- Lou introducing Warnie!
- Two men from the Russian consulate arriving at Harold's
- Stingray asking if he is the father of the baby and Sky says no
- Harold telling Lou about the two men from the Russian consulate
Scarlet Bar
Shane Warne is signing Boyd's cricket bat while Steph takes a photo. Janae compliments Warnie on his hair, saying it looks like he's been surfing. Bit of an awkward moment until Steph suggests Boyd have his photo taken with Shane. Max gets in on the photo, telling Shane Boyd's his eldest and they watched the Ashes together and it was just awesome. Steph interrupts the gushing to get the photo actually taken, after she thanks Shane and they leave Janelle to now make her move. She intros herself and says she was the one that half wrote "The Bogan's Tipped Hair'. She asks if he's free afterwards if they could have a drink. Janae pulls her away. Janelle reminds her that she's now free since her dad left, she can't wait around for him forever, anyway she's just having a bit of fun and a flirt.
Just as Shane manages to get to Mishka to talk properly, he has to go. She's of course disappointed, they have so much to talk about! He says he does have to go, thanks her again and kisses her on the cheek.
MISHKA: Oo I never wash this cheek again!
Lou thanks him for coming and says bye. Shane mumbles a goodbye to everyone and departs. Mishka turns to Lou and thanks him (whoa so much thanking) saying that he made her dream come true. Harold hints that Lou should tell her... of course she wonders what's going on.
Number 26
Elle and Dylan are in the kitchen talking about how her dad has recovered. Dylan says he's a tough nut, he wouldn't want to cross Paul in jail. Elle wishes she could recover as quickly, especially with Rob still running around somewhere. Dylan assures her she's safe - he'll keep an eye on her. Elle asks about Sky, if he's going to go to her childbirth classes with her. He says it's that what couples do. He has to draw the line somewhere and besides it's not like she gave him a choice in the matter.
In the lounge, Stingray is listening in. Rachel asks what's wrong. Stingray can't believe his brother is acting like a hufta. Rachel can't see the big deal if Dylan doesn't love Sky anymore, so she can't see why Stingray's getting all upset. He says it's not that, it's just he can't understand why Dylan seem to care about his own kid. Rach says that he probably needs a bit more time for it to sink in, it must be pretty hard to find out you're going to be a father. She has to go help Susan with lunch, and asks if she'll see him later for a swim. Yep she will. Rach goes and Dylan and Elle come into the lounge room.
Elle asks if Dyl's sure she can't tempt him with a shopping spree in Eden Hills. Ah but Dylan does work well with the yuppies see? Elle asks if she paid for the clothes and a haircut would that help sweeten the deal. Oh yeah it can because Dylan runs for the door, before asking what's wrong with his hair. Elle doesn't really know what to say as they walk out. Now using my StingrayDecipherer™ I'll try and type out what he says now...
STINGRAY: Ahhnaaah neee yahn... it's too long.
Outside the General Store
Janelle walks up to where Sky is eating an icy pole and asks if she's seen Warnie (nuh). She sits down, guessing Sky has good old morning sickness. Sky says it's the grottiest she's felt in her life. Janelle tells her that when she was pregnant with Brandon she was spewing like a kid on schoolies. She apologises for that image, and asks what's setting Sky off. Coffee, men's BO, toothpaste used to set Janelle off. Sky agrees with those three plus bananas. Janelle agrees with that one, saying the riper they are the ranker the whiff hehe. She gives Sky some advice - gingernut biccies in the morning, and a hankie sprayed with whatever sent Sky likes just in case she gets a whiff of anything that will set her off, it's guaranteed to work. Sky thanks her, she'll give it a shot. She didn't think Janelle would talk to her after the whole Dylan business. Janelle tells her that she's carrying a Timmins in her 'oven' and she won't let Dylan's stubborn streak get in the way of her being a good nana. So if Sky ever needs advice, or if she just wants to talk day or night she is there.
Scarlet Bar
Boyd's showing off the signature to the rest of the Hoyland clan eating their lunch. Janae says that it looks like Helen W. Steph laughs and says it's a good thing she took the photo otherwise no one would believe it. Janae thinks it's a pretty good photo, that the boys scrub up pretty well. Steph says they are lucky to have two rugged men. Janae agrees.
Mishka tells Lou she can't go back, they'd send her to a place of no return. Lou asks Harold for his car keys, his car is in the shop. Unless Harold wants Mishka deported he should give him the keys. Lou can't lose her, not now. Harold hands them over.
MISHKA: Oo you is noble sturgeon in icy river.
Lou thanks him (so much thanking tonight!). Harold tells him to go before he changes his mind.
Number 26
Oh poor Janelle, she managed to get an autograph but not Shane Warne's phone number. Dylan and Elle arrive after their morning of shopping, Dylan in a suit. He asks Janelle if it's her, she replies that it's someone but she's not sure who.
ELLE: I might go powder my nose.
JANELLE: Take your time love.
