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Neighbours Episode 5025 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5024 - 5026>>
Episode title: 5025: Izzy Come, Izzy Go
Australian airdate: 4/8/06
UK airdate: 27/10/06
Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Cameron Robinson: Adam Hunter
Jane Hoffman: Melanie Hillman
- "Beautifully Ugly" by Sandrine
- "Leave It All Behind" by Philip Foxman
- "Quiet Clear Pool" by Skinful
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Izzy-da-vixen
- Katya telling Max she knows the reason why they are keeping her in and asking him to continue visiting her.
- Cameron having flashbacks.
- Steph telling Max about someone dobbing her in,
- Cameron telling SMC about the flashbacks and asking her what she is scared of.
Ramsay Street
SMC tries to tell Cameron that the phonecall meant nothing but at his pushing, she turns the tables and asks him what it is that she is meant to have done. He replies "don't know" and confirms that he doesn't know who she was talking too, telling her that things are still confusing. She says that the brain can play tricks and adds that he should be grateful that he's getting some of his memory back.
No. 26
Lyn manages to work out that Steph is annoyed about something and Steph tells her mum about being dobbed into the council and that it is driving her nuts trying to work out who blabbed. Lyn offers her own suggestion - Elle since she has nothing to do all day except spend her dad's money.
Steph then asks Oscar if he was the guilty one! But he continues to play with his toy and Steph notices that the wee man is wearing designer clothing and is a bit OTT for a 3 year old. Lyn plays it down and does so again when Steph notices the new clothes that she has on.
LYN: Steph, do you know sometimes I just can't believe how well I'm doing. Do you know I have gone from suburban hairdresser to corporate executive in just over a year? I'm so proud of myself and I don't care who knows it.
STEPH: Well I'm so proud of you too mum.
Max calls by to see Katya and SMC leaves them to it but before she leaves her mobile goes off but she talks in Italian to the caller, "Quando? Oh, domani devo lavorare, mi dispiace..." ("When? Oh...I have to work tomorrow, sorry....").
With SMC gone, they talk about how great it would be to talk a foreign language. Katya tells him about her mum teaching her Tibetan when she was a kid but doesn't remember it now bar how to say yak's milk! Max jokes that they should start selling that at the bar before suggesting that she learns Tibetan again since it is something her mum obviously wanted her to do.
No. 22
Elle raids the fridge for some standard No. 22 beverages (champers) but is sprung by Paul who also lets her know that he has been keeping tabs on her too. She isn't exactly happy at that and he brings up the $27k on the credit card and what it was used for.
PAUL: Generous to a fault aren't you?
The General Store
Ned runs into SMC and he mentions that he can't find the recording she did for him before bringing up that he saw her talking to Cameron. Her attitude completely changes and she says it is none of his business. Ned justifies himself by saying he thought Cameron may have been saying something inappropriate to her because he's heard that he is a sleazebag just like his old man. SMC firmly says that she can look after herself and politely tells him that they need a bit of space from each other.
Scarlet Bar
Steph tells Max about her conversation with Lyn re the dobber and Lyn's theory about Elle being involved. Max asks her to get the facts straight before she does any more accusing to which she readily agrees...before heading off to tell Elle what a stinking dobber she is!
After Steph kisses him, Steph wonders why he is working because it is his day off and he replies that he has stuff to do. She accepts this and leaves before a glum looking Izzy enters the office. Max jokes with her and asks Izzy if she wants him to ask the black cloud that has been following her to leave and she replies back that it has goes where she does!
Realising that Izzy wants to talk, at Max's prompting, she concludes that Paul must have some post traumatic need to be horrible about everything despite her trying hard to show him how she feels and that all Paul does is to push her away. He says that he's seen it too and Izzy replies that she though Paul would have gone back to normal with Gail leaving and asks aloud why Paul is being like this.
MAX: You really wanna know the answer to that?
IZZY: Well if you think you know then I think you should tell me.
MAX: Okay. Yes, I think Paul's had a lot of life changing experiences lately and maybe as a result of that he's...
IZZY: What, you think he's fallen out of love with me?
MAX: Well you asked me what I thought. (pause) Look Izzy, I don't know how deep Paul's feelings for anyone else bar himself really go, perhaps you do but here is one way to find out.
IZZY: What if he avoids he question?
MAX: Well then I think you have your answer.
No. 22
Steph comes a visiting on the pretence of being neighbourly and Elle is surprised especially since the neighbours don't usually like visiting for some apparent reason! Steph subtly asks if they can hear loud street noise in the house and if it would disturb them. Elle shrugs and says "I guess" and Steph then accuses her of being the dobber.
ELLE: Elle it wasn't me. You know I've got bigger things to worry about like my brother trying to kill my dad. What do I care if you make a noise? It's not like I've got kids. God get a life!
Max is back again to see Katya and hands over info he found on a Tibetan group that gets together once a week. She thanks him for getting the info and suggests that they go to the group together; remembering from earlier that he mentioned he'd like to learn a foreign language too adding that it will be fun having someone to practise with. Max agrees to her suggestion and Katya seems ever so happy.
Scarlet Bar
Paul is reminiscing with his kids when Ned interrupts them, wanting to know what Cameron said to SMC. He replies that it is none of Ned's business and that he should ask her. Ned says that he's tried that but got his head bitten off and Cameron comments that SMC obviously doesn't want to talk about it. Ned still wants to know though, and Cameron adds that it isn't his place to ask.
Izzy then interrupts, wanting a word in private with Paul but he brushes her off saying it isn't the right time. She insists that it is really important, so he relents and they move away from the table.
No. 26
Ly is surprised to see Max at the door looking for Steph and replies that her daughter is still out sleuthing the neighbourhood! He sits down and notices some car brochures on the coffee table and asks if she is planning on buying a new car. Lyn replies yes, that she wants to reap the benefits of her success and adds that dinner is on her tonight for them all.
