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Neighbours Episode 5388 from 2008 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5387 - 5389>>
Episode title: 5388
Australian airdate: 13/02/08
UK airdate:
Writer: Scott Taylor
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Casey Overington - Melanie Lockman
Lynda Stephens - Nicola Wright
Summary/Images by: Sophie/Emily
Libby telling Susan she was thinking about taking Steph with her to tie up the loose ends in Shepparton.
Steve suggesting to Bridget that they'll have to let Pouch go soon.
Valda's scanning the post for Valentine's cards and Steph finds a letter amongst them finalising her divorce from Max. Valda thinks it's marvellous but Steph doesn't want her telling Toadie.
Number 26
Steve is impressed to see Bridget walking along fine without her walking-frame, but as soon as she realises she goes back to grab it, still not confident she can cope without. Steve shows Riley his buyer deterrents - festering fruit, sour milk, a spray of cologne and rearranged furniture. Bridget calls them in to see Pouch because she's got blood on her.
Libby thinks Steph needs some time out which is a good excuse for her to come to Shepparton with her. Libby wants to go as soon as possible, Toadie doesn't mind and Valda agrees she can manage so the girls rush off to pack. Valda's not too happy about it though - she wanted Steph to talk to Toadie about the divorce first.
Number 26
There's blood on Pouch's hind paws but Steve can't find any damage anywhere. Mickey hasn't noticed anything different either. Riley suggests she could have been in a fight and Mickey asks what happens if she was? Bridget insists that's not possible and Steve says they'll get to the bottom of it. After considering but dismissing the thought of using the kangaroo as another way of putting buyers off, Steve goes to put Pouch in the shed. Mickey looks sheepish.
Valda is still nagging Steph to tell Toadie the truth, but she insists it's her decision. Paul and Rebecca come in, discussing how moody Elle has been. They put it down partly to her job, but Paul's also worried about the rescue, he thinks she's not handling it well.
Toadie tells Steph he's lost his wallet but discovers it on the bar. Valda suggests she makes them a drink and they can have a chat, but Steph says she's got to go. Toadie goes with her to see her off. Valda gets out the box to look again at Steph's letter and is very flustered when Toadie comes back in to collect his wallet again. He asks what she's doing with her hands in the cash box and pretends she's taking cash as a loan. Toadie insists when he comes back they're going to have a chat about her finances.
Ramsay Street
Libby and Steph are packing up to go off to Shepparton.
STEPH: This is going to be fun, isn't it? A big girls' road trip, just like Thelma and Louise! Except the bit where they drive off the cliff, of course. Or kill someone.
Libby's a bit nervous about going back and the thought of running into her. Valda's advice is to hold her head up high, whilst Toadie thinks it would be best just to kick her. Whilst Libby and Toadie laugh, Valda once again implores Steph to talk to Toadie. She refuses and says goodbye to him, saying she'll be back Valentine's Day.
Once they're gone, Valda tries to walk away but Toadie grabs her for their talk.
Toadie's grilling Valda about her finances and she says it's just the bank machines keep telling her she's got nothing left in her account. He tells her to set herself a budget and asks if this is the first bit of money she's taken. She says it is, but he goes to check anyway. Valda tries to stop him but he grabs the box and opens it up to see the letter. He asks when it came through and why she didn't want him to see it.
VALDA: (mournfully) I told her she should tell you.
Toadie is surprised that Steph didn't want him to see it and looks bemused whilst weird oriental music plays.
Valda suggests they ring Steph to sort it out but Toadie won't let her. He insists they won't have a misunderstanding - they trust each other - but he doesn't want Valda to tell Steph that he knows. She's not impressed - it's not in her nature to keep a secret. She agrees, but only if he'll give his word not to tie himself in emotional knots over it.
On the Road
Libby's finding it hard to be back in Shepparton, even though Darren's not there, but Steph tells her she had to face it some time. They pull up and get out of the car. Libby gets a bit emotional seeing the house where they had so many good times and Steph gives her a hug. Libby asks how she learnt to trust someone again after Max and she attributes it to crying on the phone to her for six months. Libby says that Steph and Toadie give her hope that she'll be able to trust someone again. Steph tells her no relationship is easy, but Lib thinks if Steph can do it, she can as well. They put their arms round each other and approach the house together.
Number 26
Riley and Steve are annoyed that everyone has loved the house despite all their attempts. Riley agrees with Steve that Bridget's moving better now. Steve points out that she keeps leaving her walking-aid but then going back to it. Riley thinks if she's getting better they should just leave her.
Ned's calling for Mickey - he's found bandages in Mickey's room and thinks that it's him rather than Pouch who has been bleeding. Mickey says he just fell from his bike but Ned knows he's lying. Mickey reveals a stomach covered in plasters and admits that Pouch did it, but he doesn't want her to be released - she didn't meant to hurt him. Steve knows that she's a wild animal and she needs to be returned to the bush. Bridget walks in, and something tells me she won't be happy ...
Steph's mocking Libby's CD collection when there's a knock at the door. She goes to find Lynda (uh-oh), who is looking for Darren. Lynda wants to talk to Libby and explain. Libby wants to hear what she has to say.
LIBBY: I had you in this house as my friend.
LYNDA: I know.
