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Neighbours Episode 5022 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5021 - 5023>>
Episode title: 5022: Weal Of Fortune
Australian airdate: 01/08/06
UK airdate: 24/10/06
Writer: Linda Stainton
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stacey
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Pete Stafford: James Liotta
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Izzy-da-vixen
No. 24
Dylan is having a bit of trouble believing what Sky told him, especially the fact that it came from a fortune teller (although she points out that it was actually a palm teller) and because she doesn't believe in it at all. Sky is still deliberating that the teller may be right, that there could be something wrong with the baby and it is in danger.
DYLAN: Sky, our baby is fine.
Dylan then drags her out of the house to show her something.
No. 26
Janae raids the family fridge for food and is caught by Elle looking for Dylan. Janae replies that she doesn't now where he is before Elle starts asking her questions about what Dylan's dream car would be because she wonders how he can drive the one he has especially given the paint job that is on it. Pondering for a minute, Janae decides to give Elle the blunt truth - does she not notice the excuses Dylan is coming up with so he isn't with her? Elle tries to say that is because he is busy at work and Janae adds in about him spending a lot of time lately with Sky. Elle plays it cool and says that is because of the baby but when Janae pulls a face on hearing that, Elle wants to know the details.
JANAE: Alright look. If this sounds cruel, I don't mean it to be but us Timmins' reckon that Dylan is still in love with Sky and we're all for that 'cos well we think that she's the one he's meant to be with.
No. 30
Rachel breaths a sigh of relief at being able to come out of her room when Boyd informs her that Toadie is staying in town. Janae wants to know why and Boyd tells her that Toadie is going out dancing then staying over in a hotel. She thinks her cousin is a bit of a loser doing that by himself until Boyd explains in child friendly words that Toadie is hoping to do but Rachel says they can use adult words and then uses them to say what Toadie's plans are - to pick up a girl. Boyd and Janae then realise that they both have an assignment to work on...in the bedroom!
Scarlet Bar
A random guy gives Dylan a $10 note for reading his palm when what Dylan says was true (Dylan was trying to prove a point to Sky that anyone can claim to be a mind reader). Sky asks him to show her how and he explains it to her and Sky comes to the conclusion that what the palm teller told her was really down to the vibes and info that Sky was saying first. Dylan then goes to read Sky's palm and is holding her hand just as Elle enters the bar and she overhears him telling Sky that they should head home so she can eat some food and she hides behind the side door while they go out via the main door.
No. 24
Sky thanks Dylan for the food he cooked while they do the dishes. Dylan then volunteers to cook a 'meals on wheels' meal every day for Sky if it means she keeps the food down and the baby grows healthily. Harold gives the idea his blessing too before Dylan announces that he is off to meet Elle.
Once Dylan leaves, she tells Harold that "them" ie her and Dylan as a couple is never going to work because he is will Elle and that he'll never forgive her either. Harold tells her to forget the past because Dylan loves her now and in the past.
No. 30
Boyd and Janae enter the kitchen having finished 'their assignment' and in their state of half-dress (Janae with Boyd's t-shirt on and Boyd with the trousers) remember that they have a house guest who is cringing with embarrassment. Janae apologises as she thought Rachel would be watching TV but is in fact waiting for Stinger to turn up, so they decide to go off and study some more.
Stinger appears and is caught off guard when Rachel pounces on him and kisses him although he isn't disappointment with what she has done. He goes into his bad to show her what he brought for her - a DVD of The Incredibles - and Rachel isn't amused at him giving her a kids DVD. She then asks him why they haven't been on a proper date yet to the theatre or a restaurant ie what adults do. Stinger replies that he didn't think she wanted to do that sort of things and she gets in a strop telling him to continue treating her like a kid.
Karl looks at the letter with the results of Sky ultrasound and sighs heavily before looking at the scan of the baby not exactly jumping for joy at what he is looking at.
No. 26
Stinger enters the house and asks his brother for a loan of $100 to take Rachel out for a candlelight meal but he turns him down flat. Dylan comes up with an alternative suggestion after Stinger explains that Rachel is fed up doing kid stuff and doesn't like his jokes any more - that Stinger cooks Rachel a meal at No. 26 instead and gives him a cookbook!
Elle enters the house and isn't happy at Dylan after being stood up. Dylan apologises and leans in to kiss her as way of making up but she pulls back because she wants to know what kept him so busy. "Stuff," replies Dylan before he admits that he was round at Sky's and explains that Sky had a bit of a scare with the baby and needed calming down but all is well now. Elle goes into a strop wanting to know what got Sky terrified that required him to go round immediately and after he says why she isn't one bit impressed.
No. 24
