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Neighbours Episode 5020 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5019 - 5021>>
Episode title: 5020: Shiny Happy Pimple
Australian airdate: 28/07/06
UK airdate: 20/10/06
Writer: Sarah Lewis
Director: Tony Osicka
Summary/Images by: Miriam/Izzy-da-vixen
The Recap in which TPTB demonstrate Continuity
Rachel telling Susan that Karl told her he and Susan would be getting back together. Steph and Max welcome Janae to the family. Sky telling Karl that her baby's Stingray's. Susan realising that Karl knows something that might affect Rachel.
Number 28
Karl tells Susan he broke his Hippocratic oath once with Alex, and he won't do it again. Right. So immediately, Susan knows it's a medical issue - is Scott his patient, is he sick??
Karl goes to leave, which delights Rachel who emerges from her room. "Lover's tiff?" Susan tells Rachel that Karl is here as a friend, but Rach has learnt to take everything Susan says with a pinch of salt. She goes to get more stuff from her room, and Susie tells Karl he can't leave til he's told her all he knows. Karl tells Rachel, who emerges from her room again, that her leaving is unnecessary, but the brat tells Susan she'll be back for her stuff when Karl's gone.
You know, earlier on in this story I could understand Rachel's side, and I really sympathised with a kid who was scared, and frightened of losing Susan as well as her father. But her constant whinging - and her insistence on doing what she wants with Scott even though she expects Susan to lose the person she loves - is actually very very tiring, now.
If you're old enough to date an adult, Rachel, you're old enough to accept Susan's relationship. Get over it.
Rachel leaves, and Susan begs to tell her what he knows - will it help her keep Rachel at home?? Karl won't kiss and tell (shame about the former) and:
SUSAN: Oh come on! This is my family!
KARL: I'm sorry. I just can't.
He leaves, infuriating Susan.
Number 30 where Ju-u-ump For The Love
Stingray is obstreperously filming Max and Boyd (their eyes in particular) and making a huge deal over the huge deal that Max ran over Katya. Boyd says Max has nothing to feel guilty about, but Max looks like he feels dreadful. So he should. Talking on a mobile whilst driving the car.
Janae loudly announces that her website hits are through the roof and all her T-shirts of the Dancing Toad are sold - they're going to make a fortune!
SCOTT: Let's jump up and down!
JANAE: Okay!
They continue to jump as Scott tells Max that Janae's cousin set up a webcam, and people are watching her, and watching their lives! Boyd kisses Janae in front of the webcam - he's proud of his wife and he wants the world to know.
Number 26 where Lyn wants to Kiss Paul
Lynnie is not impressed when Rachel barges into the house screaming for Stingray. She tells her he's at number 30 and Rachel goes to leave. Lyn reprimands her behaviour, but the little darling announces that she'll be moving in again. Lynnie tells her enough is enough - she should be at home with Susan. Rach makes a thoroughly unpleasant face and strops off as only a 15 year old teenager could.
Paul pokes his head around the door and limps in, announcing that Lyn has the perfect blend (is that an in-joke?) of sense and sensitivity. Which is why he's promoting her to MD of New Projects. From, you know, her PA role. Her job will be to scout around for new services and products that he can market. Just like that.
PAUL: So, tick here for acceptance.
Oooh, methinks that Lyn would like to do a little more than ticking. Paul reassures Lyn that she can work her own hours, from home, and have a one hundred percent salary increase. Okay. Now *I* want to work for Paul.
PAUL: Any questions?
LYN: Oh, just one. Can I kiss you?
She is *such* a tart; she's turning into Susan.
Lynnie hugs Paul and he looks like he doesn't really know what to do about it.
Number 30 where there are Reasons
Rachel tells Scott that she doesn't know what to do - she can't live at Susan's and she's not welcome at Lyn's now, either. Scott defends Susan and thinks that maybe this is in Rachel's head. Janae jumps in, this time - and adds that Rachel can stay in their spare room, sharing with the hot water boiler. Boyd isn't so sure that Toadie will like that, but Janae says he won't notice. Scott shows Rachel to the room and Janae tells her husband to side with their own generation.
BOYD: Even when they're acting like pathetic babies?
Oooh - I've found a reason to like Boyd. That doesn't happen very often. Rachel loves the room, and Janae welcomes her home.
Number 28
Lyn is telling Susie all about her promotion but Susan's in a world of her own. Lynnie clicks this.
LYN: So to celebrate, we made mad passionate love.
SUSAN: What? Who? You and Paul?
In Lyn's dreams. Lyn tells her best friend that she just saw Rachel and sent her packing; Susan thinks Rachel would rather live in a cardboard box that come back to live with her.
And for probably the second time in their friendship, it's Lyn who is more sensible and rational, and tells Susan a few home truths:
LYN: Well then do something about it! Take some responsibility!
SUSAN: Are you saying her bad behaviour's my fault?
LYN: No. But letting her get away with it is. Look, the only way you get respect from Rachel is to be tough. Uncompromising.
SUSAN: Yeah, I tried that. She just reacts against it.
LYN: Try it again. Come on. When she's back here safe and warm - and not in some cardboard box - she'll know that you love her.
