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Neighbours Episode 5163 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5162 - 5164>>
Episode title: 5163: Alpha Bravo
Australian airdate: 07/03/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Drew Tingwell
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Sen. Sgt. Allan Steiger - Joe Clements
Lolly Allen - Adelaide Kane
Glenn Forrest - Cleopatra Coleman
Summary/Images by: Elizabeth/Izzy-da-vixen
Karl applies for the secretary job at the law firm.
Lou kicks Sandy out after telling her that she has no right to call herself a parent.
The brakes on Glenn's car fail.
Janae protests her innocence to Boyd.
Boyd finally agrees that Janae wouldn't have sabotaged the brakes, but Janae is upset because she's his wife and he's supposed to support her. Janae then points out that she's not the one who should be feeling guilty and wants to know what he was doing alone in with Glenn in her car. Boyd says that she was giving him a lift. Janae asks what he was thinking and asks if he wants something to happen with her. Steiger comes towards them and asks Janae for a word in private.
Number 30
Lolly has come over to tell Ringo that Sandy's gone and that Lou believes her. Ringo tells her he's proud of her and Lolly replies that she doesn't think she could have done it without him. Ringo explains that's what mates are for. Lolly says that she hasn't had many of those and that she's been a freak ever since she got there and that she's been horrible to people and even more horrible when they didn't help her, even though they didn't know what was going on. Lolly then says something about poor Carmella and Ringo apologises for not noticing. Lolly says it's ok - she didn't exactly make it easy, then she hugs him.
LOLLY: You're not going to try and kiss me, are you?
Ringo bursts out gross and pushes her away. Lolly laughs and thanks him and Ringo explains that, no offence, she's like a sister to him and that's one of the reasons they get along so well: he doesn't freeze up around her. Ringo explains that he gets obnoxious and tongue-tied and stuff.
RINGO: If I could be as relaxed as I am around you around other girls, I'd be a serious ladies' man.
Yeah, alright mate. Lolly clocks that it's about Rachel, which Ringo denies. He adds that even if it was, when she finds out how gutless he is, she'll move on pretty quickly. Lolly doesn't get what he's talking about so Ringo explains that it was Rachel who jumped in to save Sandy and he just stood there. Lolly points out that Ringo helped drag her out. Ringo tells Lolly that he's scared of the water and can't swim and when Rachel finds that out, he'll be cactus. Lolly tells him that he's clueless about girls and tells him to tell her because Rachel will think he's courageous and brave, but vulnerable and sensitive.
Susan tells Lolly, who's over with Lou, that she knew something was amiss because the way she was behaving was so out of character. Lolly says she's sorry but Susan tells her not to be because she should have picked it up: stealing, attention seeking, it wasn't Lolly. Lolly asks Susan to apologise to Karl for her but Susan says it's alright, Karl will survive. Lou tells Lolly that he hopes she knows there was no reason for all that secrecy. Lolly says she does before turning back to Susan and explaining that she's still really sorry, especially about Pepper. She asks if Susan can fix it so Pepper can go back to the school. Susan explains that it's not that easy because the wheels are in motion and anyway, Pepper grabbed Lolly and that's a big no no. Lolly insists that Pepper was only trying to help, that she was the only one who sussed something was wrong and that it wasn't her fault. Susan relents and says she'll see what they can do.
Number 30
Pepper is telling Frazer that Rosie still has feelings for him.
FRAZER: And for you too, apparently.
Pepper sighs with frustration at his being so on one about this. Frazer continues to tell her that Rosie had admitted to Pepper that the kiss meant something.
PEPPER: She is not a lesbian because she felt something, she is a saysbian.
FRAZER: A what?
PEPPER: She just says she's a lesbian because she's confused, that's all. She's grabbing at anything right now, Frazer, to escape the fact that she loves you.
FRAZER: Right.
PEPPER: You might notice it too if you took your head out of your backside.
Frazer thanks her (sarcastically) for her help, but Pepper doesn't listen because she is struck by a brainwave, she knows a way they can prove once and for all which way she pedals the kayak.
PEPPER: You've gotta trust me, ok?
FRAZER: It really doesn't matter what I say, does it?
Janae is talking to Steiger, telling him she knows that it looks bad, but she's got Steiger on her side at least. Steiger replies that he's got to remain impartial, regardless of their relationship. Janae points out that as if she could do that to someone. Steiger explains that people are driven to extremes when they're hurting other loved ones. He then suggests that Janae goes and talks to her mum but Janae has started crying and says that Janelle has enough to worry about with Kerry. Steiger puts his arm around her and hugs her towards him.
