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Neighbours Episode 5128 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5127 - 5129>>
Episode title: 5128: Turn of Fraze
Australian airdate: 17/01/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Anthony Morris
Director: Jet Wilkinson
Guests: Virginia Walters - Brenda McKinty
Letitia McNair - Shelley Krape
Simon Burns - Sam Lee
- "Walk The Dog" by The Brunswick Music Group
- "Lovely Elevator Music" by The Brunswick Music Group
Summary/Images by: Elizabeth/Izzy-da-vixen
Sky tells Susan she got the job with a graphics company. And that she hasn't told them about Kerry.
Frazer tells Pepper he wants to win the competition on his own merits
Rosie realises that Paul's been trying to get her into bed and leaves in the middle of their date.
Number 30
Pepper's peeking through the window waiting for Rosie, who's just come back. Frazer runs into his room saying that he doesn't want Rosie to know he's been waiting for her. Rosie storms in and Pepper asks her where her dress is - so much for the hands off rule. Rosie tells her it's not what she thinks it is so Pepper makes some comment about it being just another date where she comes home in her underwear. Frazer's listening in. Rosie snaps at Pepper, telling her to be quiet, she doesn't want the entire house to know.
PEPPER: That you're semi-naked? Good way to do that is to actually wear your dress home.
Rosie snaps again, asking if she wants to know what happened or not. Pepper makes a lipped zip motion, so Rosie tells the tale. She explains that it was the perfect evening; candles, food, wine the entire restaurant to themselves...pianist? Pepper suggests. She then stutters that she's guessing, she's assuming he would do something like that, what happened with her dress? Rosie says that they finished dinner and Paul 'suggested' they adjourn (she's obviously spent far too much time in court) to the penthouse. She adds that when she says suggested, she means presumed - he had it all booked assuming that's where they'd end up, so she took off his bribe, threw it at him and walked out. She says it's more the attitude he had: that buying her dinner also bought her. She likes a man with confidence - he's got heaps of it, Pepper interjects - but there's a difference between confidence and arrogance and sleaze. Paul crossed the line.
And we see Paul sucking the face off a brunette bimbo (they come in all colours) before she says it's so good to have the old Paul back. He says it's good to be back. Then he stops and says it's not working for him. He was hoping she'd take his mind off someone tonight but she's not so he gives her the keys for the penthouse suite. She's angry and walks off.
Stingray's saying how he never thought he'd see Sky Mangel at a mothers' auxiliary. Sky explains that it's a mothers' group where they share their experiences and support each other. Stinger jokes that Kerry won't have any trouble getting off to sleep. Harold thinks it's invaluable for mothers to meet other mothers who are experiencing the same thing. Sky says it's nice to know she's not the only one and she's really excited about it. Harold has been sniffling away and now he spies the kitten. Stinger starts to say something about this being where he gets to... but Sky stops him so he talks about Kerry getting a harsh talk from her uncle Stingray. Harold's cooing over the kitten and tells them its new name is Tazzle. Basically, he adores the cat. When Harold leaves, Stingray asks what's going on. Sky explains that Harold doesn't know that Tazzle is Bree's so they have to think it's a stray cat. Bree can't just give it to him because it'll hurt Zeke's feelings because she'd lied about liking cats. Scott thinks the mothers' meeting has come at a really good time because she needs to meet new people. Sky says once again that she's really looking forward to it.
Number 30
Frazer's eating some sort of sausage and Pepper sarcastically remarks what a good idea it is just before a big date. Frazer thinks he's lost already, so there'll be no date. Pepper explains what happened with Paul and how his decision to play fair has actually paid off.
PEPPER (talking about Paul): I intend to find out what his obsession is with her and use it to my advantage...Well, your advantage. Me helping doesn't, you know offend your sense of fair play, does it?
Frazer explains that he can't be held responsible for Pepper's lack of morals. Pepper asks him what he's got planned and Frazer tells her that he was going to go hot air ballooning but he's changed his mind - he's going to take Paul on head-to-head. Rosie comes in with Bob and Pepper asks if there's another yard he can roam in. She then announces, 'Guess what Frazer's got planned,' so Frazer tells them. He's taking Rosie to lunch at Lassiters. Neither of them are particularly impressed but Frazer explains that with an even playing ground Rosie can make a more informed decision. Rosie's not impressed at all, but Frazer's convinced it'll be fun.
Paul opens the door to Pepper, who's just checking if he's still picking the sequins out of his teeth. She can't believe he risked blowing the whole competition that way. Paul explains that a prize isn't worth winning unless it's something worth taking risks for and Rosie is well worth the risk. Pepper wants to know why she's worth so much trouble. Paul asks her if she doesn't think Rosie is. No, Pepper thinks she's great - she's attractive, fun, smart, she's the whole package but Paul doesn't have a problem attracting women. Paul doesn't have any idea why Rosie in particular. He finally invites Pepper in as he explains that yes, he doesn't normally have a problem attracting women and in fact Pepper has all the attributes that he would normally find irresistible. He sees a woman he wants and he has to pursue her - just ask Lyn - and it's no use saying that he won't because he will: until recently because now there's only one woman he wants. Pepper thinks it sounds like obsession. Paul says yes, maybe, but he will do anything to have Rosie in his life. Pepper asks what happens if he can't but Paul says that failure isn't an option - Paul wants her and he'll have her whatever it takes.
