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Neighbours Episode 5238 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5237 - 5239>>
Episode title: 5238: Sin and Crispy
Australian airdate: 20/06/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Drew Tingwell
Director: Jet Wilkinson
Guests: Mickey Gannon - Fletcher O'Leary
- "Violet Town" by The Brunswick Music Group
Summary/Images by: Elizabeth/Holing
Kirsten tells Ned about the kid being her son, Michael, who is also his son.
Paul wants to speak to Gail, but Elle tries to stop him.
Mickey asks what Kirsten meant when she said 'special friend'.
Ned says he doesn't remember being referred to as a 'special friend', but Mickey says he heard. Janae explains that Ned was Kirsten's first boyfriend and so he'll always be special to her. Janae wants Ned to tell Mickey that he's his dad but Ned doesn't want to freak him and wants to tell him properly. Ned asks Mickey if he's eaten enough and if he wants a nap. Janae breaks it by offering for him to come to the garage and see the cars.
Rachel tries to speak to Lolly and Zeke, who are less than interested in hearing what she has to say. Rachel thinks they hate her but Zeke says that he apologized, and now it's water under the bridge. Karl, meanwhile, is on the sofa snoring. Rachel plays a supposedly funny joke with a tissue. It's not funny. Rachel is 'glad they're ok again' and leaves. Lolly's annoyed that it's being made to seem everything's fine, but Zeke has a trick up his sleeve. He pulls out a little toy thing, which Zeke explains Rachel takes to bed every night. It's revenge - and wants to borrow Sky to assist in Rachel's total, utter and complete humiliation.
As they leave, Susan comes in and wakes Karl up by putting a tissue over his face. What is it with tissues and sleeping people? Do they not realize the joys of a nap?! Karl's worried that he hasn't done all his paperwork. Susan says she didn't hear him come in last night or leave this morning. Karl explains that because Davo can't fire him, he's working him into the ground. Susan tells him to think of the money and think of the trips to see Jackson and Holly and the flash company car and the adoring little wife who will make him a lovely dinner when he gets home.
Karl is asleep in his car when Davo rings, to whom he explains that he's got meetings and presentations. Karl looks in the back of the car and realises stuff is missing - someone's nicked his drug samples out of the back and the boot. Ringo comes up and tells him to chill and instead retrace his steps. Karl mentions that he saw Carmella but was only there for a moment. Ringo asks if he put it on the ground when he spoke to Carmella. Ringo walks off and sees Carmella's van. He looks inside, obviously for this drug kit.
The Garage
Mickey's messing around, pretending to drive the car, and Ned makes some comment about him looking like a race car driver. Then he tells Mickey not to oversteer, because he doesn't want to lose control of the car. Mickey points out that he's not really driving because he's only 8. Janae sends Ned off to get a solonoid or something. Mickey tells Janae that Ned's funny - he's really stiff, like a tree. And seriously, that's an *actual* commentary on the acting we see when Ned is on the screen. Janae thinks he's not always like that and he's actually pretty cool when you get to know him. Mickey doesn't think he's as cool as her dad, who is a cop. Janae explains it's not her real dad. Mickey says that his mum has told him that his real dad is somewhere else but it doesn't matter because his dad loves him, no matter what. Ned hears this. Janae goes up to Ned and tells him not to call Mickey's mum and if he does speak to her, neither Mickey nor Janae will forgive him. Ned bails and pretends he just wanted to know if there was any food he can't eat.
Elle and Paul are playing cards and Paul's concerned that Elle has an unfair advantage because she knows his poker face. Elle claims she can't bluff; she's no good at it. They talk about Paul being discharged tomorrow - Paul is over being bossed around by strangers. Elle points out that they're all strangers to him. Paul changes the subject to a party for his homecoming so that he can reaquaint himself with his friends. Elle tries to talk him out of it, saying he needs to rest and she doesn't want anyone to say anything that would upset him. Paul asks if she's worried about what he might find out. Elle relents and says no and agrees to arrange a party for him depending on what the doctor says. Paul decides to make it about poker, but Elle leaves. Without her phone. It rings and it's Gail, so Paul answers and he's really happy. He asks if she got his message, then gets more anxious as he tells her that he's not playing at anything and begs her not to hang up before telling her he loves her. Then he wants to know what he's done. She hangs up on him (I guess) and he comes off the phone clearly a bit upset.