Harold offers Sky a herbal tea but she rejects it so he asks to be informed of what he has done wrong. Sky explains that she doesn't mind being told what to do in the best interests of the baby but wants to be left to make up her own mind when it comes to Dylan. Harold again tries to tell her that Dylan cares and loves her but she does a great impersonation of a Stax fan - buries her head in the sand by refusing to believe what he is saying especially as Dylan has a girlfriend that isn't her! He points out that Dylan is spending a lot of time with her and she says that is only because of the baby before Harold decides to permanently hold his tongue.
SKY: Well Dylan deserves a girlfriend who's not going to treat him like I did. Trust me he's better off with Elle.
HAROLD: Sky, if you intend being a mother soon you'd better do some growing up quick smart.
SKY: I beg your pardon?
HAROLD: Self-pity is the least appealing of your characteristics.
Their chat is interrupted when Harold answers the door and lets Karl in. He apologises for calling in late as he has just finished work and asks if Sky can come into the hospital tomorrow for an ultrasound. She agrees but wonders if anything is wrong and Karl calmly replies that there is nothing wrong, it is purely precautionary and wants to run a few tests. Sky agrees to his request and Karl bids them goodnight although the look on Sky's face she doesn't believe Karl's tale about there being nothing wrong.
No. 26
Elle is now coming to the same conclusion as he did earlier about Sky never normally believing in fortune telling, so Dylan explains that Sky was upset and Elle wonders where their honesty with each other has gone to. Dylan replies that is hard when Elle refuses to listen to the truth.
ELLE: Okay, you want the truth? Sky is using her condition to have you at her beckon call and what is worse is you are falling for it so now I'm beginning to wonder when my boyfriend is planning on growing up and getting some self-respect.
DYLAN: I have plenty of self-respect.
ELLE: So that is why you let Sky dictate everything you do?
ELLE: It's very convincing Dylan.
No. 30
Stinger arrives and fends a now fully clothed Janae off the bag of food he has with him as it is solely for Rachel. Taking two candlesticks out of the bag, he asks Rachel if that is sophisticated enough for her and replies "yes sure" in a not exactly jumping for joy fashion. Boyd and Janae decide to leave them to it but listen in as Stinger explains that he can't afford to take her out to fancy restaurants. Rachel explains to him that she feels that regardless of what they do, she still ends up feeling like a kid. He tries to say that is the best part of their relationship - that they are kids and therefore can have fun. Rachel then has a brainwave!
RACHEL: Let's move out together properly like Janae and Boyd!
Stinger explains that he can't support himself so how can he support the both of them? She then goes into another strop that her idea has been rejected but Stinger explains to her that it will be a great idea in 3 or 4 years and asks why the need to be grown up all of a sudden? She doesn't answer his question but instead asks what she can do to help prepare the meal and is given an onion to chop.
Out in the corridor, Janae mouths to Boyd that she thinks she knows what is going on and Boyd tells her it can wait until tomorrow and pulls her in the direction of their bedroom.
Ramsay Street (next day)
Dylan and Elle run into Harold as he unlocks his car and he tells him that he is excited because he is going to Sky's ultrasound appointment. They want to know what is going on as Sky had one the week before and Harold explains that one was because Sky was unwell and this one is her routine scan.
Dylan spots Sky coming down the driveway and wonders if she was going to tell him about the scan and she explains that the appointment was only booked this morning before adding that it isn't a big deal. He thinks otherwise and asks if he can come along as he has nothing that can't be put off until later. Elle doesn't look impressed at that statement and enquires if he really wants her to pick out the colour that the car is going to be re-sprayed in before Dylan invites her along to the appointment! "Oh cool I'd love to," replies Elle before getting into Harold's car.
No. 30
Janae enters the kitchen and after spotting Rachel, decides that now is the time to say what she was going to say last night before Boyd stopped her. She eventually asks if Rachel wants to have a physical relationship and Rachel replies "yes, I guess so". They talk a bit about being in a relationship and Janae tells Rachel that she wishes that she'd waited. Rachel wonders what Stinger sees in her given she is younger and is told it is because he is crazy about her! Janae then tells her not to feel pressurised into rushing (into having sex) before she is ready.
Boyd enters the kitchen to get breakfast and Janae tells him about something that she saw in the paper - that someone is doing market research and need married couples but he isn't interested. She then says that they are paying $100 each and he aggress to think about it and is told to think quick because they have to be there in 30 minutes!
Karl comes out of his room to call Sky in and all 3 of her "guests" want to go with her. She relents and allows Dylan to go into the room with her and Harold stops Elle from following in, saying "parents only". Elle doesn't think so because she is Dylan's girlfriend and that he would want her in with him and Harold points out that he is Sky's grandfather and he isn't going in either and that Dylan had plenty of time to say if he wanted her in with him. Elle does not look impressed at being denied entry to the room.
