Libby telling Dan she wanted to be with him before Sam and Lucas came along.
Steph sobbing to Lib that Jay walked all over her.
Nicola waking up and remembering Miranda but no-one else.
Bridget telling Declan that she thinks Nicola is faking it.
Erinsborough Hospital
Mickey gives Nicola some flowers, and she and Miranda share a memory of one of Miranda's primary school admirers, Randy Andy. Mickey begins to ask her question after question: does she know her birthday? Does she remember Lou? Does she know where she lives? Nicola remembers she lives in Erinsborough, and Didge is immediately suspicious about why; Nicola covers well by pulling out a card with the hospital name on it.
Miranda leaves the room and Steve follows her, thinking that his wife is jumping the gun a little on wanting Nicola home with them. Miranda speaks to the nurse anyway. Didge joins them in the corridor and also agrees, after everything that Nicola has done like getting it on with Riley and her dad.
DIDGE: It's like the whole family's got amnesia!
Miranda is stony faced.
Number 30
Libby and Dan leave Dan's room, him in underwear and she hunting for her jumper. She wishes he'd help her find it, but he doesn't want to help her leave the house, he'd rather be up to other things. Libby reminds him that she needs to collect the boys from her mum, and Dan thinks that's fact, he's like them to take a break together somewhere.
Libby pulls her jumper on, but Dan comments that it doesn't do anything for him and pulls it off her again before picking her up and taking her straight back to the bedroom.
Number 32
Libby returns home to find Steph hoovering and asks if she should go get the boys from her mum's, but Steph's already done it. Lib offers to take over the cleaning, but Steph notices Lib's flushed cheeks and realises she's been with Dan. They are so giggly together and Steph is so pleased for her friend's happiness. Libby tells her mate that she, Dan and Ben are going away, so Steph tells her to go pack.
Libby runs to her room to pack and Toadie turns up to see Steph.
Cut to moments later where Toadie has told Steph that Jay's trial is looming and asks her if she wants to give a Victim Impact Statement in person or through the court. Steph wants to do whatever will put Jay in jail, so she opts to do it in person, even though that means facing him again.
Erinsborough Hospital
Steve comes in with some crisps for Nic, and she asks if he'd get her some OJ, too. Steve obediently wanders off and Didge comes in to see her aunt. Nicola asks her to fill her in about herself; Bridget seems thrilled to oblige, and she'll start with Riley.
Cut to later where Nicola is sobbing, unable to 'believe' that she did what she did with Riley, and Bridget is explaining this is why she doesn't want Nicola coming home with them.
NICOLA: It can't be true! I would never have done those things, especially not to Panda!
Toadie arrives and sees Nicola crying, and asks Bridget to give him some time alone with Nicola. He asks her why she's crying, and she says that she's a terrible person.
TOADIE: You're memory's coming back, is it?
Nicola explains that Bridget has told her all about the awful things she's done, and wants Toadie to tell her if they're true or not.
The General Store
Rebecca, Sienna and Carmella are huddled around Ringo who's on the phone to Frazer. When he puts the phone down, the girls beg for news; Ringo pretends to be all confused about what they're talking about, then finally gives in.
RINGO: Oh, that was it - a healthy baby boy!
The girls are all cooing and Ringo tells them that they haven't given him a name, yet - but they won't name him after a Beatle.
SIENNA: Champagne!
RINGO: No, I don't think they're gonna name him that, either, Sienna.
The girls agree to get a picture of them celebrating the birth so they can send it to Rosie and Frazer.
At the counter, Lou is clearly busy, and Mickey is trying to get his attention. Lou tells Mickey he's rushed, but Mickey continues to stand in the way regardless, and tells his 'pop' that he wants to go outside. Erm, excuse me?? Why is this kid allowed to get away with being SO rude?? What about 'please may I go outside, pop' rather than 'I want'?? He's not two years old anymore, and I can't believe he's allowed to get away with being so demanding.
Lou bumps into him with a sandwich and it falls to the floor. Lou is cross, so Mickey legs it, as he always does when he doesn't get his own way.
Erinsborough Hospital
Toadie tells Nicola that there's good stuff about her, too. He tells her that they're married, with three kids: Kaleesha, Shaleesha and Barry. He informs her she's also a Russian spy and he's her control agent...
Miranda walks in and tells her sister that she's being discharged in a couple of days, and she'll make up Nicola's room. Nicola tells Miranda that Didge told her everything, and she doesn't deserve a sister like her.
Lassiter's Lake
Lou finds Mickey throwing pebbles into the lake and offers him some other stones, but Mickey rudely ignores him. Lou tries to make conversation: would Mickey like to throw Lou in the lake instead? Would that make him feel better?
Hang on a minute: Mickey ignored Lou telling him he's busy, didn't bother using basic manners in asking to go outside, ran out when he didn't get his own way, and now LOU IS APOLOGISING? Okay, maybe Lou didn't have to get quite so cross, but don't let him think his behaviour is okay! Apologise for yours but get Mickey to apologise too!!!!
He is going to turn out such a brat, this kid.
Mickey tells Lou that it's just like Perth: no-one wants to talk to him. Mmm, there's a reason for that, and you can't have attention all the time, dearie. Why doesn't he spend time with friends rather than expecting family to spend every second with him? ARGH!
