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Neighbours Episode 5126 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5125 - 5127>>
Episode title: 5126: Putting the Mozz on her
Australian airdate: 15/1/06
UK airdate: 22/3/07
Writer: Megan Herbert
Director: Jet Wilkinson
Guests: Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Will Griggs: Christian Clark
Sen. Sgt. Allan Steiger: Joe Clements
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Izzy-da-vixen
Paul threatening to blab Will's past to Carmella.
Steiger being exited when Janelle says she likes pig shooting.
Carmella spotting Will giving money to Selma.
No. 30
Will is surprised to see Carmella in the house and tries to avoid answering her questions on why he was paying money to 'his mum'. She then brings up the fact he never gives her a straight answer to anything connected to his family, so finally he says he was returning money that he owed from her for the bond. She doesn't appear to fully accept this and Will decides he's had enough of her questioning and shows her the exit.
Ramsay Street
Carmella spots the car Will's 'mum' has just left in and goes over to ask Paul how he knows Selma when she spotted him waving goodbye. Paul is looking for an answer when Carmella butts in and mentions that she had the meet the parents day and something isn't right but before she can say more, Will shouts on her and while he makes his way over to them Paul has a big smirk on his face.
Will apologises and asks her to return inside so he can properly explain but Carmella brings up the fact that Paul knows his mum. Much to Will's relief, Paul says that he knows Will's mum because she worked for him...but under her maiden name of Barnes but would love to catch up. Will asks again if she wants to return to No. 30 but she knocks him back as she has things to do and departs.
PAUL: I do believe that you owe me one.
Scarlet Bar
Dylan is staring at Elle when his mum and Steiger come in for some supplies before heading out into the bush and she tells him off for staring at his ex. Janelle wants a drink before they go but he replies that they don't have time because they want to have the tents set up before dark since that is when the pigs come out to play. "Oh I bet they do," replies Janelle and while Steiger departs for the call of nature, Dylan returns with their order and has a go at his mum for commenting on his love life given she is dating Robocop!
JANELLE: What love life? Posh spice dumped you remember.
DYLAN: Details.
JANELLE: I don't even know what you are looking at; every time she turns sideways she disappears.
Dyl tells his mum to butt out but Janelle has a sudden brainwave - if he gets back with Elle, then that will given them inside knowledge over Paul's next move. Dylan returns Janelle's 'you could do better' remark back on her when Steiger reappears.
Dylan wonders over to where Elle is playing pool commenting on that she knew he'd like the show she was performing unlike his mum. He replies that he is enjoying the game...that she is playing with his heart.
ELLE: I suppose this is where you tell me I was the best thing that ever happened to you but didn't realise what you had until it was gone?
DYLAN: Might be.
ELLE: What a shame that move never wins.
No. 28
Zeke tells Bree that Susan and Karl will be back soon (he's just come off the phone to them) and that there isn't any sign of Katya. He is beginning to fret because Katya will break her bail conditions if she doesn't show up to the police station by 5pm. Bree tries to reassure him and to take his mind off it, drags him back to her place to play video games.
No. 22
Will calls round to find out why Paul covered for him and he says it was so Will could tell Carmella himself. Paul also adds in response to his question, that he doesn't know Selma but was simply telling her not to park on his driveway!
Elle comes home and they cover their conversation and she invites him to stay to taste some new canapés for the hotel.
No. 26
Bree and Zeke enter the house along with Willow who he found in the middle of the street. Zeke is forced to think quick when Steiger asks how Katya is holding up and he lies and says she is at home. Dylan also enters the house and gives Janelle a tent and she moans about how dirty it is, so Bree takes the opportunity to hint that they could cancel their trip. Steiger quickly rejects that idea and reminds her that they will be taking two tents with them. He then announces that they have everything so its time to depart to Walker State Forrest...but they haven't got everything because Janelle has pushed the tent-pegs under the sofa.