Susan looks despairing.
Ramsay Street outside Number 30
Rachel hides behind a tree and asks Zeke if Karl's still at number 28. His car's not there, but then maybe he snuck back in on foot.
STINGRAY: Why would he do that?
RACHEL: Because that's what people who are having a not-so-secret secret affair do, Stingray.
ZEKE: Well, yeah. You should know.
Well, thank you. Rachel has been unbelievably rude to Susan about her hypocrisy on seeing Karl in secret, and yet has no problem being hypocritical herself. Zeke tells Rachel that Katya has been moved to a different ward.
RACH: Let me guess...the Karl and Susan fanclub ward?
ZEKE: Psychiatric.
RACH: Well they probably heard about her supporting Karl and Susan getting back together.
Are the writers implying that all Karl/Susan fans need psychiatric help?? It's so not true, by the way. Oh, and Rachel?? SHUT UP. JUST SHUT UP.
It's actually boring, now. It's like Steph and Max's constant angst-fest. It's like Janelle before she was good. It's like Susan's constant pandering to Tim Buckley, or Danni when she was whining. It's like Paul being written badly.
Zeke tells his sister that Katya really needs them, but Rachel's off to pack and to move into number 30. Zeke is cross that Scott didn't try and talk her out of it, but he says he's trying to be on everyone's side. Zeke is worried about Katya, and doesn't understand why Rachel is just worried about her own little dramas.
Scott tells Zeke that Susan loves them both so much and that she'll work it out for them. He playfully grabs Zeke and says he can talk to him if he needs to work out his frustration on someone! Bless Scotty's socks. I want to kiss him.
OMG - I'm such a tart, too. I'm turning into Lyn.
Number 28
Rachel takes a bag to the front door and announces that she's leaving.
SUSAN: No you're not. Take that back to your room and unpack it now.
Good on, ya, Susie-Q.
RACHEL: You can't talk to me like that.
SUSAN: And I won't have you treat me as if I don't exist.
Rachel accuses Susan of treating her dad as if he doesn't exist, and Susan reminds her how much she loved Alex, and if Rachel thinks back to it, she'll remember that, too.
Rachel starts to cry. Her father didn't deserve to die so soon. Susan tears up as well, and agrees - and tells her step-daughter that they didn't deserve to lose him, either. Rachel's face crumples, and just as they're making headway with each other, Rachel leaves.
Susan looks away and cries.
The Scarlet Bar where Karl doesn't Say Anything
Susan rushes in to see Karl and tells her Rachel's gone again. Are you sure, Susan? She didn't take her bag when she left... She needs Karl's help to get her back. Karl tells her that he can't say anything about Stingray, but Susan is absolutely - and quite unusually for her - dogged about knowing. If it's not Scott he's protecting then who? Sky?
Karl keeps telling Susan to stop, and she keeps on and on at him - is there a link between Sky and Stingray?? Is it her baby??
Karl's face.
SUSAN: Is Stingray the father?
KARL: I'm not saying any more.
You know, Karl, you didn't say anything in the first place. It's what you *don't* say that matters with Susan. You should know that by now. She reads between the lines, even when they're not there.
Susan looks beyond horrified - moreso than in 4827 when she learned about Alex's cancer.
Ramsay Street where Susan is almost Stupid
Rachel is staring at number 28 and Scott cycles around her, teasing her that she wants to live with Susan really, when Susie drives up and calls to Scott. Rach strops off to unpack her stuff into the Broom Cupboard™. I wonder if she'll find a gopher in there?? Maybe even Andi Peters. He's cute.
Susie asks Scott for a minute, and he reassures her that he's trying to talk Rachel out of moving. Susan appreciates it, and she tells him again that Rachel is her number one priority.
SCOTT: Hey - we're on the same team.
Susan tells him that he has a good heart...
Karl drives up.
KARL: Susan. We have to talk.
She leaves Scott to walk to the house.
The Kennedy House where it's a Day For Lectures
KARL: How can you be so irresponsible? Not to mention selfish. You exploited the situation here just so you can get Rachel back. You don't care how many lives you ruin along the way. Like Sky and Stingray. Dylan. And the unborn child.
SUSAN: I *did* care, Karl. That's why I didn't say anything. I couldn't get the words out.
KARL: It's just that it looked like... Well, thank God. You did the right thing.
SUSAN: You think? After everything that Rachel's been through she's heading for a massive fall and I didn't stop it. I failed her yet again. So forgive me, Karl, if I don't share your relief.
Once again, typical Susan; acting angrily and wanting to do the wrong things because of her own guilt over the kids and their losing Alex.
Is it me, or does anyone else get the feeling that Susan just needs to have a really good cry about all this, but no-one's picking up on it??
Number 26 where Paul is Sneakingly Pleased
Paul is pouring champagne, and Lyn's looking through her new contract. She thanks him for everything he's done for her, and we get a great shot of the utility room in the background.
PAUL: Come on, woman. Drink.
LYN: Oh - just one thing. Tell me: why me for the baby belt and the other projects?
Paul thinks she's ready for the challenge, and Lyn's concerned that he's not coping with everything that's happened, including Gail leaving. She knows he has emotions, even if he doesn't show them.
