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Neighbours Episode 5044 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5043 - 5045>>
Episode title: 5044: Smells Like Teen Spirits
Australian airdate: 31/08/06
UK airdate: 23/11/06
Writer: Stuart Gaunt
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Anne Baxter - Tessa James
Rebecca Naylor - Anya Beyersdorf
- "I Will Lie" by Wesley Carr
Summary/Images by: Kellie/Izzy-da-vixen
Susan's surprise at Karl's list of things that bother him
Sky finding out her baby is fine and Stingray encouraging her to ring Dylan
Lou denying he's got Alzheimer's
Bree not wanting to spend the afternoon with Anne
Lassiters Lake
Ah I see that those kidlets that are in the 'Keep Australia Beautiful' ads are now doing their bit to keep Lassiters Lake beautiful. Zeke's boring Bree with random facts on waste as they walk around the lake. Bree says hi to Suze which is a good move because she has some great news. Their friend Anne is joining them at Erinsborough High, they'll be an integration process obviously (it is? We never had one) but as of today she's part of their school. And says she lives ages away. Susan replies that she said she's got some good friends there, and she's assuming it's them. Zeke is happy and Bree is thrilled! Not, she storms off.
Stingray and his mates are laughing and mucking around which gets Rachel's attention. She watches him do some back flips and sit on the ground. They have a bit of a staring contest before Stingrays mates join him and they walk off.
Number 24
Sky's drawing circles in her sketchpad, she's a thinking. She explains further, she's been thinking about Cam and how he may not survive. Lou says it's a terrible business, Max hasn't had a good run lately. Sky adds Elle hasn't either, she gets sick and now this. Lou thinks that's a reminder that they should all live each day as though it's their last. Sky makes a passing comment about not being happy with the way her life has been going so far. She goes to get the door and what do you know it's Janelle. She's over to get the House & Garden magazine she leant Lou so he could show Harry. Lou replies that he photocopied it and gave it back. Janelle insists that he hasn't but he doesn't budge, and goes to get ready for work.
Sky tells Janelle it's the whole missing week thing, and the tattoo. Karl thinks he's got the early onset of Alzheimer's. Janelle gets really upset at that and leaves almost in tears. Weird.
Janelle asks to speak to Karl about Lou, she's wondering what he's doing about it. She follows him into his office talking about how there are drugs that can help if they catch Alzheimer's early. Karl says that if he has that condition then he'll approve the appropriate course of action. He's aware it's a nightmare and a cure like she says but the ball is in Lou's court, he seems disinclined to be tested. Karl asks what's her interest anyway, he didn't think she was that close to Lou. Janelle says that they have been spending more time together plus her dad had Alzheimer's and they all just put it down to him getting on. By the time they suspected it, it was way too late. He didn't even know them in the end. Janelle tells him that Karl should organise what he has to and she'll get Lou in pronto.
Number 28
Susan and Lyn walk in, apparently Paul won't even talk to Lyn after the 'braking fiasco'. Susan says fiasco indeed, if he isn't talking to her now how much regard does he have for her. Lyn uses having one kid in jail, the other sick and the other on his death bed as his excuse (hmm methinks if he loved you he would actually talk to you now more than ever!!). Susan doesn't understand what happened, she's tried to get it out of Katya but she's been withdrawn. Lyn guesses it was just a split second reaction, and that it's so terrible. But she can't help but wonder if they would be feeling the same if it was Robert. Susan thinks either way Max still took the law into his own hands, she hopes Katya understands that after all that's happened between them. Uh-oh. Lyn asks what she means. Susan tries to get out of it but Lyn's too good.
Sky lets herself into sleepy Karl's office and wakes him up with some wakey, wakey eggs and bacey. She tried knocking a few times but he didn't answer. Sky says that Boyd's said he's been flat out and asks how Cam is. He replies that he's regained consciousness but it's still touch and go. Karl tells her that he won't be able to do her check up. Sky says that's fine she can come back tomorrow. He says that today is fine, but another doctor will be attending to her and for all future consults. She must be aware that he doesn't approve of the way she's handled her baby's paternity issues.