LIBBY: Joking with Darren in front of my son, all the time knowing you were tearing my family apart.
Lynda says it wasn't meant to happen, she knew it was wrong but she was lonely. Libby thinks this is no excuse - she could have got a hobby or a pet instead. Lynda thinks Darren was lonely as well. Libby asks if she's blaming her for the affair, but Lynda says no, it was all their fault.
LIBBY: Did you love him?
LYNDA: No. Did you?
Libby has no answer. Lynda tells her that he loved and still does love her, but he felt she settled for less than love. Libby asks her to leave and Lynda apologises again, before leaving.
Steph comes back out and Libby says she's not ok, Lynda thinks the same as Steph, about her pushing Darren away. Steph thinks that's a novel way of apologising for the affair. Libby may have pushed him away, but there's no need to feel sorry for someone who pashes their way across the state. They both laugh.
Number 26
Steve finishes a phone call and tells the family that it's been agreed that Pouch will be taken to a sanctuary and then released into the wild. Mickey thinks it's his fault but Ned tells him that Pouch needs to be with other kangaroos. Ned and Steve go into the kitchen to talk alone. Ned wants Pouch to stay a bit longer, after Mickey having to go through Janae leaving as well, but Steve tells him they can't really have a wild animal in the house. Ned calls Mickey through to talk to him and Steve goes to the living room. He tells Didge that they have to do this, even though she wants to keep Pouch. He doesn't want her to get even more attached to her and Pouch is just too big to keep any longer.
STEVE: I don't think this is about Pouch, I think this is about you.
BRIDGET: Of course it is, I don't want her to go.
STEVE: No, because Pouch is ready to get out there on her own and you're not.
Bridget tells him he's wrong in thinking that just because she can't walk properly she won't let Pouch go.
The Kangaroo Sanctuary
Casey the Wildlife Carer is there to take Pouch off their hands. Steve introduces her to Ned, Mickey and Bridget. Casey suggests Bridget lends her a hand getting Pouch out the car. She remembers the time when she first gave up a Joey and praises Bridget's care of Pouch. Bridget offers to call Pouch for her and she does. Casey says she's never seen a kangaroo respond that well and offers to show Bridget around.
She shows Bridget the Australian wildlife health centre, with its surgery and nursery. They care for the animals and release them back into the wild when they're better. Steve says Pouch will be fine but Bridget's still worried about what could happen to her in the wild. She wants to look after her, even though Steve thinks it's not an option. He tells her to wait in the car.
Pub in Shepparton
Steph thinks being there will help Libby move on. They reminisce about the times they'd dance until they forgot their problems. Steph wants to do it again and gets up on the bar to show her how it's done. Libby joins her and they attract quite a following, including a guy with a really bizarre beard.
The Kangaroo Sanctuary
Bridget is sulking in the car whilst the others say goodbye to Pouch. Steve wonders if he was too hard on her. Mickey asks why Pouch isn't going and Bridget gets out of the car to tell him it's because she thinks they're her family. She won't go until she feels confident enough. Casey asks if Bridget wants to help her settle in, but Bridget gestures to the frame and says it's too hard. Steve asks her to try without the stick. Bridget gives Pouch a bit of a pep talk and follows Casey's instructions of taking the bottle, walking away and seeing if Pouch follows. Didge walks and then runs a little, with Pouch bounding after her and eventually running off on her own. Bridget grins and runs over to hug her dad.
Valda watches on as Toadie looks frustrated, twiddling his pen in his hands whilst staring at a blank Valentine's card. Eventually he writes "Dear Steph" and stops again to look at the necklace he's bought. Valda gets her mobile out and considers ringing Steph.
Pub in Shepparton
Steph and Libby are still up there dancing in unison.
Back home, Valda encourages Toadie to call Steph, she's sure she'd like to hear for him.
TOADIE: The sad thing is, it never occurred to her that I'd like the same.
The screen switches between Steph and Libby dancing away and Toadie miserably shutting the box on the necklace.
<<5387 - 5389>>
Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5388
Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Valda Sheergold, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5388
Valda Sheergold, Steph Scully

Riley Parker, Bridget Parker, Steve Parker in Neighbours Episode 5388
Riley Parker, Bridget Parker, Steve Parker

Mickey Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5388
Mickey Gannon

Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5388
Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier

Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Valda Sheergold in Neighbours Episode 5388
Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Valda Sheergold

Toadie Rebecchi, Valda Sheergold in Neighbours Episode 5388
Toadie Rebecchi, Valda Sheergold

Libby Kennedy, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5388
Libby Kennedy, Steph Scully

Ned Parker, Steve Parker in Neighbours Episode 5388
Ned Parker, Steve Parker

Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5388
Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy

Bridget Parker, Mickey Gannon, Ned Parker, Steve Parker in Neighbours Episode 5388
Bridget Parker, Mickey Gannon, Ned Parker, Steve Parker

Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5388
Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy

Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5388
Bridget Parker

Bridget Parker, Mickey Gannon, Ned Parker, Steve Parker in Neighbours Episode 5388
Bridget Parker, Mickey Gannon, Ned Parker, Steve Parker

Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5388
Bridget Parker

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