In Glenn's room, Elle is saying that she hopes Janae is getting what she deserves. Boyd says that they don't know what she deserves yet. Elle tells Boyd to come on, her only chance is if her step father goes easy on her. Boyd says they don't know anything and Elle says that they know that Glenn was nearly killed.
BOYD: You of all people should be careful about making accusations.
Boyd then turns to Glenn and tells her that if Janae did have anything to do with it, it wasn't deliberate. Glenn says she hopes Boyd is right. Elle interrupts and asks them if she's the only one living in the real world. (Did she really say that? Yes she did.) Elle explains that Janae had motive and opportunity, not to mention the type of warped personality that makes her capable of doing something like this. Boyd says nothing but apologises to Glenn for dragging her into all this. Glenn smiles and says that she wouldn't want to be anywhere else. And if that's the case, it's her with the warped personality. Glenn adds that Boyd's saved Glenns' life twice and it's like fate is trying to tell them something. Elle interrupts to say that it's telling Glenn loud and clear and it's giving Boyd a dud marriage free card.
Karl's Old Office That Is Now His New Office
Karl looks very confused by all the computer things in front of him as Rosie comes up to him and tells him that a certain file doesn't go in 'there'. Karl counters that he filed it under A for Anderson. Rosie says yes, but there is a blue sticker with A on it, for Active. The file shouldn't be put away because they're still working on it. Rosie gets frustrated and tells him not to worry about it - how did he go with the spreadsheets? Karl mumbles half words and Rosie rubs her eyes and says 'never mind'. Karl explains that when he was the boss he took it all for granted and he didn't realise there was quite so much to it. Rosie is sure he'll catch on and suggests they call it a night. Karl says he'll go home and prime and practice because there is no rest for the chronically confused.
Karl leaves so Rosie goes into her office and sits down. She looks around for something before shouting out, 'Pens, Karl! What have you done with my pens!' The door opens and Pepper swans in wearing a trench coat and holding a heart monitor thing that she ties around Rosie. Rosie wants to know why this is happening. Pepper explains that if she doesn't do this, she will be doomed to an eternity of confusion. She then hears the beeping to work out what Rosie's normal heart rate is. Then she whips open the trench coat to reveal that she is wearing nothing but black underwear. Rosie states the obvious and says that Pepper is in her underwear. Pepper says yes and that Rosie needs to focus on her body. The beeping doesn't change and Pepper thinks it's interesting before turning to somebody outside the door and shouting ok as she ties up the coat. Pepper calls for Frazer to come in as Rosie protests that she has work to do. Frazer comes in wearing a black trench thing and Pepper tells him to do it. Frazer is all coy but Pepper barks orders at him to do it now. Frazer opens the coat thing to reveal him in nothing but some tight white boxers. The beeping increases pace. A lot. Rosie gets annoyed when Pepper exclaims that she knew it and tells them to leave. Frazer, who was really nervous, pulls the coat back over himself and runs out saying, 'gladly'. Pepper follows him, telling him she told him Rosie was a saysbian.
Scarlet Bar
Lolly is eating something which is apparently so good. Lou says it was the least he could do and it doesn't come close to him telling her how proud he is of her. Lolly asks Lou if everyone will hate her because she lied about Miss Steiger. Lou says they'll understand. Lolly asks if Lou wants a coffee and heads to the bar, just in front of where Paul and Elle are sitting talking about Forrest's car. Paul is congratulating Elle on having fiddled with Glenn's brakes but Elle explains that Forrest is her best friend and could have been seriously hurt and anyway, emotional manipulation is more Elle's thing. Lolly is listening in to their conversation as Paul says to Elle that it may well have been Janae who tampered with the brakes and that this just gets better and better. Lolly walks over and tells them that she doesn't mean to butt in but she wants to know what car Glenn drives. Elle is vague but says it's some gold coloured Sedan thing. Lolly walks away, realising what she has done.
Rosie's Office
Pepper comes in and Rosie asks her if she's done enough for one night. Pepper asks Rosie if she'd like to know what she's got on under her coat this time. Rosie shudders to think. Pepper opens it to reveal big pink fluffy pjs. Pepper says that she hopes she can cheer Rosie up over a couple of vinos and a good old fashioned gossip.