SKY: I'm trying to do what's right for everyone else Karl. Do you know how hard that is?
KARL: Yeah. Well I know what it's like to be lied to about being the father of a baby. So I'm sorry but I won't have anything more to do with your pregnancy.
Number 28
Susan's told Lyn about the whole misunderstanding between Max and Katya. Lyn isn't too happy about it, thinking that Katya sniffing around a married man is some misunderstanding. Susan says it wasn't like that, she was traumatized after what happened with Robert and she misconstrued Max's friendship. Max set her straight, there was never any question it would go further. Lyn asks if that's right why Suze is so worried about her misunderstanding it. Susan is thinking out loud. Right. Lyn wants to hear it from Max, bugger everything that's on his plate what about Steph, doesn't she have a right to know her husband could be getting cosy with another woman. She knows Lynnie! Susan tells her they aren't getting cosy, Max felt guilty about the accident, he offered her friendship - nothing more.
LYN: Oh terrific so everyone's as pure as driven sow (what the?)
SUSAN: You're reading far too much into this.
LYN: Oh am I?
SUSAN: Yes, yes you are probably because you feel morally adrift at the moment.
LYN: (surprised noise)
SUSAN: Well come on Lyn! Having an affair with your boss, planning a break and enter. Who are you?! You're not the Lyn Scully I know and I'm worried sick about you.
Zeke still telling Bree and this time Rachel as well all his waste facts breaks up this nice little convo. Zekey tells Bree it would be cool having Anne at their school, good for the others kids too to have someone with special needs around. And hey maybe she'll find a boyfriend, he knows she really wants one. Bree asks if he thinks she's so great why doesn't he go out with her before storming off.
ZEKE: What was that all about?
RACHEL: Two sisters and you still don't know anything about girls.
Number 26
Bree arrives home to find... Stingray and Anne on the couch. She's here to show off her new school dress, and make sure it looked fine so she doesn't stick out anymore than she does. Stingrays says so their going to be classmates ay, compardrez or something similar (Word spelling check doesn't know how to spell it!). Bree asks what's wrong with him and he says nothing and shoots the question back at her. Anne is really looking forward to starting at Bree's school but Bree is less enthused. Breesey asks what she's doing here, she told her she's busy all this week. Oh well Janelle invited her over for dinner last week when she was a bit upset, Janelle kind of took pity on her. Anne thinks she's ace, her mum hardly notices she's there half the time; it's almost like she's the blind one. Trying to get sympathy much? Bree says she's got some DVDs of Veronica Mars if she wants to watch them (how can she? She does anyway).
In the kitchen Stingray's downing a beer faster than you can say 'alcoholic'. He goes to the lounge room and interrupts the girl's talking with a loud burp. That is yuck and Bree agrees. He's off to see Sky (yay). Bree tells him not to hurry home. Anne asks if Rachel and Zeke would be able to come over for tea, they had borrowed some brail books because they wanted to look at them. Zeke's very interested for some reason. Bree says that Susan has a problem with them going out at night time so no.
ANNE: Oh well that means I've got you all to myself, lucky me!
BREE: Yay.
Man she's thrilled.
Number 24
Janelle arrived just in time, Lou was about to go to her place for a heart starter (eww). She's here as a friend, that's all right? Of course what kind a bloke can't have a glass of wine with a friend. Janelle would rather a cuppa and while he goes to get one she brings up the topic of Karl thinking it would be a good idea for Lou to see him. Lou says they might have to have that champers after all the powers off. They neglected to pay the bill, he didn't forget exactly with Harold being away and him being in a rush they thought that the other one would pay it. Janelle says that she wants him to go see Karl and run some tests, the ones he spoke to Lou about. It is better if he gets it early. Lou seems to think everything is fine but like Janelle says he has lost a week from his life and has a mystery tattoo and can't remember to pay the bills. Lou realises she doesn't return his affections but she and Karl can keep their wild theories to themselves.
Number 28
Oh god Zeke is in Karl's leather pants and Rachel his fangirlie. Who should walk in but Susan, Rachel immediately says she knows they promised. Zeke just wanted to know what they felt like. Susan tells them Karl's very precious about them. Rachel asks how she can blame them though they're so hot!
