Mickey being found.
Elle resigning.
Rosie finding Ringo's appetite suppressants.
Susan wanting Toadie to defend her when he can't get another barrister to replace Catherine.
There is no change to the titles following Pepper's departure last week although Adam's name is still in the credits whereas Pepper's is gone.
Rebecchi/Cammeniti Law Firm
Toadie is prepping Susan for the trial and Karl isn't happy with the tough questioning Toadie is doing but Susan reminds him it will be worse in court. It's like a rewind here to when Toadie was prepping Steph before her trial and Max telling him the same thing.
No. 30
Ringo denies that the appetite suppressants are his and tries to put the blame on Pepper until Rosie replies that not only did she find them in his bag but that Pepper told her about him too. Ringo tries to leave as Rosie goes over what he has been doing so that Frazer knows too but he puts it down to exercising more and eating less junk and reiterates that the suppressants aren't his. Frazer is wondering why nobody is telling him and Ringo accuses Rosie of getting off on the drama as he finally leaves the kitchen.
Frazer tells Rosie that Ringo has always had a problem about how he looks but she jumps down his throat to tell him it isn't a vanity issue and that things are getting way out of hand, so he promises to talk to Ringo while she is at work.
Rebecchi/Cammeniti Law Firm
As they exit the office, Karl asks how confident Toadie feels and he replies that he's feeling confident and that there should be no jail time if everything goes to plan before he reminds them about a meeting with the prosecutor at 11.
Rosie ticks him off after Susan & Karl exit for making promises that he can't keep but he replies that it is better to be optimistic. Toadie doesn't like Rosie's questioning and barks at Rebecca to get the invoices out as he returns to his office saying that everything is under control.
Ramsay Street
Ringo tries to explain that eating disorders is a chick thing but Frazer replies that 25% of males are affected too, which leads Ringo to accuse Frazer of reading his wife's Cosmo! The brothers have a serious chat and Ringo lies that he's been skipping meals but eventually has to backtrack and say he only skips them if he's been snacking all day and agrees to stop doing that when Frazer points out he needs regular food after training so hard.
FRAZER: Lay off the bloody diet pills.
He jokes back "if it makes Rosie chill out" but his face tells a different story.
Rebecchi/Cammeniti Law Firm
Paul is in to tell Rebecca about Elle quitting but senses its time to leave when Toadie comes out of his office wanting Rebecca. He is after some files and they are eventually found in Rosie's possession (she was working on the closing) and so is force to say sorry to Rebecca. Rosie offers to start the opening statement to help the under-pressure Toadie but he's adamant that he is doing it himself and retreats into his office.
RECECCA: How worried should we be?
ROSIE: Get Steph on the phone.
No. 30
Daniel calls round and after the intro's Frazer thinks he wants contact details for Pepper but Daniel is force to say that it is him he is actually round to see after growing concerned at some of the things he's seen Ringo do. Frazer is still smarting at being the last to know but apologises to Daniel for going off on one.
Ringo enters the kitchen and can hear the two men talking and makes himself know just as Daniel is about to go into the specifics of what he's seen with Ringo. Frazer tries to cover for him but Ringo isn't fooled and Daniel explains he is just round to make sure he is okay but realising that he's wasting his time, he leaves. Frazer wants to talk to his brother but he uses the excuse that he needs a shower to avoid it.
The General Store
Steph is trying to point out to Toadie that he is just as important as Susan's case to get him to relax but he isn't impressed at Rosie contacting her. She reminds him what happened the last time he was under severe stress (the panic attack) but Toadie replies this is completely different despite Steph not believing him and kisses her goodbye heading back to work.
Rebecchi/Cammeniti Law Firm
Toadie arrives for the meeting with the prosecutor (Cynthia) and Karl & Susan, hopeful that they can get a plea bargain drawn up. Cynthia is bewildered at Toadie even suggesting it given the evidence currently in front of her. Karl watches as Toadie starts to take a few deep breaths and everyone else joins in before he excuses himself and makes his way though to Rosie's empty office.
Toadie looks at himself in the mirror on the back of the door, muttering to himself about keeping it together while trying to sort his breathing pattern out.
No. 22
Elle urges Paul to head back to the office but he is hanging around to find out why she quit. He offers a few suggestions as to a reason why but Elle is keeping quiet.
Rebecchi/Cammeniti Law Firm
Toadie is still trying to get his breathing regulated in Rosie's office while in the reception, Karl wonders if one of them should go and get Toadie. He asks Cynthia when she appears ready to leave for the cab she has ordered to wait, which she begrudgingly agrees to do.
No. 22
Ollie has now joined Paul in trying to find out who made Elle quit (promising to vote whoever it was off the board) until Elle finally reveals that it was SebastianWill. "He made you quit," asks Ollie and Elle puts him right on his demands. Ollie offers strategies to reverse the decision and both men offer to resign but Elle explains that she is now looking forward to whatever direction her life is going to lead her to next.