Dylan follows Janelle into the kitchen. She asks what's with the new duds, it's not like he needs them. He says that he likes to keep himself looking razor sharp. Janelle doesn't think that's a good excuse for someone with a child on the way, and saving for that is a bit more important than impressing his piece of fluff. Dylan tells her that Elle paid for the suit, it was her decision to buy it. And if she must know he has been saving every cent to help support this kid. It doesn't mean Elle has to and if she doesn't like it, too bad.
Lassiters Carpark
Lou and Mishka have got supplies to take with them and Lou's explaining they have some cash in the bank but it won't last. Mishka says that maybe they could work, pick fruit or cut sugar cane. Lou thinks it doesn't matter, as long as they are together. She asks if he's sure he wants to leave... he is, she is his life. Aww.
LOU: Oh Mishka who are we kidding? We're like a couple of kids running from the law. What are we thinking?
MISHKA: You're right, we're not string chicken.
LOU: No we're certainly not. So... what shall we do?
MISHKA: We must face the music.
LOU: You mean that?
MISHKA: Yes. We stay and we fight.
Number 24
Harold walks in to see Sky reading the pregnancy book, he's glad she's reading it. Sky replies that just reading it makes her want to spew. He tells her that there is a recipe for poached chicken in there. She gives him a look, so he says she's being difficult. He apologises, he isn't okay. He just saw the last of his best friend. He explains that Lou and Mishka have gone on the run because the Russian immigration are looking for Mishka, and if they catch her Harold thinks she'll be taken back to Russia. They probably won't see her for a while. Sky asks where they have gone but Harold doesn't know. Not only has he got his car Lou wants him to lie to the officials when they come back and he doesn't think he could do that. Harold wonders how far Lou can stretch a friendship, this is illegal. Sky knows.
HAROLD: How can he ask for so much?
SKY: Because he would do the same thing for you in a second. He isn't thinking because he doesn't need to, that's friendship. Sometimes we do things we don't want to do because we want to make our friends happy. Come on, you've donated a kidney before. Taking on these Russians is going to be a piece of cake.
Scarlet Bar
Janae's holding baby Charlie and is going on about how he's going to play cricket for Australia when he's older. Janae says to Steph that they need more hotties on the team, most of them are ugly. But Charlie will be a hottie. Steph takes him back saying he's allowed to play cricket but as long as he doesn't sledge people. Boyd pipes up, asking Max to tell them what he's thinking. He saw the way he was looking at Janae, it doesn't take a genius to work out what's going on. He still thinks Janae still wants to have kids now. He thinks that Janae will ruin Boyd's studies and life and that the marriage is a disaster. Max tells him that he was actually thinking how lucky Charlie is to have a sister in law that loves him so much and will be there for him as he grows up. Max excuses himself.
Number 24
Sky tells the Russian consulate men that Mishka isn't there. Bald Russian consulate man probes Harold, asking him if what Sky is saying is true. They don't want to get the Australian authorities involved... Sky says to Harold sternly that he doesn't know where Mishka is. Bald RC man says that helping illegal immigrants is illegal and he could go to detention (that's only for the immigrants dude). Mishka and Lou arrive, Mishka telling the official looking men that she's Mishka.
Number 26
Elle's scrubbing away at the cooktop, complaining about how disgusting they are. Janelle overhears this from the lounge room and asks what she said. Elle picks up a nearby frying pan and says that she said that she hopes this pan isn't rusting.
JANELLE: Well if it is... why don't you buy us a new one?
Dylan comes in and asks hows it going. Elle says it's super. He thanks her for making such a big effort with his mum, she's had to please. Elle's sure she'd get a chuckle if she beats herself over the head with a frying pan. Dylan tells her to hang in there, she'll come around eventually. Elle's just got to show persistence, it's what she likes. Elle thinks he's right, stay strong. Dylan gives her a cup saying it's just the way Janelle likes it and gets her to take it out for her.
Elle does that, but Janelle shushes her because Oprah is on. The topic is childbirth, not that Elle would be interested. Elle says that she is. Janelle tells her she doesn't have to pretend for her, she could sit and watch this with Sky. She's made of strong stuff, carrying a Timmins around. Janelle thinks her and Sky will be as thick as thieves when the baby arrives. She takes the tea and has a sip.
JANELLE: Urgh it's a bit weak and watery... not that it's a surprise.
Outside No 30 - can't be sure though!
Rachel's peacefully floating on one of those inflatable chairs when Stingray comes up from underneath knocking her off saying the mighty Stingray has claimed another victim, can he ever be tamed. Rachel thinks he could, he's a caketaker. Just for that he dunks her underwater. He says that things are to easy between them. Rachel asks if he means sneaking around behind Susan's back. He replies yeah but they only have a couple of days to go. They may as well enjoy it while it lasts. Rachel adds before the whole world will know they are going steady. Stingers laughs and says it might be on the news. He asks if they are okay to meet at Lassiters later. She replies that he knows the drill, if she can get away from Susan before dunking him.