After the break we're back with Paul and Pepper, who is explaining that it doesn't take a degree to see that Paul always has to have what he wants and he needs to be with Rosie just to prove to himself that he's still in control. Paul's bored and starts to walk towards the door whilst thanking her, sarcastically of course, for the consultation. Pepper's not finished and goes on to say that the competition with Frazer is a classic; a younger guy comes along and challenges him. Paul asserts that he does not feel challenged by Frazer...but Pepper wants to finish - he set up this ridiculous situation to prove himself. Paul thinks that the only thing that is ridiculous is this conversation. Pepper doesn't want him to feel threatened. Paul starts to get wound up and raises his voice: he does not feel threatened, he does not feel challenged and he does not feel like he's losing control. What he is is bored with Pepper's absurd opinions and her adolescent psycho-babble. He wants her to leave. Pepper leaves.
Sky is hosting her first mothers' meeting, which is being led along by alpha mummy, who is thanking Sky on behalf of them all for hosting them. Sky says it's nice to meet them and says she'll come up with something a little more original than morning tea next time. Alpha Mummy says there's no need but Sky insists, because morning tea is daggy. Alpha Mummy tells her that's what they normally do. Awkward silence. Alpha Mummy announces that her husband has got the promotion he's been after for ages because neither of them want Alpha Mummy to have to go back to work. Sky questions her not working. Alpha Mummy explains that Tyson (her kid) is a full time job and he'll only be this age once - she'd hate to miss it because he was off at some crèche. Sky explains that some mothers don't get that choice. Alpha Mummy agrees, and it makes her realise how lucky she is to have her husband. Harold brings over some 'tasty treats' and Alpha Mummy (note Alpha Mummy is apparently the only one with the power of speech) makes a joke about not hiring him out. Sky tells them that he's fantastic and gets Kerry to sleep almost better than she does - he just chucks a bit of rum in her bottle and she's out like a light. Sky starts laughing nervously and Alpha Mummy says in a very judgmental tone, 'Rum?' Sky continues to laugh nervously and explains that it was a joke. Alpha Mummy looks at Sky judgmentally. As Alpha Mummies are bound to do.
Ramsay Street
Paul gets out of his car and looks across the street to see Frazer standing there as Rosie comes out of the house. Frazer says it's going to have to be some menu to match what she's wearing. He then tells her that her limo awaits - anything Paul can do he can do better. Rosie looks around and sees nothing. She asks where it is. Frazer tells her it's right there: it's such a beautiful day he thought they'd walk (Paul is walking towards them) but he can't have her getting blisters so he grabs a box and opens it - it's a pair of trainers/sneakers/running shoes. Paul now standing right opposite them and makes a sarcastic comment about them going for a hike. Frazer tells him they're going to Lassiters for lunch. Paul tells them he couldn't have picked a better spot himself. Paul asks Rosie for a word but Rosie's blasé and says that they don't want to be late. Frazer says it's ok because there is plenty of time so he leaves them to it. Paul tells Rosie that he's really sorry about the night before and that it was stupid and crude on his part. Rosie agrees that it was but she accepts his apology. Paul asks her if most of the evening was bearable but Rosie doesn't respond. Instead she tells him that today is Frazer's day and that they have to go. They walk off and Rosie giggles a little gratuitously, it must be said. Paul immediately calls Lassiters and asks for the Maitre d'.
It's pretty noisy, with glasses being clinked and general chitter chatter. Rosie's saying fine, she'll just have the pasta of the day. They're speaking in raised voices - Frazer apologising because they hadn't told him that most of the menu was off, Rosie saying it's fine. Frazer adds that he definitely asked for a table outside and he doesn't know how this place got its four stars. Rosie surprised that the people around them are their clientele as well. Frazer explains that he kind of likes it when places like that stuff up because it gives them a chance to dish it back to their snooty waiters. Rosie says that he's certainly asking for it, she can't believe he mocked Frazer. Frazer tells Rosie that he kind of likes a bit of rowdiness. So does she, within reason. So they toast to rowdiness within reason. Paul, who's clearly not pleased that they're enjoying themselves despite his efforts at sabotage, sees this. Frazer asks what else there is to know about Rosie other than her not liking snootiness but not minding rowdiness. He takes hold of her palm and points to her romance line - it's very short and very tragic. She gives him a bemused look before he says it's a bit of dirt, blows on her hand and starts again. It says that he's about to become completely infatuated by a guy named Frazer. Rosie's enjoying this and plays along with the tone of the situation and says, 'Wow! That's an incredibly specific prediction.' Paul calls one of the waiters over and gives him a CD to put on the sound system now.