The General Store
Boyd and Janae analyse the "market research" while purchasing some coffees before leaving just as Rachel enters. She asks if she can sit down at stingers table and he wonders which Rachel is turning up today - the happy or cranky version. "Happier" replies Rachel before sitting down and sarcastically Stinger hopes she stays like that for more than two minutes. She then tells him about talking Janae about her feeling under pressure to have sex and he quickly says that he has never pressurised her about that, so she explains that is why she was getting stressed.
STINGER: So you wanted me to pressurise you?
Rachel quickly says no then expands that was part of the pressure she was under, that she didn't know but realises now that she doesn't want anything because she is happy as they are.
STINGER: Really 'cos yesterday you wanted us to move out together.
RACHEL: Yes I'll admit that was a dumb idea.
STINGER: Well Rach, do you want to hear a really good one? Maybe you should move back in with Suse.
RACHEL: Stingray.
STINGER: Maybe that's what being grown up is about, compromise. I mean are you really happy with your life right now? You're fighting with your Stepmother who loves you. You are living in a shoe box and you are trying to morph us into something you can't even put words to before you decide hey, we're fine the way we are. People treat you like a kid Rach because sometimes that's exactly what you are.
He then gets up and leaves TGS as Rachel gets upset over what he has just said.
Dylan is all hyper after seeing his child on the screen during the scan as he and Sky wait in Karl's office but quickly stops when he sees that Sky isn't as hyper as he is. Karl enters and tells them that they have a healthy looking baby with all the bits in the right place and a good heartbeat. "Fantastic" says Dylan. Karl then mentions that one test showed a possible irregularity and they both start to look worried.
KARL: There was one test that showed a possible irregularity. This is called the Nuchal translucency test. It measures the skin fold at the back of the baby's neck. Now your baby's folds are thicker than usual. There is a chance that your baby could be born with a serious abnormality.
No. 30
After what they heard at the "market research", Janae tells Boyd that that married is doomed and asks that he looks around to see how many marriages last. Boyd replies Max and Steph and Janae reminds him about Max getting Steph sectioned (that of course was Stu who did that not Max) but he correctly says that they are still together.
JANAE: Dad ran off on mum...again. Karl did the dirty on Susan, so oh just on our street that leaves Paul and Izzy and I don't even want to think about their weirdo life together.
BOYD: Hey, there's no getting around it, Ramsay Street is just kryptonite to happy marriages.
JANAE: And we're next.
Boyd tells her no they aren't and Janae then comes up with the answer - marriage counselling because statistics say they'll end up there anyway, so prevention is better than the cure! She gives Boyd no chance of a say before going off to book their first appointment.
Karl is explaining to them that the Nuchal translucency test isn't conclusive, but an indicator that more accurate testing is required. Sky interprets this as meaning the chance of something being wrong isn't high and Karl replies that isn't necessarily so and tells them that the chance of an abnormality is about 1 in 20 in her case rather than the general 1:1500 for most women of her age. Sky wants to know if they can find out for certain and Karl explains that will require an amniocentesis test. Dylan says that they should go for it and Karl points out that there is a risk of miscarriage involved and apologises with the difficult choice that Sky has to make but she has a bit of time to think about it. Dylan reaches for Sky's hand and she grabs it.
<<5021 - 5023>>
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5022
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5022
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5022
Elle Robinson

Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5022
Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland, Rachel Kinski

Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5022
Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5022
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

Sky Mangel, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5022
Sky Mangel, Harold Bishop

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 5022
Sky Mangel

Janae Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5022
Janae Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland, Rachel Kinski

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5022
Elle Robinson

Dylan Timmins, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5022
Dylan Timmins, Elle Robinson

Harold Bishop, Elle Robinson, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5022
Harold Bishop, Elle Robinson, Dylan Timmins

Sky Mangel, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5022
Sky Mangel, Harold Bishop

Rachel Kinski, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5022
Rachel Kinski, Janae Hoyland

Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5022
Stingray Timmins

Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5022
Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5022
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins, Karl Kennedy

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 5022
Sky Mangel

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