- Rosie is keen to launch a case on Frazer's behalf against the race-track.
- Pepper informs Paul that she is after a serious relationship; he agrees.
- Ned confesses to Elle about setting up Carmella and Dylan.
- Frazer reminds Rosie how he is going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and asks her to leave him alone.
Erinsborough Hospital Corridor
As Ringo and Lolly wander in discussing Ringo's achievements as youth rock-paper-scissors champion, Rosie rushes past. They ask how Frazer is, but she is very coy and quick to leave.
Frazer's Hospital Room
Ringo and Lolly go in to see Frazer; he is very perky and pleased to see them. He admits he has a lot of rehab and exercises to do, but he hopes out of the hospital soon.
RINGO: Dead Set?
FRAZER: Dead Set!
RINGO: Awesome.
I'm guessing that was some Brown brother code talk, but they both seem pleased with the outcome! Lolly enquires as to why Rosie was so keen to escape; Frazer admits that he thought she had too much on with visiting him and working so told her to take a break from visiting.
LOLLY: Then why was she so upset?
FRAZER: Beats me.
Lassiter's Lake
Elle explains to Oliver the set up that happened during the Valentine's retreat whereby Paul asked Ned to break up the two relationships, in a hope that Elle could date Oliver.
OLIVER: So when they pleaded their innocence?
ELLE: It was genuine; they had no idea.
Elle admits she was jealous of Carmella and so wanted to steal her boyfriend. Oliver is shocked to hear how it was Elle that messed his life up. He asks if she did anything else. Thinking back to the explosion of the veg van she set up, she realises she can't admit to it and denies anything further. Oliver is not impressed and heads off to see Paul, though Elle doesn't see the point.
ELLE: He is like Teflon, nothing sticks. I've got another idea.
Number 30 Backyard
Carmella finds Pepper looking through all the gifts she's received, trying to work out a link between them all. Pepper recons it's a message from Paul that he wants to have kids with her, but Carmella isn't so convinced. Pepper tells her to come up with another reason then, but she is unable to. At that moment, Pep receives another mysterious call where she can hear children playing in the background. She tells Paul to stop messing and when the phone hangs up decides to head over and tell him in person.
Lassiter's Lake
It seems Elle is planning to take Paul's business away from him without him realising. Oliver doesn't sound so keen to get involved, and plans to teach Paul a lesson his own way, but Elle advises him to go with her plan. She's the only one who can do it, as she knows how he thinks. Oliver still isn't sure, but Elle has nothing to loose; now Dylan has gone and she's got no friends. Oliver is keen to tell Carmella the truth, but Elle recons he shouldn't as it'll ruin their chance. Elle explains that by taking everything away from Paul, he'll have nothing and be forced to start from scratch, learning the truth about life as he goes. She asks him to help her keep it a secret.
Surgery becoming Lawyers Office
Lolly and Ringo arrive to find Rosie working flat out on Frazer's case. Coming out of her meeting she enquires as to why they are there and they explain that they are to take her to the cinema. She isn't so impressed, so they go to leave. As they reach the door, she changes her mind and decides to go along with them.
Scarlet Bar
Paul is shocked to hear Pepper talking about starting a family. He asks what's going on and she explains the presents. He admits he didn't send them, and just pretended to send them to get a reaction out of her. Pepper isn't impressed and starts shouting at him about being sick and twisted; however Paul isn't able to understand what she is saying as his hearing goes all odd.
As Pepper heads out in a mad rush, Elle arrives to find her father looking rather confused.
Number 30
Oliver and Carmella are making small talk about the veg business, when Pepper storms in claiming she's going to hurt Paul. She reveals that the gifts weren't from Paul, but her attention is quickly caught by a birthday cake sitting on the coffee table. Carmella explains that it was sitting on the doorstep when she got home with the candles lit. Trying to work out who's birthday it is, Oliver points out the eight candles and Pepper twigs who might be stalking her.
Ringo and Lolly amuse themselves by playing rock-paper-scissors as Rosie is still doing paperwork on the bus. It is obvious she hasn't been on public transport for a long time as she comments on the smell. When another passenger starts singing along to their music, Rosie isn't sure what to think, while Ringo starts mocking the girl.