ROSIE: Pep, I've got work to do.
PEPPER: Come on, I don't pop my cork for every girl I see.
Rosie tells Pepper that she's the most infuriating friend in the world and the stunt she pulled before was... Pepper cuts in to tell her that it was immature even by her standards. Pepper asks if she's forgiven and Rosie smiles and tells her to pour a glass of wine.
Lolly tells Steiger that she didn't know how to do it herself, so that's why she had instructions and when Sandy drove off and nothing happened she thought she'd stuffed it up. Steiger wants to clarify that Glenn's car wasn't the target at all. Lolly confirms that it wasn't. Steiger asks if the sabotage was deliberate. Lolly nods her head and Lou says that she did come clean about it as soon as she knew about the crash. Steiger explains that even so, tampering with a vehicle is a serious offence, especially when it leads to bodily harm. Lou explains that Lolly had good reason but Steiger says that isn't necessarily an excuse for a crime but as she acted out of fear it will be taken into consideration. Steiger gets up to go, telling them that they'll need to speak about it further on a more official basis and also suggests that Lolly speaks to the victim counselling services because they're great people to speak to. Steiger hands over his card and tells her to give them a call if she needs more info.
Karl sits down with a bunch of books about computers and Susan asks what he's doing. Karl explains that he's doing homework but Susan tells him he's going to re-stress himself and that he should relax for the night. There's a knock at the door as Karl insists that he has to get on top of this stuff. It's Lou and Karl has a look that says, 'What are you doing here?' on his face before collecting up his books and going into his and Susan's bedroom. Susan offers Lou some tea but Lou says no, he just came over to drop off a book, which turns out not to belong to the Kennedys. It's clearly a lame ruse for going over, so Susan, who as we know is psychic and reads people in ways I couldn't possibly do, tells him that he's welcome to go over to theirs for a chat and motions for him to sit down. And again, Susan shows her amazing powers of mind reading when she says it's about Lolly. Lou explains that he's got a brave face but really he's one hell of a mess. He says that he went to see Lolly dozens of times, he spoke to her on the phone every week and he didn't once see what was going on. He tells Susan that he doesn't think he's up to it anymore and John has suggested that once his separation from Sandy is sorted Lolly go back. Susan explains that Lolly should be in a place she feels safe with people she trusts and that's Erinsborough and Lou. Susan goes on to say that Lolly adores him and he's craved the chance to be a proper father to her for years - he shouldn't throw that away now.
Rosie's Office/Bedroom
Pepper tells Rosie that she was just using 'it' to deny her true feelings towards Frazer. Rosie says that whatever she may or may not be feeling has nothing to do with Frazer. Pepper exclaims, 'Yeah right,' as Rosie says that she's exploring herself and maybe she'd be better off with a woman. Pepper gasps and Rosie claims that she's serious. Pepper tells her to go off with a few women then go back and tell her her true feelings. Rosie relents and admits she knows she's not a lesbian, she's just romantically challenged. Pepper says that she loves it when she's right and Rosie's wrong. Rosie sarcastically replies that one would never be able to tell.
There's a knock at the door and Rosie opens it to find Susan there. Susan spots Pepper and tells her that she's been trying to call her. Pepper asks if it's about the dent in the mailbox. Susan asks what dent. Pepper says nothing. Susan tells her that she wanted to let her know that Lolly has told the truth about who it was that hit her. Pepper is surprised and asks if she's ok and who did it. Susan tells her that it was her step mother. Pepper is shocked/disgusted and gasps about the 'poor kid'. Susan explains that the upshot of it is that they can go back to the board now because there's no reason why Pepper can't return to work. Rosie thinks it's great but Pepper is not so sure she wants to go back to teaching.
Scarlet Bar
Elle asks Paul if the guy he's got doing his dirty work is up to the job, because he was in idiot to return the toy train. Paul asks if he got caught and says no, so there's no harm done. Elle says she wants them to back off a bit but Paul is firm - not until the Timmins' are back in their caravan park.