Janae's doing some boxing practice and Mickey comes in saying he wishes he could box so that he could beat up the bullies at school. He asks Ned if he's won fights, so Janae tells him that she's the boxer and Ned's the coach. Janae tries to get him to interact with Mickey but he walks off. He thinks Janae is humiliating him in front of the kid. Janae tells him to react and not think of Mickey as a son and that he should enjoy his time with the kid before Kirsten gets back. Ned goes back to Mickey to show him how to punch. It's really sweet. Whatever.
We see Rachel's little cuddly dinosaur/horse/pony thing being held up by a blue sheet in front of a video camera and someone (I'm guessing Zeke) speaking in a high squeaky voice as though it's the dinosaur/horse/pony thing, saying, 'Help! Find me quickly, or you may never see me again!' They're both pretty pleased with themselves but have to peg it when they hear Karl and Susan coming back bickering. As usual! Apparently Karl didn't leave something there and Susan says they're going to have a look again to be sure. Karl's worried that Davo is going to have an absolute fit. Susan immediately picks it up from behind the sofa. Karl thinks things will settle down when Davo gets off his back. Susan doesn't think it's worth it and nothing is worth him dying of exhaustion (ie all the cool things that come from earning cool salesperson money). Karl still goes off to meet a client.
Ned's making sure Mickey's remembering to breathe and encourages him to continue. Mickey wants to punch Ned, so Ned allows him before doing that cool thing of holding his head at arm's length. Mickey wants to grow as big as Ned so he can get him. It all gets a bit awkward, so Janae gets Mickey to stand on a crate and playfight with Ned. I don't know about anyone else, but I sure am excited that they're completely advocating a violent sport like boxing on a family show. I'm going to have to lie down if I get much more excited.
With Zeke and Lolly hiding in the shadows, Rachel finds the email video of crispy's hostage. Lolly and Zeke come in seeing if Rachel is ok. She claims that someone has kidnapped...stolen her thing. Rachel accuses Zeke, saying he's trying to get her back for the blogzine. Zeke plays dumb like a pro. Rachel admits that it's Crispy's kidnap. She gets nervous and anxious and a bit embarrassed. She guesses they didn't take Crispy, so she runs out to accuse Ringo.
Elle comes in to see Paul, apologizing for being late: she was busy, she lost her phone... She sees it and Paul asks if she got hold of Gail. Elle claims she's still out of range. Paul tells her that Gail called whilst she was out and blows his top about the fact that he was told he had a civil relationship with Gail and yet she abused him and hung up on him. Elle splutters that she was trying to protect him. Paul says he's lost and that Elle's word and his love for Gail are the only things he has. He wants to know if he's some sort of a monster. Elle simply says that she knows him better than anyone and she knows he's a good person. Paul's main concern, though, is setting things right with Gail and telling her about the operation and the memory loss. She absolutely has to go and see him apparently.
Number 30
Ringo's leaving a message for Carmella whilst rifling around under her bed. He's spied by Rachel, who wants to know what he's doing. He says Carmella took something that wasn't hers by mistake. Rachel doesn't care, she just tells Ringo that she's learnt her lesson and now he can give Crispy back. Ringo, obviously, doesn't know what she's talking about. Rachel tells him he stole Crispy. Ringo's offended - and explains that he knows the pony is really important to her, but right now he's dealing with something much much more important.
General Store
Karl and Susan are having coffee, but Karl is downing his like an espresso. Susan wants him to settle down. She mentions that she's rescheduled the nursing home and Karl gets annoyed with himself for forgetting about his dad. He leaves, though, and tells Susan he'll be home as early as he can. Susan goes up to pay and spies Ned and Janae with the kid, who she obviously doesn't know. She asks who it is and Ned explains he's the son of a friend from Oakey. Susan claims to like the kid already, because her son in law is from Oakey. Mickey explains that his mum's from Oakey, but he's not from anywhere. Susan thinks he's got Oakey in his blood before excusing herself. The kid tells Janae and Ned that she never goes to restaurants and that he and his dog, Jake, wait in the car for his mum. Ned says no, but lets him go outside to give him some scraps. When the kid goes, Janae wants Ned to admit that Mickey's getting to him. Ned thinks he's a cool kid. Mickey runs back in, worried that Jake's gone missing.