Rebecchi/Cammeniti Law Firm
Toadie returns to his office but Cynthia has already left. He apologises profusely but Susan is cool with it explaining that she didn't think Cynthia was going to change her mind anyway. Toadie calls Cynthia to plead at having another shot and she reluctantly agrees to meet him at 5 in her office.
KARL: You better make the most of it.
TOADIE: Yes, I'll be kicking goals.
The General Store
Ringo is trying to explain how annoyed he was at seeing Daniel at his house and is surprised to hear Frazer say that his school counsellor visited his home once before adding that his teenage years shouldn't be used as an example. Frazer tries to get Ringo to stay and have some lunch with him but he replies that he'll have the leftover lasagne at home instead. Ringo passes Rosie on the way out as she comes into the store, and turns down her request to join them for lunch.
"Don't stress, he's fine" Frazer announces as she sits down but Rosie says that is just him being in denial. Frazer obviously completely believes what Ringo has been telling him as he accuses Rosie (and Pepper) of getting hold of the wrong end of the stick.
Lou brings over Ned, Janae and Mickey's order and they start talking about what happened with Mickey and the chest, adding that he's relived the lad was found because he'd never have forgiven himself if something had happened especially since he told Mickey not to go near the chest. This is news to Ned and Janae and Mickey calls Lou a dobber and receives a ticking off from Janae especially since Lou was just looking out for him. Ned and Lou join in with the ticking off too and Mickey is forced to apologise for what he said.
No. 30
Ringo jumps when Rosie enters the kitchen especially as he's thrown some food into the bin. She wants to talk to him about what Pepper alerted her to and he asks why she didn't talk to him first. "I was scared for you," replies Rosie before adding that Frazer has a right to know too.
RINGO: No, no-one has a right to know Rosie, it's my life.
ROSIE: And I don't want to see you throwing it away. Talk to me Ringo, you can trust me.
He replies back that he does trust her before gathering up the bin-bag (with the food he just scrapped into it) to put the rubbish out. Rosie immediately becomes suspicious of this given he's never done that at all in the time he's lived at the house. "First time for everything," Ringo explains as he heads out the back door.
Rebecchi/Cammeniti Law Firm
Steph is waiting for Toadie when he comes back from his unsuccessful meeting with Cynthia and tries to get him to come home for dinner when he wants to keep working going over everything again trying to find any holes. Rebecca agrees to help with the extra work (which receives a silent thanks from Steph) to let him go home just as Frazer comes in.
FRAZER: Rebecca, Rebecchi, Sterephanie (enters Rosie's office) Come on home time you.
(He goes round the back of Rosie's seat and bear hugs her)
ROSIE: I love it when you husband me.
FRAZER: Ooh you ain't seen nothing.
Killing the romantic mood stone dead though, he brings up the fact she talked to Ringo in the afternoon. Both are still at opposite ends of the spectrum as to whether Pepper was helping or not and if there is something wrong with Ringo. Frazer tells Rosie of his plan though - he will cook them all dinner.
No. 32
OMG we finally get to see the inside of No. 32 for the first time in ages, although not as long as it has been since we saw the inside of No. 24. Anyway, Steph hands Toadie his dinner and tries to get him to talk about his day but instead it is Steph who brings up what happened at the office (Susan told her) and reassures him that they all care about him. He denied it was a panic attack, just a bad curry but Steph isn't fooled despite him trying his best.
No. 22
Elle jokes when she sees Paul watching television that TV presenting could be her next career. She reaffirms that her mind isn't for changing when Paul tells her she already has a job. Paul tells her that it will be strange not seeing her at the office, she tells him to get used to it and when he presses things, she adds that she only started working at Lassiter's so she could get close to him. This seems to silence him and when Elle asks if she was successful he replies that she knew she was.
No. 30
When Frazer said he was cooking dinner, he didn't say it was a banquet he was gong to cook as we cut to No. 30 and see the table covered in dishes of food. Rosie compliments him on what he has cooked as Ringo digs in and begins eating as the three of them talk about how their day has been. Ringo deserves a Logie for the performance his is putting on, knowing what to say and do to convince Frazer that everything with him is fine.
No. 30 front yard
Frazer comes out to empty the bin and can hear Ringo throw up (we don't see it). Ringo spots him as he heads back inside and tries to pass it off as being desperate for the loo and their one being busy but Frazer has woken up and smelt the coffee and tells Ringo he heard him being sick. Rosie appears too as Ringo is starting to get agro and Frazer gives his wife an apology for not believing her before becoming very angry at his brother. Ringo decides he's heard enough and walks away despite Rosie trying to get him inside and Frazer shouting "oi" at him very loudly.
Rebecchi/Cammeniti Law Firm
Toadie is busy looking through the case notes as we return from the last commercial break but as he closes a book, he starts to have a panic attack again. He starts hyperventilating and is sweating profusely as he grabs the phone and speedials Steph.
TOADIE: Steph I need you. I. Can't. Breathe.