Number 24
Mishka's talking to the bald official in Russian about her husband, and that she obtained a false passport because it was the only way she could get to Lou. In English she says that she's found the man she loves, and they are making a new life in Australia. She'd do anything to stay. Lou feels the same, Mishka means the world to him. Baldy says that it isn't proper but they'll make it work. He's certain they could arrange something. Harold thinks that's very decent of him. Baldy tells him that the Russian government like their people to be happy. Mishka says that from meeting Warnie to being a permanent citizen is incredible. Lou asks what they do now. Baldy says that she has to go to the consulate to sign papers. Lou goes to leave with her but Baldy says that only she goes. Lou isn't too sure but Mishka assures him it's fine. Mishka and the two men leave. Lou and Sky are happy!
Scarlet Bar
Max is on his own with ickle Charlie, telling him he wishes Boyd was more like him. As soon as he was talking, he was talking back. Max hopes he hasn't inherited the stubborn gene. He wishes there was a way he could tell Boyd how much he loves him, and how proud of him he is. Throughout this conversation Charlie has looked less than impressed. Steph joins them and suggest that maybe Max go talk to him, tell him how he feels. Max doesn't think Boyd would listen, and if he did he wouldn't believe him.
Number 26
Oprah has just finished her show to rave reviews from Janelle. She thinks of Orah ran for presidency she'd beat Gena Davis anyday. Sky lets herself in, hoping she wasn't interrupting anything. Janelle tells her that she was just watching this Oprah show on childbirth and Elle wasn't interested. Elle protests, saying she did but Janelle doesn't think so. Sky says to Dylan the reason she came over was because she has an ultrasound in two weeks, she thought he might be interested in coming... same for Elle. Elle says they'll come. Dylan isn't so sure; he has to check his roster with Max. Janelle tells Sky she'll be there, if Sky wants her to come. Sky says it'll be fine. Janelle walks her over to the other sofa saying ever since Janae married Boyd she's felt like she's lost a daughter, but now it's like she's gained one with Sky.
Elle marches into the kitchen with Dylan in tow saying that she shouldn't let Janelle get to her. Elle thinks she's like a Rottweiler with a bone. Dylan explains that's what she does, Elle just can't be the first one to flinch.
Lassiters Complex
Sky's out for a walk when she's spotted by Stingray (Heeeee!!). He asks if she's alright, she's looking a bit green. She says she just needed a bit of fresh air. Stingers leads her to the seat saying it's a bit late to be getting morning sickness. Sky tells him that it's partly his fault, he told her to do what's right for her and that she'd be a great mum. Stingray still stands by that, he thinks she'll be a spiggin' awesome mum and he'll be a monkey's uncle. Sky tells him not to call the baby a monkey hehe.
STINGRAY: I'm being serious kay, you'll be great.
SKY: I'm scared though. I mean my life is about to change in ways I can't even comprehend. But I'm really, really excited too.
STINGRAY: You're about to get on the biggest rollercoaster at the show huh?
SKY: Guess I am. Mother of all rides.
Stingray promises he'll always be there for her, with a bucket if she needs it. Aww the cuteness! Sky puts her head on Stingray's shoulder and oh dear Rachel's seen it.
Number 24
Lou's on hold on the phone, saying to Harold that Mishka should be back by now. Harold tells him to calm down there probably has just been a hold up. Someone finally answers Lou, obviously asking for Mishka's full name again because Lou tells them! Sky's back and asks Harold what's going on, he replies that Mishka isn't back yet and Lou's called the Russian Embassy. Lou hangs up the phone and turns to them, saying that the embassy has never heard of her. They don't know what he's talking about.
Number 26 - Night
Dylan thanks Elle for coming over, he's sure she's made some headway with Janelle. Elle calls out her goodbye to Janelle.
JANELLE: Yeah see you Michelle.
Elle leaves so Dylan walks to the kitchen and asks Janelle what her problem is. The way she's being with Elle is pathetic. Janelle says that the way Dylan is with Sky is criminal.
DYLAN: Why is this family so mental?!
Janelle tells him dinner is in half an hour. He shakes his hair and walks off in a huff.
Number 26
Lou's on the phone again saying that these people that came to their house claimed they were from the Russian Embassy. Sky and Harold walk over to listen in on the conversation. Lou ends the call and looks up at them.
LOU: They said embassy officials don't show up at people's houses like that.
SKY: What? Then who are those guys?
LOU: I bet it's that damned husband of her's. He sent some goons to grab her.
HAROLD: Let's not overreact.
LOU: Well what else could it be? Oh god if anything happens to her. I should've asked for some ID, I should've gone with her.
SKY: Lou they had us all fooled.
LOU: I've got to find her.
HAROLD: You've told the police that's all you can do.
LOU: Harold I've got to find her! And I'm not going to rest until I do.
Number 26
Stingray answers the door to Rachel. She asks what he's doing... he replies that he's watching TV, Australia's Brainiest Model or something (Haha because they were in Australia's Brainiest Neighbour... err). He asks her if she's alright, she's been acting weird since this afternoon.
RACHEL: That girl you were with that time... that was Sky wasn't it?