Ned's there, looking for Jake. Susan offers for him to look out the back and as he goes out Rachel comes into the living room. Susan asks if she's been crying. Rachel claims it's a sad book so Susan hugs her just in case. Ned comes back in to say Jake's not there. Susan asks when Mickey's going home and then about his parents. Ned is short when he explains that he doesn't know where the kid's mum is. Susan and Rachel offer to help find the goddamn dog.
Number 30
Rachel asks Ringo if he's still mad at her for last week or if it's about the Carmella thing. Ringo jumps on the defensive to say there is no Carmella thing. Rachel says she means that he thought Carmella took something by accident. Ringo tells her to forget it. Rachel offers to help, but Ringo reckons he can handle it himself and that it's private. Rachel thinks that Ringo doesn't trust her.
RINGO: I'm sorry if it looks that way. And I'm sorry if someone took your toy. But not everything is about Rachel.
Rachel looks upset.
Janae is talking to the kid about Susan, who has a dog called Audrey that made it's way back from Adelaide. She reckons dogs always find their way home. Mickey says that he and Jake don't have a home. Janae replies that Ned is doing all he can to find Jake. The kid claims that Jake is all he has. Ned comes in with Jake, so everyone's happy and I have to have another lie down to get over all the happiness.
After the sponsor messages, or advert break as I more generally refer to it, we're back with the cutest new family to hit the street. Ned's on the phone with Elle, who is obviously breaking some news to him. Janae comes in from having put the kid to bed. Ned tells Janae that Elle's moved them to a room at Lassiters because of Paul coming home and Gail coming over. And Jake can't go because there are no dogs allowed in Lassiters.
JANAE: Well [Elle] works there.
NED: Janae!
JANAE: No, no. She is chucking a little boy and his puppy out on the street. It's not exactly sainthood, is it?
Ned's phone rings again and it's Kirsten checking on Mickey. Ned asks how to get in touch with her. She hangs up. Apparently she wants to leave Mickey there for another week and she didn't leave a contact number. Janae reckons she'll be calling every day. Ned's not so sure - apparently she sounded flaky. He gets worried that Kirsten won't come back at all.
<<5237 - 5239>>
Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5238
Ned Parker

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5238
Janae Hoyland

Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5238
Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Zeke Kinski

Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5238
Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Zeke Kinski

Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5238
Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Zeke Kinski

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5238
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5238
Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5238
Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5238
Susan Kennedy

Ned Parker, Janae Hoyland, Mickey Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5238
Ned Parker, Janae Hoyland, Mickey Gannon

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5238
Rachel Kinski

 in Neighbours Episode 5238

Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski, Louise Carpenter (Lolly) in Neighbours Episode 5238
Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski, Louise Carpenter (Lolly)

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5238
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5238
Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5238
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Mickey Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5238
Mickey Gannon

Janae Hoyland, Mickey Gannon, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5238
Janae Hoyland, Mickey Gannon, Ned Parker

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5238
Rachel Kinski

Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5238
Ringo Brown

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