Janae comes in followed by Steiger. Boyd goes over to her and asks if she's ok. Janae says she's fine and Steiger explains that there's been a development - the actual perpetrator has come forward so Janae is in the clear. Boyd says it's great and goes to hug Janae. Janae stops him and tells him not to touch her. Steiger tells Janae he'll go and help Janelle fix up her old room. As Steiger leaves, Boyd looks questioningly at Janae. Janae explains that she can't stay with him. Boyd starts to talk but Janae snaps and tells him to shut up before explaining that she's really close to telling him that their marriage is over but she can't because for some reason she still loves him. She goes on to say that she's going to give him two weeks to do whatever he wants with whoever he wants. She asks him to get whatever it is out of his system once and for all. Then he has to decide if it's her or Glenn.
Karl opens the door to find Boyd, who's come over for some 'medical' advice. Yeah, ok. He's really nervous and says it can wait but Karl insists he come in. Boyd explains that he didn't know who else to talk to. Karl asks what's happened.
BOYD: I think I may have ruined my marriage.
Scarlet Bar
Janae is kicking everyone out, including Elle and Paul, who is telling Janae what a trooper she is to be working after everything that's happened. Janae doesn't have the humour to entertain it so she just tells him to drop dead. As they leave, Elle turns back and tells Janae that she's *so* sorry that she doubted her, that's no way to treat a friend. Then she continues to be totally ironic and puts on a really chirpy voice asking, 'Do you forgive me?' Janae asks what she said. Elle starts again but Janae just shuts the door in her face. If I were American I would say, 'You go, girl.' However, I'm English, so I not deferentially instead.
Janae walks back into the bar and without even looking at Frazer, who has hidden against a wall, tells him to get out because they're closed and she's got to fix this stupid wine rack and she doesn't need him looking on. Frazer begs for one because he's been locked out of his house. Janae still insists he goes and is having difficulty with the wrench and unscrewing something, maybe a bolt, on the wine rack. I'm not even going to pretend I know anything about tools and things. Frazer offers a hand and tells her that the problem is the angle she's at and tries to get underneath. Janae pulls the wrench down and hits Frazer on the head. Janae gets panicky and apologises before asking if Frazer is ok. Line of the episode coming up...
FRAZER: What time does daddy get home?
Followed by him collapsing to the floor, still in the tight white boxers and open coat. Janae is just aghast at the sight before her.
Boyd is telling Karl that Max was against his and Janae's marriage from the start and that maybe he knew he'd stuff it up in the end. Karl wins the State the Bleedin' Obvious Award and tells Boyd that as men they often do things that unwittingly cause pain. Karl tells Boyd that marriage is never easy, and that is no secret (Ooh, two awards in thirty seconds). He goes on to say that no matter how much you love someone, there is always that little voice in your head wondering if the grass is greener. I've got to give Karl his due, he should know by now. Boyd asks what one should do.
KARL: Well you could get it wrong like I did and listen to that little voice and almost lose your soul mate forever. Not many men get a second chance at things, but I did. That's why I'm so lucky.
Boyd asks what if there's a good reason for those doubts. Karl explains that is the test - every day you face that choice of the one you're with versus the little voice. Boyd asks what he should do. Karl thinks he has to be honest with himself: honest about the way he feels and how loud the voice is. Karl tells him not to worry so much - if the love is there, the decision will be easy.
On the one hand, I'm thinking why of all people is he going to Karl? On the other, I'm thinking actually Karl is speaking from experience and he's learnt a very hard lesson. So Boyd is clever.
Scarlet Bar
Frazer is now lying down, looking very undignified in his tight white boxers, with his head on Janae's knees because she is holding an ice pack on his forehead. Frazer is clearly in a lot of pain.
FRAZER: When does the humiliation end? Look at me!
JANAE: Oh, I did. Nothing to be humiliated about, that's for sure.
Frazer swiftly wraps his coat around him and sarcastically thanks Janae for the diagnosis. Janae says it can't be that bad.
FRAZER: Let's see. Today I paraded semi nude for the girl who dropped me for another woman. I was brained by you for the second time. And now I'm pros trade on the floor of my local in my tidy whities!
JANAE: Yeah, ok, um, well, today I was accused of trying to murder the woman my husband had an affair with. Right before I gave him two weeks free rein to do whatever he wants with her.
FRAZER: Ok, you win.
Frazer asks about the two weeks so Janae explains that it'll prove whether he really loves her or not. Frazer suggests it's a bold move. Janae says it's not really, he won't do anything. Frazer replies that he'd be an idiot if he did. Janae says too right, he's got it good having her as a wife and he'll see that. Frazer is really sweet and tells her that if he doesn't, he's a moron. Janae thanks him and puts her hand on his very painful forehead.