PAUL: Lyn - are you going to stop analysing me? Badly - I might add. Or are you going to sign?
Lyn signs - believing that she doesn't need to run it past a lawyer. A lawyer??? Are you incapable of reading through the terms of a contract?? Paul looks sneakingly pleased.
The Scarlet Bar where Max Always Knew
Max is watching the webcam thing hoping to see Boyd studying. Karl comes in and Scott asks him if they're okay with each other; just because Suse and Rach are at each other's throats, they don't have to be, do they?
SCOTT: And if you and Suse want to be together, I think that's tops.
MAX: I *knew* there was something going on! Congratulations, mate, it's about time!
Karl tells Max that he and Susan aren't together - complications with the kids. Karl really doesn't want to talk about it and looks all sad, but Max insists on giving advice.
I really like Max and Karl's interaction. Kax? Marl?
There's something entertaining on the webcam...
Number 30 where Toadie may Join Sindi
Max turns up to tell Janae and Boyd to watch what was on the webcam ten minutes ago.
MAX: The whole world has just seen you squeezing your wife's blackheads.
They realise that Toadie put a camera in the bathroom.
JANAE: He is so dead.
Lassiters where the ducklings Are Cute
Cute shot of ducklings with their mum. Aw.
Rachel. And Scott. Rachel doesn't want Stingray to hate her, and Stingray says he doesn't. But Rach knows that he's disappointed that she doesn't want to live with Susan.
Rachel tells him that it feels like her dad was filling in time, and even if that isn't true, she still lied to her.
Has Rachel so quickly forgotten that she lied, too??
Stingray assures his girlfriend that everything will work out. She's grateful for his reassurance, and he tells her that she's stuck with him now.
Uh-oh. That never bodes well in soap. It's like saying "we have all the time in the world."
Number 30 where Janae's Face is Wrong
Janae finds the camera in the pot plant in the bathroom, and they discuss where to hide it next to get back at Toadie. In the bathroom?? Max thinks that Toadie will only get them back again, and Boyd thinks they should let him. But Max reminds them - can they really win in the way against Toadfish Rebecchi?
Does anyone care?
Number 28
Zeke returns home from seeing Katya who won't say anything. Susan thinks it's probably the shock, and she's dealing with some issues right now. Zeke is worried that he's losing both Katya and Rachel, now, like he lost his parents.
Susan hugs him. No, no. He won't lose them, and she will make sure of that. Zeke asks if she'll protect them - that's what his dad said she'd do. Susan says she will, but she can't protect him from Mr Franklin, so he'd better do his homework.
'Freedom' starts up.
Susan picks up a pen and some paper and starts to write the letter.
"Dear Stingray. We both love Rachel very much so I know you'll come to understand why I have to tell you this."
And it's an almost copy of episode 4762 when Susan read aloud Darcy's letter telling her that Isabelle wasn't the father of Karl's baby - and Pete Murray's song played then, too. If that was a deliberate point of continuity by the writers, then good on them; it worked very well.
Number 30 where it's All Over
Boyd and Janae are talking about the fact that they had to shut the site down, even though it's now costing them money. But they know they did the right thing, and couldn't have won against Toadie.
Janae doesn't know what she'll do with her time, now. Year eleven, suggests Boyd?? No, in her *spare* time, what should she do??
Ramsay Street where the Writing is Wrong
Susan delivers the letter to number 26 and puts it in the post box.
Interestingly, the writing on the actual letter is Susan's / Jackie's - yet the envelope isn't. I wonder who wrote that.
<<5019 - 5021>>
Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5020
Susan Kennedy

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5020
Rachel Kinski

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5020
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Max Hoyland, Stingray Timmins, Janae Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5020
Max Hoyland, Stingray Timmins, Janae Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5020
Rachel Kinski

Rachel Kinski, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5020
Rachel Kinski, Lyn Scully

Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland, Rachel Kinski, Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5020
Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland, Rachel Kinski, Stingray Timmins

Stingray Timmins, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5020
Stingray Timmins, Rachel Kinski

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5020
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5020
Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5020
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5020
Lyn Scully

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5020
Janae Hoyland

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5020
Max Hoyland

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5020
Susan Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 5020

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5020
Susan Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 5020

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5020
Susan Kennedy

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