Sounds like I need more than support. Sounds like I need a bloomin' miracle.
Karl wants to call the hospital and arrange an admission date for an exploratory operation, but Harold refuses to listen.
Second Commercial Break
Number 28
Dan snatches a look at how the girls are getting on before grabbing the BBQ scraper to take outside - Karl burnt the meat again. Meanwhile, Steph is on red alert and retorts with smart alec comments to anything that Sam says, which is not lost on Elle. Intervening, Susan asks Libby to go out and give the boys a hand before taking Sam outside to meet Lennie.
STEPH: (catty) You two should get along like a house on fire.
ELLE: You're not funny and you're not clever and you're certainly not helping Libby.
STEPH: Hey, I'll decide what helps Libby. She may be a friend of yours but she's not a friend of mine.
ELLE: She's pregnant, which isn't a great position in case you haven't noticed.
STEPH: Oh Elle, she's come here to cause trouble and you know it.
ELLE: Well she needs understanding not hostility.
STEPH: (laughing) I haven't even started yet. But I tell you what, if Libby gets hurt again, then you'll see hostility.
They stare at one another before taking a breath and going back to their champers.
Ramsay Street
Night has fallen and #24 is lit up like a Christmas wonderland. But Lou still isn't happy because he can see that Toadie has a motorised Santa.
LOU: It's three against one, he's shameless.
HAROLD: One? What am I, a Scotch mist?
LOU: Stop blabbering, we've got a war to fight.
Thinking about his illness, Harold says to Lou that it must be nice for him to be approaching Christmas with a clean bill of health. Lou smiles and says it's true - and now he's OK, he's got another Christmas with Harold to look forward to. Harold looks touched... And now knows that he can't spill his secret.
Over at #30, Toadie, Kelly and Cal prepare to plug in their mega light display - but proceed to blow a fuse in the house instead.
CALLUM: (shoving him) You've ruined Christmas!
TOADIE: Hey! Back off you angry little elf!
Kelly then gets an idea to use an extension cord from #28 to power them up - but ends up killing their fuse as well. The #30 trio bolt inside.
Karl sets things right with the fuse box on the front porch before rushing out to discover the abandoned extension cord next door. Looking over at #24, he sees Harold and a very upset sounding Lou. He goes over to offer his support, thinking that Harold has finally divulged his news, but it turns out Lou is just sooking about paying for dodgy decorations. He walks off and Harold turns to Karl.
HAROLD: I'm sorry, Karl, but my health is my private business.
KARL: Your operation is in two days, you can't keep a secret forever.
HAROLD: I will do the treatment, but I will not ruin his Christmas.
Number 28
The atmosphere is as uncomfortable as ever, but the mood changes when Toadie brings the (teeny tiny) wedding cake over to store in their fridge. His house seems to have suffered from a mysterious power outage. Did the power outage zap away the rest of the cake too? Seriously, it's almost a cupcake.
Dan notices Sam resting on the couch and joins her. Sam lets him know she's having a girl and thought the name Emma would be nice. The baby kicks and Sam grabs Dan's hand to put on her stomach. Dan is wary at first because of Libby, but can't help feeling a little excited about it all. Libby sees them and looks distraught.
Third Commercial Break
Number 28
The heartbeat backing track starts up as Libby continues staring at Sam and Dan. Different dialogue can be heard swimming around in her head ("My baby deserves to know its father", "I love you, I should have said" etc), until Steph sidles over and snaps her out of it. Dan finally realises that Libby's not coping and Sam belatedly asks her if she'd like to join them (while all the rest of the guests look on).
SAM: The baby was kicking.
DAN: I had to feel it.
LIBBY: Yeah, of course, it's a special moment.
DAN: Thanks.
SAM: Would you like to?
LIBBY: ... I can't.
SAM: Oh I understand.
DAN: It's OK.
LIBBY: No Dan, we can't do this. We can't get married tomorrow.