Back to Frazer and Rosie, who's talking about books and says she's sure Frazer is aware of her 'freakish interest' in romance novels. Frazer says it's a result of her freakishly prominent romance life. Rosie jokes that it must be - and she thought she was just a sucker for a happy ending. As she says this, a very poor attempt at dance music has come on the sound system. Paul looks on, grinning like a Cheshire Cat as they have to raise their voices to be heard. Frazer comments on this interesting choice of music but Rosie (who I have a sneaking suspicion knows exactly what's going on) announces that she likes it and invites him to dance. Paul sees this. He's annoyed but also doesn't get how they can still be having a good time.
Alpha Mummy is wittering away about her telling her husband that no matter what, he's taking a holiday next year. Then she asks Sky, indirectly, what her husband does. Sky tells them that she's not married to Kerry's father in fact they're not together at all. Alpha Mummy asks if that's hard. Sky says sometimes but Kerry's dad comes over a lot and helps out and as for his brother Scott, he's almost like a real father to Kerry, literally. Alpha Mummy looks at Sky questioningly. Sky explains that there was a time when she didn't know which one was the father. Alpha Mummy states the obvious, saying that for that to have been the case she'd have had to...with both of them. Sky takes a deep breath and explains that it was a really confusing time for her. Alpha Mummy starts laughing, she thinks Sky was joking. Sky stands up and says she has to call her hubby. In fact, she calls Stingray and tells him she needs him to do her a really big favour.
Frazer's telling Rosie some sort of anecdote. The waiter picks up a glass of wine and clearly deliberately throws it in Frazer's lap. Frazer takes it really well, telling him its ok. Paul comes over apologising profusely. Rosie's not thrilled to see him and says it was just an accident. Paul offers to pay for the dry cleaning but Frazer refuses. Then Paul asks for a quiet word. Frazer tells him that anything he wants to say he can say in front of Rosie. Paul says fine and throws Frazer's credit card onto the table and says it's been declined.
ROSIE: It's ok, I'll get it.
FRAZER: No! You won't.
ROSIE: Do you have a problem with women paying?
FRAZER: When I initiate the date, yes. You can pay when you ask me out.
ROSIE: When?
Paul offers to cover the bill but Frazer says he'll pay his own way. Paul asks if he's going to do the old dish washing routine. Frazer, who's keeping his cool really well, asks why not. Paul says ok, if that's what he wants he can escort Rosie home. Rosie says she ate half the food, so she'll do half the dishes. Paul says it's not necessary. Rosie explains that it's Frazer's date and if doing the dishes is part of that date, then... she stands up and offers her arm to Frazer, asking, 'Shall we?' They walk off with Rosie laughing and Paul looking non-plussed to say the least.
Lassiters Kitchen
Frazer's telling Rosie that he paid it off with the winnings he got from Albion Park. Rosie tells him that obviously the card company hasn't processed it yet. Frazer says it's funny because they never have a problem 'processing' his interest. Tell me about it. Anyway, he thanks Rosie for sticking by him. Rosie's scrubbing at a plate and says that sticking is the word. Frazer tells her she should have been around when they still had smoking in those places - there's nothing quite like fishing cigarette butts out of the wine glasses. Rosie asks him if he's done it before. Yes, he worked in restaurants for years and started off as a kitchen hand. Rosie jokes that it doesn't sound right - Frazer Yates professional plate scraper. Frazer explains that we all have to start somewhere. Frazer thinks Rosie's first job was as a check out chick and the tills always balanced. Rosie tells him her first job was as an article clerk because her parents wouldn't let her work whilst she was studying, they gave her all the money she needed: it's only recently that she's started standing up to them. She starts messing around with the towel or something and Frazer starts laughing. Rosie asks what but Frazer says, 'Come here,' and reaches towards her hair/face area. Rosie gets annoyed and tells him to back off - he's as bad as Paul. Frazer's surprised and explains that she's got suds in her hair. He's clearly affronted and tells her that he may have blown this date and she may decide not to have anything to do with her but he is nothing like Paul Robinson. Rosie says she knows and she's sorry - she guesses she was just looking for the worst. Frazer plays this so well, because he just tells her that he won't find it there and brings back the playfulness by blowing some suds at her.
Alpha Mummy is talking again, this time about how her son is booked in at three schools and how hopefully her husband will have his next promotion by then so the school fees won't be much of an issue. Sky asks if she's planning not to go back even when her son starts school. Alpha Mummy tells her that by then she's hoping to have had another baby. Scott bursts through the door, complete with Bluetooth headset, sharp suit and a briefcase. He's pretending to be on the phone but finishes his conversation and apologises for interrupting, saying it's mayhem at the office. Sky introduces him to the other mothers as her husband, Dylan, an advertising accountant. Why she couldn't just say he works at Lassiters, I'll never know. Anyway, Alpha Mummy asks who he works for. Stinger replies that it's a firm called Macmahon and Tait (or should that be Tate?), which is a small company with big ideas. Harold, who's oblivious, walks over and points to Stingray's formal wear, asking if he's got a job interview. Sky says it's not an interview, it's a...pitch.