Boyd is stood outside Glenn's room looking in. Paul and Elle are heading into the ward and spot Boyd. Elle asks if Paul thinks Boyd will go in. Paul says no, he's too noble for his own good. Elle challenges him, putting a dollar on Paul being wrong. Paul agrees and they watch Boyd, each trying to coax him in or coax him away. Eventually Boyd goes in. Paul is not all the surprised and tosses the dollar coin to Elle.
Rosie's Office/Bedroom
Susan has obviously made herself comfy because she's sat with a glass of wine and asks Pepper to reconsider because she's such a wonderful teacher. Rosie says, 'Here here,' but Pepper isn't sure. Susan insists that Pepper is brilliant and it would be a huge loss for her and the kids if she didn't go back. Rosie tells Susan not to worry, she will make sure she reconsiders. Susan tells them they're really lucky to have 'this'. Pepper says they were but it's empty as she holds up the bottle of wine. Susan's being all serious and little bit mumsy as she explains that she means the friendship because it's the most wonderful thing in the world and she used to turn to Lyn at times like this. Rosie tells her that she can turn to them instead. Susan says no, she's gate crashed their party but she tells them seriously not to take their friendship for granted. Susan says she'd better get going and stands to leave to protestations from Rosie and Pepper. Rosie tells her to sit and talk to them. Aw, it's like the tribal elders embracing the tribal youngers.
Susan starts to reveal what her bugbear is and I'm starting to feel a little nauseous already. She explains that it's Karl. She says she loves him, she really does... Rosie asks what the but is. Susan asks why she thinks there's a but. Pepper says there's always a but when it comes to men. Susan says it's just that ever since he chucked in his career he's not the same... Old fuddy duddy, Pepper suggests.
SUSAN: Go getter.
I'm depressed that I know what she's really referring to and it's grossing me out. She adds that Karl's lost that alpha male thing, that bark, that growl, that drives her wild and in fact sometimes when they're.... To my indescribable relief, but clearly not to Pepper and Rosie who are loving this kind of Kinky K gossip, Susan says she should stop right now. Pepper and Rosie exclaim, 'NO!' TPTB are sensible enough to show that Susan's about to carry on but not show it. I don't need to know the sordid details. Especially the sordid details during the BeardedKarl period.
Boyd is sat on Glenn's bed, holding her hand. Glenn wakes up so Boyd grabs her hand tighter. Boyd apologises for waking her up but Glenn tells him not to be because he's very nice to wake up to. Boyd suggests they should make that happen more often. He continues to say that he's been doing a lot of thinking about them and he and Janae have separated and he'd really like to see what he and Glenn could be. Glen says she'd like that too. Boyd suggests they keep it quiet for now because he doesn't want to upset Janae anymore than he has to. Glenn agrees if it means being with Boyd. They kiss.
<<5162 - 5164>>
Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5163
Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland

Louise Carpenter (Lolly) in Neighbours Episode 5163
Louise Carpenter (Lolly)

Allan Steiger, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5163
Allan Steiger, Janae Hoyland

Allan Steiger, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5163
Allan Steiger, Janae Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland, Glenn Forrest, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5163
Boyd Hoyland, Glenn Forrest, Elle Robinson

Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5163
Pepper Steiger

Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5163
Frazer Yeats

Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5163
Rosie Cammeniti

Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5163
Pepper Steiger

Allan Steiger, Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5163
Allan Steiger, Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Lou Carpenter

Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5163
Pepper Steiger

Janae Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5163
Janae Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5163
Boyd Hoyland

Janae Hoyland, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5163
Janae Hoyland, Frazer Yeats

Boyd Hoyland, Glenn Forrest in Neighbours Episode 5163
Boyd Hoyland, Glenn Forrest

Pepper Steiger, Rosie Cammeniti, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5163
Pepper Steiger, Rosie Cammeniti, Susan Kennedy

Boyd Hoyland, Glenn Forrest in Neighbours Episode 5163
Boyd Hoyland, Glenn Forrest

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