ZEKE: Check out my noodles they're oodles of fun! We could be freeeeeee, freeeee as a riverrrr!
SUSAN: I'm not seeing any of this!
Uh-oh Karl's just walked in. Susan offers him a wine but he doesn't want one, it's been a long day. He might just have a nanny nap. Audrey's still barking her head off at him!
Number 24 - Night
Stingray thinks the lighting is very moody and OMG Sky isn't touching her belly! She asks what's with him, he's acting weird. Stingray thinks he's cool, if he could be any cooler he'd be the bass guitarist for The Strokes. He wants to organise some more interviews with Karl, he's like the perfect stuffed shirt type. Every doctor has one. Sky interrupts him and asks him to turn the camera off, she has something to say.
SKY: Well you know how... well we're best mates.
SKY: And you know how we... you know.
STINGRAY (with a goofy smilie on his face): Yeah.
She's just about to tell him when he goes in for the pash. Oh bad move! She pushes him away. He says it's okay they're both single, have a bit of a replay. Sky asks if he's been drinking because well for starters he's acting like tool and trying to jump her. Stingray says like she doesn't want it. Pfffft! Sky says no wonder he's single, even Rachel's more mature than him. Stingray leaves, with a 'see you round tease'. Urgh this is not how Skray should happen!
Number 26
Bree knows she sounds stupid, but Zeke never stops talking about Anne. It's all Anne this and Anne that and Bree's a bit jealous. Anne tells her that Zeke is completely in love with Breesey and why wouldn't he be, she's smart, funny and a successful author. How would she ever compete with something like that. If he's nice to her it's only because she's Bree's friend, and he's only doing it because he loves her.
Over in the living room Janelle answers the door, it's Lou. He's come over to apologise but Janelle doesn't think he has anything to apologise for. Lou says that ever since this thing raised it's ugly head he's been terrified, even before Karl mentioned the A word he's had his own fears. Janelle tells him not to give it another thought, she's his friend right. He says he's come up with a little memory test of his own and could she please help him out with it.
Number 28
Karl's out of his room and Audrey is once again barking at him. He tries to order her outside but fails, so Susan does it for him. Susan asks how the nap was (good) and how they thought about waking him but decided against it. But they've left some dinner for him. Karl thinks he might eat a little later. Zeke asks him what's on the tellie but Karl doesn't reply until Susan gives him a warning 'Karl'. How childish. Rachel goes to see Sky and Zeke goes to his room to do homework to conveniently leave Susan and Karl to talk. Susan gives him the stink eye, and asks if he thinks he's taking this sulking thing too far they're just letting off steam. Billy and Libby used to take the mickey out of him all the time and he didn't care. That was because he knew they loved him, he doesn't think the same can be said about Rachel and Zeke. Susan tells him not to be so thin skinned, their just kids. And not his has she keeps pointing out and it's not his place to pull them into line either so he guesses he'll just have to wear it on the chin. Susan's sorry if they hurt his feelings and she's sorry if she's made too little of it but they're all just feeling their way here. Karl knows he's over reacting, he's just been snapping at people all day. Especially Sky. He decides to go for a walk and get some air.
in the darkness of Number 24
By lamplight Lou's going through all his old photos of friends and telling Janelle about them. She doesn't think it really proves anything. He knows but he doesn't understand why he can remember all this crystal clear but not anything recent. Sky hands him a letter, he wrote it to Mishka just before he left. All about how much he loves her. Lou says that's the thing, he's got a vague recollection of writing it but nothing about the feeling behind it. He doesn't remember ever being in love with her. Sky says he was head over heels with her, he'd never seen him so happy. Lou excuses himself and Sky says to Janelle that they have to help him. Janelle replies they will but right now Sky has more important things like that bub... and how is it? Getting bigger! Janelle tells her that Dylan will be back for cooking camp next week but until then if Sky needs anything she should contact her or uncle Scotty. Janelle leaves and Rachel lets herself in, she's sorry to make such a random visit but she's worried about Stingray. Sky says she's not the only one.
Scarlet Bar
Stingray's I think trying to impress some random blonde at the bar by saying he'll be married to Angelina Jolie by this time next year. She might've just had Brad's baby but when he's making big budget films next year she'll do anything to get a part. Hmm.