Alpha Mummy says something again - how Macmahon and Tait/Tate was the firm in Bewitched. Sky says she's quick - the name is an ironic homage. Stingray says he hates to be rude but he's got work to do on his pitch. Sky explains that the living room is his space and Stingray adds that more space is more creativity. The mothers take the hint and leave. Alpha Mummy thanks Sky on her way out and says how nice it was to meet her, Kerry, Harold and 'Dylan'. She says that they're at her place next time and Sky says she'll be there. Stinger pushes the door shut and Sky and Stinger start joking about the advertising thing and how Stinger nearly called Sky Samantha. Harold wants to know what it was all about. Sky tells him that 'Dylan' has done her a big favour and she owes him big time.
Lassiters Kitchen
Frazer and Rosie have finished doing the washing up and Frazer asks her if it's the worst date ever. Rosie tells him that she's only ever been on two dates, and this would have to be her best. To be honest, now that it's pretty much over I can say this - I wish I'd been on a date as good as that. I mean, I've been on some nice dates but they're all pretty much the same. That was random and Frazer was brilliant because he just took everything in his stride. Anyway, Rosie goes in for the kiss with Frazer. Then Frazer says he's had more than two but right now he can't think of a single one. She kisses him again and this time it's seen by a very jealous Paul. Frazer tells her they'd better organise a better limo for the trip home - he can't have her walking after all this. He puts his arm round Rosie, who reaches up and holds his hand and she's absolutely beaming. Then she says that walking would still be quicker than Bessie and her one gear. Paul's livid. Hurrah. He sees Frazer's jacket and throws it (violently) into the bin. This is seen by Frazer, who's come back to get it. He wordlessly picks it out of the bin, flings it over his shoulder, and walks out. Paul looks like a schoolboy who's been caught graffiting or something, ie sheepish.
Sky says that if she had to listen to one more conversation about their husbands' careers she was going to scream. Harold explains that those people were invited there as guests. Stingray says sorry but Sky tells him not to be - Harold didn't hear half of what they were saying, 'My husband's got a new promotion, blah, blah, blah.' Harold says she was just proud of him. Sky thinks the subtext was that Sky doesn't have a husband and they do so they judged her. Harold asks how they were doing that. Sky thinks they were making out they were better than her. Harold says he heard a group of people talking about what's going on in their lives - lives no better or worse than theirs, just different. Harold asks if they were rude, if they ignored her, if they didn't ask her back to their next meeting. Harold thinks there was only one person who's judgmental (Sky, just so you know.)
Ramsay Street
Paul's coming out of his house and hears Rosie giggling and shouting that she's never using this limo company again. Frazer's running at the same time as giving her a piggyback and saying that the price is right. Rosie doesn't think her insides would agree. Frazer asks if it's still the best date ever. Rosie says not only is it the best date, but the best limo ride as well. At this point, Pepper walks up to Paul and asks if he's still not feeling threatened. Paul says not in the slightest. Pepper says that from there, it looks like game over. Paul gets irritated and tells her that the game isn't over until he says so. Paul tells her that she may imagine that she's setting the rules to this little competition but actually he plays by his own rules and losing isn't in his vocabulary. He walks off. Pepper smirks.
<<5127 - 5129>>
Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5128
Rosie Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5128
Rosie Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger

Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5128
Pepper Steiger

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5128
Paul Robinson

Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5128
Stingray Timmins

Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5128
Pepper Steiger

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5128
Paul Robinson

Virginia Walters, Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby) in Neighbours Episode 5128
Virginia Walters, Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby)

Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby) in Neighbours Episode 5128
Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby)

Paul Robinson, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5128
Paul Robinson, Rosie Cammeniti

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5128
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5128
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats

Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby) in Neighbours Episode 5128
Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby)

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5128
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5128
Rosie Cammeniti

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5128
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Pepper Steiger, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5128
Pepper Steiger, Paul Robinson

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