On hearing where the olds are going, Zeke thinks that is where Katya may be hiding too since that was a place Alex took them to when they were younger. Bree thinks it is a bit of a long shot and although Zeke agrees with her, he wonders how much a taxi would cost. "Nothing, we'll get a ride" replies Bree. Zeke is panicking because the police will know Katya is missing but Bree tells him that Steiger won't know he has passengers and jokingly tells Zeke he needs to watch more action films!
Ramsay Street
Zeke and Bree hide behind the bushes while Steiger finishes giving the Ute the once-over and Dylan brings out the tent-pegs that Janelle hid under the couch. The kids make their move and jump under the tarpaulin while Janelle looks through Steiger's sad CD collection. She remarks that she thought Bree would be out to see them go as they get into the car while in the back Zeke is still wondering if this is a good idea.
BREE: We've got a free ride and a police escort what more do you want?
No. 22
Will is trying to get away but Elle insists he stays and tastes more canapés with Paul dishing out the wine telling him to enjoy himself. Will's phone starts to vibrate and Paul sees it is Carmella who is calling, so cancels the call and switches the phone off.
Dylan arrives wanting to know what she is doing and is bluntly told she's busy but plays it cool with him when he shows her tickets to something he wants her to accompanying him to, promising Dylan she'll let him know before shoving him out the door.
Will thinks she is treating Dylan harshly but Elle tells him that Dylan hurt her and will need to jump through a few more burning hoops first. She then asks Will if he'll consider having a fake kiss with her if Dylan returns and much to Paul's bemusement doesn't say no.
Walker State Forrest
Steiger brings the Ute to a stop and Zeke and Bree quickly jump out and hide in the bush. Steiger's dog starts to bark and he tells her to be quiet while they get their belongings. Janelle announces she's forgotten the tent-pegs and so they'll have to share a tent. Being the gentleman, Steiger offers her his tent instead and he'll share the Ute with the dog but Janelle wants them to share.
Hiding in the bush, Bree is not at tall happy at the thought of her mum and Steiger getting it together in a tent but Zeke reminds her they are here to look for Katya and look for a way to start looking.
No. 22
Will finally departs and Paul is trying offer Elle the plus sides of dating him given his girlfriend is still hung up over her ex.
ELLE: Ned?
PAUL: God!
Elle tells her dad that Will isn't her type and firmly adds not to set them up for some twisted reason to stop her from getting back with Dylan. Paul plays dumb before saying that Dylan is a loser, who is an ex-con, has a baby to look after and who didn't appreciate her. Elle denies Paul's next suggestion, that she loves Dylan, so thinks the fake kiss with Will would be a good idea just to make Dylan jealous and urges her to set up a mock date.
ELLE: You are so transparent. Give up!
Walker State Forrest
Janelle and Steiger and pig hunting while Zeke and Bree are trying to find a cabin they used to stay in and yes you've guessed it, they nearly run into each other and the kids take evasive action by hiding behind a tree.
Steiger then notices that Janelle is wearing perfume and is happy because that will attract the swine! He then accuses her of flirting with him.
JANELLE: I always said cops were a slow witted bunch.
And just as they are about to kiss, Bree throws a stick into the clearing causing them to break apart. Zeke is annoyed at her doing that because it means they'll get caught but she decides to sacrifice herself so he can escape.
Steiger has the bolt gun ready to fire while Zeke runs off and as they approach where Bree is hiding, she reveals herself asking them not to shoot. Janelle is not happy and hopes that Bree has a good reason.
No. 24
Dylan calls by to see Kerry but Carmella informs him that she is out with Harold. He notices that the table is covered in 'break up' food and wonders if she is fighting with Will. Carmella denies this but he isn't blind and worms it out of her before telling her to stop moping and to come clean with Will. Reluctantly she agrees to this if she sees Will...and promptly gets up to answer the door to him! Dylan takes this as his excuse to leave while Will immediately starts apologising.
Will says he loves her and wants to put what happened behind them and to move on but she brings it up that he is keeping secrets and adds that if there is no trust then they'd be better calling it a day now.
Walker State Forrest
Janelle is moaning at Bree for ruing her happiness after Kim running off especially as she thought Bree would be on her side. Bree explains the real reason why - that she brought Zeke out to find Katya. Janelle is shocked by this revelation and Bree says more before asking that they can't tell Steiger what is going on especially as nobody will be none the wiser if they can get Katya home to check in with the police. Janelle is trying to point out the negatives like Zeke getting lost in the bush but Steiger is now wondering over to them and she assures Bree that they can trust Steiger.