Lou tells Mickey that he has a way to stop him being bored (although I'll bet you anything the novelty will wear off as soon as he finds something better to do), and so we cut to...
The General Store
...Mickey giving Ringo some change after serving him a drink. Lou serves Rebecca and Susan, deliberately getting their bill wrong so that Mickey can correct him and feel better about himself.
In the kitchen, Carmella and Ringo are preparing food to celebrate the birth of baby Cammeniti-Yeats when Toadie comes in with news. But Carmella gets there first, telling him about the baby, and the celebration that Toadie's invited to. Toadie accepts, and says that his news can wait til later.
Number 26
Bridget is whinging about the stupid movie on the TV, and Declan wonders why she's all cross and stroppy. She tries it on with kissing, but he demands to know what's wrong. She admits she told Nicola everything, which is why she didn't want her back here at their house. And she's now wondering if she just really screwed up by torturing a woman in intensive care.
Declan tells her that she stuck up for her family and that's what matters the most.
The General Store
At the store, Ringo, Lou, Toadie, Sienna, Mickey, Susan, Rebecca, Carm, Chloe are all ready to pose for a celebratory photo. Libby and Dan come in, so they get called over to pose, too. They do three pictures, and afterwards Toadie asks Libby how Steph is taking the news...but Libby has no idea what Toadie's talking about.
Toadie tells her about Jay's trial, and how he doesn't believe that Steph was telling the truth when she said she was okay. Libby can't believe that Steph didn't say anything to her about it...and then wonders how Toadie told Carmella.
TOADIE: Yeah, you know, reminding her of the guy who killed her husband...I haven't quite found the words for that, yet.
Number 30
Dan is reading out his list of clothes he's packed, and Toadie's checking his case. Toadie finds a pair of bright blue swim pants.
TOADIE: What are these?
DAN: They're speedos, Toadie.
TOADIE: Yeah, or for smuggling budgies, Daniel.
Libby comes in, so Toadie disappears with the dog.
TOADIE: Come on, Bronte. Let's disappear before these two start pashing. Ooooh! Loverrrrs! (pause) I'll just go and grow up.
Libby profusely apologises to Dan - she can't come away. But she doesn't have cold feet at all...Jay's sentence is coming up and Steph needs her support. Dan tells her that's fine, and he's so sure about them as a couple too. They go in for a smooch when Libby notices something from the corner of her eye...
LIBBY: Are they speedos?
Number 32
Steph is looking at the front of the Erinsborough News, the edition that came out after her ordeal with Jay, and her on the front of the page. Libby comes home and tells her she heard about the trial. Steph says she'll be fine, but Libby tells her it's normal to be scared, and that she can release her statement through the courts without actually being there.
They cuddle, and Lib tells her mate that she's not going away with Dan until this thing is over.
STEPH: I wish I was like you. And just be able to get back on the horse...
LIBBY: On the bike...
STEPH: On the bike. Just get on with my life.
LIBBY: Yeah. Cos that's gone SO smoothly.
They giggle and Steph says she'll take Charlie and go and see her mum in Shelley Bay for a while. Libby doesn't want her to do that just to let her go away with Dan, but Steph admits that she really, really does just want to spend some time with her mum.
The General Store
Carmella is putting the phone down, and is weeping. Ringo sees her and asks if she's heard about Jay's trial. Carmella has, but she's crying because Rosie and Frazer have named baby Cammeniti-Yeats, and they're going to call him Marco. She wishes her Marco had been here today to celebrate with them.
Ringo offers her a hug, but she doesn't want to give him the wrong idea. Ringo rolls his eyes and gives her a big hug. Ringo tells her he loves her as a friend, nothing more. They hug again.
Number 26
The Parkers come home looking for Bridget, who is in her room with Declan. They come out, having so blatantly been up to something. Miranda tells her daughter that she's just come from seeing Nicola at the hospital. Steve suggests that Declan leaves, and Declan sensitively does just that.
Bridget defends her actions; Nicola needed to know, and was going to find out anyway. Miranda thinks that it would have been better to wait, but Didge retorts that her mother's treating Nicola like some sort of saint.
MIRANDA: Amnesia's an awful thing to go through.
DIDGE: You don't think she's lying?
MIRANDA: No, I don't.
DIDGE: Well what about you, dad? Are you one hundred percent certain that she's telling the truth?
STEVE: I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt.
DIDGE: Well, I hope you're right.
Didge goes to her room, and Miranda thanks Steve for defending Nicola, as it can't have been easy. Steve is quick to point out that he's not defending Nic, he's standing by Miranda. And if she wants her sister back at number 26 with them, he'll do it.
Erinsborough Hospital
Bridget is apologising to Nicola for bombarding her aunt with facts; she's sorry if they confused her. It's not all that sincere. Nicola tells Didge that she hopes she can win her trust back one day. Jodie Smith comes in and says she has to take Nicola's obs, so suggests the family leave. As they do, Miranda tells her sister she's coming home with them tomorrow.
Jodie comments to Nicola that she's very lucky to have a family as caring and understanding as them. Nicola says she knows - before smirking to herself.
Unfortunately for her, Steve happens to be standing outside her room, and sees the smirk through the blinds; Miranda and Didge see nothing.
Out on Steve, not quite believing what he just saw. Didge was right all along.