Number 30
Oliver tells Pepper that she doesn't have to tell them who it is if she doesn't want to, but Pepper is more concerned with finding Rosie. Carmella doesn't know where she is, and suggests either the hospital or office. Peppers mobile starts to ring, it's the sound of playful children again. Pepper gets up and runs in the direction of the bedrooms/bathroom.
Carmella tells Oliver he shouldn't have asked Pepper, and points out that they don't have the privacy contract thingybob that Rosie has as a lawyer; yeah, 'cause that's going to make a difference when they are friends anyway.
Carmella inquires as to what Oliver was going to tell her when he came around to talk before Pepper arrived. He goes quiet and she suggests it might be about Elle. Carmella is happy to move out if Oliver wants to bring Elle over. Oliver is surprised by this comment and points out that they aren't dating and never will. He rushes out to see Frazer, avoiding telling Carm the real reason for wanting to talk.
As two youngsters are snogging on the back row of the bus, Ringo takes the opportunity to throw sweets at them. Rosie tells him to stop mucking around, so Ringo dares her to throw a sweet herself. At first she isn't so keen on the idea, but they keep teasing her, so she throws one and ends up being far too obvious.
Harold pops over to see if Elle and Paul would be prepared to give Tazzle a home, since Kerry will be home in a few days. Unfortunately Paul is unable to work out what Harold is saying, so ends up being very rude to Harold and informs him to take the cat elsewhere. Once Harold has left, Elle enquires as to what's up with her dad. He just claims to be stressed.
She tells him about her plans for the business, but again he is unable to hear, and just tells her to go ahead with her plans.
Frazer's Hospital Room
Frazer is now all clean and dressed, instead of sitting in a hospital gown. Oliver asks how things are, but Frazer isn't so keen on the physio asking him to move his legs when he can't. Oliver jokes that he'll find him a doctor when he's a millionaire. He's quietly optimistic about the money coming through.
FRAZER: Picked yourself a mansion yet?
OLIVER: Very funny
Frazer points out it would be wrong for him to stay in Erinsborough with all that money. Even though Oliver doesn't see the issue, his board of directors might. Frazer points out that Will didn't have a grasp on reality, and Oliver shouldn't go making the same mistakes as his brother.
FRAZER: You can't be who you are about to become and stay living in Ramsay Street
With the youngsters still snogging on the back row of the bus, Rosie decides it's her turn to throw the next sweet. Unfortunately her aim hits the girl smack on the cheek, and they turn to face Rosie. Ringo decides it's time to run, so they jump off the bus at the next stop and start running down the pavement, with the young couple following.
Number 30
Ring, Rosie and Lolly arrive home, laughing about the girl who was chasing them. Rosie points out that aside from the scariness of the zombie killers, she enjoyed the movie trip. Lolly wasn't so convinced by the film choice, but Ringo is oblivious to the fact they would've preferred romance. Pepper wanders through as they giggle, and asks Rosie where she's been; things haven't been good for her. Lolly and Ringo take it as their cue to leave.
Carmella pops over to visit Harold, who is just putting Tazzle into the basket to take to the shelter. He reveals that with no one able to care for her when Kerry comes home, it's the only option, and it may result in her being put down. Carmella is shocked by this and immediately offers to take her; the others will just have to deal with it.
Frazer's Hospital Room
Ringo and Lolly are telling Frazer about the events on the bus from the earlier in the day. Frazer is rather surprised to hear how Rosie was the one throwing the sweets. Ringo comments that maybe he underestimated her.
Changing the subject, Ringo asks Frazer if he'd be up for going to the footie next weekend. Frazer isn't so sure he'll be out and asks Lolly if he can speak to Ringo alone. He informs Ringo that he's not sure when he'll be out of hospital, or when he'll be walking again.
RINGO: But you are going to get better, right?
FRAZER: I don't know. The doctors don't know.
Ringo offers to help look after him; help him to get better. Frazer tells him he doesn't want him wasting his life on him, and that it's time to go back to mum and dads.
FRAZER: Ringo, you're going home.
Number 30
Pepper tells Rosie of how when she was seventeen, she dated a guy who was just a year older than her. They thought they were in love, but then she fell pregnant, and all she wanted to do was run, while he was prepared to stick around and make it work. She explains how she miscarried after twelve weeks, but Kevin didn't believe it to be an accident, and left. She's never seen him since.
Rosie enquires as to how she figured out it was him. Pep explains the birthday cake with eight candles; the baby would've been eight this month. Her phone starts to ring once again.