Steiger approaches and starts going on about how he thinks Janelle and him may have something special going on and is willing to wait for her kids to get to know him. "That's just about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on a first date," replies Janelle and then adds that isn't why Bree has turned up.
No. 24
Elle has called round to talk to Carmella but instead of it being about Will, Carmella decides to fill her in about the competition to win Rosie, which Elle hasn't a clue about.
No. 22
Elle arrives home not pleased about the contest to win Rosie, reminding Paul that she is young enough to be her daughter and wonder's who is next...Janae maybe? Paul accuses her of blowing it all out of proportion.
ELLE: This is a conquest, I know you.
PAUL: Nope. I don't know, there is something there...a connection.
ELLE: Yes, commonly referred to as hormones!
Paul doesn't appreciate the remark and says it goes deeper than that but Elle reminds him that he doesn't do deep.
PAUL: Alright, so I have a weakness for gorgeous women and after what's just happened with Lyn, comforting myself with a string of pretty young things does make perfect sense but I don't know, this is different.
ELLE: Yes it always is. No dad, this is your ego talking, that and your sense of competition.
Paul turns that remark round and reminds her what she is doing to Dylan to which Elle has no answer.
PAUL: Come on sweetheart. With you its shopping sprees and mind games, with me its corporate takeovers and beautiful women and I don't think either of us are in a position to judge are you?
Elle doesn't reply but asks the next time he tells her personally so she doesn't have to find out from someone else, to which Paul agrees.
Their chat is interrupted by Dylan arriving demanding that Paul gets Elle and the two of them have a little spat over Paul's threat. Paul refuses Dylan entry to the house and to Elle, warning him off and when Dylan says he'll fight Paul gloats that it will make his downfall so much better before slamming the door in Dylan's face.
Walker State Forrest
Zeke comes across a cabin and goes up to the door and surprise, surprise it isn't locked so he heads inside. Yes you've guessed right as to who is hiding inside - Katya, and the noise of the door closing startles her, so she picks up a *big* stick like a baseball bat and creeps through to the kitchen where she literally bumps into Zeke.
Thankfully she hasn't used the stick as a baseball bat to whack him but wants to know how he found her. Zeke says he remembered the cabin and had a hunch she'd be at it and urges her to come home with him or the police will find her and put her in jail if she doesn't get back by 5pm. Katya replies that the police won't catch her and tells him that she can't go back.
ZEKE: If you don't, that's it; I don't want anything to do with you...ever.
Commercial break over and it looks like Katya is getting ready to ignore what Zeke said and bolt but as they are hugging goodbye, guess who comes running up to the cabin - yes you've guessed it Steiger, Janelle and Bree. Katya is about to do a runner but Steiger tells her not to, adding she's got nowhere left to run.
<<5125 - 5127>>
Carmella Cammeniti, Will Griggs in Neighbours Episode 5126
Carmella Cammeniti, Will Griggs

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5126
Paul Robinson

Will Griggs, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5126
Will Griggs, Carmella Cammeniti

Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5126
Janelle Timmins

Elle Robinson, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5126
Elle Robinson, Dylan Timmins

Bree Timmins, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5126
Bree Timmins, Zeke Kinski

Allan Steiger, Bree Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5126
Allan Steiger, Bree Timmins

Allan Steiger, Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5126
Allan Steiger, Janelle Timmins

Will Griggs, Dylan Timmins, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5126
Will Griggs, Dylan Timmins, Elle Robinson

Allan Steiger, Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5126
Allan Steiger, Janelle Timmins

Bree Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5126
Bree Timmins

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5126
Katya Kinski

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5126
Katya Kinski

Katya Kinski, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5126
Katya Kinski, Zeke Kinski

Katya Kinski, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5126
Katya Kinski, Zeke Kinski

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