RANDOMBLONDE: Like marrying one of ya film makers still in film school in Erinsborough?
STINGRAY: Oh at least. Anyway it's Hollywood, people get married like twice a year. Apparently it's good for the skin!
Stingray starts downing some red drink and this random chick asks if they let him drink at work. He replies no how irresponsible does she think he is, it's red lemonade for him. She says that he should not be allowed out in public, his smile is a public menace. Pffft bad pick up line! She wants to know when he's leaving and finds out it's 5:30 when the next guy comes. That's a pity because she drove there and those shots he'd been making were yummy, she needs someone to drive her. 5:30 isn't so far off so why not?
Random Street
Here we are, Stingray has agreed to drive her home. She's tries to kiss him but he tells her he needs to concentrate. Yeah on the fact just ahead if a booze bus. He's all nervous and she asks if he had been drinking on the job. He says he hasn't but I think he has! Stingray pulls up behind Sky's car (what's she doing driving at this hour?). She tries another move on him now they're stuck there but he climbs in the back of the car and gets out the door and makes a break for it.
Number 28 - Day
Lyn's brought over a peace offering of biscuits. Unfortunately she can't stay for a coffee, she just wanted to say sorry for yesterday. Susan says she's sorry? What about her big fat mouth. They're okay. Suzie asks if Paul has called yet (he hasn't) so what happens now. Lyn thinks she'll be there for him, but won't be there forever.
Rachel and Zeke march out in their 'Keep Australia Beautiful' t-shirts which is good for Susan because she wants a little chat about their performance. Rachel starts with a yeah but oh but yeah... it was just a joke. Susan says yeah but they had a good old laugh at Karl's expense, well they all did. Oo Karl's listening in on this chat, sneaky. Susan wants them to try and see it from his point of view, he's only been here for a few days. Zeke says they always used to tease Alex about his cardigans, his heavy breathing (what?) and he never complained. Susan says that's the point, their dad knew it was affectionate, he knew that they loved him. Rachel puts in that they weren't trying to be mean. Susan knows that, but she doesn't know if Karl does. Rachel says they apologised for using his music equipment, they're making an effort so what else is there. Susan suggests they try and engage with him a bit more, ask his advice occasionally so he doesn't always feel like the third wheel. Rachel replies if they try too hard it will look fake, they can't force themselves to love him. Susan knows, and decides they need to make a move on. They leave so Karl walks into the room. Audrey is at it again!
He gives up!
Number 26
Zeke's talking about his science project and how at lunch he might be able to show Anne. Right. She thinks she might be a bit busy at lunch with all the new kid stuff. Bree says that Zeke's experiments are so cool so she should go. Rachel agrees, bacteria is WAY cool. Anne agrees to go, it sounds like fun. Riiight. As they all start heading out they hear a siren go off, Bree thinks someone is in trouble. Rachel stays behind to get something out of a pencil case when Stingray runs in the back, shirtless, exhausted and dripping wet. She and him have another stare off.
<<5043 - 5045>>
Bree Timmins, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5044
Bree Timmins, Zeke Kinski

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5044
Susan Kennedy

Sky Mangel, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5044
Sky Mangel, Lou Carpenter

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 5044
Sky Mangel

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5044
Karl Kennedy

Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5044
Janelle Timmins

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5044
Karl Kennedy

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 5044
Sky Mangel

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 5044
Sky Mangel

Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5044
Stingray Timmins

Zeke Kinski, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5044
Zeke Kinski, Rachel Kinski

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5044
Karl Kennedy

Bree Timmins, Anne Baxter, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5044
Bree Timmins, Anne Baxter, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5044
Rachel Kinski

Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5044
Stingray Timmins

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