Lyn then spots the info Max had for Katya and he tells her about it and the fact he is going to be learning Tibetan too as a favour to Katya but both seem to question the wisdom of learning this 'useful' language.
Lassiter's Complex
As they walk towards the lake, Izzy is rambling on so Paul tells her to get to the point as she is interrupting his quality time with his kids.
IZZY: I know you've been through a lot lately. No-one should have to suffer what you've had to suffer especially at the hands of their own son. I can't imagine what you've been through but I just, I want you to know that I really love you.
PAUL: Mmm. You told me that yesterday and given the way you've been throwing yourself on me lately I'd have to be pretty stupid not to see that, so come on, what was it that you wanted to say to me?
IZZY: That's it.
PAUL: That you love me?
IZZY: I think it's important for you to know.
PAUL: Okay. (pause) I know. (pause) and I love you too (he hugs her). So can I go now?
Scarlet Bar
Max brings back some champers for himself, Steph and Lyn before telling Steph that she should drop her 'who dobbed me in' campaign. Steph replies that she has a right to know who did it and Lyn adds that it would have been better if whoever dobbed had talked to Steph instead of reporting her.
Changing the conversation, Max proposes a toast to Lyn - the businesswoman of the year. Paul interrupts their little celebration to ask Lyn if she can go home to get a file that he was working on and for her to email the person named on the front cover.
Lyn leaves and we cut to Cameron mentioning to Paul that Izzy seemed rather het up and he sarcastically replies that is nothing unusual before saying that he managed to rub Izzy up the wrong way but has sent Lyn round to sort it out for him. The kids are surprised to hear that and Cameron mentions that Izzy and Lyn hate each other.
PAUL: Oops. Oh well, can't go back on it now.
On hearing the 'can't go back on it now', Cameron realises he's heard it before and we then cut to a flashback of SMC repeating those words and her talking on a mobile at St. Lukes to someone, telling whoever that the sale has gone through and that they knew exactly what they were doing. Oooh mysterious.
No. 22
Lyn lets herself into No. 22 via Paul's key and Izzy is most surprised to see her as she takes some suitcases down the stairs. Lyn tells her that Paul gave her a key and that she didn't know there was anyone home as she begins to look for the file Paul was talking about. She then spots the luggage and asks Izzy if she is going somewhere and Izzy sarcastically congratulates her on not missing a thing and Lyn enquires if Paul knows she is leaving.
IZZY: Does Paul care? Maybe he will when there's one less trophy to dust. Go on do your little victory dance. (pause) You're so naïve aren't you?
LYN: Ever since I've been made an executive it just sticks in your craw doesn't it?
IZZY: All I can say is enjoy the fall Lynnie. I know I will.
The General Store
Cam comes in and tells SMC about his memory coming back and in particular the phonecall she made but she tries to say that is it his mind playing tricks on him. Finally she is forced to admit though that the phonecall did occur when he says how hard it is for him to have lost two months of his life but refuses to say what it is about because she doesn't know him.
SISTER MARY CATHERINE: I did something but it's something I can't tell anyone. It's the reason why I'm trying to change my life and achieve god's forgiveness. Please, just don't ask me about it again.
No. 22
Paul comes home and immediately spots Izzy's luggage and Izzy tells him that she only hung around so that he didn't think she was sneaking out and tells him that he is making a big mistake. "Really," replies Paul then says that she is the one moving out while he does nothing.
IZZY: Exactly which is why I feel sorry for you and not just angry. Who else could know everything you've done and still love you. (pause) I'm not just talking about some lofty holier than thou place in the sky. You really know me too. (Paul nods head in agreement) Which is why I thought we were made for each other. (Paul nods head in agreement again) Even just a glimpse of love may have done it but you can't even do that anymore can you?
PAUL: (shrugs his shoulders) You going to be okay with those bags?
IZZY: Yeah. Fine, thanks for asking.
Izzy then picks up her bags and says "bye Paul" before departing and Paul gets out his mobile and calls Lilly to see if she fancies a night on the town.
Ramsay Street
Max spots Izzy coming down the driveway with her luggage and reluctantly leads her into No. 32 after giving her a hug. As they make their way, Cameron and Elle arrive home and Elle genuinely seems gutted that Izzy has moved out and is told to speak to Paul for exact details because she doesn't know what has happened to him anymore.
No. 26
Lyn is busy tidying up No. 26 when someone knocks at the door. Steph answers and the caller asks if she is Lyn Scully. After saying no and spotting that the caller has a letter in her hand, Steph says that she will hand it over to Lyn but is told that she needs to hand it over personally, so Steph shows her in. The caller and two other ladies enter the house as Lyn apologises for the mess.
CALLER: You're Lyn Scully?
LYN: Yes, yes I am.
CALLER: (handing over the letter) You've been served. I have a search order for this house.
LYN: You're joking?
STEPH: What for?
LYN: (reading the letter) A patent infringement (pause while she reads) for the baby belt. I've been sued.
<<5024 - 5026>>
Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5025
Ned Parker

Cameron Robinson, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5025
Cameron Robinson, Carmella Cammeniti

Lyn Scully, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5025
Lyn Scully, Steph Scully

Katya Kinski, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5025
Katya Kinski, Carmella Cammeniti

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5025
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5025
Steph Scully

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5025
Elle Robinson

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5025
Max Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5025
Izzy Hoyland, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5025
Paul Robinson

Izzy Hoyland, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5025
Izzy Hoyland, Lyn Scully

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5025
Paul Robinson

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5025
Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5025
Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5025
Izzy Hoyland, Elle Robinson

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5025
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5025
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

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